christina | 27 | nzketo, vegetarian, PCOSSW: 88kg CW: 86kg GW: 60kgabout
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Really nice recipes. Every hour.
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Fuck dude I have almost certainly knocked myself out of ketosis today. Boss wanted to go to the pizza joint up the street to get lunch and I ended up going with her and getting some mozzarella sticks. Not sure of the exact macros since that chain is relatively new and there is no nutritional info for it on MFP, ended up using one that I know was similar when I was in the states. And I also ate a couple of bits of fudge that my workmate offered me. I'm still in a fuck ton of period pain and I'm just not feeling it today. It's stupid, I know I'm not allowed cheat days, at least not this early in the game, but, God, I'm so tempted to just write the day off completely and get a can of Coke and some Pizza Hut pizza and garlic bread and donuts after work. Not going to, of course, at least I bloody hope not. I bought some of my delicious pie for lunch as well as some other good food but haven't touched any of it. It's fine, it's just one day, just a bit of a slip, and I'll be better tomorrow.
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@xcastinglines I was looking for the zilch one lmao, keto friend recommended if. I did see it on the countdown website, but I didn't get a chance to actually look since I really needed to pee at that point haha stupid keto peeing bloody 20 times a day. I don't even like ice cream all that much, normally just like on top of apple pie or whatever, but I thought it might be nice to have idk
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Day 10
Today was really hard and I nearly fell off the wagon.
I’m having a real rough time at the moment, emotionally. It’s winter and I always without fail get the whole seasonal depression thing, and it has hit me all at once in spite of my doing everything to try to keep it at bay.
And I think I probably have the whole keto flu thing going worse than I thought.
So I woke up late, couldn’t make myself get out of bed even though I had a neuroanatomy test at 12 (luckily only worth 4%), finally dragged my ass to the shower just early enough to get done blowdrying/straightening my hair before my skype therapy appointment (therapist moved to another city). Things are hard so of course therapy was hard. I had had nothing to eat except a fat bomb before my shower (67 calories) and I’ve also been in quite a bit of pain because my uterus decided to punish me for trying to skip my period by starting the next month’s worth of birth control pills a week early, so now I’m having a weird period now and it’s very painful, and probably my hormones are all out of whack and that’s why I feel so miserable.
SO ANYWAY, I finish therapy, and I decide to go into town to run a few errands. I got paid a little extra from work this week because I took leave last weekend and that’s always paid at a higher rate. I planned to go to Lush and to the hairdresser to buy some hair shit, then the Warehouse to buy a hand mixer, and then the supermarket. I drove to Lush on my scooter, hit the hairdresser around the corner, and then got back to my scooter... and the motherfucker wouldn’t start. That thing has caused me a LOT of trouble and expense in the past year. To be fair, it’s old af and I have really hammered it and not taken great care of it. But, like, I’m a student, I can’t afford this shit. Sat there for ages trying to get it to go, eventually gave up and started crying in the street because it was the final straw and I couldn’t cope. Called the AA to arrange a tow, was on hold with them for 20 minutes, trying not to cry at the call centre lady because I knew how expensive and how much of a hassle it would be to get it fixed yet again. Luckily, I tried it again one last time, and managed to get it to start. I decided to skip the Warehouse cos I was worried about getting stranded again, but I really wanted to go to the supermarket, so I risked it. Luckily managed to get home.
But tonight I was supposed to go out to queer drinks and boardgames, and I was super looking forward to it. But by the time I got home, I was drained and miserable from crying, and felt like I was going to pass out from not having eaten, so I didn’t make it.
BUT I bought a face mask from Lush, so that made me feel better a bit, and of course I was stoked with the success of my pie, and having eaten has made me feel better. I’m still tired and in pain but I’m getting there.
But yeah, the point of all this is that I was miserable and weak and starving for most of the day, and I kept thinking about all of the things I could go and buy to eat that would make me feel better, but that I can’t eat on keto. I really fucking wanted some coke - fun fact, I have a serious addiction to coke. Used to drink at least one 500mL can a day, often more. It was the full fat shit too, I don’t like the taste of the sweeteners they use in diet coke. I gave it up, and all other sodas, a few weeks before I first heard about keto, and I was frustrated that I wasn’t losing weight. Anyway, I still don’t drink soda, apart from the soda I make myself with sparkling water, lime juice, and erythritol, which I think is fine. But goddamn, today I really fucking wanted to buy some coke, so damn much. And cigarettes!! I haven’t been tempted to buy cigarettes in months! And of course pasta and sweet pastries, my two weaknesses. Ugh, it was so tempting.
