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Jambie’s Masterpost!
Transformers Prime:
TFP/TFE Megatron headcanons
TFP Soundwave headcanons
TFP Starscream & Knock Out headcanons
TFP Predaking headcanons
TFP Ratchet headcanons
TFP Wheeljack headcanons
TFP Arcee & Ultra Magnus headcanons
TFP Bulkhead & Miko headcanons
TFP Bumblebee headcanons
Rescue Bots:
Chase headcanons
Boulder, Blades, & Heatwave headcanons
Rescue Bots Academy:
RBA Medix & Hotshot headcanons
RID 2015:
RID 2015 Drift headcanons
RID 2015 Grimlock headcanons
RID 2015 Fracture headcanons
RID 2015 Steeljaw headcanons
Lee!Drift, Ler!Grimlock fic
TFE/TFP Optimus headcanons
Twitch headcanons
Transformers: One
D-16 headcanons
TFO Starscream
Sensei Garmadon headcanons
Emperor Garmadon headcanons
Lee!Lloyd, Ler!Garmadon, Ler!Wu fic
Lee!Kai, Ler!Garmadon fic
Lee!Zane, Ler!P.I.X.A.L fic
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Could you do Boulder Blades and Heatwave from RB? If not thats okay! Drink water! >:3
Of course anon!! I absolutely adore TFRB, writing for them is always fun :D! How we all feeling about the canon tk scenes in the show? You drink water as well <3
Loooong post under the cut!
-Boulder is generally a very gentle ler. He wants it to be fun and playful, and even when he’s feeling a bit more mischievous, he aims for it to be as enjoyable as possible for both parties
-Thinks tickling is a fun bonding activity. It’s also fascinating to him! A form of play that teaches you to protect your internals, plus all the other theories about why tickling exists; it’s so interesting!
-Probably around 50% ler. He doesn’t mind being tickled, and he doesn’t mind tickling! He’s chill either way
-Tickles his team when they’re getting too stressed, or just to play with them. Tickles the humans for fun, or also as a stress reliever if it seems like they need it
-His usual style is gentle and kinda teasy. It shifts slightly depending on who he’s tickling as everyone has different preferences, but he’s almost exclusively gentle. Does play a bit rougher with Heatwave sometimes
-Will absolutely join in on tickle fights! Will also start them from time to time if he thinks his team needs it
-Not afraid to chase his teammates (or the humans) around to wreck them. Heatwave in particular is a runner, and Boulder will happily chase him down (<- based off that one scene where he says he’s going to hug everyone and then promptly chases Heatwave off-screen)
-Definitely teasy, but his weapon of choice in that arena is compliments. He likes to hear people laugh, looks like they really needed this, feeling alright down there, etc.
-Tickles Graham (and his teammates) as an “experiment”. Notes their reactions, noises, etc. in a scientific and upbeat tone
-Sometimes uses anticipation. Generally he gets right into it, but he saw Chief play a game where he’d act like he was going to tickle Cody and then change his mind at the last second (rinse and repeat until Cody let his guard down, then actually attack him). He decided to try something similar on his team and it worked really well
-Laughs along with whoever he’s wrecking, and is very clear that it’s with and not at them
-Always has to wrestle Heatwave down to get him. The others not so much, they either run or stand their ground
-Loves trapping people in tickly hugs. It’s hard to escape from and he gets to give them some additional affection while wrecking them. They are surprisingly warm and gentle despite the tickling
-Very strong. He’ll let people escape as a tease or if they genuinely want to be let go, but otherwise there is no escape
-How could Boulder possibly pick a favorite person to wreck? He likes hearing everyone’s laughs equally. However, he does get Graham the most out of the humans since they’re closest, followed by Cody. He tickles everyone on his team about the same
-Doesn’t really get flustered when he’s the one doing the tickling. It’s certainly possible, but he’s having fun and making sure whoever he’s got is having fun, so there’s no need to get embarrassed!
-He is a nuzzler. It makes just about everyone squirm, and he loves being affectionate when he’s wrecking people. Also definitely the type to use raspberries as a weapon
-Very careful to never take it too far. If someone says stop or no, he’ll stop even if they didn’t actually mean it
-Very giggly and willing lee. His friends want to have fun, and this is fun for both of them
-Openly enjoys being tickled. He’s not afraid to ask for it. This confuses Heatwave, but never stops him
-Thinks getting tickled is fun, pretty similar to what he thinks of tickling as a whole
-Very clear about his boundaries. He’ll ask for it and also ask why whoever’s wrecking him stopped, but that also means when he says stop he means it
-Gets wrecked most often when he’s overworking himself. Gets lost in the science sauce too easily
-He’s the third least ticklish person on the team, only outmatched by Chase. But for someone of his build, he’s surprisingly ticklish! Most construction frames don’t have a lot of extra nerves in their hands like he does, and most bots don’t have ticklish pedes
-I would like to take this moment to remind everyone that he is canonically ticklish
-Boulder’s neck, underarms, and pedes (<- canon) are his worst spots. Getting any of those places results in loud laughter
-Might be the only Rescue Bot who’s not all that ticklish anywhere on his torso
-His cab is also ticklish, although really only Graham or a human could get him from there
-Sensitive hands (almost everyone on the team has them)
-Doesn’t really get weakened by tickling. Distracted, maybe, but he could turn the tables at any given second if he feels like it
-That being said he doesn’t often fight back unless it’s a tickle fight
-Has a very nice, rich laugh. His teammates find it rather comforting to hear
-It’s not too hard to make him snort or squeak, as he doesn’t try to hide anything
-More of a giggler than anything else
-Will try to chat while being wrecked. If it’s mischievous and playful, he might tease whoever’s getting him. Otherwise he mostly tries to just determine their intent
-Surprisingly stubborn about being forced to admit something (usually that he was overworking)
-Will openly admit when something tickles, or when and where it tickles worse
-If he knows someone is going to tickle him, he generally stands his ground. Some find this intimidating and rethink attacking him (Blades mostly) but he just sees no point in running
-He does like being chased from time to time though
-Any running he does is halfhearted. He does try to make catching him a challenge for Heatwave though, mostly because it’s more fun for both of them
-Doesn’t really try to hide his reactions. He’s having fun and wants whoever’s tickling him to know that. Some people find this flustering
-If he’s caught off guard, he has a tendency to squeak in surprise. Be careful though, being tickled suddenly usually means he’ll initiate a tickle fight
-Doesn’t mind being wrestled into a good spot to be wrecked
-If anyone can pick him up to wreck him, he has no idea what to do. Heatwave and Chase are the most likely to do this, but if he was picked up and destroyed by someone like High Tide, he would have no defense against it. Just not used to being picked up (not opposed to it either)
-Easy to overpower in the sense that he’s not always going to fight back. Very hard to overpower in the sense that if he wants to turn the tables, the likelihood is that he will
-Loves soft tickles. They’re fun and gentle, and just enough to relieve some stress and make him giggly
-Rough tickles are fun too, for him. He mostly gets them from Heatwave, and figures laughing from the gut from time to time is healthy!
-Really appreciates comfort tickles. They make him feel supported and safe, so he’ll even ask for them if he needs them. Also appreciates when his team recognizes he needs them even when he hasn’t realized it yet
-Teases work pretty well on him, even if he doesn’t fluster easy. He thinks it’s fascinating that words alone can make the sensation worse
-Has a tendency to just laugh harder and squirm a bit more when being teased
-Most susceptible to pun related teasing, scientific jargon-esque teasing, and Heatwave’s particular brand of (affectionate) bullying
-His teammates get him all about evenly, but out of the humans, Graham gets him the most. Cody is a close second
-Would not object to Graham running an experiment on how ticklish Cybertronians are compared to humans
-If someone were to ask him if he’s ticklish, he would simply respond “yes :)”
-If he gets wrecked in a tickle fight, he will try to get vengeance. Otherwise, he pretty much lets whoever gets him off the hook
-Evenly matched between an easily flustered ler and an absolute menace. Don’t take his tendency to scare easily for granted
-Got it from his team after being wrecked so many times (looking at you Heatwave)
-Thinks tickling is fun, although refuses to admit it
-Around 30% ler, 70% lee
-Will tickle anyone on his team if they’re feeling down, but he’ll also go after them if they’re bothering him (and if he thinks he can win against them)
-He’ll do the same with the humans, particularly Dani and Cody (not that Cody really ever bothers him)
-Can and will be gentle, but since he’s afraid they’ll turn the tables on him, he has a tendency to go in rough and attack their worst spots as quickly as possible
-Loves tickle fights. He’ll always join, but he usually tries not to start them because he gets ganged up on. He’s started quite a few by accident though
-If someone runs from him, he’ll chase. Not necessarily in a 100% locked on target way, more so in a playful way
-Surprisingly teasy. When he gets the upper hand he can be a bit of a little shit about it (<- Heatwave’s words)
-Likes to tease about how sensitive people are or how they don’t seem to be trying all that hard to throw him off. Maybe they like it?
