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THE really the beginning.
THE END…is really the beginning.
It’s been a minute since I’ve last posted but big news! I just finished the first draft of my current WIP, SILENT NOISE. *And the crowd goes wild* or *Crickets* LOL. I’m not really sure if anyone else is here but me 🙂 It feels amazing to finally write those two little words. I’ve been working on this story for a while and it took a few twists and turns along the way until I figured out what I…
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There are no coincidences. Whether you believe in God, the Universe, goddess, energy, Buddha, Allah, the grand poobah in the sky— whatever your deal is, there is something greater than you that has a hand in your life. Stick with me a min and let me explain.
It was the 4th of July and me and the hubby got to spend some time together…but of course not until he did some work on the house cause God forbid he doesn’t do some work of some kind every day, bless him. We load up our kayaks, which we’ve never used, and head to the river close to our house. Exhibit A & B, me and said hubby on kayaks.
It was awesome….until it wasn’t.
So we’re paddling along, talking to other folks out on the river fishing, swimming and generally enjoying their day. We took a few pictures, mainly to prove to my kids that I actually did it, and continued along down the river. I’m all in my feels, being blessed and grateful and then something caught my eye on the bank. A young girl and guy. She had on a lovely bright yellow bathing suit which is probably what caught my eye first but then it was the punching that kept my attention. At first it seemed to be a shot for shot type thing and I wasn’t sure if I was looking at a brother and sister situation. It quickly became clear to me that this was her boyfriend. I’ll just say I’ve had the misfortune of seeing too many of these bullies in action. As I watched, this turned into some kind of lesson he was teaching her about how strong he was. *Input foul language here*
I couldn’t hear what she said but she pointed to the other arm where there was a bruise and she swatted at him. He then punched her with enough force that she fell back a step and he motioned for her to take her next shot. At this point my hubby called out to me to ask what was wrong. Excuse my language here people:
“This asshole is punching his girlfriend.” I yelled back.
I hoped that alerting this jerk to the fact that he had an audience would stop what he was doing but when I turned back around he hit her so hard I felt it in my kayak. She fell back several steps grabbing for her injured arm. I guess I wasn’t close enough to shore because when I yelled “WTF is wrong with you!” they didn’t acknowledge me. I watched this beautiful girl shrink back from him. He said something to her with his hands on his hips and I wanted to, equal parts, hit him in the head with my oar and throw up.
She seemed to be out of danger for the moment as he bored of the game and left her sitting alone to feel the physical pain as well as the weight of the shame he had hefted on her. We paddled past but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. My husband was in mid sentence when I blurted out, “I have to go back. I have to say something. Do something.”
He nodded his understanding and said, “I’ll wait here for you. Shout if you need me.”
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to help but he could see in my expression I needed to do this. I paddled back in a hurry and got good and close this time. As I approached I heard him say she was overreacting.
“Are you okay?” I shouted out.
“Yeah, we’re fine.” He answered with his back to me.
“I wasn’t speaking to you.” I snapped.
“Oh shoot.” He said, looking at me now.
“Are you okay?” I repeated to her.
“Ya.” She nodded, looking both scared and embarrassed.
“Is this your brother?” I asked her with a nod in his direction.
“No.” She shook her head.
“Then don’t ever let him, or anyone else, hit you, ever again.”
She and I locked eyes for a brief moment.
“Be safe.” I said to her and paddled away.
Let me say it loud and clear for all the young fellas out there… IT’S NOT OKAY TO HIT WOMEN! EVER!
I don’t know who told you it was okay or where you got the notion that putting your hands on someone else violently, or in any manner that she doesn’t approve of is okey dokey, but I’m here to tell you, NOT. UP. IN. HERE.
Ladies: Your body. Your rules. PERIOD. And your body includes your brain. Do not take mental, verbal or physical abuse from anyone. You are priceless. Treat yourself as such and the young men you date will follow suit. If he makes you feel bad about yourself he’s NOT treating you right. If he hits you, pushes you, slaps you, he’s NOT treating you right. If you tell yourself, “well, this is better than being alone on Friday nights”, you’re lying to yourself. Get some help: Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233. The is for youth…someplace to go. Someone to Help. provides answers to your questions you may have about the relationship your in. Or you can call them at 1-866-331-9474. Some other resources to check out are Go to your guidance counselor, your mom, your dad, your priest, a teacher. Tell someone. Do not stay silent. Believe me, they want you to stay silent.
