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god forbid 5000 year old girls do anything
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I don't think people understand how much I love matsuhana
Like the meme team my beloved, they are my favourite soup, I love them so much
Do you ship it?
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Looking at this like why is it so familiar and it took abt 1 second for me to go ohhhhh it's rwrb movie
Anyways imagine if someone wrote sakuatsu as Henry and Alex bc pls I need it
damn kiss already you idiots !!!
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319 notes · View notes
love all the cute dungeon meshi pride art but chilchuck would not be caught dead wearing any sort of pride merch. you think that man is going to give out any personal information? for free?????
44K notes · View notes
*releases pack of dads into home depot* go……be free
980K notes · View notes
Chat I should listen more when things say tw and listen something that I know triggers me
What possesses me to, without fail, ignore them every time
Like that's stupid and I know it T-T
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This is so utterly them
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9K notes · View notes
this is your random reminder to CHECK IF YOU'RE STILL HAVING FUN
are you enjoying scrolling tumblr? watching youtube? reading that book? playing that game? drawing that art? doing that activity? if not,
you don't have to stick to something that you are doing for fun if it isn't fun for you anymore. You can come back! If you've loved it before you are likely to love it again! but you can stop!
Don't get stuck in a loop of doing something that you think should be fun when it isn't! You can put it down for a bit! Maybe that's the very thing that will make it fun again later!
50K notes · View notes
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‘Kill two birds with one stone’ in European languages.
21K notes · View notes
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12K notes · View notes
Sometimes I forget how disabling autism can be and so when it does disable me, I'm left shocked honestly.
It makes me feel awful and like I'll never be able to live the life I want to and such. But, I'm at a point in my life now that I'm actually able to look back and say
"look what you've been able to do already, andthis is only the beginning of what you can achieve"
And honestly that helps so so much, it doesn't cure me, and it doesn't stop me from having a hard time. It just allows me to look forward.
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Iconic actually
Is the scene where Crowley and Aziraphale are trying to figure out the past tense of "smite" a "Moana" reference or was that just a coincidence?
(In "Moana," Maui says, "I am a demigod, I will smite you! You wanna get...smited? Smote?")
No, I just wanted to make Aziraphale say "smitten".
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Off to see the new Haikyuu movie now :D
Will update when I get out‼️‼️
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Off to see the new Haikyuu movie now :D
Will update when I get out‼️‼️
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Guys,,,, Wallace Wells is unfairly attractive
He's so sassy and done with everyone I love it
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Okay so, I got hyperfixated on the cursed child and specifically scorbus after I saw it live for the second time (both sets of tickets were bought years ago by my mother before she knew that jkr was an awful person)
What I gathered about the changes from my research in this hyperfixation:
So mainly Jack Thorne but with the help of John Tiffany were the ones who wrote all of rhe changes
Jkr had basically 0 involvement in the changes to their dynamics
It was also changed after it was clear to the public what a horrible bitch jkr is
I don't know 100% whether these changes were reviwed/checked by jkr before they changed it but as far as I can find they weren't, Throne and Tiffany changed it themselves without consulting the bitch
The directors of the updated script often tell their actors to basically play it gay which is why we see so many of the scenes where dialogue wasn't changed much, still having that clear tension
The main reason why it's not more explicit in canon on whether they are actually gay for each other is, although somewhat to do with their age
It is mostly to do with jkr still having some level of control and owner ship over the story and therefore she would basically go against it and get it changed further away from what we as viewers want
So basically the changes that they have made are there on purpose to hint towards scorbus having a deeper relationship than besties but still not making it so jkr will change it back
That's basically what I could find and my understanding of the changes especially the removal of love interests for both of them and *my favourite*, the scene with Harry and Albus at the very end of the play which was made a lot closer to a coming out scene than in the original version
the 'palace' scene
i have been WAITING to talk about this scene and it has finally come to it. this will be my last post in terms of the changes because i believe i have gone through them all (could be wrong).
instead of writing the whole scene (because that would make this post even longer), i decided to include an audio recording from the current broadway version (Joel Meyers & Erik Christopher Peterson 2024) and the original script. i recommend listening to it while reading the original script before reading the rest of this post.
