tf2heritageposts · 1 year
why do all of these have to do with legs
also we cant reblog the last one for some reason
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teffan · 1 year
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fyeahgamegrumps · 5 years
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What’s the GG Mario Maker Contest HARDCORE edition ?
An official contest handled by us which will allow lovelies around the world to participate on the show by making and sharing their own levels.
We are looking for something difficult, something that will challenge the grumps ! If your level fits those requests and stand out inbetween all of the others, it will be played on the show !
Man this is great, how do i participate ?
Right below are some DOs and DON’Ts that you will have to take in consideration, just make your own level then send it to us by mail !!
What you should do :
Take your time when it comes to submitting a level, you can only submit one level so think before sending anything
Send us a level that is challenging but still remain fun to play
Send us name and ID in the first line of your mail
pray that we don’t go insane during this contest
What you shouldn’t do :
Send a level which is near impossible and annoying to play
Steal someone design or idea and claim it your own (I will know)
wish for the destruction of our sanity
Where do I send my level and when does this contest end ?
Once you are done, you can submit your level ID and name at [email protected] before August 4th at 6 PM [Central Time]
After this date we will not accept anymore levels !
That’s all for now lovelies, if you have anymore questions about the contest, feel free to send us an ask or shoot a tweet at @Ludolik on twitter.
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pastalbird · 5 years
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Commission for @.ludolik on twitter for their friend's birthday! Thanks for commissioning! 
 Interested? Check here: https://pastalbirdcommissions.carrd.co/
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dar-draws · 6 years
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Ko-fi sketches for  Darksilvania and  Ludolik
If you want a pokemon of your choice to be sketched by me, consider donating to my ko-fi (http://ko-fi.com/darlynnemp )
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gamegrumpszine · 7 years
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5 Years, 4 Millions Subs and over a thousands series with many memories to be celebrated in zine form! 
Hosted by MissDeerFace, Ludolik (FYeahGameGrumps), and Gamblord, Game Grumps V is a charity fan zine celebrating more than 5 years of Game Grumps. Each piece will be an illustration of a beloved series or one-off video from any of the Game Grumps shows (Game Grumps, Steam Train, Grumpcade etc) and all profits made from the zine will be donated to Child’s Play!
Want to apply to be an artist in the zine? Go here to apply!
Applications are open for only 2 weeks so don’t miss out!
Applications close 9th of October 2017 and if you’re selected, final pieces will be due 18th of December 2017. You’ll be sent an email if you’re accepted with guidelines for submission as well as details of what series/one-off video you’ll be doing a piece of soon after the application window closes!
Have any questions not answered here? Check our about page and FAQ for more information and don’t forget to also follow our Twitter (@GameGrumpsZine) for regular updates and information!
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ozimul-reacts · 5 years
twitter com/Ludolik/status/1088182822924369921
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yellowbloggion · 10 years
Your chubbychus are the cutest raichu around please never stop drawing this big mouse and also i wish you the best of luck for this semester !
Aaah! Thanks so much!! It’s super fun to draw, so I doubt you’ve seen the last of him lol
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teffan · 1 year
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fyeahgamegrumps · 7 years
Going to Ready Player 3 in London? Fill a notebook with us!
Hey there good eggs, to celebrate the visit of the Grumps and Jacksepticeye i will attempt to create a small souvenir of the crowd of the London show for them by allowing everyone in line to fill a notebook with messages and doodles!
I’d like to take part in this, how and what should i do?
It’s easy, if you come to the line before the show I will be going around the front to the back of the line (if possible) to hand over the notebook and a few pencils for people to write their short message in it. I also encourage that you bring small stickers or anything flat that you can stick on a page, it works too!
I will be coming to check the line around 4 - 5pm or sooner if i see anyone waiting in the line but please keep in mind i’ll be alone in organizing this!
Who will be in charge of this, how do i recognize them?
The easier way to know would be to check @Ludolik on twitter as i will most likely be announcing and sharing pictures of my own travels in London. Otherwise if you see a guy wearing yellow, a Animate a Grump pin and going around with a notebook and a bunch of pencils, that will likely be that person.
How will you give this to them?
If possible of the Apollo Center, i will ask them to deliver the notebook to the waiting room where the Grumps and Jack will be waiting in before the show start, usually asking to delivers gifts to them is a alright thing to do with them. Otherwise, the notebook will be kept and sent to the Game Grumps P.O Box.
And this is all you need to know, if you have anymore questions feel free to send a ask or a tweet and i hope you all will have a good time watching the show!
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buzzbomberr · 10 years
[12:31:34 PM] Ludolik: METROID
[12:32:00 PM] Hyperbit: Not this time, it seems.
[12:32:04 PM] Ludolik: NOT METROID
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fuckinfreddie · 10 years
Hey ! Your Game grumps art been (re)posted on the Game grumps instagram ! But, did they even asked your permission first before doing that ? I'm just a little worried they start taking some peoples art and putting them on their instagram without permission.
UHH WHOA POOP..........NO THEY didnt but they linked to my tumbs so its cool!!!!! holy,,,,,,,,
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viridi-ogames · 10 years
You gotta understand that twitch been playing for more than 120 hours now compared to the grumps who aren't even at 3 hours of gameplay. Comparing the two is just silly.
Ture, but one has 50,000 people inputting different commands at once (with about a third of those people trying to sabotage it), while Grumps have complete control.
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Truth or dare !
"Truth. I don't need any more pink fur." 
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