Parents: Talk to your sons. Let me say this loud and clear too… REAL MEN DON’T HIT WOMEN. If you have it going on in your house…fix it.
This happens to be about a heterosexual relationship but this goes for ALL relationships. Violence and abuse are NOT cool on any level. Don’t do it. Don’t take it.
Now here is why I say there are NO coincidences. We bought these kayaks two years ago and this was the first time we ever used them. I was meant to be on that river that day. I was meant to see and talk to that young lady in the yellow bathing suit.
This is the first picture I took this day. I didn’t see it until we got home later that night. That stream of light is not a cloud nor is it in any other pictures. It’s a live picture and when I hold my finger on it it ends right where I saw this girl. Freaky? You betcha. Just a beam of sunlight? Yeah, maybe. Maybe not.
I truly believe in kindness and that we, each one of us, can make a difference if we try. Be kind to one another and the world becomes a better place. Not so difficult to understand.
Peace and Love friends.
There Are No Coincidences There are no coincidences. Whether you believe in God, the Universe, goddess, energy, Buddha, Allah, the grand poobah in the sky--- whatever your deal is, there is something greater than you that has a hand in your life.
#Coincidence#Dating#Dating Violence#Domestic viol#Empowerment#Energy#God#Help#Kindness#MeToo#self help#Universe#Women
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Looking Back With a Grateful Heart
The journey back from 2015 to now has been a long one. I’m not a great blogger. Never have been. I love to share inspiring, intelligent things I learn. I love to pass along what other bloggers/writers have so generously shared. But sometimes life sucks. And when my life sucks I withdrawal. I’d been in the suck zone for a while but I was recently reminded of some wonderful people I needed to thank…
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Someone Will Choose You
I love this advice so hard ❤
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The color of your graduation robe-- Does it define you? It does in Greenwich, CT
The color of your graduation robe– Does it define you? It does in Greenwich, CT
WARNING: THERE WILL BE CURSING. If you’re easily offended you can leave, I’ll wait. Okay, last chance. Here we go-
I don’t blog often because quite frankly I’m busy as all hell. And when I do blog, it’s usually about something going on in the writing community but I have to address this local issue.
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Book Review: THIRTEEN REASONS WHY by Jay Asher
Book Review: THIRTEEN REASONS WHY by Jay Asher
I’ve just read Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. I know, I know! All my writer buds are shaking their heads at me that I’m just now reading it. *hangs head in shame*. But whatever, I’m a slow reader and my reading list is frickin HUGE! *High-five to all my slow readers*
This book was Jay’s debut novel. It won fourteen different awards (maybe more now) and earned blurbs from some very heavy…
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Don't be an A-hole
Don’t be an A-hole
In this great country we have freedom of speech. We have the right to express ourselves. We have freedoms and rights up the wazoo.
That having been said, my question is: Just because we can do something, we have the right to, should we?
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2015...BRING IT!
2015…BRING IT!
Happy New Year fabulous people!!
Sorry I was MIA for a bit. I was stuck in a funk but I’m done being funky.
