All I Wanted Was A Pepsi
864 posts
Nish mom, baseball poet, professional anarchist, barrel racer, & performance artist.
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janebuck27 · 1 year ago
Stepmom. It's a label I didn't really think I'd ever have but here I am, killing it. I made them Christmas stockings and photo albums from our first family vacation. Two days ago, I spent an hour working baby oil through my stepson's long hair that had become so matted he told me just to cut it off. Then I spent 45 minutes cutting it to a length and style he wanted. Tuesday when I go to town I'm buying hair dye to I can turn it blue. I love that he trusts me so much and that we do so much together. I try not to think about how this is him learning what it's like to have a mom, because that breaks my heart. So I keep teaching him how to cook, sign him up for boxing lessons, and taking him to school with me so he finds *something* he wants to do with himself that will make him happy. I'm sure 4 1/2 years ago when I started dating J that no one expected us to last, much less become this happily blended family. It's so satisfying to defy expectations. I just had to tell someone. I didn't think I could do this at so many points along the way. Now, I am sure we're all happy together and I love it.
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janebuck27 · 2 years ago
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Me and the 2nd most perfect lil man in the world, right after Victor. And my daughter is literally the best mom in the world. Ever. #NanasNewLilMan #BabyBurley #LoveOfMyLife #TrueLove #Perfection #ProudGrandma #ProudMom #PerfectFamily https://www.instagram.com/p/Co1c_WoONd4yu-R6wnpjV47GSjpa3EHZqGLZEM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 2 years ago
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#AmenGurl #trust #SoMuchMoreToSay #AintEvenWorthIt https://www.instagram.com/p/Col6w6auSPF2A-zTHBYh7d34dYzoYHYEtGxq1U0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 2 years ago
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Yesterday, the dog that helped me raise my gurl for the last 12 years, that been with my son all his life, my loyal protector, made his journey to the spirit world. My beloved Sarge joins many of my other pets, but I'm going to miss him terribly. From his big bay and stealing anything he could off the counter, he had a mischievous personality, but he was a fierce guard dog who protected his house with a viciousness that always surprised me. May angels lead you in, Sgt Sarge Buckanaga. You will be greatly missed by all who knew you. #RaiseYourKidsWithDogs #TrueLove #RaiseYourDogsWithDogs #RIPSarge #RaiseYourselfWithDogs #LoveIsEternal https://www.instagram.com/p/CoA03yyyZqgwtiE3TjQs_8ZtQJihDywzaCQA2E0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 2 years ago
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F*ck around and find out. Tired of this psycho's bullshit and drama. Stalking is a crime. I've told him repeatedly to leave me and my family alone across all of my social media accounts but apparently I need to do it publicly #LeaveMeAlone #LeaveUsAlone #SickOfYourShit #GoAway #StalkingIsACrime #GrowUp #DonePlaying https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm5ATAOuxP-dHiuukmKFcrgO_jjqss-6C6uZAY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 2 years ago
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#PureMichigan #YooperLife #Yooper I love my neighbor shoveling snow in t-shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes in a freaking blizzard. Yoopers are a whole different breed. https://www.instagram.com/p/CmrjVMjuNIurL1SFuWK645IQWPhbHZX48Ozy3I0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 2 years ago
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This is how it was when I woke up today #PureMichigan #Yooper #YooperLife https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmj7YIvOGg_6HX2TCEpXABf6iJx6qJ-gonw_Aw0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 2 years ago
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IDC what people say, this is my home and I love it here. Who cares if we get 3 feet of snow in 3 days because of this "bomb winter cyclone"? It's just snow! #YooperLife #Yooper #YouShouldKnowThisByNow #PureMichigan #BombWinterCycloneSoundsFun #AintScared https://www.instagram.com/p/CmjhbQTul0uasjZ0pCUkwG0HUEgKCTfRLbxxcE0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 2 years ago
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May I present the new #LoveOfMyLife Mr Wade Wilder Burley, my newest grandson #ProudGrandma #LoveMyFamily #LoveMyLife #NativePride #Buckanaga #BabyBurley #SoProud #LoveMyDaughter https://www.instagram.com/p/CkzqK3_uoAl7HOYoNm-8ZGehpACCpXTxvMfFZU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 2 years ago
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It's frogleg Friday!! Drop them sploots! #FroglegsFriday #sploots #splootsville #SplootsOfInstagram #CuteBabies #pitbull #PitbullsOfInstgram #BostonTerrier #BostonTerriersOfInstagtam #AustralianShepherd #AustralianShepherdsOfInstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_JP50OEAMVgSLd0Xs_TsXGpNAFfKWpXv8Qcw0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 2 years ago
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Remember that what you say comes back to you, so be careful what you speak and write. To wish ill upon others is to bring it back into your own life, only intensified. #SpeakLove #BeGentle #RealTalk #JW #FaceConsequencesLater https://www.instagram.com/p/CjiMR76MNTbP0ctGjQb9ujAUDBUOkSsEu_21K80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 2 years ago
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Knee surgery today. Hoping to be pain-free soon. #TheBodyRemembers #Arthroscopy #DrTan #NewSurgeon #optimistic https://www.instagram.com/p/CjViuw0ulgTI8u90oPpYh2WZAn0-qUfgdCwGSQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 2 years ago
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My loves #RaiseYourKidsWithDogs #NativePride #BostonTerrier #BostonTerriersOfInstagtam #MiniAussie #MiniAussiesOfInstagram #LoveMyFamily #LoveMyLife #ProudMom #Buckanaga https://www.instagram.com/p/CijFh7qOX1YIKkRTS2lbEIC4SJK7UIeX4nzhXQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 3 years ago
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So happy I finally got him a glove. He was ecstatic. #Buckanaga #NativePride #Baseball #ProudMom #BaseballMom #FutureTiger https://www.instagram.com/p/CiT2C0Mu-rXluZ9SebvqAAnq_4Fbl4hBLbC3TU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 3 years ago
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My little man #FirstDayOfSchool #ProudMom #SingleMomLife #NativePride #JKL https://www.instagram.com/p/CiKgsouuWYHQFEZRCn_5wFC_P8D5eMJjXhDs1g0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 3 years ago
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#trust #TryMeBeloved #BoyBye #BetterOffWithoutYou #YourLoss #FedUpWithYourLies #cheater #YourWhoreCanHaveYou https://www.instagram.com/p/ChxMQaGONBJdTdEXeXzV623E08isrw-net-ZPM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janebuck27 · 3 years ago
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#Trust #Bet #TryMeBeloved #ManUpAlready #WhatsDoneInTheDarkComesToTheLight #MyRelationship #YouCantMakeThisUpToMe #YouShouldKnowThisByNow #BoyBye https://www.instagram.com/p/ChjnWrgOeNValXEfvkwp8MS4nxykH4a14MwvAk0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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