on hiatus
32 posts
Header by pasteladins and icon by miss-laney! Hey everyone, my name's Jess and I like to write! I write what I want so if you like what you see, welcome!
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
Hi!!! Could I ask for #17 on the touching prompts list for Arjuna please!!!! Also, built-in fun question but if any of your favs could get a summer alt this year who would you want it to be!!! Thank you so so much Jess 💖
pairing: arjuna (fgo) x gn!reader
words: 254
warnings: hurt/comfort
prompt: holding the other’s chin up
a/n: yes of course ellie! and hmm... well, since leonidas got one i can’t say him so i’m gonna say hrid! let him have a vacation please!!
“Master?” Arjuna kneels next to you, concern etched on his face clear as day. “Are you... alright...?”
He’s found you in a moment of weakness. You had thought that no one was nearby, and that you could weep in peace. But your trusted Servant had found you - of course he had.
Somehow, he always showed up when you needed him most.
Maybe it’s because you’re so similar.
You have the fate of the world literally on your shoulders, and Arjuna was regarded as being perfect. But that facade can’t last forward, and it always comes crashing down.
He’s found you in one of those moments and you can’t bring yourself to reply.
“Master...” Arjuna places his hand on your chin, gently lifting it so you would have no choice but to look at him. “Please, do not weep so...” he says, your sorrow reflected in his eyes. He knew intimately what you felt like right now - you could tell. “What can I do to ease your burden?”
Maybe it’s the way he doesn’t ask you for anything other than to tell him how to help, or the fact that you know that he knows what you’re going through, or at the very least he feels like he does.
You cling to him, murmur a quiet plea to not be left alone, and as Arjuna sits with you and wraps his arms around you and lets you bawl until you have no tears left, you realize how nice it is to have someone who understands.
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
Could I maybe get... 9 on the touching prompts (listening to the other’s heartbeat) with Mr Romani Archaman fgo himself? 🧡🧡 Thank you Jess my beloved for all you do
pairing: romani archaman x f!reader
words: 293
warnings: n/a
prompt: listening to the other’s heartbeat
a/n: yes of course!! that man is my big brother figure and i miss him dearly. i will grab delightworks and shake them like a vending machine until they give us him back!!
Okay, so this probably isn’t how a general health checkup should go, but he’s the doctor here.
“I thought you used a stethoscope for that?” you point out with a cheeky grin.
Romani glances up at you from his spot with his head nestled against your chest. His cheeks are ever just slightly pink, but he defends his methods with a pout.
It’s really cute.
“C-come on, let me have this!” he insists. “Besides, it’s a perfectly valid method.”
“Oh really?” You raise a brow, your amused expression making it clear just how much you were enjoying gently teasing him. 
“Yeah!” Romani reaches over and takes one of your hands in his. “I mean, we haven’t been able to spend a lot of time together lately, outside of these checkups.”
His point is a valid one. You’re both busy people - he’s the current acting director of Chaldea, and you’re Chaldea’s only remaining master. All hope for humanity rests on both your shoulders. It’s your duty, and you’re happy to do what no one else can, but you can’t say you haven’t been missing the chance to just... relax.
“A-and I miss you when you’re off fixing Singularities!” he continues. “I know we can still talk, but... it’s not the same.” His hand gives yours a squeeze, as if confirming that you’re really here. “I want to hold you in my arms... Run my fingers through your hair... Tell you how much I love you...”
Romani’s sweet nothings cause your face to flush, and before you realize what’s going on, he’s pulled his head from your chest and instead pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“See? Told you it’d work,” he says, smiling fondly at you. “I just heard your heart rate pick up...”
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
hope everyone’s having a good day! might knock out some writing before hanging (virtually) with friends!
if you see this and wanna chill and chat: gush about something in my inbox! i’ll respond to it and if i know it, i might gush about it with you!
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
what up i’m back!! i’m doing better mostly, i think i just needed a break
can’t promise how often i’ll be writing since classes have started but i’m gonna try to at least post every now and then!