-Definitely uses anticipation if he isn’t going to get destroyed while hesitating. Favorite method is hovering fingers over a stop, humming indecisively, and then moving to a different one. He also does this by accident
-If he’s really having fun, he’ll giggle along with whoever he’s tickling
-Almost never initiates wrestling or play fighting before wrecking someone, namely because he’s too obvious and they could turn the tables on him before he pins them
-Has a surprisingly strong grip. Unless it’s broken by tickles, it’s generally impossible to escape once he’s got you
-Can’t say he has a favorite to tickle amongst his teammates, but he enjoys getting revenge on Heatwave the most
-Out of the humans, he likes tickling Dani the most. He also likes getting Cody, but attacking Cody tends to sic at least Heatwave on you
-Very easy to fluster while wrecking someone. If they tease him back about anything from how much he seems to like tickling people to what kind of revenge they’re going to get on him, he’ll turn bright blue. Unfortunately it also tends to make him tickle them harder
-Definitely nuzzles people to tickle them, especially humans. Also gives raspberries, although less often than Boulder
-Does his best to tire whoever he’s wrecking out without reaching their limits. If he’s just cheering them up, he’ll stop when it seems like they’ve had enough. If it’s as revenge, he won’t stop until they apologize or until he can tell they’re at their limit
-Very giggly, panicky lee
-Definitely more lee of everyone on the team
-Enjoys it a lot, but won’t admit it unless it’s tickled out of him
-Finds being tickled a bit more embarrassing than Boulder, but still finds it fun and will seek it out (he just won’t ask for it)
-Tickled most often for being nervous (comfort tickles) or for being a little shit/stubborn
-Most ticklish on the the team, rip. Not by nearly as much as most people think, given he’s the most reactive of them all as well
-Also canonically ticklish
-Has sensitive palms, seeing as he is a medic. Heatwave likes tucking one of his wrists under his arm and going to town on his hand as if he’s any different
-Will giggle and squirm if you get his hands
-Also ticklish on audios, under the chin, neck, and on the backs of his knees. Those are all mostly spots that make him giggle, but he will kick if his knees are being wrecked
-Horribly ticklish around his cockpit and hips. Will squeal and cackle if gotten there
-Like Boulder, has a ticklish cab (<- canon)
-Will kick and squirm, but collapses five seconds in. He’ll try to escape, but usually he’s weakened so much that he can’t
-Has a high pitched, squeaky laugh, but it can get surprisingly loud
-A lot more likely to shriek and squeal than most of the others
-Tries to convince the other party not to tickle him. He threatened Heatwave exactly once and never did it again
-Begs for mercy pretty much immediately, even if he’s having a lot of fun
-Runs the second he thinks he’s going to get wrecked, unless he thinks he has a good chance of turning the tables
-Likes being chased, even if being chased by some team members can be terrifying (Chase when he’s on the hunt. Mf turns into the Terminator)
-Tries and fails to hide his reactions. Will cover his face while giggling hysterically
-Will yelp very loudly if caught off guard. Cannot hide his reactions to save his life if he doesn’t see it coming
-Not much of a wrestler. He’ll certainly try, but by then he’s already giggling with anticipation and that makes it really hard to fight back
-Will yelp if picked up. He’ll also flail and try to escape. Despite being the tallest of the team (scale in canon changes, but it seems like it’s between him and Heatwave) he gets picked up frequently enough to actually do something about it
-Very easy to overpower most of the time. He’s got a flight reflex rather than fight, so he doesn’t usually try to defend himself. If he does, though, he’s a lot stronger than he looks
-Loves soft tickles. They’re not too intense, but they’re still enough to make him feel giggly and happy
-Does like rough tickles, but only if he’s in a more roughhousing/mischievous mood. Usually purposefully annoys Heatwave if he wants them
-Loves comfort tickles. They distract him from everything that freaks him out. The only form of tickles that he will openly ask for
-Flusters super easily. Tickling alone will have him turning bright blue
-As for teasing, just about everything works, but he’s particularly susceptible to the kinds of teases his teammates use
-Heatwave gets him the most out of his team. Chase and Boulder get him about the same amount of times
-Dani has tickled him a bit to coax him into flying. She found that it was both a motivator and a source of comfort (although not when he was actually in the air)
-Cody has also gotten him a few times, as have the rest of the Burns family
-If someone asks him “are you ticklish” he says no in a very guilty tone. If he does this in front of his team, Heatwave will promptly call him out for lying, which results in Blades revealing that Heatwave is also ticklish, which usually results in a tickle fight
-He will get vengeance if he sees an opportunity. He also has a very long memory
-A menace
-Tickle monster of the team
-Equally split between thinking tickling is fun and funny. He likes making people jump (but also likes making them happy. He will never admit to this)
-Around 60% ler, 40% lee
-Will attack people for a variety of reasons. Maybe he’s bored, or they’re annoying him, or he’s just in a playful mood
-Generally tickles rough. He likes getting people shrieking immediately. Doesn’t mean he can’t or won’t be gentle though. Teases like there’s no tomorrow
-Starts most of the tickle fights of his team. He’ll wreck them for saying it though. He also wins most of them
-If he’s got your back in a tickle fight, you’re set. Winning even. If it’s the opposite though,,,
-Rather enjoys chasing down whoever he’s getting. It’s terrifying enough for his teammates, but the humans (Kade mostly) get the experience of a 20-ft tall robot barreling down the hall at them full speed
-Teasing style is his usual snarky commentary. He likes to make impossible challenges (keep your arms up for a minute. I’ll go easy on ya) and just. being a menace in general. Loves pointing out embarrassing noises and how big they were talking earlier and the like
-Will say tickle ten times in a row just because he can
-Likes to make people say/admit stuff. Boulder resists him on this the most
-Horrible about anticipation. It’s a great weapon for him. He’ll claw at the air above their stomach, only to attack their underarms. Also makes comments about how they’re laughing before he’s even done anything
-Sometimes stoic while tickling people, sometimes laughs with them. Regardless, he’s always grinning smugly the whole time
-Loves the more rough aspects of wrecking: wrestling, picking people up, chasing them down, play fighting, etc
-Speaking of which, bots play fighting is really scary to watch the first couple of times it happens
-Big on wrestling. He thinks it’s funny that Chase protests it as cheating
-Tickly bear hugs. There is no escape
-Very hard to get away from him once he grabs on. He’s strong, and very stubborn
-If he absolutely had to pick a favorite to wreck on his team, it would probably be Blades because he thinks his reactions are the funniest. Closely following would be Chase, because he likes making him crack. But he also loves wrecking Boulder because ironically enough their styles are the most similar when they’re attacking each other
-As for the humans, it’s a tossup between Kade and Cody. He loves making Cody smile, but he really likes knocking Kade down a peg
-Can be flustered while wrecking someone, but he doesn’t show it. If someone is able to tell him their revenge, while he’s actively wrecking them (usually Chase or Kade), it gets under his plating
-It also makes him wreck them twice as hard
-Has in fact walked in on Kade wrecking Cody and immediately jumped Kade
-Once he opens up to somebody, he will absolutely wreck them with nuzzles and maybe even nibbling if he’s feeling playful enough
-His raspberries are the absolute worst
-Careful not to take things too far, but generally tickles people until they say stop and mean it
-He is a fighter
-Enjoys being tickled and would rather die than admit it
-Finds being ticklish rather embarrassing - he’s supposed to be the toughest of his team!
-Tickled most often for being too smug to his teammates. Also for being stubborn or grumpy
-Second most ticklish on the team, to his horror
-His palms and neck are ticklish, although it’s very hard to get him to laugh from those areas. He’ll probably just bury his head in the crook of his elbow and try not to twitch or giggle too much
-The back of his knees are somewhat ticklish, although watch out for kicking
-Worst spot is his stomach, where the plating is silver. He will be reduced to hysterics if gotten there good enough. His sides are also bad, but more thickly plated
-Kade has found every single ticklish seam in his cab. He uses this knowledge regularly (and at his own peril)
-Will kick and buck and in general try to get people off him as quickly as possible. He has to really restrain himself with the humans though, which makes it 10x worse
-Has a somewhat raspy, loud laugh. His giggles are surprisingly high pitched
-Snorts, but can also squeak and squeal if gotten in the right places
-Will be threatening whoever is wrecking him before, during, and sometimes even after. This ranges from playful threats of revenge to threatening to kick their ass (Kade mostly)
-Occasionally will egg them on as well. This happens mostly with Boulder funnily enough, and it always gets him wrecked twice as hard
-Tries to intimidate whoever is coming after him, whether it be trying to get them first, or just trying to be big and scary
-If he sees it’s futile he might run, but only if he knows he probably isn’t going to win against them
-Tries so very hard not to break. He’s got about ten seconds in him if you get his worst spot, and sometimes that’s enough for him to turn the tables
-Will try and curl up to bear it if he can’t escape
-Catching him off guard is a good way to make him laugh immediately. He does tend to lash out blindly though
-Loves wrestling while being wrecked. It gives him a chance to fight back, and even when he’s losing he’s having tons of fun. Best way to get him to laugh openly from the start
-Does not know how to handle being picked up. He’ll squirm and protest, but is kind of at a loss of what to do from there. Easy pickings
-Hard to overpower. He will fight the entire time, and he can resist breaking long enough to turn the tables
-Soft tickles obliterate him. They make him giggly, and they’re soft and affectionate and he doesn’t know how to handle himself well in those situations (a lie, he just knows his enjoyment of being tickled is much more obvious and that’s what he can’t handle)
-Rough tickles are more his style. If he’s going to get wrecked, he may as well be exhausted by the end of it. It’s very stress relieving for him
-Comfort tickles are somewhat similar to soft tickles, although uniquely, rough tickles also count as comfort tickles for him. Regardless of how rough they are, he’s usually a lot more quiet and chill afterwards and would not object to being cuddled
-Flusters easy when he’s being wrecked, although he tries to cover it with aggression
-Can’t stand being teased. Will actively stop protecting himself to cover his face if he thinks he’s having a visible reaction to it
-Pretty much any teases work on him, but playful bullying tends to get to him (can’t take what he dishes out) as does kindness and compliments
-Chase and Boulder get him more often than Blades, mostly because Blades does not want to challenge him
-Kade gets him the most out of the humans, but he’ll let Cody tickle him as well
-Has had his ass handed to him by Quickshadow and High Tide
-If Optimus ever found out/got him he’d probably explode
-If someone asks him if he’s ticklish, he’ll say no (slightly flustered). If they pursue it anyway, it’s hands on sight. If one of his teammates exposes him, it’s hands on sight
-Almost always gets vengeance. He only won’t seek revenge for comfort tickles and if Cody was the one who got him (and even then he still might go after him)
#headcanons#lee!boulder#ler!boulder#lee!blades#ler!blades#lee!heatwave#ler!heatwave#rescue bots tickles#tfrb tickles#transformers tickle#sfw tickling community#sfw tickling#nsfw dni
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Hi there~
I noticed it’s been a while since we’ve heard from you, so I just wanted to do a little check in. To make sure you’re ok and well:)
Hi anon!! Thank you so much for checking in on me, that’s super sweet of you! I am doing alright, although I’m headed back into college which means I’ll be pretty busy. I have a couple of asks I’m working on, and my next post should be a long one :DDD! Make sure to drink water <3
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Would anyone happen to know who to fix posts not showing up in tags? It’s been happening to me for a while now :(
I can still send asks and the like so I don’t think I’m shadowbanned? Anyway have a great day and drink plenty of water <3
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Haven’t seen any tk hcs for TFOne Starscream so here they are! Could be some minor spoilers below the cut!
-Evil. Completely evil (once he figures out what’s going on). It’s been so long since he’s wrecked someone that whenever he does tickle someone it is almost always accidental
-Probably wouldn’t even realize he was tickling someone for a few seconds. Genuinely the type to look down at them like wtf I’m literally trying to interrogate you why are you laughing
-This Screamer might honestly be more of a lee than a ler simply because he’s been out of the game for so long. When he still messed around he was probably much more of a ler
-Nowadays wrecks people in retaliation or if he wants something (assuming he realizes they’re ticklish)
-Can be very intense. Almost exclusively tickles rough. Tries not to take it too far though, he needs his soldiers in working order
-Tries not to participate in tickle fights because he’ll lose because they’re unprofessional. Will 100% watch and egg on the participants though
-Tickle fights are extremely rare in the High Guard so he finds it amusing enough not to shut it down when they break out
-Will absolutely chase someone down, but not for the anticipation. He wants to show off that he’s faster, so he will hunt them down as quickly as possible
-Horrendous tease. Also kind of mean lmao. Very much enjoys pointing out how tough they were acting earlier, how they can’t take a little tickling, etc.
