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jiaoji · 2 days ago
Sleeping beautyXian
YLLZ got cursed into a slumb and Burial Mounds protected him with a wall of resentfull energy in format of thorns, 13 years later, LWJ finally got to him and will work hard to help WWX wake up 🥹
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jiaoji · 3 days ago
Scary omega Wei WuXian making the resentfull energy be his scent as a way to protect himself of alphas who think can dominate and subdue him like a prize
His resentment scent don't work on LWJ and actually get sweet and spicy Because WWX feel relaxed with LWJ's scent and uncounsciously want to make him relaxed too with his own scent, so it gets sweet like lotus with a touch of spicy and wine
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jiaoji · 6 days ago
Wanted to make my own post as reference and explain my own reasoning over why I think this section is interpreted incorrectly by mainstream fandom, because jc stans applying it as a blanket statement for all of Jiang Cheng's parenting, past and present, pisses me off. Let's go!
金凌过了一阵才悠悠转醒,摸摸脖颈,还残留 着痛感,气得当场拔剑跃起:“你竟敢打我,我舅 舅都没打过我!” 魏无羡讶然:“是吗?他不是经常说要打断你 的腿?” 金凌怒道:“他不过是说说而已!你这个死断 袖,到底想干什么,我......” 魏无羡抱头冲他背后叫道:“啊!含光君!”
Above is the scene in the raws, with the green highlight as my focus. For those who cannot read Chinese, this is the scene:
Jin Ling slowly woke up after a while. Putting his hand to his neck, some pain could still be felt. He was so angry that he jumped up and unsheathed his sword at once, “How dare you hit me! My uncle hadn’t even hit me before!” Wei WuXian exclaimed, “Really? Doesn’t he say that he’ll break your legs all the time?” Jin Ling fumed, “He’s only saying that! You damn cut- sleeve, what on Earth do you want? I...” Wei WuXian covered his face and shouted toward behind Jin Ling, “Ah! HanGuang-Jun!”
—Chapt. 24: Malice, exr
Now, this may come as a shocker since exr is my least favorite translation, but I am actually going to be defending how they translated the “你竟敢打我,我舅 舅都没打过我!” line as the most accurate translation compared to the other translations:
“You actually hit me! Not even my uncle has hit me before!”
—Vol. 1, Chapt. 6: The Malevolent, 7seas
“How dare you hit me! Even my uncle has never hit me before!”
—Chapt. 24: Malevolent Pt. 2: Escape, taming wangxian
“How dare you hit me! Even my uncle’s never hit me!”
—Chapt. 24, fanyiyi
The tricky part about translating this particular section is that the "过" is being used how "have/has/had" is used in English, and both have two separate, unique uses that depend on context to parse. Here are two examples:
Example 1:
A parent comes downstairs to find their child at home before school has let out. Parent: Have you been to school, today? Child: I haven't.
Example 2:
Two friends are contemplating which city to go to for a vacation, basing their criteria on which places no one has been to. Friend A: Have you been to Paris before? Friend B: I haven't.
Both examples use "have" (or "haven't," cause contractions), but it is clear through context that example 1 is applying "have" solely to that current situation—the child is not saying that they have never been to school in their life, just that they have not been to school on that day—while example 2's "have" extends into the full past of Friend B—the friend is saying that they have never been to Paris at any point in their life. The only reason why the distinct usage of the same phrasing isn't easily confused to English speakers is because of the context in which the phrase is being deployed (and even then, there are moments of miscommunication over lack of clear context, even when speaking face-to-face). And the character "过" is used in the exact same way in Chinese, which is why some of these translations say "hadn't/hasn't before" and others say "never before." But as I've hopefully successfully pointed out, just like "haven't" isn't always synonymous with "never," neither is "过". So which one is Jin Ling using in the excerpt? Let's look at the context:
Right before the above excerpt, Jin Ling has just saved Wei Wuxian's life from Jiang Cheng. After the escape, Wei Wuxian apologizes to Jin Ling about his words at Dafan Mountain. Jin Ling, uncomfortable at the first genuine apology he's received in his life, awkwardly brushes off the apology and is knocked out by Wei Wuxian after being distracted. He wakes up, obviously angered at the mini betrayal. Cue the line.
Based on this context, I would argue that exr is actually the most accurate translation, because Jin Ling isn't applying his complaints to Jiang Cheng's treatment of him in the general past. He is comparing Wei Wuxian's actions in that moment to how Jiang Cheng responded to him in the immediate previous moment. He's essentially saying: "You (Wei Wuxian) who I just helped despite your cruel words dare to hit me, but my uncle who had ample reason to hit me because I betrayed him hadn't before (he left the previous moment)." To which Wei Wuxian replies that Jiang Cheng is constantly threatening to break Jin Ling's legs, the implication of his words being that "your uncle may not have hit you before he left, but based on his behavior, he can always choose to hit you after he comes back."
