iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
Millennial culture is having two wildly different conversations with the same person on two different apps at the exact same time
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
its the no notes ghoast
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
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Read full article here: 
5 Reasons Why Introverts Enjoy Being Alone
Follow @psych2go for more!
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
Country roads
Take me home
To the place
I belooong~
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
I love being in college because there are no actual adults around so everyone is just going around bullshitting their way through basic tasks. Like I can be like “I think I got better from my cold because I ate an orange yesterday” and everyone is like “Yeah makes sense” and somebody could just be like “I’m gonna put my pillow in the washing machine to clean it” and everyone’s like “Sounds like a great idea John”
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
I wondered if anyone can help me...?
Since losing weight I’ve noticed that my periods tend to be heavier than before I was losing weight. They’re the same frequency and length.
Is it hormones? Or is my body returning to how it should be in terms of periods?
I’ve had heavy periods before, when I was 15/16. I’ve also been checked for PCOS, which I don’t have.
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
Fucking relieved!
So after a slight plateau for the last 2 weeks in my weight loss, I lost 3lbs this week.
Very relieved! I was losing the will to live- maybe that’s how I lost 3lbs then. Either way, I’m back to being ms motivated.
Family bbq/buffet thing tomorrow, which I’ve already pointed up the foods being involved and therefore I am more likely to stay within my budget and on track 😀
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
Don’t work hard and lose weight to be skinny or sexy or aesthetically pleasing. Work hard and lose weight because you want to. Because you love yourself. Because you deserve a body that makes you happy to be alive. Work hard and be proud. Lose weight if YOU want to, not because someone else tells you it’s what’s good for you. And appreciate every step you take to reach whatever goal you may be working toward. Remember, there are many motivators, countless inspirations, but only one person that can make your dreams come true. You.
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
i mean, there’s typecasting
and then there’s playing a version of cinderella’s stepsister four times
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
We naturally put millionaires and billionaires in the same general class of person, but the only reason to do that is because the words are similar. Since these aren’t numbers we can actually visualize, it’s important to understand what a billion of something is. To travel a million inches, you’d have to travel from the Southern-most tip of Manhattan and go to the Bronx. To travel a billion inches, you’d have to fly from New York to Shanghai twice. A million seconds is a little over 11 days. A billion seconds is nearly 32 years. A million ounces is about the weight of a train car. A billion ounces is 4.5 Eiffel Towers. Use these to conceptualize what the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire is, and the absurd amount of wealth we’re talking about.
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
*googles number i dont recognize calling me instead of answering*
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
Exercising can be so miserable when you’re doing it because you hate your body or want to punish yourself for eating. 
But it can be such a joy if we make it about celebrating our bodies and enjoying movement!
Find some form of movement that you enjoy, whether it’s dancing, yoga, wrestling, hiking, or lifting heavy weights. Do it because you love yourself and want your body to feel healthy and strong. 
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iwillbfitandhealthy · 6 years
april fools jokes are supposed to be stupid things like “putting a different cereal in the wrong cereal box” not fake breaking up with people and tricking them into clicking on a screamer video causing a panic attack. please remember that april fools is supposed to be fun not anxiety inducing or traumatizing.
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