Travel Risks
The country that I plan on traveling to in the future is Japan. Additionally, the potential risks that I may encounter when traveling through Japan are limitless. For instance, I have learned that when eating at a restaurant in Japan I need to pay close attention to what I put in my mouth. More so, because a good amount of the food served in Japan is “raw”; like Sushi. Furthermore, certain foods if not made correctly can lead to illnesses and diseases. Looking up information on “Food Safety” and the possible “illnesses and diseases” within Japan could be very helpful in avoiding conflicts concerning an individual's health.
Therefore, after viewing the article “Disease and Health Problems in Japan” and the blog post “What Is the Greatest Threat to Japan’s Health?”; I was able to learn more about the history of “illnesses and diseases” that have arisen from previous meals in Japan throughout the past. Along with a couple of the other common threats of Japan.
To begin, I have learned a majority of Japanese meals are low in fat but high in sodium. Too much sodium can lead to heart problems and strokes. Likewise, high blood pressure in Japan is extremely high among the population. Strangely enough, individuals in Japan still refuse to change their diets to healthier food choices. Ultimately, while in Japan I need to monitor how much sodium meals have. Alternatively, I could switch between high and low sodium foods equally during my visit.
On the other hand, I have learned that a lot of the older population in Japan are victim to “Pneumonia.” Due to, old age leading to a weakened immune system. Similarly, Tuberculosis appeared to be a frequent problem in Japan too. In any case, it would be smart for me to get a couple of vaccines before traveling to prevent Pneumonia and Tuberculosis from spreading to me.
Above all, when in Japan I feel that I should be aware of my environment. As in, whom I am around. In order, to avoid contact with individuals that appear to be sick. However, it seems as though illnesses and diseases aren’t the only major problems in Japan. Accordingly, suicide is a major issue in Japan, due to, stress and depression. In conclusion, during my trip, I should try my best to respect each person I encounter. Considering, when meeting people for the first time Japan I won’t know everyone's problems.
To summarize, the major issues in Japan arise from “Food safety” and “Illnesses and Diseases.” A simple fix such as walking can be used to address an issue such as Transportation. That is how a majority of the people get around from place to place.
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Host Country Report
My research on the country of Japan has provided me with many reasons to continue my interest in one day traveling there. The country of Japan is entirely different from my everyday environment. While researching a majority of Japan's necessary information, I would often find myself losing focus in its unique nature. On the other hand, I was able to gather enough information on the country to hopefully be able to avoid conflicts and plan a safe trip.
Uniquely, Japan is an island located within the Eastern portion of Asia. Therefore, it is a country surrounded by a large body of water. Specifically, Japan is within the range of the Pacific Ocean. Also, in Eastern Asia are Japan's neighboring countries South Korea, North Korea, China, and Russia. Likewise, Japan has been given various nicknames, due to, its location. For instance, when in China; in the direction in which the sun appears leads to Japan. Correspondingly, leading to people nicknaming Japan "the land of the Sun".
Equally important, Japan's government is a "Constitutional Monarchy". Moreover, meaning the government shares its power with a monarch. On this present day, Japan's Monarch is known by the name of Akihito". The Monarchs in the past have been both male and female. Additionally, the male rulers of a constitutional monarchy are an Emperor. Comparatively, the female leaders of a constitutional monarchy are an Empress. Traditionally, these roles of Emperor and Empress are passed down the family tree.
By the same token, the population size of Japan has been decreasing as time goes on. For the most part, Japan is a very industrialized country. Which, means a great deal of their population is educated and most individuals are working towards specific goals. In the long run, resulting in many people holding off on having children until they climb the corporate ladder. In general, many people believe in waiting to have children. That is, until they have completed most everything desired in their lives.
In addition, I have learned that a majority of Japan's population solely speaks Japanese. Within the Japanese schools, they're taught Basic English, but that is all. A majority of the people feel no reason to further expand on the English language. Therefore, it is important to at least become familiarized with the basic Japanese language and writing. For example, learning "Kanji", Japan's simple writing system would be very beneficial. On the whole, there are many famous Japanese phrases.
Generally speaking, when traveling to any country it is important to know simple greeting phrases. One of the most common phrases in Japan is, "Konnichiwa," which means; "hello." Although, depending on the pronunciation it can also say "Good Afternoon." In like manner, there is the phrase, "Ohayo", meaning "Good Morning". Along with necessary replies such as replies such as "Hajimenmashite" and "Genki desu," which would mean "Nice to meet you" and "I'm fine." The knowledge of these few greetings should help to make communication in the main cities a little easier.
"Tokyo" is Japans most established city. A ton of productivity takes place in Tokyo. It is most likely where a number of the exported goods from Japan to the United States are developed. In Tokyo, there are many tall buildings known as "skyscrapers". There are more skyscrapers than the typical city has in Tokyo. It has been noted, that Tokyo has placed sixth for the city with the most skyscrapers. On balance, there are an equal number of activities to do in Japan as well.
Altogether, there are a variety of transportation options available for moving around in Japan. In similarity to most places, people ride bikes, drive cars, walk, and ride trains. Due to, Japans level of industrialization their trains are very well developed. In essence, they have what is known as "luxury trains", which contain dining tables, fancy music, and observatory glass. Allowing individuals the opportunity to observe their surroundings when traveling. Additionally, there are so many beautiful sceneries in Japan.