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
48 on the types of kisses prompts with Mercedes and a female reader? Ily Jess I owe you my life
pairing: mercedes von martritz x f!reader
word count: 347
warnings: n/a
prompt: one person has to bend down in order to kiss their partner, who is standing on their tip-toes to reach their partner’s
a/n: i love you too!! you owe me nothing <3
Mercedes is patient and kind and that’s why you love her. Especially the patience, because she’s trying to teach you how to bake and it’s not going well.
“Goddess, help me...” you say as you take yet another burnt brick out of the oven. It was supposed to go right this time - a proper cake! You hear Mercedes trying (and failing miserably) to stifle a laugh.
“Aw, don’t worry! We just had the oven a little too strong, that’s all.” Mercedes’s voice is sweet and soft and comforting, even in spite of your most recent failure in a long string of them. “We just need to turn down the temperature and try again!”
“Pretty sure if I use up any more ingredients, someone’s going to complain...” You two have been using the kitchen for a while. Surely someone’s going to notice that the place is mysteriously low on eggs, milk, and flour all of a sudden.
“Not when they’re presented with a fluffy piece of cake!” Mercedes points out. She takes in the defeated look in your eyes and the pout tugging at your lips. She can’t explain blame you - failure is frustrating and you’ve been struggling all afternoon with this. Still... maybe you need some encouragement.
She takes your hand and gently tugs you closer. She’s taller than you by a bit so you have to look up at her, but you’re used to that after dating for as long as you have.
“You can do this, I know it,” she says, encouraging you with a smile. “So don’t give up, okay?”
You hear her words and feel the affection behind them, but you’re a bit distracted. Her lips...
Well, if you can’t have cake yet, there’s something else sweet you could taste.
Mercedes seems to notice you looking at her lips and quickly gets the picture. She bends down like usual and you push yourself up on your tip-toes to press your lips to hers.
It’s a sweetness that you’ll gladly indulge in every day for the rest of your life if she’ll allow it.
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
still working out health stuff but dragalia if anything happens to leonidas i will kill everyone in this room and then myself do not test me
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
sorry for the lack of actual writing, health has taken a priority but i’ll try to be back soon
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
What's your favorite genre ranked top 5 from best to worst with examples? and I feel like I should clarify that question so like movies, books, music, not what you like to write most.
my brain says that i can’t read this so i’m gonna rank what i think this is asking and if i’m wrong then you can ask again and clarify!
1:  Video gaming! Viddy games good! Currently I’m playing a lot of mobile games like FEH, Dragalia Lost, and FGO, but in my free time I’m also playing Miitopia and I plan to get back to Skyrim soon!
2: Tabletop gaming! I’ve only really played D&D but I really want to try other games. That being said, I absolutely love D&D and I want to introduce even more of my friends to it!
3. Music! I’m basically always listening to a song when I’m not doing something that requires active concentration. Writing, walking my dog, chilling - if my earbuds are in, chances are I’ve got a song playing. My music taste really varies and can go from Broadway tunes to alternative. It’s kinda just everything.
4: Books would’ve ranked a lot higher when I was younger. I used to read like a fiend, but college really sucked the motivation dry and I haven’t been able to get it back. Y’know, it is what it is. One day I’m sure I’ll be able to read again and in the meantime I have plenty of books in my to-read list to welcome me back!
5: Movies! I do like movies, but I have a short attention span and honestly, I’m really bad at watching long things. The last movie I saw in theatres was Endgame and it was only because I was so invested in the MCU at that point that I needed to see how it all turned out. But 3 hours? Hoo boy, that was a lot.
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
Hi Jess I hope you know your writing makes my day ily ❤️💙💚🧡💕💙💚🧡❤️💕
WAHHHH ILY2 <3 <3 <3
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
Strange question but what are some of your favorite movies?
ooh, fun question! let’s see, there’s quite a few...