-One of those bastards with a spine-tingling laugh. Who also knows he can use it as a weapon
-Loves using anticipation as a weapon when he remembers it exists. A master at threatening, feather-light touches. He will also threaten verbally
-Doesn’t usually laugh along with whoever he’s wrecking, but he will smirk at them. And he will chuckle if they make a particularly amusing noise
-Prefers to wrestle people down so that they’re below him, but he’s not above picking someone up and wrecking them just to flex his height
-Has a grip of steel. Once he’s got you, you’re not getting away unless you can retaliate quickly enough. The only person strong enough to break his grip is D-16
-Doesn’t really have a favorite to wreck. Just doesn’t have enough experience with anyone to have one. He’d probably think the new kids getting wrecked would be funny though, so maybe a slight preference to wrecking any of Bee, Elita, Orion, or D-16
-Riles up participants in a tickle fight if he sees it happening. Changes his tune real fast if it starts coming close to him
-Cannot be flustered while wrecking someone. If they try and talk back to him he will tweak a spot that makes them squeal and tease the hell out of them for it
-Usually not one to use physical teases like nuzzling or raspberries. If he’s really close with the person or in a fantastic mood then he might do it
-No mercy from him. Ever. He does not believe in it
-Like most Starscreams, cannot take what he dishes out. At all
-Enjoys it. Hates that and vehemently denies enjoying it
-My man has not had gentle touch in 50 years he will combust immediately
-Thinks tickling is juvenile and below him. Also thinks it’s entertaining when other people are getting wrecked. Secretly enjoys the playfulness of it and if someone uses it to bond with him and gain his trust he will melt
-Insanely ticklish. He is extremely touch starved and was ridiculously ticklish before that
-His neck and audios double as a melt spot and a spot that makes him giggle really easily
-His wings, stomach and the black plating that kinda wraps up around his ribs are horrendously ticklish. He can barely stand being brushed there, and dissolves into hysterics if tickled
-He is a fighter. Screaming, kicking, flailing, the whole nine yards. He is also completely unrepentant about kicking someone in the face for trying to tickle him
-Like two minutes in, his frame will just give up and he’ll go limp
-Cannot stay on his feet while being tickled. Always collapses into a heap
-Has a very loud, screechy laugh when he’s being wrecked hard. It’s usually punctuated with shrieks. With gentler tickling, it’s somewhat hysterical giggles
-If he’s openly enjoying himself he has a very raucous laugh
-Squeaks and squeals a lot more than he’d like to admit
-He will egg on whoever is wrecking him. Knowing damn well he can’t take it. It never works, and he still does it every time
-He’ll also threaten before, during, and even after. Really hard to take him seriously when he’s laughing his head off. Also gets him wrecked twice as hard. Still never learns his lesson
-Can usually intimidate his soldiers into not trying anything. Prowling toward them, making himself look bigger, etc. This unfortunately does not work on the newcomers
-Actually pretty good at hiding his reactions. He’s used to hiding pain, and being ticklish isn’t much different. There’s always signs though, and when he cracks he collapses entirely
-Will fly away if he sees it coming and realizes he’s overpowered. This doesn’t happen often, as he vastly overestimates his chances in play fighting.
-Hard to catch off guard in the sense that he’s always ready for an attack. Almost never expects a tickle attack though
-Likes wrestling with whoever he’s being wrecked by because it gives him a chance to escape or retaliate
-If he gets picked up he is at a complete loss of what to do. He’s used to being the biggest guy around, and if whoever is picking him up is smaller than him, he gets even more confused
-Surprisingly easy to overpower. If someone gets him back while he’s wrecking them, they’re almost guaranteed to get the upper hand
-The High Guard works and fights hard, and that carries over into tickling. This means he’s especially susceptible to gentle/light tickles, because they’re such an uncommon feeling for him. He will immediately begin shrieking
-Rough tickles are the norm for him, so he enjoys them just as much as gentle ones
-Comfort tickles make him melt and fluster him to the ends of the earth. He doesn’t need some childish little game as a form of comfort! Yes he does
-Super easy to fluster and most teases work insanely well on him. Cannot take his own medicine (being reminded of how tough he was earlier, etc.) but compliments also ironically kill him
-Not many of the High Guard are brave enough to tickle their commander. Skywarp and Thundercracker are always down to annoy him though, and Soundwave has wrecked him before after getting fed up with his shit
-The newcomers have no such qualms (although Orion, Elita, and Bee never really get the chance to be around him long enough to tickle him)
-If asked if he’s ticklish (probably by Bee, let’s be real here) his reaction would be “whAT?!!! NO!! WHY?!” Absolutely flabbergasted as to why someone would ask him that so brazenly
-Vengeance is his specialty. He isn’t really one to start a tickle fight, but he will end it. If given the chance because he usually loses spectacularly
#headcanons#lee!starscream#ler!starscream#transformers one tickles#tfone tickles#transformers tickle#sfw tickling#sfw tickling community#nsfw dni
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Ler/ler of Chase from rescue bots? (If you know it)
Of course! We stan Rescue Bots in this household
-Chase strikes me as a very calculated (and rare) ler
-I’d also say he’s like 80% ler, 20% lee. Too hard to catch, he’s too smart
-Tickles the other bots in Sigma 17 the most, usually to cheer them up. He’s also been known to defend himself if Heatwave decides to be a dirty cheat during a sparring match and tries to tickle him
-Will tickle as a (gentle) punishment
-It is rare for him to wreck anyone though. He doesn’t see much point in it, and there’s usually other ways to cheer them up
-Wrecks the humans (mainly Cody) even more rarely. Doesn’t want to hurt them by accident (humans are fragile! Also boundaries are important!)
-Has never started a tickle fight, but always gets dragged into them if his team gets involved. He will also do his best to win
-If he sees it coming, he’ll even plot how to win. In which he always will. Never give him time to plan
-If he’s on the sidelines, it’s generally hear no evil see no evil. This happens on a regular basis, he’s just gonna keep walking. Don’t count on him for help (if someone calls for help he’ll help them for sure)
-If someone asks him to chase them when he’s trying to wreck them, he will. Otherwise, he kinda figures they’re done with it and don’t want to mess around anymore and lets them go
-If he is chasing though, he’s scary. My guy loves high speed chases on the road. He’s a pro
-Doesn’t tease on purpose. However, he has a somewhat dry sense of humor and/or will read you your rights while wrecking you, and some people find that flustering
-Doesn’t normally use anticipation either. He’s kinda ruthless, just jumps right into it with no warning whatsoever
-Depends on what kind of mood he’s in if he’ll smile when he’s wrecking someone. If it’s because someone messed up and provoked him into wrecking them, they are likely getting the neutral face of displeasure (not that he’s actually mad about it. He just be like that). If it’s a playful thing or for comfort, he might have the barest hint of a smile on his face
-Knows exactly what he’s doing and always shows it. He will even describe what he’s doing, how effective it is, etc. If someone says “it tickles,” his response is “I know”
-Will 100% rugby tackle someone. Also more than happy to hold humans (gently) while wrecking them or pin them to the nearest hard surface so they can’t escape
-Once you’re in his grasp, it’s hard to escape. Especially for humans. Heatwave is probably the only one who can overpower him (Boulder also can, he just doesn’t want to)
-Doesn’t have a favorite to tickle. He likes all of his friends’ reactions for different reasons, same with the humans. But with the humans, he’s most comfortable tickling Cody and Chief
-Impossible to fluster. Man has a face of steel and determination on his side
-Not usually the type to nuzzle into ticklish spots, but if he’s in a very playful mood he will (or if whoever he’s getting actively asks for it)
-Completely ruthless if it’s for a punishment of some kind. Will set a time limit and stick to it, unless it’s genuinely too much for whoever he’s getting. If it’s for fun or comfort, he’s generally much gentler and will stop if the lee says to stop, whether they mean it or not
-Chase seems like a bit of an awkward lee. He isn’t entirely sure how to react to the situation, and it’s very much out of his control. But it is fun for him
-Likes the sensation, initially unsure about the emotional reaction. Doesn’t really enjoy it at first, comes to enjoy it later
-Enjoys it as a way to bond with his team and friends. Also enjoys that it can double as a playful punishment. As for himself, he more enjoys it as a bonding activity
-Not terribly ticklish, which makes him a more fearsome opponent. There are a few places that can make him howl though
-His finials and neck are a little sensitive. He gets a bit twitchy if tickled there, and it can coax out a few chuckles
-Most ticklish just under his windshield, around the plate that sticks out. Right there gets loud laughter and weakens him
-Kind of a fighter, although he holds back as much as possible. He prides himself on self-restraint, so it’s very hard to break him and he gets very tense
-This is a downside because it then means he can’t fight back
-Has kicked Heatwave hard enough to dent him. Still feels bad about it
-The best way to tell if he’s enjoying it or not is how genuine his laugh is. If he’s having fun, his laugh is surprisingly carefree (He has a ler laugh too. It’s incredibly rare and also terrifying because it sounds more fitting for a Decepticon than. You know. Chase.)
-If he’s not being wrecked very hard, he will talk back. Not necessarily insults or anything like that, but he has tried to threaten someone for “tickling an officer of the law” before. It did not work.
-Will turn the tables if given the chance. Every time.
-If he’s caught off guard in a bad place he might snort or squeak. It’s also a good way to get him without having a 60% chance of having it turned back on you
-Perfectly fine with wrestling that devolves into tickling, although he usually calls it cheating
-Honestly does not really have a preference for tickling styles either. Rough tickles make him laugh louder and tire him out more, gentle tickles are nice and can even be somewhat relaxing
-Unsure of how to handle comfort tickles. Boulder introduced the entire team to it. Personally, Chase actually finds it kind of flustering. He can handle his own issues, he certainly doesn’t need help like that! But he feels better afterwards
-Teases work to him on varying levels. And by that I mean most don’t work. Really the only ones that do are softer ones making sure he’s okay and complimenting his laugh
-Most often, it’s the other Rescue Bots who get him, particularly Heatwave. Blades knows he can’t win a tickle fight against Chase, and Boulder is less of a tickle monster than Heatwave. Out of the humans, Chief and Cody probably get him the most, but they can usually only reach his finials and neck
-If someone were to ask if he was ticklish, Chase would simply say yes. There’s no shame in admitting it, and if they come after him, chances are he can overpower them
-He’s not particularly vengeful, but he will at least try
#chat how are we feeling about at least Boulder and Blades canonically being ticklish#not sure if Chase and Heatwave are confirmed or not#anyway I adore this show#headcanons#ler!chase#lee!chase#rescue bots tickles#tfrb tickles#transformers tickle#sfw tickling#sfw tickling community#nsfw dni
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Saw TF One about a week ago so have some hcs of Megs/D-16 (Spoilers below cut!! Some are major!)