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alrighty, time to go into my thoughts. 
essentially, this scene has gone from a cute little moment between two besties having a lighthearted chat about their feelings for girls, to now a very intimate and quite emotionally vulnerable scene between them. 
removal of love interests: 
rose and scorpius’ dynamic is strictly friendship now with him only asking to be friends in which she still says no. that is a self explanatory change which results in no evidence of scorpius having romantic feelings for her. along with this, polly, another female love interest, is completely removed from this conversation. this takes away pretty much EVERY interaction scorpius has with a female interest in a ‘romantic’ way. 
now with albus; thank god no random mention of the older female professor ew. and no albus getting a girlfriend first. coincidently also removing all the lines referring to him having romantic feelings for female characters. without the statement of liking older women, it removes he emphasis on albus romantically having feeling for delphi in which we know was also changed in the scene with ginny and albus. 
now what does this do to the narrative and perception of these characters? when you remove the female love interests in this situation, it leaves a gap in the story. the gap being who do these characters now actually love?? and since this play is pretty much about ‘love can conquer all’, WHO ELSE ARE THEY MEANT TO PUT THESE FEELINGS OF LOVE ON TO OTHER THAN EACH OTHER???? you cannot deny that all these changes made are for the benefit of this relationship and puts a lot more emphasis on them and what they mean to each other. 
slight word changes: 
“marriage” to “allegiance” again relates to the removal of scorpius’ romantic feelings for female characters, completely taking away this whole part of the plot for him. like all he wants is to form a friendship with rose! platonic friends is what they are now. 
again removing “love” and changing it to “harmony” takes away the romantic feelings and just creates a nice friendship. but i do think its sooooo funny that they changed “love” to “harmony” because THAT would’ve been too far for them. as albus wants that palace with scorpius, having “love” would be confirming that they love each other. that can absolutely not happen. but aren’t they just kinda synonyms or am i stupid. also it wouldn’t be that controversial because they already used “love” as albus’ weakness WITH SCORPIUS IN THAT SCENE soooo… the creatives were just too scared to leave it the same. 
we also have the whole ‘in my head’ but we have gone through it in a previous post (https://www.tumblr.com/bawbawbridgie/748173064391557120/since-you-guys-were-begging-me-to-write-about-it?source=share). 
rose’s line is now changed to “if YOU TWO let it be weird”… WHY WOULD IT BE WEIRD???? firstly, he was only asking to be friends. and secondly, why would it be weird for albus? my boy didn’t do anything? it’s almost as if rose is implying something else? perhaps her finding out that something else is going on between them? mhmmm idk. reminder that rose is quite literally on the stage listening to this whole convo.
THAT line: 
i have so many thoughts on this line and what albus is getting at. is this albus’ way of admitting he has feelings for scorpius? is it albus ‘subtly’ trying to understand how his best friend feels about him by pushing the limits of their friendship and see how he’d react? is he asking him out? is he saying he loves him in his own way as he struggles with feelings? orrrr is it simply albus just asking him if rose, his cousin, is actually the one scorpius, his bestie, wants? this line is definitely up to how you all perceive it. for me, i personally feel it’s albus attempting to address delphi outing him because they never really expand on that moment, as well as attempting to push the boundaries of this friendship to see if scorpius wants more than this as well. 
i also find it amusing that albus says this after scorpius expresses he only wants “harmony” and an “eventual alligence” with rose. like scorpius hasn’t actually shown any romantic interest in rose so this means albus doesn’t even want him talking to her. god he’s obsessed with him. 
rose’s input: 
THANK GOD FOR THE REMOVAL OF “SCORPION KING” COZ HOW DID SHE KNOW???? whatever moving on. her cute little line, “you good albus?” eeeeee i love her new role in this scene. she is just looking out for the happiness of her cousin in which i assume she knows about the two of them being more than besties. fr she is also a big scorbus shipper by the end of the play and we love her for that. 
why tf did the creatives do this?:
ughhhhh i do not know. i guess this was the closest they could get without actually confirming they are together?? idk. i do find it amusing to think about the creatives trying to rewrite this scene and how proud they would’ve been when they created this line. kudos to you jack thorne and john tiffany. but in general with the changes, i have so many thoughts and theories about why/when/how they did this which i would love to dive into but it deserves a whole post dedicated to itself.
but i think at the end of this scene/play, this relationship is open ended like there is no definite answer of what they are and can be interpreted however you’d like. and i genuinely really like this, it’s somehow comforting. one question that i still ask myself (which could be quite problematic but here we go) is: are they actually canon? i have so many thoughts about this and could definitely do a seperate post but put simply… sadly no. PLEASE DONT HATE ME I WANT THEM TO BE CANON BUT I CANNOT 100% SAY THEY ARE!!!! and i have my reasons… but that’s a whole different issue.
although we would all like a CLEAR confession/answer (to get us out of our misery), but they are only 14/15 and finding themselves so who knows, maybe at dinner they worked out what they are but i guess we will never know?? ok bye sorry for all that xx
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GET IT BAKUGOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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