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This wonderful lady just graduated from one of the hardest programs she has ever been through. She has always been there for us and now it was our gift to be there for her through this stressful time! I could not be more proud to call her mom! Love you! #BestMom #OurLittleGraduate (at Georgia State University)
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the whole thing (pt.2)
the whole thing (pt.2)
I was surrounded by new people who I was nothing like, so I decided to become one of them, even if it meant lying about who I was. … I became the prep and the musician (only half of that was true). I hung out with kids that I really didn’t have anything in common with. I made myself out to have things in common with them. None of them knew me. I was just another Military kid passing through for…
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the whole thing (pt. 1)
the whole thing (pt. 1)
Hi. My name is Jess Bryant. I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ and I am Celebrating Recovery from sexual addiction. I was born into a military family. At 6 months I made my first move from Mississippi to Alaska. I would move another 5 times over my 23 years from Alabama, to Germany, to Georgia, to Alabama, and back to Georgia. I grew up in a family with a mother, father, and older brother.…
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I didn’t love who I saw in the mirror, I didn’t know who she was or how she had gotten to this point. She was a stranger; and yet she was me. But now, instead of looking in the mirror and seeing failure and not recognizing who I am. 365 days ago I started putting tick marks on my mirror to mark my days of sobriety. Today I celebrate one year of sobriety. I celebrate one year of growth. I…
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white knight syndrome
A fixer is what it is most often called. It’s not always a good thing. It’s not always necessary. It is sometimes insulting and sometimes hurtful. There is not always a damsel that needs saving. There is not always a problem that needs fixing. Sometimes what is needed is space. I don’t have to be able to save the day. I don’t have to be able to solve the problems that I see, because what I see is…
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Pain, hurt, broken hearts, betrayal, sadness. All of these come when it’s broken. Honesty, friendship, loyalty, respect, love.  All of these come when it’s earned. It’s a simple concept.  Yet, it’s a hard execution. It’s the best gift. Yet, it’s the hardest to give.  Its reward is priceless. Yet, we withhold it out of fear. It’s the epitome of self exposure and it hurts like hell. But without it…
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the best
You were my person. We were stupid teenagers together and how we worked as friends I’ll never know. You were the genius, I was a struggle. You built me up when I thought I couldn’t do anything. You pushed me to my limits, academically and personally. You were my closest friend and confidant. Weeks, months, and years went by. A happy birthday here and there. A small convo in the gaps of time. Yet…
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We’re having an incredible time at our #TWLOHA10 event!! Are you watching? 
Live stream: https://twloha.com/blog/twloha10-live-stream/
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First ever 5K done!! #GwinnettLifeRun2016 (at Gwinnett County Fairgrounds)
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“You are not alone. Not now. Not ever. Do not give up.” - Chad Moses, “Seven Billion and Growing”
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Help and Hope
Help me, help others! #TWLOHA #RunFOrIt5K
On March 28, 2015 I went to my first meeting. I knew I had a problem, but I had no idea what to do about it. Acting on the advice of my counselor I walked into my first Celebrate Recovery meeting at a local church. I was welcomed by the sweetest people and felt the warmth in the atmosphere with my first step through the door. That night I signed up to start the 12-Step program. With that choice,…
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My hope is that we will come to love ourselves even in the broken places. My hope is that we will learn to love each other even in our pain. After all, we don’t need to be perfect to be loved.
Julianne Elouadih, “We Don’t Need to be Perfect” (via twloha)
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Recently I was (once again) asked the question, “How do you do it? How are you gay and a christian when there are so many out there that say you are going to hell because of the way you live your life?” As I have said before, I grew up in the church. I spent every Sunday morning sitting with my friends, falling in love with the music and with Jesus. Every Sunday night I was in the children’s…
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I am gay. That phrase took me 22 years to be able say. I have been hiding who I am out of fear of what my family, friends, coworkers, and employers would think. I am not hiding anymore. I grew up going to church every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. For my entire childhood I was told a woman loving another woman was “not allowed” or “wrong” according to what was taught in…
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when i...
when i…
When I told you I loved you I was not picking out rings. When I told you I loved you I was not looking for an invitation to become domestic. When I told you I loved you I was not expecting you to say it back.   When I told you I loved you I wanted you to know that you were special. When I told you I loved you I wanted you to see that you are worthy of being loved. When I told you I loved you I…
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You were a good ole fashioned square dancing champion from Gainesville, Georgia with the best dresses in the bunch. I had never seen so many dresses in my life. You let us try every single one on. We would walk in your high heels and twirl the tool around until we fell over, we were so dizzy. You would sit and watch Power Rangers with us until we fell asleep. You would hug us the minute you…
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the gratitude i have
the gratitude i have
This is the time of year where we all sit, evaluate, and determine what or who in our lives we want to give thanks. I have not been good at this in the past. I have spent many Thanksgivings sad and bitter about life and my circumstances. This year is not one of those years, so I wanted to dedicate this to some very important in my life. I want to start with my family at Celebrate Recovery. This…
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