-He can be pretty ruthless or gentle depending on how he’s feeling. With Orion, he tends to be more mean
-I’d say pretty 50/50 switch. Orion 100% gets him back regularly, or even starts it
-Orion gets on his nerves constantly, and he figured out he can shut him up by wrecking him, so he’ll prod him in the side if he’s being annoying regularly. He’ll also tickle Orion if he’s bored
-Figured out the hard way that tickling does not make Bee shut up. If anything it makes him louder. He still thinks it’s funny to wreck him though
-Probably poked Elita once while he knew her after they all started getting closer. Never really got the chance to actually wreck her (she probably would have destroyed him the second he gave her the chance)
-He and Orion have tickle fights regularly. It ranges from just poking each other randomly all day to a full blown war. It’s about 50/50 who starts it, but he usually wins because he’s stronger
-Has chased Orion around the mine before
-Loves to tease whoever he’s wrecking since he really only tickles people he cares about
-With Orion, it’s generally teasing him about knocking him down a peg. Or making him apologize for dragging him into one of his schemes. Or just good old fashioned bullying like any older brother would
-With Bee he’d probably start out trying to tease him about shutting up. But after he realizes that is impossible, he’d probably tease him about giggling while still talking
-Never really got the chance to tease Elita, but if he did he’d probably joke about how he brought the mighty Elita low
-Not normally patient enough to use anticipation as a weapon. But he’ll do it if he wants to really torture Orion
-Has a tendency to laugh along with whoever he’s wrecking. Orion has the funniest laugh he’s ever heard, and he just finds most people’s laughs contagious. If he doesn’t laugh along, he’s definitely grinning the entire time
-Very playful about it. Usually takes the stance of “you did this to yourself, now you gotta face the consequences” but he also thinks pretending he doesn’t know what he’s doing is funny
-Since he’s really only taller than Bee, he’s more likely to either tackle whoever he’s wrecking or just grab them and not let them go. Orion is very wary of his bear hugs
-Canonically much stronger than Orion, Bee, and Elita (at least initially). He can and will use that to his advantage. Once he grabs someone, they are not getting away from him
-Orion is his favorite to wreck, mostly because he’s closest to him. It’s just fun to goof off with his little brother
-If he saw Bee or Elita wrecking Orion, he would 100% cheer them on and give them tips. Wouldn’t necessarily join in (because Orion would expose him) but will sit on the sidelines and encourage them to destroy Orion
-Surprisingly easy to fluster even when he’s the ler. It’ll usually make him double down, but Orion likes to try and tease him back through laughter and it works pretty well half the time (while Orion gets wrecked twice as hard)
-Doesn’t do it often, but he will nuzzle into ticklish spots. Mostly because he knows it’ll make Orion shriek. But again, it’s pretty rare for him to do because he’d rather use his hands
-How merciful he is depends on why he’s wrecking someone. If Orion dragged him into something or is otherwise getting on his nerves, he will make him beg for mercy. If Orion is upset and needs some comfort, he tends to be pretty gentle and will ease up when he can tell he’s had enough
-Poor guy has loads of trust issues. That makes it difficult for him to enjoy being wrecked unless it’s by someone he knows really well (so basically only Orion, and eventually Bee and Elita but only for a short window)
-To him, it’s a silly bonding activity that’s only between people he’s close with. It can be relaxing if it’s gentle
-Stupidly ticklish (in his opinion). He’s about as sensitive as Orion is, especially before any of them get their cogs.
-His neck is a little ticklish in some places. Usually he can protect it by tilting his head, but that opens up more spots on the other side. Tickling him there makes him giggly
-Joints can be somewhat sensitive as well, seeing as they’re exposed. It’s also easier for him to fight back from there though
-Ridiculously ticklish on his torso where the thick silver plating ends. Particularly the black plating on his sides and stomach murder him, can’t stand even light touches there. The red plating covering his ribs is less sensitive, but still pretty bad
-After he gets his cog, a lot of the sensitive places are bulked up so he doesn’t feel as much. His stomach and sides are still awful though
-Same with his final transformation. His torso just never gets covered (and he will murder anyone who touches him like that)
-Has a bit of a tendency to kick and flail, but tries really hard not to until he gets his cog. He knows his strength and doesn’t want to hurt Orion by accident
-No qualms about shoving Orion around a bit when he’s getting wrecked though
-Tends to pound his fist on the nearest flat surface to try and stand it without flinging Orion into the horizon
-If he has no chance of escape he might just curl into a giggly ball
-Has a contagious laugh. Just sounds very happy (for a time anyway)
-When he gets his cog, his laugh deepens a bit and is richer, but for the most part still sounds the same
-Tries to talk back while being wrecked. Usually it means he gets wrecked twice as hard
-Mainly tries to threaten Orion or curse him out. Never really tries to tease him while being wrecked because he’d just fluster himself
-If he knows Orion is going to get him he’ll try to intimidate him into not trying it. Verbal threats, making himself look bigger/ready to turn the tables, etc. It literally never works
-Tries his absolute best not to laugh. Orion takes great pride in being able to crack him every time (it’s not that hard until he gets his cog)
-Has to be either caught off guard or taken down quickly, because he’s strong enough to turn the tables pretty easily
-Likes to wrestle and play fight with whoever is wrecking him because it’s fun no matter what the outcome is. It’s also way easier to make him laugh if he’s focused on wrestling
-Doesn’t mind rough tickles and even finds them fun, but gentle tickles make him melt
-Really needs comfort tickles. Would rather eat glass than ask for them
-Teases work super well on him. He gets flustered really easily when he’s being tickled, so just about anything works. If Orion says so much as one thing about Megatronus Prime while wrecking him he will lose the ability to speak
-Orion is pretty much the only person who’s ever tickled him. Bee and Elita may have poked him and not realized it tickled, but they’ve never made a conscious effort to get him
-If someone asks if he’s ticklish, he’s the type to turn bright blue and say no. When he gets his cog, he can wrangle his reaction into just saying no calmly. And when he gets Sentinel’s cog, he will in fact beat your ass for asking. Or just look extremely judgmental
-Always gets revenge. Always. He can hold grudges for a very long time (but if he’s content or tired he probably won’t even try)
#i am still working on requests just slowly!#this movie grabbed my brain in a headlock#D-16 beloved#doomed by the narrative robots beloved#headcanons#ler!megatron#lee!megatron#transformers one tickles#tfone tickles#transformers tickle#sfw tickling#sfw tickling community#nsfw dni
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Hey lols, i love your fics!
but um, could you make a Lee!Zane and possibly ler!pixal fic??
if you dont want to feel free to just ignore this ask ;>
Thank you so much!! And of course I can, here you go ^^ Apologies on taking so long!
“Zane, what are you hiding?” P.I.X.A.L. asked, putting her hands on her hips.
The nindroid glanced back at here, face neutral, the picture of innocence. “I am not hiding anything from you.”
“I was inside your head for years, I know when you’re hiding something,” P.I.X.A.L. said. “What is it? You know you can trust me.” She settled a hand on Zane’s shoulder, squeezing gently.
Zane sighed softly and turned to face her. He slipped part of his gi open, revealing the plate in his chest had been dented and damaged. “I was attempting to fix it myself,” he said after a few seconds.
“Is the damage internal?” P.I.X.A.L. asked, eyeing over the twisted metal. He wasn’t wincing, but he had an extremely high pain tolerance. And a stubbornness to hide his own wounds.
“I didn’t want to worry you,” Zane said. “And no, it’s just a few dents in the panel.”
“Are you certain?” P.I.X.A.L. asked. “If anything happened to you…”
“I wouldn’t lie if my wounds were severe,” Zane said, settling his forehead against hers. “I feel the same concern for you.”
P.I.X.A.L. silently doubted his first statement, and motioned for him to sit down. “It will be hard for you to repair yourself with your head and arms at that angle. You will need my help.”
Zane did as she said, and shrugged off the top of his gi. “Thank you. It has been difficult.” He watched her move around the room, collecting tools to begin. “…I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“I’m not angry,” P.I.X.A.L. said, settling a toolbox next to him. “I just wish you would accept help a bit easier. We would all be destroyed if anything happened to you. Again.”
Zane chuckled softly and wryly, something he didn’t often do. “I will keep that in mind.”
“Even for mild wounds like this one?” P.I.X.A.L. asked, pulling out the first of many dents. When Zane didn’t respond, she looked up at him. “Zane.”
“You and the others have your own wounds to focus on,” Zane protested softly. He didn’t so much as flinch as she pulled out another dent. “I want you to focus on repairing yourself first.”
“We will,” P.I.X.A.L. said. “But we need to take stock of injuries. All injuries.”
“You have a habit of hiding yours as well,” Zane reminded her.
P.I.X.A.L. shook her head, unable to resist a smile. “We are both hopeless.”
Zane chuckled, watching her finish pulling out the dents. “Yes, I suppose we are.”
They settled into a comfortable silence as the samurai worked on easing the hinges of his chest panel open, testing them to make sure they functioned properly. When she was satisfied, P.I.X.A.L. got to work on ensuring the panel was smooth and lined up with his chest cavity properly so that it wouldn’t have any trouble opening. As she worked, she noticed Zane got fidgety when she moved the panel, or when she braced her hand on his side to steady her work.
The panel closed smoothly, and the damage was clear. “Do you feel any more pain?” P.I.X.A.L. asked.
“No,” Zane said. “Just tender.”
“I see.” P.I.X.A.L. sat next to him on the bench. “I would like to reiterate my question. Will you report your injuries, even mild ones?”
Zane avoided her gaze, choosing to look over the array of tools next to him instead. “They are unimportant if I can repair them.”
He jumped a mile as cool fingers skimmed across his sides. Normally he could easily contain his reactions, but the repair had left his sensors on high. “Does this change your answer?” P.I.X.A.L. asked, a hint of mischievousness in her voice.
“No,” Zane said, beginning to scoot away. It was bearable. For now. “I do not wish to burden any of you, least of all when you’re wounded.”
“You aren’t burdening anyone,” P.I.X.A.L. said, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him closer. Her fingers skittered across his stomach, and this time he couldn’t pull away. “I am not sure where you got that idea, but I intend to tickle it out of you.”
“Pihih-P.I.X.A.L., this is unnecessary-!” Zane giggled, trying to pull away.
“Disagreed. It is very necessary,” P.I.X.A.L. said, at him. Zane slid down her, trying to escape by sliding off the bench. Instead, he ended up in her lap with his torso very much exposed. P.I.X.A.L. pounced without mercy, tickling up and down his sides and following seams down his stomach. Zane burst into laughter, wriggling and trying to catch her hands.
“I was unaware you were this sensitive,” P.I.X.A.L. teased. “Perhaps I should have done a more in-depth diagnostics check to ensure you weren’t malfunctioning.”
“Noahaha, Pihihxal!” Zane tried to turn onto his side, which resulted in the tickling doubling on the side he exposed. He could hardly even curl up to protect himself.
“I will lay out the reasoning for why this is happening and how to make it stop,” P.I.X.A.L. said. She spidered up his ribs and scratched gently at his underarms. Zane clamped his arms down, giggling hysterically. “You are not a burden, and you are expected to tell us of your injuries. All of them, even mild ones. Agree to these terms, and I will let you go.”
“There ahahare- there are many loopholes in thahat plahahan!” Zane yelped. P.I.X.A.L. focused on a few seams criss-crossing his sides, digging into them gently. She knew from experience - both hers and his - that it was more sensitive that the metal on the surface. She was rewarded with louder laughter.
“I am aware, and I expect you to not take any of them,” P.I.X.A.L. said. “We all care very much about your well-being.”
Zane turned onto his stomach, giggling as the samurai’s fingers raced down his back and scribbled over his sides. “Ihihihi am peherfectly capable of repahahahairing myself!”
“It seems you need more convincing,” P.I.X.A.L. said. She grabbed Zane around the chest, flipping him onto his back again. “Prepare for stronger counter-measures. You said this area was tender, yes?” Ever so carefully, she began tickling along his upper ribs, following them around to the front of his body. Or more rather, over the panel.
It tickled more than Zane expected it to. His upper torso wasn’t the most ticklish, but it seemed it was for now. Zane bucked in the samurai’s arms, beginning to laugh hard enough to shake, but her grip was too strong to escape from. P.I.X.A.L. clawed gently at the seams around the panel, throwing the nindroid into a fit of hysterics.
