itzfabi · 4 years
are your hands ever numb when you wake up?
Uh, only if I was laying on them? Is this a trick question? 
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itzfabi · 4 years
Yep. I only found out through asking around. Apparently Bonnie at least had the decency to let people know. I guess you forget about everything when it comes to “true love”. No, you can have as much anger and grief about it as I do. Friendship can be equally as strong as a relationship. But…maybe neither your friendship or my relationship was as strong as we thought. Honestly, all I want to do is exercise my legal right to get drunk and dance to Kate Bush. You’re welcome to join if you want. 
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Well, yeah, but...it’s not like he and I stayed great friends while you two were dating. I kinda hated his guts for a little bit. I will gladly get drunk and dance to Kate Bush with you. I’ll even make a dessert of your choice. What’ll it be, cookies? Cake? Pie? I’m at your disposal. 
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itzfabi · 4 years
That’s what happened?! Wow, I just thought he like...I dunno, went on a really long jog or something. And he didn’t even say goodbye? To either of us? What a dick. He was my friend, too, did he forget about that? I mean...obviously this is way more of a you thing, sorry. Is there anything I can do to make it less soul-crushing for you?
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Your boyfriend ever run away in the middle of the night with a girl you’ve literally never heard him talk about before and leave you no explanation and answer none of your texts or calls, only to find out he’s gone back to Pixie Hollow forever with said girl who’s now also going to be there forever so you know the next time you go back you’re going to have to hide, but you can’t really hide because you’re a princess and heir to the throne so you’re going to have to see him or at the very least he’s going to see you because it’s unavoidable and to deal with this whole crisis you dyed your hair and decided to adopt a whole new personality? No? Just me? Yeah, thought so. 
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itzfabi · 5 years
I figured out a perfect vegan imitation porkchop recipe! It’s delicious and only slightly hard to eat. 
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Send 🌻 and I’ll tell you whatever the fuck I want.
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itzfabi · 5 years
Maybe me trying so hard to be just your friend this year was a bad idea. Maybe we should've given it a shot, but I will always retreat to the safe zone before that happens so I guess we'll just call it even and put our friendship first next year?
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itzfabi · 5 years
“Oh, that’s disappointing. I love a good gin fizz. I guess I shouldn’t expect something that nice at a place like this, but you certainly have good taste.” Eleanor grinned at the boy, a little surprised at how eagerly he jumped on her request. He was awkward in a way that she thought might mask something almost charming. If nothing, she found him interesting. The locale of the Poison Apple was generally predictable; there was a certain statistic likelihood to the kind of people that hung out at this sort of haunt, and she enjoyed an anomaly. “I don’t think I’ve seen you here before,” She leaned in again, this time drawing herself a bit closer to the bar, “are you new?”
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Fab shrugged, a little flattered that she thought he had good taste. “I mean, I’d hope so, tasting is kind of my thing.” Without the context that he was a chef, that probably....sounded really weird, but it was too late to take it back now. He started a mule for her, and if she asked for a lemon drop he’d work on that right after. “Uh, yeah! I am. I work part-time at Tony’s, in the kitchen, and picked up this for nights and weekends. Are you a regular?” 
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itzfabi · 5 years
The bartender was young, eager, and maybe a little out of place in this sort of hole in the wall. Eleanor leaned in, smiling carefully as she pushed her near-empty glass across the bar towards him. “You know,” she began, “I’m not much of a beer drinker actually. It’s fine, but do you have anything more… Interesting? I bet you know a thing or two about cocktails, and frankly, I like nice things.” She shrugged, sitting back again, “But I’ll gladly take another if you’re not up to the challenge.”
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Fab felt his eyebrows perk up when the girl asked if he knew cocktails. Of course he did! He was a cook -- he knew how to mix flavors with the best of them. “I can get a cocktail together for you, of course! Uh...You like nice things? If I had any eggs around here I’d whip you up a gin fizz. It’s like a souflee in a glass. But! I think...” He popped his head underneath the bar to check the ingredients. “...I’ve got some things to make you a mule. Or a lemon drop. Take your pick.” He smirked, beginning to pull ingredients for both. 
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itzfabi · 5 years
Taking this bartending job for the weekends was mostly so Fab could earn some extra money...But he was feeling particularly floofy compared to Dagny’s new beau. He needed some edge, and The Poison Apple was the edgiest place in town. Granted, he didn’t love the exposed brick and lone dart board on the wall and dreary music, and he didn’t get to mix as many drinks as he’d hoped, and sometimes he forgot to card...But it was starting to feel like home! “I’ve never been much of a sports guy myself. But I hear our football team is winning this season! So this might be a great time for that. How’s the beer, you want another?” 
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“I’m not usually interested in sports that don’t have a certain level of prestige to them,” Eleanor leaned back in her seat, taking a thoughtful sip of her beer. It wasn’t bad, and it wasn’t great, but she’d take what she could get at a divey place that didn’t card. 
