jawnlockblog · 6 hours
i wish jonathan groff is one of the next companions
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jawnlockblog · 8 hours
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He falling
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jawnlockblog · 8 hours
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The Tennants and Shebergs - All Together
with extra thanks to Georgia's and Anna's instragrams
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jawnlockblog · 1 day
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[Image Description: White text on a starry blue and purple background. On the upper left are a pair of bright stars resembling Alpha Centauri. The header reads: "On Our Own Side." The text reads: Welcome to our international fandom fundraiser. Our mission is to channel this fandom's passion for Good Omens into a benefit for the Take Back The Night Foundation to fund real-world support for sexual abuse survivors." A note at the bottom reads: "***Please note that this project is not affiliated with or endorsed by Amazon, the BBC, or the Take Back The Night Foundation. It is an entirely volunteer fan-run project." End image description.]
Welcome, Good Omens fandom, to the Tumblr page for the #OnOurOwnSide fundraiser! 
We are still getting our ‘celestial harmonies’ in order, so please follow us and share for updated news, events, and ways to get involved. Our GoFundMe page will open soon!
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jawnlockblog · 1 day
I keep forgetting that Sherlock Holmes and John Watson don’t actually live and breathe in this universe
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jawnlockblog · 1 day
The Tennants' birthday party :D
David missed having a big 50s birthday party during covid and Georga is 40 this Decmeber so they had a special party to celebrate! :) A lot of guests and a lot of fun :))
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jawnlockblog · 1 day
This emoji 🥂 is now claimed by the Good Omens fandom, that's it, no turning back
If you want to use it, you have to be part of the Ineffable fandom, I don't make the rules
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jawnlockblog · 1 day
I think the thing that bothers me the most about the pause and potential cancellation of good omens is that I was so excited to see a queer show run to completion. We've seen it before, but almost never with such diverse representation. In good omens, we have
Nonbinary characters (human and otherwise)
Gay men
Disabled people
People of lots of different body shapes and sizes
And none of that is ever made a big deal. Most of it isn't even mentioned!
"What about Heartstopper?" I hear you ask. As much as I liked it, the show in particular often felt (at least to me) sanitised and watered down for a straight female audience. Good Omens really feels like it's for queer people, and others who dont fit the mold that society has made for us.
So please, I urge you to reach out to @primevideo and tell them to fire Gaiman and resume season 3.
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jawnlockblog · 1 day
Crowley and Aziraphale as cats
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jawnlockblog · 3 days
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Temptation accomplished ✨️💄
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jawnlockblog · 3 days
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reposting this johnlock doodle from like a year ago bc ig we’re doin sherlock now
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jawnlockblog · 4 days
Perfectly Splendid
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"Perfectly splendid" is a Mary Poppins allusion from another story that, thematically, is an interesting one for Good Omens to be referencing in The Final 15. That story, plus the ton of other Mary Poppins references in the last two episodes of S2 and how that could help us figure out what's going on, beneath the cut.
The phrase "perfectly splendid" is an allusion to Mary Poppins that comes from Mike Flanagan's The Haunting of Bly Manor. It's a modern-set Gothic horror story that features a nanny arriving to care for two, Jane-and-Michael-Banks-esque kids at an English manor house. Flora, the little girl in the story, is obsessed with her mysterious former nanny. We see quickly in the series that Flora has taken to using her former nanny's catchphrase and so calls everything she likes "perfectly splendid" repeatedly throughout the story, in a way that is both cute and eerie as all fuck, depending on the scene.
The "perfectly splendid" is a take on Mary Poppins' "practically perfect" and the homages to Mary Poppins in The Haunting of Bly Manor are overt, if not quite as much as Scary Poppins is in Good Omens. (It would be hard to top that!) Flora saying "perfectly splendid" is the main quote to come out of the series and a reference in Good Omens to this signature bit of The Haunting of Bly Manor is then also a roundabout reference in Good Omens to Mary Poppins.
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The Haunting of Bly Manor is a horror story about possession.
Ya know, that thing that Satan did to Crowley in 1.01...
...and, I would wager, in the bits below of 2.06:
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When the character Derek Jacobi is playing first arrives, all five angels fail to identify this being as The Metatron... and all while the only demon in the room-- Crowley-- is very still in the chair and suspiciously (forcibly?) silent until spoken to by the being.
The angels not being familiars of The Devil is, I think, the simplest explanation for why none of them can recognize a face that should be very familiar to them. Upon this person being identified as The Metatron, Michael, Uriel and Saraqael are then so terrified of ticking him off that they fail to recognize that he told them all to go back to Heaven using language from the wrong Julie Andrews movie.