Anyway, I got through it. I still haven’t eaten enough today, I’m currently trying to drink a cacao peanut butter milkshake, but I put too much cocoa powder in it this time so it doesn’t taste as good as usual, and I’m struggling to get it down. Might tip the rest out and have a couple of fat bombs instead. I’ll still be well down on calories and fat today, but my ratios should still be okay, and I’ll have had just under 1200 calories, which is about as low as I want to go.
Ok! ��Time for bed! I have work tomorrow, which is both a blessing and a curse, so I need to get plenty of sleep so I’m not too tired.
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Dinner tonight: Bacon, mushroom, and blue cheese pie, of course with some tweaks, because I always feel the need to customise any recipe I’m making!
For this pie, I substituted blue Brie for the blue cheese, cos I wanted a subtler flavour of blue cheese - I love blue cheese, I like the shit that’s so strong that you screw up your face while you’re eating it, but I really only like that as like nibbles, on crackers, ya know? In food, I often find it too overpowering. Hell pizza does a fucking delicious fettuccine that has blue cheese in it and it’s delicious but they often go a bit overboard.
Anyway, that’s what’s on top - lovely golden slabs of brie. I also only used half the recommended amount of mushrooms, and instead dumped most of a bag of spinach kale mix in there, partly because I had a bag in the fridge that I knew was going to go off soon, partly because I wanted to get some greens in. It was an excellent addition!
The pastry base was made with almond flour and it was legit! Tasted like actual pastry! Next time I might add a bit of butter to the pastry, because it didn’t quite have that buttery quality that normal pastry has, but it was super easy to make and it didn’t go crumbly or soggy.
So, this was the first thing with meat in it that I’ve made since giving up vegetarianism. I started eating bits of meat last week but it was all pre-cooked meat - smoked chicken and roast pork from the deli, pre-packaged salami for my pizza. It was very odd buying the bacon, I honestly don’t think I’ve ever bought any meat in my life before??? I was worried I wouldn’t be able to tell which bacon was free-range and which was not, because I’m very committed to eating ethical meat if I’m going to eat meat. Luckily, it was very well-marked, and very reasonably-priced, comparable to the non-free-range meat.
Cooking it was also odd, mostly because I just kind of knew how to do it? I mean, it’s bacon, how hard can it be, but like, I have never cooked meat as an adult. I did it a bit as a kid/teenager when I was cooking with my mum, so I guess I still remembered what she taught me. Anyway, it was easy! It’s going to be a bit trickier when it gets to cooking things like roasts or steak or whatever, but I am a loooooong way off from being ready to do that.
Anyway, this pie was a huge success and I’m so pleased with it! I made it into 6 servings rather than 10, because as usual I am WELL down on my calories and fat for the day, and I didn’t have any kind of salad or side dish (haven’t got round to the whole roasting cauli thing yet, and sadly there is no asparagus in the supermarkets at the moment, which is a shame, cos I love asparagus!), but that’s going to feed me for lunch tomorrow at work, and for dinner, and the same again on Saturday, so that’s exciting, having something pre-made that I can take to work!
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I am so frickin stoked!! Today I did my very first ketone urine test and I was between 2 and 3 on the scale, meaning I’m definitely in ketosis and this is definitely working!!!! This measure excess ketones in urine which means that my body hasn’t achieved fat adaption yet - hasn’t quite learned how to use ketones for energy efficiently - but I’m on the right track, and I should start to see changes soon! I’ve already lost nearly 3kg in the first week, I know that’s due to water weight loss mostly but it is again another sign that this is all starting to work. I’m super excited to take my measurements again on September 1st and see what progress I’ve made! And I’m so encouraged to keep on with the keto lifestyle!
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Lazy girl dinner. I’m having a hard time with motivation right now (apart from keto lmao) and doing anything just makes me exhausted. It’s not even fucking keto flu, it’s just my asshole brain. Love that Seasonal Depression™!
