iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
I love this man with every bit of my soul
Ok no let me explain you a thing.
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I can't take it. I literally can't take this moment without making a sound somewhere in the back of my throat. It's the cutest thing ever and it's this frame here that makes it.
Look, I know this is Wan. I know Wan isn't really canon and this is the preschool episode so it's even less so. But there's something in here that is an absolutely canon thing Akutagawa does.
The scene starts off with Akutagawa's typical reverence and excitement that Dazai is sitting near him. Nothing particularly notable there. But then Dazai gets excited by what's going on and Akutagawa gives him this look and I just can't take it man.
Because that's a genuinely fond look. He's happy for him. He's happy Dazai is enjoying himself.
And that's not just a Wan thing. He says along those lines to Kyouka in one of my all-time favourite BSD scenes in general.
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It just. I just have a lot of feelings about that. This is a guy who, we know from Heartless Cur and the beginning of Beast, has very little in the way of emotion - but when he does feel, it's rather all-encompassing, even overwhelmingly strong. Things like rage and desperation. It's raw survival instinct.
But then he has. This too.
Here's the thing. In the preschool chapter, silly as it is, Dazai is still fixated on suicide. He has the noose, just doesn't speak about it openly. So, it's probably quite rare that Dazai shows genuine enjoyment the way he did here - and that's worth that small smile.
In the main universe, Akutagawa remembers how Kyouka hated herself to the point of asking to be killed, then sees how fierce she is about defending her new life and self, and decides that he's glad for her.
It really means something to me that one of the very few relational emotions he allows himself to feel is happiness and pride on others' behalf.
It roots itself less in compassion or happiness itself and more in a sense of respect... but remember that Akutagawa hardly gives his respect easily. He gives his respect only to those he considers strong, and in nearly every battle, he finds himself disappointed. What he wants is kind of contradictory - he wants a worthy opponent, so someone who poses a strong challenge to him to prove his own worth as one who will never be weak again... and yet, when they lose against him, he's often disappointed they did not succeed or fight harder, and looks down on them.
Atsushi's motive, or what he initially thinks his motive is, is disappointing to him at first - Akutagawa believes he is trying to prove himself as worthy of living through someone else's acceptance and berates him for it. But that's... exactly what he has been doing. Later on, he continues to question Atsushi for his motives, in yet another of one of my favourite scenes.
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He asks him over and over - "why?" And is not satisfied until Atsushi reveals that he's also looking to get rid of the shadow of the orphanage director that follows him like a haunting - that trauma? All that pain thrown in his face? He is fighting to overcome it. He is fighting via proof and change because Atsushi wants to live, and to not have to feel ashamed of that. And that's what it took for Akutagawa to trust him and respect him enough to transfer Rashoumon to him.
I think, on some level, Akutagawa is invested in seeing whether Atsushi will succeed in this. And I think, in spite of everything between them, he will be glad for him if he does.
I just really love this aspect to his character, because while he searches for strength in violence and power and physical skill, it means on a deeper level, he actually sees joy and resistance in the face of despair as true strength that's worth acknowledging.
I want him so badly to accept that as true strength within himself in the main timeline.
I also love it because Beast confirms that Akutagawa would do anything for his sister and I am now free to imagine Gin telling her brother all the things she was learning and how she was slowly connecting to the Black Lizard and feeling overwhelming pride for her but not really expressing that but Gin knowing that's how he felt regardless, anyways that is all
Is this even coherent anymore? Oh well.
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
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Edogawa Ranpo ⋆ 14 Years Old ✩ S4E1
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
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Edogawa Ranpo
→Bungou Stray Dogs S4 ✩ Ep.1
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
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chuuya!! ok i need to stop spamming my art on here
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
Boogie woogie woogie!! (Rough draft)
matchandelure’s idea I just drew it and animated it lmao
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
Back to School | Ranpo & Poe x Reader
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Anonymous asked:
Hello! Can you please write a gender-neutral reader who is 14 and see both Ranpo and Poe as a father figure? I love this ship so much it's concerning. Thank you!
Hi, anon, I hope you enjoy this! Thank you for requesting! Reader is gender-neutral, 14 years old, and is entering their second year of high school, very nervous. This is the week before school starts and Ranpo and Poe try their best to help relieve Reader’s nerves. Ranpo and Poe are together.
Requests are open and masterlist is linked in bio!
