"Certainly," he nods, slightly jealous of the cigarettes. "Just don't cause any trouble," he urges, and waves him off.
“Mreh, met one a while back. Knew how to put away his booze, that’s for damn sure,” he chuckles with an offhand shrug. Weird admitting that there was actually a Sonic he got along with, but hell. Stranger things have happened.
“Sounds like a fun gig. I jus’ might have to seek it out one day an’ stop by - for shits an’ giggles, of course.” A grin, and then he rummages in his jacket pocket for his smokes. “Think I’ll take off an’ wander around this Zone a bit more,” he mutters, shaking out a cigarette. It’s stuck between his lips, the lighter already in one hand. “Catch you ‘round, then?”
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"Yeah, a nice one, for once. Go figure, right?"
"And yes," he sighs, "I know, the stereotype is that skunks smell bad, I know. I have to hear it every single day; it gets boring after a while. But it does bring in customers -- particularly ladies looking for cologne for their men. Ladies who aren't too shy to flirt with the cologne clerk, of course."
“A Sonic, eh…” That gets a semi-thoughtful response. There was that dickhead of a Sonic that he got along with - surprisingly enough - but other than him and the goody-two-shoes that pissed him off, Scourge can’t think of any others. “Take th’ help where you can, then. Cracks me up that he’d get you a gig at a perfume counter, but it works. And it gets the girls~ That’s not a shocker.”
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The mention of women strikes a bad chord, but he doesn't let it show. Instead, he rolls his eyes. "No, actually the Sonic of this Zone - the one who got me a place here - has a nertwork of people around these parts. Not as glorious as armies, certainly, but it works. The job's low level, but it plays well enough. And attracts a decent amount of ladies, surprisingly enough."
He rolls his eyes - what would he care, anyway? - albeit with a shrug. “Haven’t had a drink yet today. Can’t say anything ‘bout tomorrow though - I’m planning on getting absolutely shitfaced.
“So who got you the gig at the perfume counter? A new girl?”
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He resists the urge to give another loud sigh. (Just had to admit that to him, did you, St. John?) "No, that's about it. I stay here safe and without harassment, my Zone stays safe believing me dead, and that's about that." He shrugs. "Cute or not, it works out fine for me.
"As for you, well, there's certainly enough alcohol to go around."
He can’t help it; once Geoffrey says he’s been domesticated, Scourge throws his head back and laughs. Best laugh he’s had in a long time. “Ain’t that jus’ cute,” he teases, raking a hand through his quills. “Cologne clerk, domesticated…so what else is there? Or is that top-secret information?”
Gonna tease the shit out of you now, Geoffrey. Hopefully Scourge won’t find the store you work at~
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There's relief at hearing he won't be turned in, but it quickly turns to distaste. Of course, the most amiable company he should receive would be one worse than Sonic. Brilliant.
"Yes," he sighs, "I've been domesticated, it's true. As a cologne clerk in a big store." He shrugs. "Certainly beats the life I had in my old Zone, though, so I'm not complaining." Not complaining yet, anyway.
“Now why th’ fuck would I do somethin’ like that? You wanna take off, take off. Not like I’m gonna run back an’ tell ‘em I found you. They’ll take me in first, find you next. It’s a losin’ situation for both of us.”
Oh; he was about to comment on how quiet the Zone was, but with the mention of perfumes… “A discount on perfume. What, you a salesman now or someshit?” he asks, not without that smirk returning. “Got yourself all situated here, lil’ job an’ all.” There’s a teasing lilt to his tone, and he claps a hand on the skunk’s shoulder. 
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He winces. "I, uh... thank you, Mr. Energetic, sir."
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He grumbles and shakes his head. "Of all the people to find me out..." he shakes his head. "Well, so long as you're not going to bring me back to that hell hole, I guess there's not much harm that can come of this."
He shrugs. "Still, that's usually how one diagnoses most psychotic personality disorders... but suit yourself. You'll find this Zone exceedingly boring, I think. I mean, if you need a discount on perfume, I might be able to help. Otherwise, I might recommend another blind warp out."
An eyeridge quirks at the skunk’s bristling. “So it is you…? Long time no see. Smellin’ better, at least.”
The facade drops slightly, the smirk turning into a hint of a snarl for a moment at the mention of professional help, but it’s gone in an instant. “Nah, ‘s just what happens when you drink a little too much an’ decide to take a warp without thinkin’ it through,” he says with a shrug. No need to get into details. “What’s with th’ formalities?”
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((????? it looks like anon is on?????????? i dont know how to fix the problem aaa))
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((pst you dont have an anon button was this intentional))
(( wh AT
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He bristles for a brief moment. (He really doesn't know it's me? ... In most circumstances that would be comforting, but this is Scourge we're talking about.)
He squints at the hedgehog. "I-- I'd be concerned about you knowing my name, but I'm more concerned about your mental health, sir. If you should be finding yourself suddenly in locations you don't know, I think you might be in need of some help of the, eh, professional sort."
There’s a faint snigger at the ‘lost’ quip, though the smirk doesn’t drop from his lips. “Could be. Been out and about for the past few months - half th’ time I’d wake up and not know where I was or where I’d been.” He shrugs. 
“You look like Geoffrey, sound kinda like th’ one I used to know, unless I’m wrong.” 
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ludolik said: hELLO YOU. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ?
He huffs. "Where have I been?! I've been working my tail off at that damned department store, where do you think?" He pouts dramatically. "But of course no one but that stupid hedgehog ever spares me their company. Predictable."
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noeviltwinschtick said: Maybe, maybe not~ Gettin’ back in the gist of things, saw a somewhat familiar face. Y’sound a little scared there~
"Familiar," he grumbles to himself quietly. "Well, you'd have to refresh my memory, sir. I don't recall seeing you before. Are you lost, perhaps?"
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"Oh, uh--" He clears his throat, "Do I, um, know you, sir?"
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Come on now, are all the nosy gossips gone for the night already? 
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..... And if it's what you're trying to get at, no, Sonic and I are not dating, and no, he's not official with Caps. 
There is no cheating going on in this apartment; just alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.
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do you any hobbies?
Oh yes! It’s been a while, but I like archery, hunting, exercise… well, that’s all exercise, really, but it’s more fun than it sounds like, I promise.
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No, I mean smooching Sonic. Does it happen often.
Mate, that’s what I was implying.
In case you’re too dense, yes, it happens a lot, because gods be damned we’re living together and we have alcohol and it’s something that’s bound to happen.
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