Anyway, this was two fried eggs (burst one of the yolks as i was cracking it into the pan tho, RIP), cherry tomatoes fried in butter (yum), two Linda McCartney vegetarian sausages (cos old habits die hard, and they’re delicious af), a tbsp of hollandaise sauce drizzled over the top, and plenty of cracked black pepper and himalayan pink salt!
It was pretty delicious, and is just so quick and easy to make, but I was hoping to get some green vegetables in tonight. oh well! maybe tomorrow night, although I’m planning on maybe going to the poetry open mic so I don’t know how that’ll work, depends on what the motivation/exhaustion levels are like tomorrow. maybe i’ll try and make a salad for lunch instead, I have a bag of spinach/kale mix in the fridge that is probably going to go bad soon if I don’t eat it.
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Today’s grocery haul!
So I didn’t plan to do any grocery shopping today, so I didn’t have a list, and didn’t get a huge amount. But every Tuesday afternoon I go to the hospital in Newtown to volunteer in the psych ward for a couple hours, and on the way I home I call into the Countdown there, because we don’t have one in the city (apart from the Countdown Metro, but that’s a bit shit) - I always like to see what I can find there since they often have some stuff that the New Worlds don’t.
Got the usual cream and almond milk staples - I’m a bit miffed because I swear they used to sell 1L bottles of cream, which I feel would be a lot more economical but it’s whatever.
Avocado, because I want to start incorporating more “healthy”, vegetable-based fats. Because - TMI - have been a wee bit constipated over the past couple of days, so I’m thinking a bit more of the green stuff will help.
Pic’s peanut butter, the best peanut butter!
Pumpkin purée - this is very exciting because you can’t get this in New Zealand, I found this in the international foods aisle, in the American section. Cost me fucking $6, but it’s cool for when I want to make pumpkin-based sweet things, because buying a chunk of pumpkin and having to peel and de-seed it and cut it up into chunks and steam it and mash it is honestly just so exhausting sometimes and I’m really fucking lazy. So that’s an exciting thing to have in my pantry.
Ketone urine test strips, happy to find these at a pretty reasonable price, am going to start testing my urine from tomorrow morning.
And, last, but by far not least... SUGAR-FREE PEACH ICED TEA!!! I can’t even begin to describe how excited I was to find this. You see, I take quite a bit of medication at night - three different prescription meds, and three different supplements. Ends up being 9 pills total. And I have this weird thing where I absolutely CANNOT take pills with water. It’s a long story with rather tragic details so I won’t go into it, but the point is that this is a hard no, taking pills with water makes me want to throw up. So I’ve always taken my pills with fruit juice. Of course, fruit juice is a huge no-no on keto, and I’ve been desperately searching for low-sugar fruit juices, or sugar-free cordial syrups, to no avail - they just all have too many carbs. Instead, I’ve been taking my pills with almond milk, which is fucking gross because unsweetened almond milk does not taste good on its own, and the mild taste somehow translates in my mind to “water-like” so I’ve had a lot of trouble getting my pills down and have been dreading it every night. SO, imagine my absolute delight when I found this - I already love peach iced tea, and this shit has 0.3g net carbs in a whole 250mL serving!!!! Which, like, I wouldn’t even drink a whole glass’ worth to take my meds, probably only half. I can’t even begin to describe how excited I am by this!!
Only thing I didn’t get, which I’m disappointed about, is sugar-free ice cream. They don’t have it in New World but I was told Countdown does sell it. But I forgot about it, because by the time I got to the freezer section, my basket had several kilos of cat food in it as well as all of the above items, and I also really needed to pee lmao. So, next time! There’s no fucking room in my freezer anyway hahahaha.
So, that was my modest but still exciting grocery shop for today. I had one of those fatty milkshakes for breakfast/lunch today since I only woke up at like 12, and I had to be in Newtown by 2. It’s now 5pm, I shall feed Captain Butthead soon and then figure out what the fuck I’m going to have for dinner.
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FINALLY took my measurements, a week into Keto
But I figured they wouldn't have changed in a week. As of July 31st: Bust - 113cm Waist - 103cm Hips - 119cm I'll be taking these measurements on the first day of every month to track changes!
