A twenty-something lifestyle blogger with a love go anything pink and sparkly
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My Mum and I went to see Mary Poppins when it first came out and oh my goodness wasn’t it good?! I absolutely love the original, so was a bit nervous about how a sequel would live up to it. But it was just as good - I loved the switches from animation to live action and thought the music was fantastic. I came out singing the final song and felt really uplifted. I can’t wait for it to come out on DVD so I can watch it again! . . . . @marypoppinsreturns @vue #marypoppins #marypoppinsreturns #vue #vuecinema #cinema #cinematrip #film #movie #mumanddaughter #mumdaughter #disney #disneyfilm https://www.instagram.com/p/Buew8DSB3f4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ufldwi01ezw8
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My sister @bekkahcole bought me this gingerbread house from @aldiuk at Christmas, as she knows I like to try and decorate one every year. This one was ready built, which took some of the pressure off having to actually stick it all together! I thought I’d share a photo of the finished result, as it made me laugh a bit - expectation (on the box) vs. reality 😂 . . . . #gingerbread #gingerbreadhouse #decorategingerbreadhouse #christmas #christmasgingerbread #christmasgingerbreadhouse #aldi #aldifinds https://www.instagram.com/p/BuevV7hhCYS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k2mtuiz19kpy
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Over Christmas, as I mentioned in a previous post, my family played a lot of different games. A new one that my brother and sister-in-law introduced us to was Exploding Kittens. It was definitely an interesting evening trying to explain to us how it all worked, but once we got the hang of it we had a lot of fun and laughs! I keep saying that we really must have more family games nights though, not just at Christmas, because we always have so much fun . . . . @gameofkittens #explodingkittens #explodingkittenscardgame #cardgame #cardgames #familygamenight #familygames #boardgames #gamesnight https://www.instagram.com/p/BueuGpGhRL7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=edqb644fesp
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This Eating Disorders Awareness Week I’m socking it to Eating Disorders because too much of my life has been lost to one. I’ve spent too long in hospitals, fighting with those I love over a simple meal, agonising over my body in the mirror and missing out on opportunities because I couldn’t face eating in front of people. I’ve also lost people I love to Eating Disorders and I do not want to see any more people lose their lives to something that is preventable. Over on my YouTube channel, I have made a video about some common misconceptions about eating disorders and how they can stop people from accessing vital treatment and support. It would mean the world to me if you could watch it and share it to help me raise more awareness - YouTube.com/jennycolejaffacat . . . . @beatedsupport #sockittoeatingdisorders #EDAW #EDAW2019 #eatingdisordersawarenessweek #eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderawareness #eatingdisorderrecovery #anorexia #anorexiarecovery #bulimia #bulimiarecovery #ednos #ednosrecovery #mentalhealth #mentalillness https://www.instagram.com/p/BuercEABywH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qle9dk4ouyto
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I’m a sucker for a good book, and even more so if it’s a Christmas book! My bookshelf is overflowing (although I’m doing really well with my goal of reading every day) so I really didn’t need any more books to add to it. But when I saw these on the shelf in @waitroseandpartners I couldn’t resist. Let’s ignore the fact I probably won’t read them until next Christmas! . . . . #book #books #bookstagram #bookshelf #christmas #christmasbook #christmasbooks #booksofinstagram #bookblogger #bookblogging https://www.instagram.com/p/BuZkBy2B3jP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lpflcc0y00fp
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It’s not very often that I have the energy to dress up and put a bit of make-up on, and even less often that I then take a photo. So when I dressed up a bit for our extended family get-together I thought I’d ask my Mum to snap a photo so I could share it on here. I do love a good pinafore dress and this black one is brilliant, as it pretty much goes with everything! . . . . @newlook @nextofficial @nextofficialpr #ootd #ootdfashion #outfitoftheday #fashion #blog #blogger #bloggers #blogging #fbloggers #fbloggersuk #fashionblogger #pinafore #pinaforedress #newlook #nextofficial https://www.instagram.com/p/BuZiDHghWEX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9p7ztkuf9dfm
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When my family get together, something we really enjoy doing is playing games. And one of our favourite games at the moment is @cardsagainsthumanity - it never fails to make us laugh trying to pair cards together! This pair, which won me the round, gave us a particularly big giggle! . . . . #cardsagainsthumanity #cardgame #cardgames #boardgame #boardgames #familygames #familygamesnight https://www.instagram.com/p/BuZg9LrBw4m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zmrbs4lzk2qo
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Trying to get a photo of these two boys together is almost impossible! But at Christmas we just about managed it (by using copious amounts of treats to bribe them into sitting still for two minutes!) And Freddie still wasn’t quite looking at the camera! But never mind - they still look ridiculously cute together in front of the tree . . . . #dog #dogs #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #doggy #doggyfriends #goldenretriever #goldenretrieversofinstagram #jackrussellterrier #jackrussell #parsonsjackrussell #jackrussellsofinstagram #mansbestfriend #pettherapy #dogblog #dogblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/BuZeBzUB2Jf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hao5f5pen2h9