“Do you agree that we all care for you?” P.I.X.A.L. asked, fingers slowing just enough that Zane could speak without losing his mind.
“YeheheheHEhes! Ahahahas do I!”
Her fingertips danced over his upper ribs. “And do you understand that you are not, have never been, and never will be a burden?”
Zane wriggled, catching one of her wrists but being unable to do much more than squeal as it drilled into his side. “I- Yehehes!”
P.I.X.A.L. pulled back just long enough to launch a second attack on the panel, focusing on the seams and making him shriek with laughter. “And will you tell us about your injuries from now on, no matter how small?”
The samurai’s hands slowed until they were settled calmly on top of his stomach. Zane panted, turning toward her to wrap his arms around her. “Ihihihi- I am still sorry for worrying you.”
“It’s alright,” P.I.X.A.L. said, stroking his head. “You’re still here. Just remember that you do not need to suffer in silence.”
“I will,” Zane said, closing his eyes. “…thank you, P.I.X.A.L. For reminding me.”
#sorry for the angst at the beginning#also cw just in case Zane does take off his shirt but strictly for repair reasons#hope you enjoy!#my writing#ninjago tickles#ninjago tickling#ler!pixal#lee!zane#sfw tickling#nsfw dni
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Hello! I love your tfp headcanons! Could we get Predaking ler and Lee headcanons? Thank you!
Ofc! Here are your hcs!
-Predaking is honestly a very confused ler. Tickling is a very new concept to him, and not one he quite understands
-He discovered it through nosing at different bots, first because it was his only form of communication and then later if he wanted Skylynx and Darksteel to do something
-Really all he knew for the longest time was nudging certain bots in certain places made them flinch or otherwise react. To him, it seemed totally random
-Thinks it’s amusing to a certain extent once he finds out it can cause laughter and squirming, but mostly still confused. What purpose does it serve?
-Not very good at tickling 💔. Not any fault of his, he just doesn’t have much of an interest in it. If he put his mind to it, he could probably be really good at it though
-If his victim runs, he will always chase. Not necessarily to wreck them, but if it makes them run all the faster, he finds that quite fun
-Darksteel and Skylynx fight all the time, including tickle fights. Predaking rarely gets dragged into them, but on occasion he’ll be willing to indulge them
-Most of said tickle fights consist of them pestering him not to sit on the sidelines and watch and he just goes [sigh] fine. [destroys them both]
-It’s actually easy for him to wreck someone in beast mode. In protoform/root mode, his claws are bigger and holding onto people is a bit less comfortable, especially if they’re wriggling all over the place. Plus he can use his mandibles in beast form
-Not much of a teaser, but some find his genuine confusion/stoic personality flustering
-Mainly because he will ask questions about why they find this so funny, why it makes them laugh, etc.
-Doesn’t have a favorite person/people to wreck. He’s only ever deliberately tickled Skylynx and Darksteel, but most of the Decepticons have gotten an accidental nudge or two in a ticklish spot
-Does not get flustered when wrecking someone either. If they try he’ll just look at them like 🤨🤨🤨
-Really only uses his claws and mandibles to wreck people. Nuzzling is also an (accidental) weapon of his
-Found out he was ticklish when Skylynx happened to find one of his few spots. He did not expect it to feel like that
-Darksteel and Skylynx try and wreck him from time to time to knock him off his high horse. It almost never works
-Complicated feelings on being ticklish. On one hand, he is a king and it is beneath him. On the other, it allows him to bond with his troops. All in all doesn’t hate it
-Very much not ticklish, mostly because of how thickly he’s plated, but there are few good spots that can make him laugh
-Tickling little grey plate on his stomach can make him flinch and snicker
-His worst spot is if you can get your hands under the plating over his ribs/torso
-Other than that there really aren’t any places that make him do much more than shiver
-Even less ticklish in beast mode, but where his wings connect is pretty ticklish
-The webbing is also slightly more ticklish than his plating
-Tries his hardest not to laugh. It’s unbecoming of him to not have fine control over his reactions
-Has a very deep, booming laugh. He’s pretty good at stifling it though, so it’s easiest to hear it if he wants to laugh
-Easy to take by surprise in a tickle attack. He will, however, anticipate it as a real attack
-Flails and kicks and may even breathe flame, so it’s safest if the only people wrecking him are other Predacons
-Teasing does not work on him. Depending on what it is, it might only make him angry. Compliments do make it a more pleasant experience for him though
-If he were to be asked if he was ticklish, he’d probably just be like ????Why?????
-If someone tries to chase him, he’ll turn the tables and chase them back. If he knows the intention was playful, he just might nudge at a few ticklish spots
-Surprisingly not one for vengeance. For wrecking people at least, it just doesn’t interest him
-Darksteel and Skylynx are the only ones to ever actually wreck him. But just like he did to them, some of the Cons may have accidentally brushed up against a spot
#apologies if this seems curt#i am sick at the moment#predaking they could never make me hate you#headcanons#ler!predaking#lee!predaking#transformers prime tickles#tfp tickles#transformers tickle#sfw tickling#nsfw dni
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Helloo I'm new here on tumblr, and i wanna ask if you can make lee/ler headcanons for Twitch from transformers earthspark? Only if you want ofc! ^^
Hello and welcome to tumblr! And sorry for the long wait! Here you are :D
-She’s a very excited, hyper ler. Absolutely adores when she gets someone to crack
-Once she discovers tickling, she’s happy to wreck her siblings all the time. It cheers them up and it can help her get a competitive edge, win win!
-Looooves tickling. Doesn’t matter which end she’s on
-She and Thrash were introduced to it by seeing Robby and Mo get into a tickle fight after Mo and Thrash won a training competition
-Toward the beginning, none of them could tickle each other for long because the feels would come through so strongly that it felt like they were all being wrecked at the same time. They’ve got better control over it now, but it can still happen from time to time
-Twitch wasn’t fantastic at tickling at the beginning, but she’s a VERY quick learner. As the second oldest sister, she has declared herself tickle monster of the household. Only Dot and Alex do not fear her
-Chases her siblings all over the yard all the time. She’ll even give them a countdown to give them time to run, with the exception of Nightshade, who is really the only one who can outmaneuver/outrun her the easiest
-Starts tickle fights all the time. She’ll just yell “TICKLE FIGHT” and then dive for the nearest person. Needless to say, she’s usually the first ganged up on
-She’ll also form alliances to gang up on Bee
-Has definitely had tickle fights with Wheeljack before. That’s her Dad #2. Most of the time he wins, but he’s let her win before as well
-Will pick up Robby and Mo and absolutely adores tickle hugs - both giving and receiving. She also tries doing it to Thrash but he’s slightly taller so it’s harder to pick him up. Does not stop her
-For pretty much everyone else though, she has to hold onto them like a koala. She has developed a very strong grip
-Loves to tease. Since she mainly attacks her siblings, it’s usually ribbing them about letting her win
-She also used to accidentally tease people by being like “:O!!” whenever she found a spot that made them crack
-Beams ler feels directly into the bond when she’s feeling really mean
-Giggles along with whoever she’s wrecking
-Her favorite sibling to wreck changes constantly, so it’s probably safer to say that she likes wrecking all of them about the same. Same with the adults, they all have varying reactions that make them so fun!
-Doesn’t really get flustered when she’s wrecking someone. She has to focus, after all
-Didn’t know about things like raspberries, ticklish kisses, nuzzling, etc. until she tried to wreck both her parents. They introduced her to a lot more options
-Learns a lot and quickly from watching tickle fights
-Introduced to tickling through her siblings. Thrash did his best to tickle her back, but it was actually Bee who wrecked her for the first time. At the time, he was the only one who knew enough about wrecking other Cybertronians well enough to get her
-Her family usually wrecks her because she gets them first or is getting extremely energetic. She also gets plenty of cheer-up tickles, especially after everything the kids go through
-Loves being tickled as well. It’s happy and playful and nice, and she gets to be close with the people she cares about
-One of the most ticklish of her siblings, but her enjoyment of it combined with the urge to tickle someone back makes it easier for her to fight
-Almost everyone knows she’s ticklish. She has a catalogue of their spots too, though
-Like Optimus, her finials are a little ticklish, just behind where they connect to her head
-Her knees are also kinda bad, but she has a tendency to kick
-Her worst spots are probably her stomach and just under her rotors
-Actually doesn’t try not to laugh. Unless it’s an endurance competition, and then she can hold it back for a lot longer than you would expect
-Very giggly, squeaky laugh. If she’s being gotten in a really bad spot, she may shriek or snort a little as well
-Through the bond, she can usually sense when her siblings are planning on wrecking her. Whether she does something about it or lets it happen varies. Her parents and close adults can sneak up on her way easier though
-Squeaks loudly when surprised
-It’s usually a pretty fair fight between her and her siblings. Bee can overpower her pretty easily, though. So can Dot and Alex. It’s part of the fun/challenge to Twitch
-Instantly starts squirming when she’s being wrecked. She kicks as a defense, but tries not to with the human side of her family. Her Terran siblings get kicked all the time though
-Teasing works pretty well on her. Any kind works, but particularly pointing out how bad it is for her. If someone mentions how much they love spending quality time with her like this she instantly perishes
-Still kinda misses the time when the feeling would come through the bond as well
-She gets pretty much everyone she knows, and they get her back. Her siblings wreck her the most often, followed by Dot, Alex, Bee, and Wheeljack
-Has gotten Megatron before. She got a surprised laugh out of him and then he grabbed her and absolutely destroyed her
-If someone asks her if she’s ticklish, she says yes and then rushes them
-Thinks being chased is super fun, but so is wrestling for control. It’s a 50/50 if she runs away or not, unless she knows she’s screwed
-Always gets vengeance. Well, almost always. She’ll sure try though
#also I hope this isn’t too forward of me but I’ve seen your art and it’s very cute!!#I love the style#headcanons#ler!twitch#lee!twitch#transformers earthspark tickles#tfe tickles#transformers tickle#sfw tickling#nsfw dni
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Ask Game Duo Tickle Dynamic Sheets
If anyone remembers those old "My Ship in 5 Minutes" things that were floating around here years ago, I took inspiration from those and made my own version.
I’ll be taking asks for any Project Sekai, Stardew Valley, or Your Turn to Die (pre/non-death game au) duo here.
Feel free to use them yourself and change whatever you need to fit your blog best!

More colors under the cut!

#op I love this#I would love to do some of these if y’all want but please read my request rules first#jambie talks
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hi!! I don't know how no one has asked for this yet (and I don't know if you're still answering requests either, but it's worth a shot), but do you have lee/ler headcanons for tfp Optimus? the librarian needs love too!

Thank you both for waiting so long, the first ask has been in my inbox forever 😭 Here is your TFE and TFP Optimus food!