“Ice hockey is the exception,” she continued, “the bloodshed is extremely enticing. But this very well may be the year I take an interest in football. Apparently I’ve been sleeping on the appeal of primal violence and statistic predictability.”
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itzfabi · 5 years
Dagny reached her arm up to hand Fab the webs they were hanging around the cottage. “Hmm,” She thought aloud, stepping back to look at the entire room. “Definitely haunted, but I feel like you can never have too many creepy spiders.” She grabbed one of the decorative spiders and placed it gently in a nearby web. “Do you know what you’re going to be for Halloween yet?” She asked, trying to keep the conversation going. Lately conversations between her and Fab were short, so getting to spend this much time together was not going to pass in silence on her watch. “Or what your plans are?” She asked, hoping for a lead-in to invite him to spend it with her or vice versa.
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Fab nodded in agreement at Dagny’s vision, but then she asked him about his Halloween plans. “I was thinking of being a pothead...Like, put a flower pot on my head, but that’d require some DIYing,” he thought aloud. “I’m not sold on it yet, though. What about you?” They always did pun costumes together...He wondered if Oberon had different plans. “I’m thinking of heading to the Alley Way, probably. Or maybe stopping into that wedding for like, an hour. I’m not sure yet. You?” He asked with hope in his voice that Dagny would want to do something together. But now that she was cuffed, he wouldn’t hate anything more than to be their third wheel. 
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itzfabi · 5 years
“Pass me the spider webs?” Fab tossed the words over his shoulder at Dagny as he put the final hook in the door to hang the orange lights. “So like...what’s your vision? Do we want to look haunted, taken over by spiders, what?” He asked, turning toward her. It had been an awkward few weeks, what with discovering that Dagny and Oberon were dating, but he vowed not to make this weird. She was his best -- if not only -- friend. Normalcy was hard, but he was making an effort.  ( @dagnyjuniper​ )
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itzfabi · 5 years
Dagny: Hey maybe this time you and Oberon will develop feelings for each other just to shake things up.
Dagny: Even if I was on the fence it wouldn’t matter. You literally just said you were past it so why would I force myself to hold on?
Fab: "|
Fab: You're right! You're right, that makes sense. Lots of sense. I'm very very past you deciding I can't be with you because I could never be two inches tall. Very past that.
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itzfabi · 5 years
Dagny: We’re all still definitely going to hang out, though. It’s not like we’re dating now and just totally going to like...not hang out as friends all three of us.
Dagny: Yeah super officially over it. We’re totally on the same page with this. Over it. Definitely.
Fab: That's so funny this sounds like word for word exactly what Kally and I told you when we started dating that's so fun hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha........
Fab: Really??? Cause idk it sounds like you're on the fence but maybe I'm just reading too far into it.
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itzfabi · 5 years
Dagny: That’s not all we’re doing! We like each other and stuff! It’s not just sex!
Fab: Oh.
Fab: Well that makes that a lot better, thanks for the clarification.
Fab: So like....when we....were kind of having feelings for each other....You're done with that? Like officially? Just asking cause I totally am, just making sure.
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itzfabi · 5 years
Dagny: Sorry. All vomit emojis are acceptable and I will read them in shame.
Dagny: He was my friend first, technically. And trying isn't the exact word I would use.
Dagny: I'm doing this very poorly and probably should've just called a roommate meeting but I still can't make a speech in front of even half of Pixie Hollow so there's no way I could've done this in person. I am actually dating Oberon. We are currently doing that.
Fab: You're what? You're currently..........fucking? Under the roof that we all share? You're currently doing THAT?!
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itzfabi · 5 years
Dagny: Are you okay? That read like I need to consider setting you up a psych test. We were just trying to figure out ways to make your fairy life better and easier. I don’t know, being home with people you used to talk to all the time brings a sense of nostalgia? Not to mention he’s kinda hot and mama needs to get her rocks off. Was that too much? I regretted it as soon as I typed it.
Fab: 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐
Fab: Too much. Definitely too much.
Fab: You're trying to fuck Oberon??? He's my friend. Is that not weird to you?
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itzfabi · 5 years
Dagny: I'm so glad you got to come though! You were a good sport about the wings and the heavily acorn influenced diet. Oh, we were friends forever ago and then got to Walt and kinda went our separate ways, but I guess bonding over how clumsy a fairy you were brought us back together?
Fab: ............oh really? hahahahahaHAAHAHAHA in what way did it bring you back together?
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itzfabi · 5 years
Dagny: I literally feel like I haven’t seen you since the field trip even though we live together. I never got a full review either! Tell me, how does it feel to be wingless again? Relieved?
Fab: Yep! Super relieved. :) Love being human again. You and Oberon seemed to hit it off though. You guys got some kind of Pixie Hollow past I didn't know about? lol
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