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Aight fam, since I made both of these things pretty much from scratch, thought I’d share my recipes!
Lemon Cheesecake Fat Bombs
These are based on this recipe, but I changed it a LOT because I wanted to use slightly different ingredients.
You’ll need:
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
250g cream cheese (I used the Philadelphia block, but any full-fat cream cheese is fine), softened
100g mascarpone
30g coconut oil (melted)
erythritol to taste (I used 4 tbsp because I wanted them tart but also pretty sweet)
So I melted the coconut oil in a bowl in the microwave, cut my cream cheese into chunks and added that to the bowl, nuked it a bit longer so the cream cheese softened. Then I mixed in the mascarpone and the lemon zest and juice with a spoon. After that, I tipped everything into the food processor and just whizzed it up until it was all creamy (original recipe called for a hand mixer, this would work just as well if you didn’t have a food processor or blender), and then I added 1 tbsp of erythritol at a time until it was my desired level of sweetness. Then I spooned tablespoons of that shit into tiny cupcake liners and put them in the fridge - ideally they’d go in the freezer but our freezer is tiny and packed to the brim, gonna have to figure out a way to fit them in! but for now, fridge is fine.
It made 22 - for each serving, they are 67 calories, 92% from fat (6.9g), 0.5g carbs (-0.6g fibre = 0 net carbs), 0.9g protein. For the whole batch it is 1482 calories, 152.4g fat, 20g protein, 11.4g carbs - just divide by the amount of servings you end up with to get macros for each serving.
Cacao and Peanut Butter Milkshake
Something I whipped up on the suggestion of my friend Tasha cos I was seriously lacking in the fat and calorie department for today. Could be tweaked to suit, this is just what I did.
You’ll need:
1/2c unsweetened almond milk (or nut milk of your choice)
1/2c cream (or heavy cream, if you’re American - you know, the liquid shit)
1/2 tbsp cacao nibs (optional)
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tbsp peanut butter
2 or 3 ice cubes (also optional)
erythritol to taste (I used 1/2 tbsp - it didn’t end up very sweet but it was lovely)
Chuck all that shit in a blender and whizz it up, yo!
634 calories, 89% from fat (61.8g), 8.8g carbs (-1.6g fibre = 7.2g net carbs, so be careful if you’re at your carb limit for the day), 8.6g protein.
Let me know if you try these recipes and what you think/if you have any suggestions for improvements!
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when you need a quick late-night snack to boost your macros cos you've only met half your fat and calorie goals and ya girl tash has your back 👏

@lanternskyy you beautiful brilliant creature!
Cacao and peanut butter milkshake! I found some cacao nibs in the pantry, also has cocoa powder, peanut butter, ice, almond milk, cream, and a tiny bit of sweetener (didn’t need much) - it’s delicious as fuck, it took me five minutes to make, and at 634kcal with 62g of fat it was exactly what I needed to get my macros to pretty much perfect. This is honestly fantastic, I’m thinking I might start making this regularly, maybe even for a quick breakfast! You’re a star! <3
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I told myself I was gonna lay off the food posts a little, I don’t wanna be THAT girl… but guys. Omg guys. These are Lemon Cheesecake Fat Bombs 🍋🍰💣 and they taste fucking INCREDIBLE. They’re made with cream cheese, mascarpone, coconut oil, lemon juice/rind, and a sweetener called erythritol. Erythritol is the fucking shit - it’s a derivative of sugar, tastes almost exactly like sugar in its raw form, and is indistinguishable from sugar in food - no nasty chemical aftertaste or anything. Anyway, let me reiterate again that this is the kind of stuff I’m expected to eat on keto if I’m not getting enough fat. This is the strangest but best diet I’ve ever been on, and I’ve already lost 2.5kg in the last five days 💁🏻💅🏼 #keto #ketogenic #ketodiet #ketogenicdiet #fatbomb #pcos #pcosweightloss #ketosis #ketoweightloss #lemon #cheesecake #healthy #food #🍋 #🍰
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What I wrote on Facebook to explain why I started to eat meat again. Got a lot of support, which I’m very grateful for. Not the kind of thing I would normally share about myself so publicly, but yeah, it seemed important.