If this is The Metatron below, then why is he saying "spit spot" (and alongside "not another word" as a bonus, as she says that, too)? These are Mary Poppins signature phrases and Mary Poppins is Hell's answer to Heaven and The Sound of Music in Good Omens.
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I'm actually pretty sure Crowley & Aziraphale had a hand in writing both, which is why neither Hell nor Heaven seem to actually understand their signature stories but, for now, we know which one is supposed to go with which group and any sign of Mary Poppins is a sign of Hell, ever since the Warlock era... which parallels the last two episodes of S2, with The Meeting Ball disaster as a version of Warlock's birthday party. This time around, the party leads to the influence and not the other way around.
In S1, it's Crowley as Scary Poppins at the door to influence Warlock with Aziraphale there to counter him as the gardener... mirrored in S2 with Aziraphale as the Warlock, Crowley the Gardener as one influencing voice and the other being Satan-appearing-as-The-Metatron arriving at the door in the midst of a Poppinspalooza.
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But there's still a lot more Mary Poppins than just the above:
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down...
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Most of the Mary Poppins references actually started the prior night with the arrival of the demons, when Crowley paused in the street in mid-conversation as the demons arrived on Whickber Street and spoke aloud about how he felt a change happening a la Bert in the opening scene of Mary Poppins.
Wind's in the East/Mist comin' in
Like something is brewin'/About to begin...
Then, there's Crowley asking Mrs. Sandwich (who is wearing a plume very much like Bert's favorite lady in that opening scene of Mary Poppins) if she "has her hat pin", which is a reference to the suffragette movement, so cast off the shackles of yesterday! shoulder to shoulder into the fray!...
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Mary Poppins' "Sister Suffragette" scene is also an example of one of its many scenes in which the humor is built around two characters who aren't at all hearing one another, which is very similar to Aziraphale and Crowley having issues with that to some extent during The Meeting Ball and then being in full-on, Baby-Swap-Plot-level, miscommunication Hell in That Scene in The Final 15. A lot of those Mary Poppins scenes, including "Sister Suffragette", involve action around a door-- like damn near every scene in Good Omens-- as that is symbolic of communication and whose voice is being listened to at any given time.
Or how everyone was then link your elbows/step in time-ing it the fuck out of the shop...
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They're at the gate/step in time... It's The Master/step in time...
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That was all after things got a bit supercalifragilisticexpialidocious...
So when the cat has got your tongue, Mrs. Sandwich, there's no need to dismay! Just summon up that word and then you've got a lot to say...
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Beez's Fly + Hell claiming Mr. Brown of Brown's World of Carpets =
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But the best/worst is near the very end:
Though her words are simple and few
Listen, listen/She's calling to you...
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Feed the birds/That's what she cries
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While overhead/Her birds fill the skies...
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So, yeah...
Up/Where the smoke is all billowed and curled, Aziraphale...
...between pavement and stars
is the chimney sweep world...
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When there's hardly no day/Nor hardly no night
There's things off in shadow
And off way in white...
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We're owed some serious "Let's Go Fly a Kite" come S3. 🦆☂️😊
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jawnlockblog · 4 days
the biggest betrayal to crowley was not that aziraphale chose heaven over him. it was that he chose angel crowley over demon crowley. when aziraphale says "come with me, to heaven. we can be together. angels." it shows how much he still remembers angel crowley and associates every good thing about crowley with his past angelic-ness. but he's wrong because crowley isn't good at heart because he was an angel, he's good because he's crowley. and crowley who wants him to love him for who he is, sees aziraphale asking him to become an angel again as a sort of betrayal. a sick kind of heartbreak for him.
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jawnlockblog · 6 days
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drawover of a comic I made in 2018 bc we are so back .. love confession hc .. john is blabbing johnchalantly abt his johnsense and this happens
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jawnlockblog · 7 days
on today's episode of is this mutual pining or michael sheening
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jawnlockblog · 7 days
i'm so glad i posted this bc i found nnm's demonology from the rbs of this post 😭😭😭
i feel like the go fandom and the showmakers don't talk enough about/put enough emphasis on the fire that burnt aziraphale's bookshop... like crowley witnessed basically the death (or what he thought as death) of his best friend/lover/life partner. he didn't know if it was hell fire or actual fire, he went through all this... it must be traumatic to even walk through those doors of aziraphale's bookshop...
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jawnlockblog · 8 days
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