54 posts
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jaxeee1 · 7 years ago
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Due to a family emergency Just Blown Steam will open 1 Hr late today. #justblowinsteam #cartrouble #lateopening (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 7 years ago
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DON'T FORGET..... (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 7 years ago
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Ruining a lil behind scheduler 2day but I'm on my way so hang in there,,,,#justblowinsteam #lateopening #busybusybusy (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 7 years ago
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Just Blowin Steam will open at noon today and close at 7pm. #justblowinsteam #vape #supportlocalvapeshops #lateopening (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 7 years ago
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Call me dumbazzzzz!!! Just Blowin Steam will open soon! Got to the shop and had no keys! That’s what happens when u take the 4wd cuz of the snow and it’s out of ur ordinary routine. I’ll be back quick as I can.... just ran to get the keys. #dumbass #justblowinsteam #fml #openingsoon (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 7 years ago
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Due to icy road conditions. Just Blowin Steam will be opening late. #icyroads #justblowinsteam #vape #supportlocalvapeshops #snow #elizabethcity (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 7 years ago
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We’re havin a huge Secret Santa sale today! We close at 6 pm so get here while ya still can!! Merry Christmas everyone! #christmasvapesale #vape #vapelife #closingearly #stockingstuffers #stopsmokingstartvaping (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 8 years ago
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*******DONT FORGET****** Today I will close at 6 PM and will not reopen until August 7 at 11 AM. That is 10 days so if you need anything....please don't hesitate to get on in here and get your supplies to last you through the closing. Thanks so much and have a great week everyone. #vacationmode #justblowinsteam #stopsmoking #supportlocal #stopsmokingstartvaping #vapefamily #elizabethcity #closingearly (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 8 years ago
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On my way.... I was it thinking it's Friday we open at 10… So sorry folks be there in 10 minutes #justblowinsteam #elizabethcity #vapefamily (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 8 years ago
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*****Don't forget*****Just Blowin Steam will be closed for 10 days. We will close this coming Friday, July 28th at 6 PM and will not reopen until Monday, August 7th at 11 AM. Please pass this along to your friends and share it on your page. Be sure to stop in before Friday at 6 PM to get all your juices and coils to hold you over until I get back. Thanks so much for everyone's understanding!! This is a MUCH needed well-deserved vacation. #elizabethcity #justblowinsteam #stopsmoking #supportlocal #stopsmokingstartvaping #vapefamily #vacationtime (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 8 years ago
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******VERY IMPORTANT***** JBS will close for one week from July 28th at the end of the business day until Monday, August 7th. Please be sure to share this on your page so all your friends can remember to get in here and stock up while they still can. #justblowinsteam #vape #vacation #elizabethcity #vapefamily #stopsmokingstartvaping #supportlocal #stopsmoking (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 8 years ago
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***IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT*** Just Blowin Steam will be CLOSED from July 29th to August 7th. Please be sure to stock up on your favorite juices and coils before that date. Thanks for your patience and understanding. #vapefamily #justblowinsteam #vacation #vape #elizabethcity (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 8 years ago
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We're all stocked up on you're favorite Naked 100 E-juice!! Cmon in and get yours! 😁 #justblowinsteam #naked #naked100eliquid #vapefamily #elizabethcity #vape #vaping (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 8 years ago
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***DON'T FORGET************IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT*** Just Blowin Steam will be CLOSED from July 29th to August 7th. Please be sure to stock up on your favorite juices and coils before that date. Thanks for your patience and understanding. #vapefamily #justblowinsteam #vacation #vape #elizabethcity (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 8 years ago
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Just Blowin Steam is now carrying CRFT's Salt E-juice line for your My Jet, Von Erl, iCare, My Mini, Juul, Pulse pod systems or other pod systems. CRFT does not recommend this product for subohm devices. It is designed to be used with lower powered devices only. #justblowinsteam #vapefamily #vapelife #crftlabs #saltejuice #elizabethcity (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 8 years ago
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***IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT*** Just Blowin Steam will be CLOSED from July 29th to August 7th. Please be sure to stock up on your favorite juices and coils before that date. Thanks for your patience and understanding. #vapefamily #justblowinsteam #vacation #vape #elizabethcity (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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jaxeee1 · 8 years ago
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Just Blowin Steam will open today! Lauren is running a lil late but she's shooting for 11:30. Thanks for understanding. #vapefamily #justblowinsteam #vape #RunningLate (at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop)
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