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made this the other day, it made eight servings, which I've frozen and have been defrosting one slice at a time as I want it. I really wanted to make it with lemon-flavoured sugar-free jelly, but I can't seem to get that in NZ! Luckily I've found a website that is based in NZ but imports a whole lot of sugar-free goodies from the US, and they have lemon jello on there, so I'm definitely going to order some! and also probably have to restrain myself from buying everything on the website. This cheesecake is still really tasty though, even though the cream curdled a little bit because I had to whip it for ages in the food processor to get everything to mix. Will definitely be investing in a hand mixer very soon so I can make it properly and it has the lovely creamy texture it should!

The #ketogenicdiet is the only diet where I’ve ever had trouble eating ENOUGH calories! Decided to get in some more calories by making this delicious keto strawberry cheesecake 🍓🍰 it would be even better with fresh strawberries on top but that will have to wait for summer. It didn’t turn out quite right - made the mistake of making this in my food processor instead of with a hand mixer - but it still tastes incredible and I can’t wait to give it another go with a different flavour! As with all of my creations, this is sugar-free and flour-free, but you wouldn’t know it from the taste 😍#keto #ketogenic #ketodiet #ketogeniclifestyle #pcos #pcosweightloss #sugarfree #iquitsugar #flourless #lowcarb #lowcarbhighfat #lchf #cheesecake #strawberry #dessert #🍓 #🍰
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what I made last night! It needs a bit of tweaking - was too dry - but it wasn't bad for a first attempt!

Flatmate ordered pizza today and I was hella jealous so I’ve just tried my hand at making a keto pizza base! It’s cooking right now, fingers crossed it comes out okay 🤞gonna slather that mofo in cheese 🧀🍕 still hard to believe that this is all HEALTHY 😍 #keto #ketogenic #ketodiet #ketogenicdiet #ketopizza #healthy #healthypizza #🍕 #pcos #pcosweightloss #lowcarb #lowcarbhighfat #lchf
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Day 7
So we’re a week in now. I decided to post progress pictures and measurements monthly, not weekly, but will still post weight weekly. Today I am 86kg - 2.3kg down on a week ago. I’m aware most of it is water weight but I know that means that it’s working! Tomorrow when I get paid I’m going to order some ketostix so I can have an idea of whether or not I’m in ketosis or not.
I ended up starting to eat meat. It has made a huge difference. I was lethargic and nauseated and weak and sleeping all day - far beyond what I think should be reasonable for keto flu, given that I was doing everything right in drinking plenty of water and replacing my electrolytes. Both my therapist and my GP said I looked like I do when I haven’t eaten for a couple of weeks, and both urges me to start trying to eat a bit of meat.
It was hard, not going to lie. I cried in the supermarket and I cried when I was making my salad with a tiny bit of smoked chicken, and I cried as I ate it... and then I felt better. And I’ve been eating more meat, and I feel better still. I’m still nowhere near the stage of being able to cook and eat a fucking steak - at the moment it’s just little bits of meat that I buy from the deli, since it is only small amounts at a time and it is already cooked.
And I feel tremendously guilty. More of my friends are vegetarian/vegan than not, and I encountered a bit of shaming for starting to eat meat again, so I made a post on Facebook explaining about the influences of my eating disorder on my decision not to eat meat 10 years ago, and how I am starting it up again for my health - and I got a lot of support, so that’s nice.
Anyway, have been struggling to eat ENOUGH calories, strangely enough, and while I have been able to stay under 20g net carbs, and have made some delicious keto-friendly treats to assuage my sugar cravings, I have had immense trouble getting enough fat in my diet. I am getting enough protein now that I’ve started supplementing a bit of meat in there, but I know that the aim of ~80% of my diet from fat is the most important part. Last night I knew I was well under, so I mixed a bit of mascarpone, cream, erythritol, and vanilla to make a kind of fatty custard thing (it was delicious tbh) and I’m going to make some fat bombs today as well.
Will be posting more pictures of the food I make as well! Trying to stay on top of this :)
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Was craving sugar so I made these beauties! Keto Pumpkin Snickerdoodles 😍🎃 they have no sugar and no flour and they’re delicious af! #keto #pumpkin #pumpkinspice #snickerdoodle #lchf #sugarfree #flourless #healthy #diet #pcos #pcosweightloss
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