Rejection is the suckiest of all suckishness. My finalist #PITCHARAMA status is officially over. The editor who was interested in JESSICA MARCO PI has passed on the project. There, I’ve said it. I was sad. I was distressed. There was a day or two of immature pouting, kicking, rolling around…
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Nopesville & NaNoWriMo
Originally posted on Jeannie Intrieri:
Welcome to Nopesville! I have been living here in Nopesville for the past week or so. When things are overwhelming I tend to look at them and say, “Nope, nah-uh, nope, nope, nope.” I’m usually saying this as I’m backing away from the thing I’m nope-ing. Nopesville is the next town over from Sucksville. The difference is that when in Sucksville things, well,…
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Nopesville & NaNoWriMo
#NaNoWriMo2014 Nopesville & NaNoWriMo
Welcome to Nopesville! I have been living here in Nopesville for the past week or so. When things are overwhelming I tend to look at them and say, “Nope, nah-uh, nope, nope, nope.” I’m usually saying this as I’m backing away from the thing I’m nope-ing. Nopesville is the next town over from Sucksville. The difference is that when in Sucksville things, well, suck. When in Nopesville there’s a…
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Isla's Inheritance by Cassandra Page
Isla’s Inheritance by Cassandra Page
Jeannie Intrieri:
Originally posted on Jeannie Intrieri:
Looking for something to read this Halloween season? Nothing says Halloween like a séance and a Ouija board!
I’m talking about Isla’s Inheritance by Cassandra Page – Book Blitz & Giveaway!
I had the good fortune of meeting Cassandra on Twitter this summer when she picked me for her team in the…
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Isla's Inheritance by Cassandra Page
Isla’s Inheritance by Cassandra Page
Looking for something to read this Halloween season? Nothing says Halloween like a séance and a Ouija board!
I’m talking about Isla’s Inheritance by Cassandra Page – Book Blitz & Giveaway!
I had the good fortune of meeting Cassandra on Twitter this summer when she picked me for her team in the #pitcharama contest which has put my novel in the hands of an editor, who is at this very minute…
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#writers#Amazon#Aussie Owned and Read#Author#Barnes & Noble#Book Blitz#Cassandra Page#Debut Novel#Giveaway#Goodreads#Halloween#Isla&039;s Inheritance#Ouija Board#Séance#Shelby First#Spooky Reading#Turquiose Morning Press#Urban Fantasy#young adult
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Hello my friends!
I completed my revisions and sent JESSICA MARCO PI back to the editor, Katie Teller at Curiosity Quills, on September 22, which just happens to be my birthday. Guess what I wished for when I blew out the candles this year!
I am not checking my email every five minutes. Okay, yes I am, but I’m also busy on my new WIP, work in progress. I am 9,000 words into my next YA novel. That…
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#amediting#amwriting#Curiosity Quills#Daydreaming#Doing what you love#Finding Time#Katie Teller#Victoria Schwab#Work in Progress
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There is a ton; I’m talkin’ a mother-cluckin’ boat-load of judgment out there. And when I say out there, I mean on the Web, on the TV, on the street, at your job, your school, your neighborhood, in your own house, among your family. EVERYWHERE. We’re so quick to judge celebrities, authorities, teachers, parents, other people’s kids, our own kids, races of people, enemies, strangers, and even…
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My List of Ten Books...
My List of Ten Books…
Thank you cousin Oni Thalheimer and Mark Radzin for nominating me to name 10 books that inspired me or had some kind of impact on me.
I felt like I needed to explain some of them so what better way than to BLOG IT! Okay so first of all, I have NOT always been an avid reader. I can hear you all gasping so let me explain. I flat-out hated reading when I was a kid. Enough with the gasping already.…
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#amwriting#inspired#Anne Lamott#Bible#Bird by Bird#Book List#Books#Diary of Anne Frank#Dr. Seuss#Edgar Allan Poe#Gone With The Wind#Harry Potter#Inspiring#J.K. Rowling#Judy Blume#Kimberly Sabatini#Margaret Mitchell#Mother Teresa#Reading#Touching the Surface#Writing
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A request for revisions is not a rejection.
A request for revisions is not a rejection.
First, if you would please join me in a moment of silence for my dear departed “Mini”, mini-van that is!
After eleven years and one month of faithful service Mini died tragically on the side of Rt 25 with a car full of teenagers on our way to Fan the Fire 2014. Mini went out dramatically in a cloud of thick black smoke and high pitched engine screams as the transmission gave up its fight to keep…
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Hi All! This post is for a twitter writing contest. You can find the details at and on twitter #pitcharama. You can also follow my progress on twitter @jeannieintrieri. Good luck to all participants! This is my story and here’s my pitch:
Author: Jeannie Intrieri
Genre: NA
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