- Kingsman: The Secret Service
- Captain America: The Winter Soldier/Thor: Ragnarok
- the Cinderella trilogy slaps don’t @ me
- Strange Magic
- Force Awakens
- Newsies and Heathers (but I prefer the musicals)
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
reminder that i’m not a content machine and that y’all can like, talk to me like an actual person and ask me questions in my inbox too!
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
moonglow (ch 1)
pairing: dimitri alexandre blaiddyd x f!reader
words: 406
warnings: injury mention
masterlist -
a/n: decided to try writing something multi-chapter in between requests and werewolf dimitri lives in my brain rent free so!! hope you enjoy
You wake up, a dull ache throbbing through your skull. You don’t remember much, and your stiff bones struggle to lift you from the surface you’re lying on.
Everything hurts, and you’re pretty certain you should be dead.
You manage to lift your torso when you feel a hand grip your shoulder. It’s by no means gentle, but it’s not a strong enough grip to cause you worse injury. “Careful,” a gruff voice says. “Don’t move around so much.”
You look up and a man is kneeling over you - he has messy blond hair and blue eyes that remind you of the sky. As you glance around to gather your bearings, you realize that the place you’re in rather run-down. The abandoned house on the other side of the forest that your fellow villagers never dare go to - they claim it’s cursed. And yet, here you find yourself with a strange man.
You’ve never seen him before, and yet...
A sudden memory flashes before your eyes. You running through the woods, the sound of wolves snarling and snapping at your heels, you tumbling and tripping over a tree root, and then something... protecting you. Something inhuman.
You look up at him.
“Did you... save me?” you ask, your tone uncertain as you attempt to piece together what exactly happened to you and what your current situation was.
He glances to the side, as if uncomfortable acknowledging what he did. “Yes, I... I did.” He clears his throat as he stands from the kneeling position he had taken to touch you. He’s very tall... “As I said, don’t move around so much. You’re still injured. I’m sorry I couldn’t stop them from hurting you, but your ankle will be fine soon so long as you stay off your feet.”
He turns to leave and you reach out, speaking before thinking this through. You need to know for certain who, and what, your savior is.
“Wait!” He stops and turns his head back to you to show that he’s listening. “Thank you for saving my life,” you begin. “Please, I’d like your name, and to know for sure... are you the wolf that protects my village?”
He turns fully to face you, and you see hesitation in his eyes. It looks like he’s a little scared to answer. But you look him in the eyes and after a moment, he replies, “Yes. And... you may call me Dimitri.”
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
moonglow (masterlist)
pairing: dimitri alexandre blaiddyd x f!reader
warnings are listed for each chapter
chapter 1
summary: your quiet little village has a silent protector, a large wolf that sneaks back into the shadows whenever anyone tries to approach. a chance encounter leads you to meet him, a cursed being by the name of dimitri. he’s reluctant to get closer to you, and yet you find yourselves drawn together. werewolf AU
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
I was wondering if there was a rule for if people could ask for something with combined/multiple prompts or not? I saw a few that I thought would fit together really well but wanted to ask if combining some wad okay and if so how many would be the maximum before I tried to request anything.
you can combine whatever and submit as many prompts as you want, i don’t really mind!
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
Hewwo jess Can I get 37 from the touching prompt for Cu from fgo with a nonbinary reader 🙈💖💞💕❤??
Ty sm ily lots 😩🥺❤💕💕💖💞💘💓
pairing: cu chulainn (fgo) x nb!reader
words: 209
warnings: n/a
prompt: putting their head on the other’s chest
a/n: ily2!! and you’re welcome <3
It’s a rare day off for the ever busy Master of Chaldea. Da Vinci insisted that you needed a break, and you weren’t going to argue with her. Especially when your favorite lancer takes your hand, leads you over to the simulator, and invites you to relax with him.
Cu smiles at you so sweetly as you find a comfy tree to rest under. It may just be a simulation but the grass, the breeze - it all feels so real. What matters most is that he’s real.