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Although I love all my Disney decorations, this was definitely the most special decoration I received this year. My Mum gave me this before Christmas so I could always have a little reminder of my baby on our tree. It was really hard having my first Christmas without Jaffa and I miss him terribly every single day, but it was nice to see this catching the lights every time I walked past our tree . . . . @etsyuk #etsy #etsyshop #etsyuk #bauble #christmasbaubles #treedecoration #petchristmas #petmemorial #petmemorialdecoration #petloss #bereavement #grief https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPRuvOheEQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cvmo76y4alqo
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I think the last time we all wore matching clothes was when we were still in nappies (actually, that wouldn’t work considering there’s ten years between Bekkah and I!) But this year we all wore our @primark Disney matching pyjamas on Christmas Eve and I even managed to talk @rosiie_alicex and @bekkahcole into taking a group photo! . . . . @disney #christmas #christmaseve #christmasevepyjamas #disneychristmas #disney #disneypyjamas #matching #matchingpyjamas #matchymatchy #sisters #blog #blogger #bloggers #blogging https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPQtIuh-el/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11zzaih1qcfab
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I was so excited when, on our trip to @disneylandparis I found these in World of Disney in the Disney Village. I’d seen them on various people’s Instagram accounts the previous year and was desperate to get my hands on some. They’re so cute! Like my other Mickey and Minnie, they’re still sitting in my office because I couldn’t face putting them away with the rest of the Christmas decorations. If this continues, I can see my whole house being full of Disney Christmas things all year round! . . . . @disney @shopdisneyuk #disney #disneyland #disneylandparis #disneychristmas #disneydecorations #mickeymouse #minniemouse #mickeyandminnie #mickeygingerbread #minniegingerbread #gingerbreadmickeyandminnie #disneyblog #disneyblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPP7atBW5_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pzk2qs3bdvtn
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Every Christmas Eve at our church we have three Crib Services where we act out the nativity story. It’s incredibly popular (hence why there are now three services!) and for as long as I can remember I’ve been involved by being Angel Gabriel. This year, my sister @bekkahcole also ended up being Mary, so it was definitely a family affair! It’s always good fun, although by the time I get home I’m ready to sleep until New Year! . . . . #christmas #christmaseve #christmasnativity #nativity #nativityservice #cribservice #maryandjoseph #angel #angelgabriel #christmastraditions #sisters https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPObH0BZOL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1flqu3uv8m2dz
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I went a bit @disney crazy this Christmas and had a whole tree dedicated to Disney decorations! Well, I say a whole tree, I should probably change that to a whole room, as my office ended up with Disney things dotted all over it! This tree decoration is so pretty - the castle glows a whole rainbow of colours. It reminds me of our holiday to @disneylandparis so gives me plenty of happy memories . . . . @shopdisneyuk #disney #disneyland #disneylandparis #disneychristmas #disneydecorations #christmas #disneyblog #disneyblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPNIqwBhgs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ranx6cvznk4k
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Does anyone else like to buy the @radiotimes at Christmas and then spend some time highlighting all the programmes you want to watch? I’ve been doing it for the last few years and it’s definitely become a Christmas tradition I look forward to . . . . #radiotimes #christmas #christmasradiotimes #christmastv #christmastelevision #thesnowman #christmastraditions https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPKxIFB2ks/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9t42156ib6bq
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How adorable are the 2018 Christmas Mickey and Minnie from @shopdisneyuk - I couldn’t bare to put them away with the rest of the decorations, so they’re still sat on my office windowsill! . . . . @disney @shopdisney #disney #shopdisney #shopdisneyuk #shopdisneychristmas #christmasdisney #christmasmickey #christmasminnie #disneyplush #disneyblog #disneyblogger #disneybloggers https://www.instagram.com/p/BuMtem3Bw6S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jtta5fsvrjdr
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Before Christmas I ordered a few Christmassy teas from @birdandblendtea and had a lovely surprise when I opened my parcel to find they’d included a few other free samples for me to try. I’ve been enjoying their teas since before they changed their name, so am excited to try a few new flavours! . . . . #birdandblendteaco #birdandblend #tea #tealover #teaaddict #cupoftea #cuppa #christmastea #freesamples #blog #blogger #bloggers #blogging https://www.instagram.com/p/BuMrsYhBQtc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zmjaearjej56
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I’m definitely a country girl at heart, but London doesn’t half look pretty as the evening draws in. Walking across a bridge crossing the Thames - seeing the sun setting, an aeroplane flying off to somewhere hot and sunny, the @londoneye turning slowly in the background and a fairground ride lit up full of screaming people - I just love looking out and wondering what the hundreds of people in the city are doing. Despite all the noise, hustle and bustle, I always find looking out onto The Thames feels peaceful for a minute or two . . . . #london #londoneye #londonphotography #londonskyline #londonthames #thethames #bigben #londonevening #londonatchristmas #londonblogger (at South Bank London) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuMp_XVh4Qk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kauuilstnvn
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