-Quite a gentle ler. After landing on Earth at least, he really only tickles anyone on his team to cheer them up
-Does not attack very often. He’s got a lot on his shoulders and tickling can feel rather informal
-That doesn’t mean he dislikes it though. He thinks it’s a good way to get closer with his team and to make sure they’re feeling alright. He enjoys seeing them smile and laugh
-Honestly pretty good at it. He can be a little more mean from time to time, but generally he’s pretty gentle. And because he’s always gentle, he knows how to use it effectively
-Does not have enough of a vengeance streak in him to chase someone down, unless they specifically request it. Then he’s happy to do so (and it’s terrifying. Come on, the dude is at least 40 feet tall)
-Will not start a tickle fight ever, and usually doesn’t join in. Bee has tried to drag him in once or twice and got picked up, tickled for about twenty seconds, and then put back down. The few times he has joined in, he kinda just waded in, wrecked someone, and then waded back out
-He will watch tickle fights with a fond smile, though
-He’ll pick people up to wreck them. It’s just easier on both parties. But he isn’t above getting on their level, he just needs to be a lot more careful if he does
-Ticklish hugs are a favorite of his, but any way he can elevate people to his level so he can wreck them comfortably is fine
-Also he’s ridiculously strong. So good luck getting away from him
-Doesn’t really try and tease people in the traditional sense. However, he has noticed and pretends to be oblivious that gentle questions and comments make some people react strongly
-Namely he likes to ask if they’re feeling better (and won’t stop until they say they are)
-Also has a tendency to smile very warmly at whoever he’s wrecking which can also be seen as teasing for some
-Doesn’t have a favorite to wreck necessarily. He likes tickling the human kids because they’re adorable and far too young to be in the war, but he does worry about hurting them
-He has gotten Arcee and Bulkhead before, but it was pretty brief. Both Arcee and Bulkhead bond in different ways, so he prefers bonding with them over sparring or going for long drives instead
-Has wrecked Bee a lot more, just because they have a much more paternal relationship. Bee finds being wrecked fun, and it’s a pretty sure fire way to cheer him up
-Optimus is the only one on Team Prime who can tickle Ratchet. It’s a great way to get him to take a break as well as a good stress reliever for both of them
-Doesn’t really get flustered while tickling someone. If whoever he’s getting knows him well, they may be able to turn the tables, but it’s pretty hard to do so
-Really only tickles people with his hands. Other techniques are usually more intense than what he’s going for
- Very caring before, during, and after
-He may have been much different when he was younger, but war changes all
-Optimus hasn’t been tickled often in his lifetime, and it was much more frequent before the war
-His friends like Jazz, Ratchet, and even Megatron had a tendency to poke him in the side to see him jump
-Touch starved and actually very ticklish. He just hides it extremely well
-Doesn’t really mind being tickled, although the more he trusts whoever is wrecking him, the more he enjoys it. He’d also doesn’t really want to be crowded
-Ratchet is, for a long time, the only one who knows he’s ticklish. They have a pact about it
-It’s kind of a “you don’t tell them I’m ticklish, I don’t tell them you’re ticklish” kind of deal. And they back each other up on it too, like denying the other is ticklish
-His back is ticklish in a few places, and it’s the worst just under the red plating
-His finials are ticklish but it’s pretty hard to figure that out. Tickling them makes him a bit giggly
-His entire torso is pretty bad, especially just where his ribs would end
-Absolute worst spot is just above his hips. There’s a small gap in the plating there and it drives him nuts
-Ratchet and Megatron, once, is the only one who knows how to crack him. Optimus has a will of steel and is not afraid to use it
-Once he’s beginning to crack he may use his battle mask to try and hide it
-Has a very rich, deep laugh. Most who hear it find it very comforting
-Little do many know, if he’s being wrecked really hard, he has a tendency to laugh like he used to, which is a bit more high-pitched and silly
-Has a higher chance of snorting or squeaking than most would expect
-Never expects to be tickled by anyone other than Ratchet. He knows Ratchet will come after him if he’s working too hard or being too hard on himself (or if Ratchet is mad/wants revenge lol)
-Being caught off guard does not make him crack any easier
-Ratchet is the only one who has any kind of a chance against him. The others simply can’t crack him quick enough to overpower him before he turns the tables
-Has a tendency to freeze but that also means he can’t escape
-Tries his absolute hardest not to fight back or flail because he doesn’t want to hurt someone. Sometimes he can’t help it, though, and he is fully capable of launching Ratchet into a wall
-Decently easy to tease, although he’s better at hiding it than most people. Usually the only way to tell is that tickling has way more of an effect on him. Just about any teasing works
-Ratchet is the only one who can tickle him for a very long time. Eventually Bee and the others find out, but even after that, it’s mainly Ratchet who wrecks him
-Megatron used to wreck him all the time before the war
-If someone asks if he’s ticklish he says “no” with enough calm certainty that they usually believe him
-Will try to escape from specifically Ratchet. He knows Ratchet is brutal sometimes. Ratchet has chased him all over the base before
-He’ll curl up to protect himself if he’s been caught and wrecked badly. It’s not too hard to get past that though, because his back is ticklish
-Not really the type for vengeance. And even if he is in a playful enough mood for vengeance, it’s still pretty gentle
-Like his TFP counterpart, usually a very gentle ler unless he’s wrecking someone he’s very close to, like Megatron, Elita, or Bumblebee
-Doesn’t wreck people often. He’s a bit awkward, and can usually never tell if it’s a bad time or not, so he tries to steer clear of attacking someone
-Thinks tickling is fun on both ends and may even want to initiate it with other people but refrains
-He’s not bad at tickling per se, he’s just bad at ensuring whoever he’s getting doesn’t escape. But that aside, he’s actually pretty good at it once he figures out what works best
-Won’t chase the Terrans unless they specifically request it, same goes for most other people. He has chased Megatron and Bee before, but never Elita
-Has never started a tickle fight but almost always gets dragged into them. With the Maltos, he gets dragged in because he’s the adult that’s fun to wreck/run away from. The Autobots usually don’t have tickle fights, but when they do, he’s usually the unsuspecting victim of whoever starts it
-Has been dragged into Terran/Malto games before and only didn’t tickle Mo and Robby because he’s afraid he’ll hurt them
-Most of the people he wrecks are the same height and strength as him, so he has to try and wrestle them down. He’ll pick up Bumblebee, though
-Thinks ticklish hugs are cute, but they aren’t super effective for him. The Terrans and Bee get them, though
-Definitely more of a teaser than his TFP counterpart. He likes to make dad jokes and will even rib Megatron and Elita for not being so tough after all. With the Terrans, he also likes to pretend he doesn’t realize he’s doing anything and/or is teaching them a genuine lesson
-Laughs and smiles with whoever he’s wrecking. He thinks it’s adorable, and it’s a good way to keep an eye on them to make sure they’re having fun too
-Can’t pick a favorite out of the people he wrecks most frequently. Possibly Bee though, considering Bee won’t take absolutely brutal revenge
-He’d love to play around with the Maltos more often
-Extremely easy to fluster even if he’s the one doing the tickling. Elita makes fun of him for it all the time
-Usually only uses his hands, but he has been known to nuzzle into ticklish spots on occasion
-Honestly much more of a lee than a ler
-Has always known about tickling but there wasn’t really a place for it until the war ended. Now he gets poked on a regular basis
-Most of those close to him tickle him when he’s stressing himself out. Megatron does that and also wrecks him when he annoys him
-Almost ridiculously ticklish. This man has four million years of touch starvation under his belt (most of the bots do honestly)
-Enjoys being tickled by just about anyone. Obviously he’d prefer it’s by someone he trusts, but if the Decepticons decided they were going to wreck him instead of hurting anyone, he probably wouldn’t mind
-Pretty much everyone who’s worked closely with him in the past 15 years knows he’s ticklish. The Maltos eventually find out as well
-Ticklish in a lot of the same places as his TFP counterpart, although his back and hips are a bit better protected
-That being said, if someone can get him in a seam just above his hip he will die on contact
-So his worst spots are the pipes that make up his ribcage and his stomach
-His underarms are also pretty bad
-Finials are also pretty sensitive but they’re hard to tickle if you aren’t actively holding onto them because they flail everywhere
-He freezes up and tries his absolute hardest not to laugh. Breaks about ten seconds in if whoever is getting him knows what they’re doing
-Or has been directed on what to do. Megatron has sicced the Malto kids on him before
-You cannot convince me that he doesn’t have a goofy laugh
-Also has a tendency to snort or squeak, which he gets teased endlessly about
-Doesn’t really expect to be tickled unless he recently got someone. He also knows it’s time to run when Megatron or Elita are giving him a Look™️
-Not entirely obvious if he wants to be wrecked, but some like Optimus, Elita, and even Arcee can tell. If they call him out on it he’ll deny it, but internally it always flusters him
-Yelps loudly every time he gets caught off guard
-People have more of a chance against him than they expect. Tickling weakens him significantly and he’s usually more ticklish than whoever is wrecking him
-Tries not to flail too much which usually isn’t a problem seeing as he has a tendency to go limp. But if he knows whoever is wrecking him can handle it, he will try and launch them off or even wrestle them off if he’s in a playful mood
-Megatron will start squeezing his knee/side during meetings to try and make him lose his composure. Optimus hates it (<- lying)
-Teasing kills him instantly. He can’t handle any kind of teasing from anyone. It has a tendency to make him shriek if he’s being gotten good at the same time
-Megatron and Elita wreck him the most. Ironically enough, Megatron is usually more gentle than Elita
-If someone asks him if he’s ticklish, he blue screens and has no idea what to say. Kinda just stammers out “why do you want to know?” and then denies it. Unless it’s the Malto family and then he’s willing to be honest
-Has been chased around the base and over various highways by both Megatron and Elita before
-The reason he has never chased Elita is because she’s always the one chasing him. On a similar note, Megatron almost always turns the tables and sprints at him
-He will get vengeance, although it’s usually pretty gentle. He’s willing to be a little more rough with Megatron and Elita though
#fun fact Arcee and Optimus do actually go for long drives when Arcee is upset#he is the dad of Team Prime your honor#I apologize for the light angst laced throughout this#headcanons#ler!optimus#lee!optimus#transformers prime tickles#tfp tickles#transformers earthspark tickles#tfe tickles#transformers tickle#sfw tickling#nsfw dni
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Rid Steeljaw tickles pls
The dude needs them.
That he does, anon! Here you go!