Ranpo x gn!Reader x Poe [Platonic/Fluff] Warnings: Some crying and slight mention of no father/bad father at home Word Count: 1.6k
“I just got another school email! What is it? Oh no, am I in trouble? Did I forget something?” You were stumbling over your words, clicking refresh on your student email account and clicking on the new email.
You’ve been at this for the last two hours, frequently hitting refresh on the webpage and looking through your checklist to double, then triple, and quadruple check you have everything ready for school next week. Poe looked at you and frowned, reaching over from his corner to pat your hand softly.
“You should take a break and relax, there’s nothing else to do.” Poe mumbled, glancing at the email that popped up. It was just an advertisement for the student store, but you still read through it all, and then reread it.
“But I have so much to do! I have to prepare!” You responded, spinning around in the office chair. You were in the ADA office, working as an intern with Poe. Your internship was ending soon, since school was starting back in a week. Poe and Ranpo were your “managers” this whole internship, and you had started to see them as your father figures.
“What exactly do you need to prepare?” Poe asked softly, sending a concerning gaze to Ranpo, who had been chewing on a piece of candy and watching the two of you.
“Everything like… I need to make sure I have all the books for my language course, and I need to check that I have my math textbook and the review page completed, and then I need to make sure that the history class schedule is right, so I can choose the right type of study course, and then I need to check that,” Ranpo cut you off with, “Woah!”
You glanced over to him a bit confused, “What?”
“Is this high school? I don’t remember it being so intense. And you’ve already done all of that already, last week. We helped you.” Ranpo sighed, shaking his head as he unwrapped another candy. Poe’s shoulders were raised slightly before he shook his head.
“You mean, I helped her and you organized candy in sweetest to the most sour taste.” Poe corrected him, and Ranpo rolled his eyes and laughed.
“Yeah, that’s what I mean.” He responded and you grinned at the two of them, feeling a wave of happiness hit you. They always managed to help you, even though you were supposed to help them out since you were an intern. You were going to miss them so much though.
At that thought, you turned away from them, looking back to your screen. You didn’t want to lose them but you were sure that they didn’t care that much that you were leaving the ADA when school starts again.
“Huh, sweetie, stop refreshing the page, it’s okay.” Poe noticed again, this time, stepping closer to you. Ranpo rolled his chair closer to the two of you as well, and quickly shut your laptop closed. You gasped at him.
“Rude, I was checking for emails.” You said, and Ranpo shrugged his shoulders at you as he unplugged your laptop and pushed it to the side.
“You’re working too hard.” He replied and reached into his pocket. He set down a candy for you, then slid it where your laptop used to be.
“There, chew.” He spoke again, nodding to you. Poe smiled as you sighed and picked up the candy.
“I’m supposed to be working,” You tried to explain but Poe set his hand on your hand again.
“No, today is officially break day. We relax the whole day, and that’s it.” He made up, and on the other side of the room, Kunikida frowned, “That’s what you always do.”
Ranpo giggled at Kunikida’s words before agreeing with Poe. “You’re only 14, you don’t need to do anything. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, kid.” The nickname made you frown a bit, reminding you that you aren’t going to see them that much anymore.
They take such good care of you all the time here and out in the city when there’s cases. You were going to miss them so much, you felt like they helped you in a few different ways. You couldn’t help but see them as dads, but you couldn’t just call them that, you were afraid they’d find it weird.
“What’s wrong, really?” Poe asked, noticing your mood dampening.
“Just school, that’s all.” You shrugged and Ranpo narrowed his eyes at you. He shook his head and then pointed at you.
“Don’t lie to us, you know I can tell when someone lies.”
“I’m not lying!” You flustered, pulling away from Poe’s hand and tried rolling your chair over to the edge of the desk to get your laptop again.
“Fine, if you keep lying, I won’t give you anymore of my treats.” Ranpo threatened and Poe laughed slightly before they both watched you sink down in your chair even more.
“Fine, that’s going to happen anyways.” You whispered, glancing down to your feet.
“What?” Poe leaned down to you, “That wouldn’t happen. I wouldn’t allow him to do that to you.” Poe murmured to you and Ranpo nodded along.
“I wasn’t being serious about it, we’re just worried.” Ranpo spoke up too, watching as you breathed in deeply.