Cu is resting against a tree, and you’re leaning on him, your head on his chest as you listen to his heartbeat. You hadn’t realized before this that servants had heartbeats, but you’re glad. The steady thrum is comforting, a constant to keep you tethered to this rare, peaceful moment.
“Master?” Cu asks as he threads his fingers loosely through your hair.
“Are you comfortable?”
“Very...” you murmur, causing Cu to chuckle.
“Good. Feel free to stay as long as you like.” His other arm wraps around your waist, as if to hold you there. He was comfortable too, from the looks of it.
Master and Servant enjoying a rare moment to relax. More Singularities awaited, but for now, you rest.
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
diluc ragnvindr fluff alphabet
based on the prompt list here 
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Diluc is a busy man so he cherishes time spent with you. To be honest, a lot of time spent with him is probably going to be at the winery or at Angel’s Share due to his responsibilities there, so you might as well get comfortable and learn the layouts! When he isn’t working, I imagine he likes to relax with you. Taking walks, reading, maybe taking a rare nap under the shade of a tree - whatever it is, Diluc knows not to take this time for granted. Every moment you spend together is precious to him.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Let’s be real, Diluc admires a lot about you. He’s the kind of guy that when asked to list something he loves about his s/o, he can’t just pick one thing. Only one? How could that encompass all the love he has for you? That being said, he admires your patience quite a bit. He isn’t exactly known for being patient himself, and your patience with him when his schedule is hectic or when he’s out Darknight Hero-ing takes a load off his mind.
As for himself... he likes his hair. It reminds him - everyone - of his father, but Diluc likes that. You’d think a memory like that would be painful but he remembers how proud his father was that they looked so much alike and he can’t help but feel fond of it. He especially likes it when you touch his hair - braid it, tie it back, thread your fingers through it. Diluc trusts you.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
First and foremost, Diluc listens to you. If you want him there, nothing can stop him from being at your side and comforting you. If you need some space, he’ll give it to you though he’ll be checking on you from time to time. He knows just how much having someone listen can mean during a hard time. Whatever you need, he’ll bring you - food, water, something to read to take your mind off of it or calm down from it. Diluc is right there with you, and he’ll stay as long as you want him.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
If Diluc dares to dream, he pictures a happy future with you. A thriving business, a happy home, maybe even a family... It’s felt so out of reach for so long, but now with you in the picture, he dares to think it might be possible, one day. He keeps this dream close to his heart - he’ll only share it when he’s feeling truly at peace and comfortable. He fears that wording them might jinx it - it’s not that he thinks you’ll leave or anything. He’s just... never had anything this good for this long without something going wrong. Somehow, though, you manage to surpass all of his previous experiences. You’re here to stay.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
I don’t think Diluc could be passive if he tries. He cares, a lot - about Mondstadt, about his work, about you. He remembers little details and dates that matter to you, he brings you your favorite meals when you look like you need a pick-me-up. Every action of his is out of love, because he knows that if he doesn’t show that he loves you now, if the worst happens he may not get another chance.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Diluc doesn’t handle fights with you well. He’s both stubborn about whatever caused the fight but he also doesn’t want to fight with you. You’re the one person who brings to light to his life, so the thought of fighting with you... It causes an ache down to his very soul. He forgives, but give him time to cool down. Wait for a quiet moment where the two of you are alone, tell him that you’re sorry, and watch as he breaks. He’ll apologize, he’ll hold you close, and he probably won’t let you go for a while.