Jin Ling then says that he considers Jiang Cheng all talk, but the next time we see him, we find that he has run back to Koi Tower because he is afraid to meet Jiang Cheng again without a safety buffer (Jin Guangyao). Even if we were to ignore Jiang Cheng canonically repeatedly physically assaulting Jin Ling in the latter half of the main text as well as verbally abusing the child from their first appearance together and fantasizing about assaulting him, Jin Ling's choice to seek protection with his paternal uncle should be enough to show that even though Jin Ling talks shit about Jiang Cheng's "disciplining" behind the man's back, he certainly takes it seriously in front of the man's face. Therefore, translating this scene as Jin Ling saying he has "never been hit before" by Jiang Cheng isn't accurate, as it overextends the "过" passed the situation that is being discussed: Wei Wuxian having unexpectedly hit Jin Ling at a moment where Jiang Cheng had unexpectantly not done the same, a reversal of their behaviors in Jin Ling's mind.
I don’t mind being challenged on this as 1) I am new to the language, 2) Chinese is not a language that can be translated 1:1 into English so there’s lots of room for translation choices that may not entirely be wrong (even my examples aren’t 1:1 on how "过" would be directly translated because there is no direct translation that wouldn’t sound clunky or weird in English), and 3) I love talking through translation logics. Just, if you wanna discuss or disagree, remember to keep it cute and keep it respectful 😊
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jiaoji · 6 days ago
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jiaoji · 7 days ago
"Come back to Gusu with me" or "Come back to a simpler time. Come back to endless days spent in the library pretending I don't find comfort in your laughter. Come back to breaking my rules and my walls and my indifference. Come back to safety and comfort and happiness. Come back to my home. Come back to me."
"Go away!" Or "I can't return to a world that doesn't want me anymore. I can't place onto you a burden you did not pick up. I can't ever be who I was before. I can't abandon the family I've become part of. I can't abandon my home. I can't come back to you."
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jiaoji · 8 days ago
SSC!WWX huffing and puffing sneering at LWJ with his arms crossed at his chest and LWJ doesn't know where to look, should he look at his red eyes? His chest? Why is his chest so big? Why is his eyes so sharp and his chest-
LWJ just turn around and go away leaving a fuming WY
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jiaoji · 11 days ago
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Mdzs mafia!au
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jiaoji · 20 days ago
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jiaoji · 21 days ago
Bunny hybrid WWX but he is a Humanoid Bunny, with fluffy chest and fluffy paws instead of feets and long black hair with two pretty black bunny ears x LWJ a normal cultivator thinking WWX is a seductress demon
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jiaoji · 25 days ago
LWJ doing air jail to WWX when he misbehave, lifting a whole man with 1,80 cm of height by the waist because he didn't wanted to stop the footjob in public
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jiaoji · 27 days ago
I've said it before but wangxian doing cheating role-play but they can never actually pull it off
*meeting at a public bar*
Wei Ying: hey stranger ;)
Lan Zhan: ...hello. Can I buy you a drink?
Wei Ying: you better not, my husband is Hanguang-Jun, he's insanely possessive and strong~
Lan Zhan getting red ears: how strong?
Wei Ying: your line was supposed to be "he doesn't have to know!" Lan Zhan are you fishing for praise? Let's try again
Lan Zhan: ..... I am married as well
Wei Ying: he can't satisfy you, that's why you came here huh?
Lan Zhan: no he's amazing. He's very sexy
Wei Ying twirling his hair: hehe is that right? Your husband turns you on that much?
Lan Zhan standing up: yes. I want to go home and have sex with my husband right now
Wei Ying getting out of his seat: yeah me too
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jiaoji · 27 days ago
MXTX mains by ascending order of how much fun they'd have if their love interest shrank to pocket size:
6 Lan Wangji -- this poses a significant impediment to his sex life and also is nearly as stressful as wei ying running around in paper man form, but much less easily reversed.
5 Luo Binghe -- look, tiny shizun is cute, but the novelty is going to wear off quick and then what? this shizun has to fly up on a tiny sword to even pat Luo Binghe's head, his lap is not big enough for Binghe to lie on, it's just not sustainable.
4 Hua Cheng -- theoretically he's not against this it's just that xie lian would manage to be the most stressful unholy terror if he was mouse-sized, I think.
3 Shen Qingqiu -- actually he loves this, look at the itty-bitty binghe! but his ability to enjoy it is dampened by luo binghe's genuine and obvious misery with the situation. binghe worked so hard to get taller than shizun and now it's all ruined! again!
2 Xie Lian -- same as shen qingqiu actually he thinks smol san lang is very cute, and hua cheng is better at handling this development than luo binghe. unfortunately it does kind of remind them of when hua cheng was a helpless ghost light and xie lian was being tortured.
1 Wei Wuxian -- he's making lan zhan a tiny guqin.
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jiaoji · 28 days ago
Taking a picture of my beatifull wife ❤️ (ignore his stupid husband)
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jiaoji · 29 days ago
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lan wangji canvas. My pookie.
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jiaoji · 30 days ago
jin zixun is so funny. dude was feeling himself so much he thought he could mess with the resident ungovernable necromancer and instead immediately got ratio'd out of existence by the girl who started crying when someone yelled at her about soup
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jiaoji · 1 month ago
*about the 33 whip scene in JP AD:
Oh i though i was strong
His gasps of pain destroyed me
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jiaoji · 1 month ago
Dragon Rider WWX who flirts with MM playfully just to his dragon LWJ drop his big head on top of him
LWJ does that everytime he is jealous or annoyed making WWX carry his head who is almost his height, just so he can have WWX's attention
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