-Smug asshole ler
-Actively searches out people’s worst spots and then typically can remember them. Especially if they’re his enemies, weirdly enough
-His pack isn’t exactly the type to start tickle fights, but it could happen if one of them tried to get revenge on another and dragged everyone else into it in the process. Also I could kinda see Steeljaw starting tickle fights as a bonding activity (he just gets a power high off if it unless he gets destroyed)
-LOVES and I mean LOVES chasing down whoever he’s wrecking. If they don’t run/make it a hunt for him, he may give up and leave them alone. Usually he has his ways of getting them to run, like poking them in a bad spot around other bots/making it very clear he’s about to wreck them so that they attempt to get away
-Games like hide and seek are also very fun to him. Mostly because he always wins
-Tickling is mostly a power thing for Steeljaw. He can make someone laugh and flail no matter how strong they are or how much they dislike him. It is also a bonding activity to him with his pack, because man he needs to bond with those guys to keep them loyal. All in all, he finds it very fun
-Steeljaw usually builds anticipation with his chases. Once he’s got his hands on someone, he usually can’t help but instantly jump straight to wrecking them. He does use teasing to build more anticipation, though
-Out of his entire pack, he probably likes wrecking Thunderhoof the most. Thunderhoof is uptight and strong and really the only Decepticon with the guts to question him, so he likes putting him in his place. Outside of his pack though, he probably likes wrecking Bumblebee the most, although that’s only happened once or twice
-Absolutely loves teasing. It makes tickling worse and he gets to hear the sound of his own voice! Jokes aside, he will use just about every tease under the sun. Pretty much nothing flusters him to say, and he knows he has a nice voice. Most commonly, though, he’ll go on monologues about how sensitive whoever he’s wrecking is and how easy it is for him to put them on the ground
-Has known about tickling about as much as an average person, but never really thought about it after the war started. Then he saw Fracture wrecking Airazor and Divebomb and went “huh. That looks effective” and never looked back
-Absolutely hates being tickled unless it’s with a select few people. And then he hates that it’s really easy for them to tell that he likes it. All they have to do is look at the tail
-The first person to tickle him back was probably Thunderhoof. He isn’t super ticklish and immediately figured out what Steeljaw was trying to do, went “oh yeah?” and absolutely destroyed him
-Most of his Decepticons don’t really dare to tickle him, mainly because they’ll lose. They’ve tried ganging up on him before and it worked, but they usually don’t team up unless he’s been wrecking all of them frequently and all of them want revenge
-Will do anything in his power not to laugh. He’s actually pretty effective at it unless it’s really bad. But it makes him weaken and he has a harder time fighting back or escaping
-Ironically one of the most ticklish bots on the team, but overall is high-moderate ticklish
-His stomach is so bad, especially the little strip of white plating down the middle. His neck is also decently bad, but he will bite if someone’s hands get close to his face
-His back is also pretty bad, and so is where his knee guards meet his thighs
-His ears are also ticklish, but they’re one of the few places where it also feels good. Really the only place he won’t desperately want revenge if he’s tickled there
-Will always get revenge, and will usually be 10x more mean about it. Even if he can’t get revenge tickles, he’ll still get revenge in other ways (extra shifts for his pack, etc.)
-Has a surprisingly nice, rich laugh, unless he’s being gotten good. Then he has a tendency to yelp and has a much higher-pitched, almost shrieky laugh
-Usually doesn’t expect to be wrecked because he figures that whoever is wrecking him learned their lesson the last time he got them. If he does see it coming, he’ll set traps and tickle them instead
-Fights back every time. You gotta get his hands first because he will dig his claws into anyone who tries to tickle him unless he likes them, and even then, it’s partially instinctual
-Teasing is… somewhat effective? It does fluster him, especially if he trusts whoever is wrecking him, but he does a good job of not showing it. Regardless, he usually tries to tease the ler back. Or at least insult them. Which ends about as well for him as you’d expect. Doesn’t stop him from doing it, though
-Most of his pack don’t try to tickle him because they know the consequences. However, I could see Fracture tickling him back as a self defense, and Thunderhoof would absolutely want to take him down a peg from time to time
#headcanons#ler!steeljaw#lee!steeljaw#rid 2015 tickles#robots in disguise 2015 tickles#transformers tickle#sfw tickling#nsfw dni
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Hi!! Is there by any chance you have TF: Rescue Bots Academy tickle hcs? If so can we have Medix and Hotshot hcs? Thanks in advance!
Ask and ye shall receive anon!!
-A little bit of a dry ler. He’s very sarcastic and methodical about it
-He can be smug though
-As the team’s medic, he knows where all of their bad spots are. Even if he had to experiment a little bit first
-He’ll never start a tickle fight and rarely joins them. He’s got work to do and also he’s not hard to overpower and destroy
-Doesn’t stop his friends from dragging him into fights from time to time though!
-If whoever he’s going after escapes, he’ll usually wait for them. They always come back
-Medix actually doesn’t mind tickling all that much! Laughter is the best medicine after all, and while it may be a bit childish, they are all children
-He doesn’t really try to build anticipation unless he’s testing his friends’ reactions to it. Normally he’s ruthless and immediately goes for the kill (unless it’s to cheer them up, then he’s much gentler)
-When he’s trying to cheer someone up, he usually asks for verbal confirmation that they’re okay and it’s helping them. Can be very flustering for some of his friends like Hotshot and Wedge, but Whirl and Hoist find it very sweet and comforting
-He doesn’t have much of a favorite person to wreck. He just likes hanging out with his friends
-That being said, he would never try and get the professors or help his friends attack them unless it was for some kind of drill/training. He might try and defend himself against Ratchet because they’re close, but he worries about being unprofessional with the other professors sometimes
-Medix doesn’t tease people much - on purpose. As said above, sometimes he asks for confirmation that his friends are enjoying being wrecked, and when he’s not tickling them for comfort, he has a very dry commentary of what’s going on. Think “hmm, the patient seems to squirm most when I approach their ribs. Will continue to monitor.”
-He doesn’t know that’s teasing and doesn’t realize it makes tickling worse either
-Knew about tickling before and had even been wrecked by close friends/family members, but very rarely. Once he met his friends, particularly Whirl, he started getting tickled a lot more
-Doesn’t have strong feelings on being tickled. He thinks it’s fun, although he’d rather be on the giving end. He doesn’t mind receiving though. Mostly, he’s just happy that it makes his friends happy and is fun for all involved
-Whirl was the first to attack him, and she was probably the first person he got back as well
-His friends get him for stressing himself out or trying to act like a grownup
-At first he tried really hard not to laugh and to turn the tables. He’s trying to be a professional doctor, darn it!
-But now he’s much more relaxed and open and doesn’t try as hard to hide his laughter anymore
-Moderately ticklish. Not the worst on the team, but not the least sensitive either
-His neck and underarms are easily his worst spots. He gets very squirmy and giggly when anyone gets near those spots
-His sides and knees are pretty bad too
-Like most medics, his palms are very ticklish. His friends can just grab his wrist and trace shapes into his palm and all he can do is wriggle and laugh
-He’ll definitely try and retaliate at any point when he’s being tickled if he thinks he can turn the tables
-Medix has a squeaky laugh and squeaks a lot in general. His friends think it’s adorable
-Unless his friends make it obvious, he never expects to get wrecked. He also doesn’t really try and provoke anyone into tickling him
-Since he almost never expects it, he has a tendency to panic-flail and then go limp. He also shrieks if it surprises him enough. Once he’s being gotten good though, he can’t really struggle
-Teasing can be pretty effective depending on the type. A similar dry humor to his works best, but Whirl has a tendency to gush over how cute he is and that flusters him badly as well
-Whirl and Hotshot are the resident tickle monsters (although honestly I could see any of them being tickle monsters) so they wreck him the most often. Wedge and Hoist have tickled him plenty of times as well, usually to cheer him up
-If any of the professors get him, Medix has absolutely no idea what to do. It’s really fun, but he also doesn’t want to be unprofessional! He really likes it, but he’d never admit that aloud
-This kid is such a smug ler. He loves wrecking his friends and pranking them in general, so when he found out the others were ticklish, it was the greatest thing ever
-Makes it a goal to wreck whoever he’s getting as hard as possible as fast as possible (and make sure they’re having fun, of course)! He’s not great at memorizing where people’s bad spots are or what methods work the best, but he’s weirdly efficient at figuring it out
-He and Whirl start tickle fights all the time. With each other, with their friends, Hotshot has even tried tickling Heatwave once
-He’ll always join in if he hears a tickle fight going on. He’s competitive and he is determined to win every single one! Sometimes he does. Sometimes he loses badly
-Loves chasing his friends around. He doesn’t really have a preferred method of building anticipation, but he always makes sure they know what’s about to happen. Makes their reactions more fun
-He thinks tickling his friends is really fun! He gets a kick out of it, they have fun, and if they’re sad, it cheers them up!
-Likes tickling his friends equally for the most part, but he likes getting Wedge to crack, same with Medix. Whirl and Hoist don’t bother to hide that they’re ticklish, which is fun in it’s own right, but he likes making people crack
-He’s probably tried to tickle all of the profs at least once, to varying results
-Hotshot looooves teasing people. Any kinds of teasing, whichever works best. Usually he’s competitive about it, like bragging about how he’s so good at this and look at how much fun they’re having!
-Definitely got wrecked by his former teammates at least once. Especially by Scorch
-Really likes being tickled but thinks it’s embarrassing to admit to. He’s got a tough guy image to keep up with! Kind of!
-Like probably the entire team, Whirl was the first to try tickling him. It worked, and they immediately got into a tickle war
-The other recruits wreck him all the time. He likes annoying them into getting him. It works every time
-They gang up on him too. Usually only one person tickling him isn’t enough for him to not take revenge
-Acts tough and says he’s not ticklish and then breaks five seconds in
-He’s decently ticklish, more so than Medix. But he’s also insanely competitive, so it can be hard to wreck him hard enough to chill out
-His stomach and sides are his absolute worst spots. His underarms are bad as well. He’ll curl up into a ball and shriek if he’s getting wrecked hard there
-His back and knees can be bad too. Everywhere else makes him giggly with anticipation
-Will retaliate whenever possible. Even when he’s being wrecked, he’s been known to grab whoever’s wrecking him and start tickling them back despite laughing his head off
-All of his friends think his laugh is adorable. Hotshot disagrees. He thinks it’s cool, thank you very much
-Usually sees being wrecked coming a mile away. Sometimes he makes a run for it, sometimes he pretends to be oblivious. (Badly. His friends know darn well he likes it)
-He does struggle pretty hard despite enjoying it, though. Especially if he didn’t instigate it. But once he starts giggling, he gets too weak to fight
-Cannot stand anticipation or teasing. He gets flustered super easily and then tries to deny it, but his laughter always pitches up slightly
-His friends have all tickled him about the same amount, although he gets into tickle fights with Whirl most often. Heatwave frequently jabs him in the side and he always wonders why
#love Rescue Bots#I have another ask about that I’ll get to eventually!#haven’t seen RBA in a while so I hope I did them both justice!#I remember this show having one or two tk scenes#headcanons#ler!medix#lee!medix#ler!hotshot#lee!hotshot#rba tickles#rescue bots academy tickles#sfw tickling#transformers tickle#nsfw dni
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Sooo saw the one where Lloyd get's wrecked by his dad and uncle
And the saw the last bit where Lloyd was like "what about the others?"
Soo are we getting a prt two
Kai still has trust issues w/ some ppl. SG fins out
So does Cole after the whole thing where his father neglected him. SG finds out.

Ohohohohooh thank you for feeding the Garmadad side of my brain!! I hope this answers both asks ^^
Kai was… quieter around him, Garmadon noticed. He was quieter around Wu as well, but not to the same extent. With Wu, it seemed to be more out of respect. With him, well, he wasn’t exactly unused to people looking at him and seeing a warlord. But to have one of his students look at him that way… it left a bad taste in his mouth.
He couldn’t blame the boy, of course. Kai was still a child, and he’d been even younger when Garmadon had ordered his Skulkins to kidnap his little sister. The boy was fiercely protective, like him, and may still be holding a grudge or just lingering suspicion. Perhaps that was why he wanted to build trust with Kai so badly. He reminded him of himself.
Lost in thought, Garmadon’s feet carried him to the training room. It was already occupied by Kai, interestingly enough. It was usually around the time of day the ninja trained on their own. He watched the Fire Ninja slam an elbow into one of the hanging bags, whirling around to hit it before it could swing back.