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He definitely is. He notices the things you do, the fact that you stay and wait for him even when he works late. He expresses his gratitude when the two of you are alone. He’s not one for PDA, but get him alone with you and he’ll shower you in soft kisses as he thanks you over and over for everything you do.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He starts out with secrets - he’s the Darknight Hero, after all. You knowing that could put you in danger. But give him time and patience. As your kindness and trust slowly strips away his walls, he’ll share every part of himself with you. Every hidden, dark, ugly secret he’s hid away, he’ll share only with you.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Oh, yeah. His relationship with his adoptive brother has been a tense point for years. But you reminded Diluc that he’s family - the only family he has left, aside from you. It wasn’t easy, but Diluc slowly began to reach out to Kaeya. The first few dinners were awkward to say the least, but you were there to aid him and slowly but surely, the brothers began to reconcile. Kaeya teases Diluc a little about how smitten he’s become with you, but it’s all in good fun. The cavalry captain can tell just how deep Diluc’s love for you goes.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Diluc? Jealous? No! Yes. He really can’t help it but when he sees one of the patrons of Angel’s Share place a hand on your shoulder, jealousy flares up in him, red hot like the fires of retribution that he unleashes from his vision. He deals with it by having someone else take over the bar for him and taking your hand, pulling you away from whoever is trying to make a move on you. Holding you close and hearing your gentle teasing helps him calm down because yeah, you’re making fun of him a little bit, but you’re with him, not them.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Diluc, unsurprisingly, doesn’t have a lot of experience with romance. He’s one of the most eligible bachelors in Mondstadt, sure, but that doesn’t mean he’s ever actually partaken in a relationship before. Needless to say, he needs to be taught how to kiss. Just be patient with him - once you’re together, he’ll do his best to learn.
The first kiss was like something out of a romance novel. You were sitting with Diluc, watching the sunset from a balcony at the winery. He turned to you and asked you, his voice soft, if he could kiss you. His cheeks, tinted pink, turned an even rosier hue when you said yes.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He strikes me as the type to confess over a romantic candlelit dinner for two. Something classic and romantic, y’know? He sets the mood, makes sure it’s one of your favorite meals, and when the time is right, confesses his feelings. Open and honest and raw Diluc is a rare sight indeed, but that is what is sitting across from you at the table, waiting for your answer.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
To say that Diluc wants to get married to you would be an understatement. He craves it - the wedding, the settling down, the vows and the life together and everything. It’s peaceful and happy, something Diluc’s wanted for years. He has his apprehensions given his whole Darknight Hero thing, but you’ve stuck with him this far and if you’re willing to be at his side through it all, he’ll gladly devote his heart and soul to you for the rest of his days.
Diluc proposes in a quiet, mundane moment. You might be cooking, cleaning, something domestic like that, or maybe you’re sitting with him, enjoying the sunset. He has no words prepared, just a ring in his hand and a desire to share his life with you.
Marriage to Diluc is everything you could have dreamed of and more. He’s attentive, devoted to making sure you’re as happy as can be. Whether you help him run the winery and Angel’s Share, or you go on commissions and return to him after a long day, he’s happy to be with you. You shine light into his life where there was shadow.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He’s definitely a fan of the classics. “My dear”, “my darling”, “my love”, stuff like that. Sound a bit possessive? He can’t help it - he’s still so caught up in the fact that you’re his.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It both is and isn’t. The people around him can tell that something is different with Master Diluc at first, but they can’t pinpoint what. Diluc is somehow softer - both in his mannerisms and expressions. It’s as if just by being around, you’ve chipped away at his hardened demeanor.