You looked so upset at that moment that it surprised both Ranpo and Poe to see. They’ve never seen you this down before and it was upsetting to them too, both of them now more worried for you.
“But it’s going to happen since I won’t be here anymore. You guys will just go back to work and I’ll stop being a distraction to you and we won’t talk anymore…” You whispered, feeling a knot of sadness bundle in your stomach.
“Huh?” Ranpo was the first to realize what you were talking about, eyes widening in shock. “You think we aren’t going to talk anymore? Why? We’ll still drag you back here after you finish school for the day.”
Poe glanced between you and Ranpo, “Why would we stop doing that?” His question made you frown even more, and you ignored Ranpo’s words, feeling like they weren’t true.
“You’re just saying that. You guys are… you know how I see you guys probably and think I’m some stupid kid, but it’s fine I can’t intern here anymore because school is starting.” You tried your best not to show emotion in your voice, but it cracked, and your eyes started to water slightly.
You quickly wiped your eyes with your sleeves, looking away from the two. You shouldn’t have brought it up, right? That’s what you were feeling like now.
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter, let’s get back to work.” You quickly added, interrupting Poe.
“No, it does matter and we’re going to talk about this.” Poe said sternly, looking at Ranpo for support.
“Yeah, we are still going to be here for you. And we know that you see us as the weird couple, but we don’t care about that and we still care about you.” Ranpo replied, and you choked out some kind of laugh.
“Weird couple? I mean, you two are good together, I meant you guys know I see you as father figures.” You responded, shaking your head. You added, “You know I don’t have the best father figure at home… you guys have helped me so much and you probably think I’m some dumb kid that bugged you all the time.”
Poe gripped your hand, this time with more force and you glanced over to him, surprised. “We know you don’t have that at home, but you don’t realize the kind of effect you have on us too. You’re like our kid basically. We love you and we still are going to love you and care about you even if you can’t be an intern here anymore.”
Ranpo reached over and patted your head, “And we don’t see you as some dumb kid. You’re smart and responsible and yes, you do need guidance but we’re here for that because we care about you.”
“You’re lying, you just don’t want me to cry anymore.” You refused to accept it. No one had stepped up for you like they did in the past and now, but you couldn’t believe it because then it would mean that it was real and that they see you as their kid. It couldn’t be that simple! It was never that simple and happy in your life.
“No, we aren’t. You basically live here with us and sure, you are going back to school, and it will be stressful, but we’re still going to be here. And if you can’t come to hang out in the office with us, then we will come to see you. We care about you kid.” Poe stated, and he lifted your hand up and squeezed it tightly.
Ranpo got up from his chair and kissed the top of your head, “And you’re better to hang out with compared to anyone else here.” On the other side of the room, Kunikida sighed, “That’s true.” Which caused Ranpo to crack a smile.
“Really?” You whispered, tears finally falling from your eyes.
“Yes, really. You can even call me dad if you want to.” Poe spoke up, and Ranpo called out a playful, “Hey! What about me?”
You continued to cry but a laugh escaped from your mouth, “You promise?” You asked, looking at both of them. Poe nodded and said yes and pulled you in for a hug. Ranpo bent over the desk to join the hug, squeezing you both tightly.
Poe glanced over to Ranpo, “You can be Pop, like soda pop, since you like that.”
The three of you laughed at the words and you squeezed the two as you whispered, “Thank you… Dad and Pop.”
Thank you for reading!
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
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boogie woogie woogie
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
in love (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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GOD. I love Ranpo.
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
kinda silly and i'm too lazy to write anything else
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
God may forgive you for being gay, but nobody is going to forgive you for that haircut
my most viewed/liked tiktok edit
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
This is the more polished version of my Ranpoe edit!!
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
I love this one a lot and this was kind of like a "rough draft" but it got a lot more attention than the real thing
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
girls look better not being on spotify is a crime
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
TW: Suicide, censored the gory parts tho
Probably my favorite thing i've made but it totally flopped
tiktok link: https://www.tiktok.com/@iwasniuqtzs/video/7187190268129512746
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
Shuichi edit pt.2 but i chaged it a pit (this one got like 700 views 😭)
link: https://www.tiktok.com/@iwasniuqtzs/video/7185457258665463086
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iwasniuqtzs · 1 year
Silly little Ibuki edit to my favorite tv girl song
tiktok link: https://www.tiktok.com/@iwasniuqtzs/video/7185368280985767214
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