“Good form,” Garmadon said, setting his staff to the side. He could see areas where Kai needed improvement, but opening with something critical usually hurt more than it helped. Kai nodded an acknowledgment and then went back to training.
“I’d like to talk to you when you have a moment,” Garmadon said.
He saw Kai’s brow furrow slightly, but he hit the bag a few more times and then stepped away from it. “Sure. What’s up?”
There was no use in mincing words. “You don’t trust me.”
Kai’s lips twisted slightly, and he scrutinized Garmadon. “I trust you not to kill us. It’s not really personal, just…”
“You don’t need to explain,” Garmadon said. “I understand. But if you’re open to it, I’d like to build some trust with you.”
“Good luck with that,” Kai snorted. “Trust falls are stupid. Outside of combat, I don’t think there are any activities that could force trust to be formed. And if you put us into a fight to try and accomplish that, it’ll just backfire.”
“It’s not about forcing it,” Garmadon assured him. “But if you insist. It’s not something I learned training along side Wu. I learned this exercise from a different part of my life. It’s a little more hands on, and there’s always a chance for you to turn the tables.”
“Turn the tables?” Kai asked, raising an eyebrow. “Alright, fine. I’ll hear you out.”
“It’s a game of sorts,” Garmadon said. “You stay still for… hm, thirty seconds? And if you can do that, you win something.”
“Win what?” Kai asked, intrigued.
“Your choice.”
The Fire Ninja stroked his chin, thinking. “You have to do my chores for a week. No, a month.”
Of course. Garmadon rolled his eyes fondly. “Fair enough. Ready to begin?”
“Try me,” Kai grinned.
Garmadon took the first ten or so seconds to stroll around Kai, eyeing him for weaknesses. The boy was clearly tensing for a fight, which left quite a few vital spots closed off. But not many could hide every weakness. He poked a finger into Kai’s flanks, wiggling until he jumped away.
The Fire Ninja rubbed his back, eyes narrowing slightly. “What was that?”
“You losing the game,” Garmadon said, grinning slightly. “Would you like to try again?”
“What, so it’s some kind of stupid- I don’t know, tickle game?” Kai blustered.
“It’s a form of trust building,” Garmadon said, shrugging.
“Or trust breaking,” Kai said. “What if I hate being tickled?”
“Then you don’t have to play,” Garmadon said gently. “I won’t force you. This is not meant to be unpleasant.”
Kai visibly wrestled with his ego and his competitive streak. One on hand, it felt beyond wrong to expose such a stupid weakness to Garmadon. On the other hand, no chores for a month…
“Fine,” Kai groused, folding his arms. “Do your worst.”
Circling around behind Kai seemed like a good way to make him feel like he was being attacked, so Garmadon decided to stay where he could see him. He stepped up to the boy, and began worming his fingers under Kai’s arms. The Fire Ninja immediately began to fidget, grin spreading across his face. This was a bad spot, if he had a guess.
The second Kai moved enough to warrant a loss, he tried to kick at Garmadon’s hands. He blocked it, stepping out of range. “Too much?”
“No- I mean- it’s not fair,” Kai said, folding his arms. “I think it should be something more like… if I can beat you I win, not if I can’t move.”
“I’m alright with that,” Garmadon said. Kai lunged again, aiming a spinning kick at his head.
“Ah, a fighter.” Garmadon ducked past a punch, batting Kai’s wrist away and jabbing him in the side. “Very good offense, Kai.”
“Hey!” Kai tried to dart behind him, but Garmadon spun just as fast and caught his hands before he could return the pokes. Kai wrenched free, and they continued to spar until the Fire Ninja grew tired of his dodging and tried to knock him over. Garmadon caught him under the shoulder and widened his stance, keeping his footing. But Kai managed to wriggle his fingers into his ribs, and he jumped back with a snort.
“I am telling all the guys about this,” Kai grinned. “No more sunrise exercise.”
“You will not,” Garmadon said, and grabbed his arm to pull him into a hold where he could easily tickle him. Kai wriggled, kicking and trying to free his arms, but snickers were beginning to escape him.
When Garmadon’s fingers began to climb his ribs, Kai began to laugh, trying to bring his arms down. “Nohoho fahahair!”
“Older brother to older brother, I believe it’s perfectly fair,” Garmadon said. “Don’t try and tell me you haven’t done the same to Nya.”
“AhahahaHAHA NOHOHO!” Kai tried to drop out of his arms when his fingers dug into his underarms.
“So you haven’t tickled her?” Garmadon asked. He clawed gently at Kai’s sides, deciding to save that for later and give the boy his arms back.
“I hahahave, buhuhut I’m nihihice!”
“Are you?” Garmadon asked, arching an eyebrow. “Mischievous younger siblings are fun to knock down a peg.”
“Truhuhue,” Kai giggled, trying to fold his arms down so he couldn’t access his underarms, but it was hard to do when he was also trying to stop his hands.
“Speaking of, Wu and I are a bit concerned about you all,” Garmadon said. “Lloyd’s tolerance to this is a bit low.”
“Good to know,” Kai snickered, sliding onto the floor. “Next time he tries to steal from my candy stash I know what to do.” He put a foot in Garmadon’s stomach to push him back.
“You misunderstand. This is a test,” Garmadon grinned. He grabbed Kai’s leg and lifted him off the ground, digging a hand into his underarms.
“You said this was a gahahame nohohohOHOHO!”
“And you are currently not scoring well,” Garmadon continued. “Mm, better than Lloyd I suppose. Still, for someone with a little sister like Nya, I honestly expected you to at least resist more.”
Kai kicked at him with his free leg, twisting and trying to shake his hand out of his underarm. “NAHAHAHA PUHUT MEHE DOHOHOWN!”
“No,” Garmadon said warmly. “But I suppose you might be getting dizzy from being upside down. Of course, your training is supposed to help with that? Have you not been training?” He set the Fire Ninja gently on the floor, leaning over him to worm a second hand under his arms. Kai near shrieked, turning onto his stomach. Garmadon merely slotted his hands into his underarms from behind and wiggled his fingers.
“IHIHIT TIHICKLES!” Kai cackled, wrapping his arms around himself. Even if he flipped onto his side, he couldn’t escape his sensei’s hands.
“That’s a shame,” Garmadon said. “I’m sorry I can’t help with that. Well, I could, but if you recall, I’m evil.”
“Ihihit shohoHOHOWS!” Kai thrashed, near squealing when Garmadon vibrated his fingers between his upper ribs. “STAHAHAP!”
Immediately, Garmadon sat back on his heels and released him. He gave the boy a few seconds to recover. “Still breathing?”
Breathless, Kai gave him a thumbs up, rolling onto his back.
“Do you need water?”
“I’m the Fire Ninja, I never need water,” Kai declared. “…but maybe just this once.”
Garmadon gave him a surprisingly gentle smile and got to his feet. He left, and Kai had a few minutes alone to try and catch his breath. He couldn’t seem to stop grinning so hard it hurt. When had he ever been tickled by anyone other than Nya? By his parents? Luckily, Garmadon returned before his mind could go down that route. His sensei tossed him one of the water bottles they usually had for workouts. Kai uncorked it with his teeth and drank, watching Garmadon do the same.
“If you go after anyone else, you have to tell me so I can watch,” Kai said. He still sounded winded.
“Can do,” Garmadon chuckled. “I don’t suppose you’re up for a sparring match?”
“No way,” Kai said, jumping to his feet. “That definitely counts as training today. I’m gonna go hang with Nya. And she’ll back me up, by the way.”
“I don’t doubt it,” Garmadon said, smiling. “Have a good rest of your day, Kai.”
“You too, Sensei G,” Kai grumbled. But he was in a significantly better mood than he’d started the morning in. Maybe that “game” wasn’t such a bad thing.
#I know I keep saying this but I want to reiterate that I’m still working on my inbox lol#a little out of order but I am slowly working through it#gotta keep the brainrot flowing#also this has been sitting in my drafts for months#I lowkey got steamrolled by finals#my writing#ninjago tickles#ninjago tickling#sfw tickling#ler!garmadon#lee!kai#not ship#nsfw dni
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Pspsppspsps just wanted to make a quick announcement!
I am going to be a bit more selective with asks I write for from now on! I burnt myself out a little bit, so this is just a measure to kinda correct that. I am going to finish all the asks I currently have in my inbox since I said I would, though!
And if I don’t answer your ask, don’t worry that I’m annoyed or anything like that! As someone who gets very nervous when sending anon requests, I understand how nerve wracking it can be. I appreciate every ask, whether I answer it or not. <3
#thank you so much for your support y’all!!#and thank you for being so patient with me!#jambie talks
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Rid Fracture tickles? :3
(Him and Drift founding out each other are ticklish would be chaos)
Here ya go!!
-Have you seen his claws? He will do things with those claws
-Very evil ler. He’s a hunter, so he very much likes the thrill of chasing people down and making them fear him
-That being said he generally doesn’t tickle his captives unless he knows them. He’s got a reputation to uphold, so he’ll only tickle them if he’s in the mood for it or thinks it’ll be more damaging to their reputation than his
-He’s also got sharp teeth for nibbling, but that’s mainly reserved for his minicons
-Man does not know how to be gentle. Like at all
-He will stop if his victim begs for mercy, though
-Most often, he gets his minicons. It’s mainly because he’s around them the most, and gets annoyed by them really easily
-He’ll also chase them around and tickle them “for practice” (out of boredom)
-If he and Drift found out they were both ticklish, he’d probably be a little wary about attacking Drift, on account of Drift being a seasoned warrior and all
-For about five seconds
-And then he’d definitely try and take Drift down by tickling him, especially if he could catch him while he’s vulnerable
-So yeah, utter chaos
-Fracture is probably moderately ticklish
-He cackles and fights like a wildcat
-A very panicky wildcat
-He does have really sharp claws and other weapons, though so watch out for those. He will not hesitate to gouge someone’s eyes out for tickling
-Probably most ticklish on his stomach, sides, and neck since those are the most exposed
-He’s more giggly around his neck and underarms but he will in fact kill whoever sees him giggle
-Will always get revenge, whether it’s tickling whoever got him back or a prank or just. Straight up trying to murder them
-Honestly doesn’t really ever expect to be tickled, so it’s a good way to catch him off guard. He also more flails violently than struggles, so if he gets pinned down there’s really not much he can do aside from take it
-Always yells a lot of threats and insults when he’s getting wrecked, which doesn’t help him at all
-Whether he enjoys it or not depends on who’s tickling him. He actually thinks having tickle fights with his minicons is kinda fun (mainly because he always wins) but he’ll never admit it
-He might also like being tickled by a rival if it means he has an excuse to get revenge on them or if he wins and tickles them back
-His minicons have gotten him the most due to proximity
-If Drift found out he was ticklish, he probably wouldn’t tickle him unless Fracture did it first. Then he’d proudly wreck him and it honestly might turn into a vengeance cycle
-Just like:
Bee: Drift plz this is the third time this week we need to go fight Decepticons
Drift: Just one moment please [Fracture screeching faintly]
#I don’t remember much about this guy but I hope I did him justice!#headcanons#ler!fracture#lee!fracture#rid 2015 tickles#robots in disguise 2015 tickles#sfw tickling#transformers tickle#nsfw dni
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