Diluc expresses his feelings by keeping you safe. If anything happened to you... well, he doesn’t want to think about it. Protecting you gives him a new purpose that might even be more important to him than protecting Mondstadt.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
PDA really isn’t his thing most of the time. Everyone at the winery and Angel’s Share knows you’re together, and why would he need to brag when everyone can see how amazing you are? The only exception would be if someone was hitting on you and not taking the many hints that it’s a bad idea. He might just kiss you in public then... To make a point.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
You’re not sure whether it’s thanks to his Vision or just his natural body heat, but Diluc is so warm that cuddling with him is just about the best thing ever. You can’t help but get sleepy and I mean, who could blame you when he’s so cozy and perfect for a nap? Diluc thinks it’s adorable.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
To say that Diluc would do just about anything to make you happy is not an understatement. In terms of being a romantic, he’s very cliché. Candlelit dinners, watching the sunset, moonlit walks, the whole shebang. As long as you’re happy, he’s satisfied.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Absolutely - you’ve believed in him, so he believes in you. It’s natural to support your significant other, and Diluc will be right at your side no matter what. You want to train to become a better warrior? Diluc invests in better weaponry for you, and will spar with you himself or hire someone to spar with you. Are your ambitions academic? Then he’ll purchase whatever books you need, no matter how pricey. No price is too high for you.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He doesn’t mind thrill every now and then, but a certain routine is preferred. A peaceful life with you is all he could ask for. That being said, an adventure to a faraway place sounds rather exhilarating... There’s a balance to it that Diluc enjoys. Sometimes he goes all out in battle with you watching his back and him watching yours, and sometimes he holds you close, gazing into your eyes and wondering how he got so lucky.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Diluc gets better at it the longer you’re together. He can’t help but pick up on things, like indicators of your mood or even which meals you prefer. Has the monthly special drink at Angel’s Share been leaning more to your taste as of late? Just goes to show that Diluc’s paying attention.
If he senses that your mood’s low, he’ll do what he can to help without being overbearing. If you want some space, just tell him. He understands, and he’ll check on you later.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your relationship with Diluc is the most important thing to him. Diluc loves you with the fiery passion he uses to protect Mondstadt. If he had to choose between the two to save one...
It wouldn’t be an easy choice.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Diluc has a nice singing voice! You wouldn’t hear it for years until one night when he thinks you’re asleep. He threads his fingers through your hair and sings softly, a tune you don’t recognize but it’s so soft. If you told him about it later, he’d blush and deny it but if you really wanted to hear him sing again, he’d oblige you in exchange for a kiss...
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
When you first enter the relationship, Diluc doesn’t seem very affectionate. That quickly changes as you get to know him. He’s affectionate in his own way, it just isn’t obvious at first. Diluc loves to kiss you but most of the time, they’re quick kisses as he’s getting ready to head out. Get some alone time with him where the two of you have no other responsibilities and he’ll gladly teach you otherwise.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Diluc copes with missing you the same way he copes with most things - busying himself in work. Suddenly, he’s personally bar-tending at Angel’s Share to ensure quality, or looking at investment he can make at the winery to increase productivity. He’ll be back to normal once you’re back, don’t worry.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Any length, in all honesty. Diluc is a man driven by his passions - to do less would be unthinkable. He loves fiercely, and he’ll protect you with that same fiery passion. May those who try to harm you fall to his fires of retribution.
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jesswritesimagines · 4 years ago
i’m in love with a fairytale
pairing: leonidas (dragalia lost) x f!reader
words: 271
warning: n/a
a/n: i love him so much my brain uses him like a chewtoy daily cygames where the FUCK is he let me see him being a good ruler
The royal ball is not a place you expected to find yourself, and yet here you stand, among nobles and prominent figures and royalty alike. Your house is a small one in Alberia compared to all of this, yet your invitation arrived all the same.
Due to your house’s weaker power you haven’t been paid much attention, but you don’t mind. Watching others dance is entertainment enough, and you stand on the sidelines as the band strikes up a waltz. It’s a lovely tune and you find yourself swaying to the beat.
“Enjoying yourself?” a voice behind you asks, and you whirl around to see a man with long, golden hair and brilliant green eyes regarding you. It’s as if his gaze pierces you through to your very soul, and you lose the ability to speak for a moment. You swallow and attempt again.
“Y... yes! The music is lovely...” You nervously twirl a strand of hair around your finger.
You don’t know who he is but there’s something about him - he draws you in, captures your focus.
It’s like all you can perceive are him and the music playing far off in the distance.
He offers you a gloved hand. “It would be a shame to only enjoy lovely music from here,” he says. “Would you be interested in joining me for a dance?”
It would be rude to refuse, you know that. Besides... why would you want to?
You don’t know his title or even his name, but none of that matters as the two of you dance a waltz as if there’s no one else in the room.
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