These sceneries aren't simply the city of Tokyo. Moreover, they are the beautiful women dressed in Kimonos, the ancient statues of Buddha, and the Magic Carp fish. During important events in Japan, the women traditionally will wear what are called a "Kimono". A Kimono is like a dress or a cloth material that is worn like a robe. Not to mention, the designs on the Kimonos showcase the real beauty of Japan. However, the beauty of the statue of Buddha is found all throughout Japan to symbolize their religion.
The major religions that are practiced throughout Japan are known as "Shintoism" and "Buddhism". To further expand, it is important to know that many of Japans population believe in spirits of nature. This belief follows along the lines of Shintoism, which was the main religion practiced in Japan before Buddhism was formed. There is no god within the religion of Shintoism. Although, there is a God within the religion of Buddhism, who goes by the name of "Siddhartha Gautama" (Buddha). In the Buddhist Religion, many individuals hope to become enlightened into a better life by following their sacred text. In this case, there are two sacred texts: the "Four Noble Truths", and "The Eightfold Path".
In brief, another way to lead to a better life in Japan is eating their food. Identically, the various types of meals found in Japan will make anyone's mouth water. Especially, if you love all things sushi, teriyaki, and hibachi. In America, there are only a few traditional Japanese restaurants. A majority of those restaurants charge a fortune too. For the most part, the only downside about Japanese food is the utensils. Before traveling to Japan, it is important to learn how to work a chopstick. Chopsticks are the number one eating utensil used in most Asian cultures. Sometimes not using chopsticks to eat can translate as a sign of disrespect.
Furthermore, most of the food in America is not free and the same goes for Japan. The currency of Japan is known as "Yen". It isn't as popular as the Currency of the United States of America, but it is close enough. A good number of the countries of Asia, trade with the currency of Yen. Additionally, one Yen is equivalent to about 0.00895854 dollars in the United States. Therefore, it does not hold as much value as the currency of the United States.
Overall, the understanding of the core information of Japan will help in creating a trip to remember. One in which avoids problems because of simply not understanding how to say "hello". Coupled a few of the other essential greetings to get through the days spent in Japan. All of the knowledge on the basic information will allow an individual to feel a part of the country before visiting for the first time. Rather than, feeling completely out of place and confused. In conclusion, the people in the country of Japan will greatly appreciate the time spent in preparing for a trip to their countries of origin.
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An awesome new device called “Ili” just might make traveling a bit easier! As of right now, this device’s translation options are limited to Japanese and Chinese.
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This blog is hysterical! A man sharing his various life experiences while living in Japan.
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A very resourceful blog on Japanese travel! The best thing about this blog is that it seems to always be up to date!
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Here is a sample of Japanese Reggae/Rock music. In my opinion, even this sample is relaxing to the mind. Therefore, I feel the Japanese culture really considers an ease state of mind very important.
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I love the sense of peace this music provides! I also have never heard of a bamboo flute, in which is used to perform this. When listening to this I can visualize an ancient dance occurring!
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Traditional Japanese music seems to be very peaceful. I like the feel of the sounds embedded within the music, it is already relaxing my nerves after a few seconds. I feel that music such as this one is what many people use when undergoing meditation.
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It seems as though, “Akihito”, the emperor of Japan is exhausted and old of age. Therefore, he is planning to abdicate or withdraw from office. Japan’s Parliament has passed a bill to allow this to happen. One thing that is interesting is that abdication hasn’t occurred in over 200 years in Japan.
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Grammar Lessons!
Japanese Verb Conjugations
As you may notice, in the root form column there are ending sounds k, g, b, etc. So let me explain why that is!
First of all the root is the common part found in every pronounceable part of the verb so like the ‘き’ in ‘きる’ but the full root itself is technically unpronounceable in Japanese. So when you have a verb like ‘およぐ’ the actual root form it simply およg because depending on the verb form you will add a different ending to it.
*note: the two irregular verbs are really the only two irregular verbs in Japanese!
Update: There was a typo in the Plain Present column under “よまない”; it was labeled as “とまない” before! So if you had it saved or something the table has been updated!
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This was an interesting video, which demonstrated how to write in “Kanji”. Kanji is simply a system of writing in Japan. The Japanese writing system is truly art!
How to write kanji. 人、子、男、女。
Full version is here🎥 https://youtu.be/UNzZV475a0Y
#japanese #nihongo #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #japan #language #lesson #languageexchange #japaneseculture #school #tutor #teacher #asia #osaka #instafollow #japaneselanguage #anime #JLPT #JLPTn5 #日本語 #日本語教育 #kanji #漢字
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A very good video that touches bases on basic Japanese phrases.
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Due to, various sources and concepts of globalization the industry of anime is really popular all over the world. Personally, I love to watch anime almost every single day as a method of relaxation. Without anime, I feel many people in this world would be angered. Despite, the article’s information, I still feel that anime will always have a future.
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The “Sumo Wrestling” sport originated in Japan. It solely is a Japanese form of wrestling.
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For some people, the Japanese language is difficult to learn because of time and dedication it takes to perfect their calligraphy (decorative handwriting).
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Once again, It is always important to know basic information about any country you plan on traveling too! This is to avoid frustration and have a good time.
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These are things I would have never guessed! Especially, the information about Japan’s life expectancy!
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