Marie Zelpha Archer
89 posts
"We cannot concern ourselves on what was. We must act on what is." - Monk Gyatso
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 10 years ago
"No I don't have Mommy issues." Marie folded her arms across her chest as her brow furrowed at the man. She just exchanged more than two words and he felt obliged to call her out on something like that. "Well that's nice you can't let something like that spoil your day." She huffed sarcastically.
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Excuse Me || Open RP
He intently listened to the stranger never breaking eye contact. "Songs that no one knows are usually the best, or at least that's what I believe." Seeing her peculiar reaction to talking about her mother he raises a brow "Mommy issues, huh? Needn't say more. And as far as the rain goes, well, it hasn't started raining yet, now has it? No need to let something that's not happening spoil my day, now is there?"
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 10 years ago
"Great!" Marie bounced with a little pep as he shut the door. She stood there for a moment at the door but her body grew impatient, so she quietly started to pace the floor repeatedly until he reappeared again. This would be the first time she had ever talked to Blake one on one. She had never quite had the courage to do so before of course because he was much older and the kids he had always hung around picked on poor little Marie.
She was a little thrilled to get a chance to know the boy she never knew. When he finally arrived in the hallway, Marie couldn't help but smile. "Sharp." She giggled a little by picking on him.
As they made there way downstairs and out the lobby, Marie's head slowly looked up at Blake in amazement that he would actually remember something like that. "Uh Well Pip Pip is doing fine. He is safe home on my bed actually." She smiled down at her feet feeling somewhat embarrassed she still had him around. Then again he was the only thing that stayed relevant n her life.
Her pace kept steady with his as they continued along their path down the side walk. "So hows that earthbending going? Hadn't hit anybody with rocks lately huh?" She chuckled pushing a stray hair behind her ear.
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Familiar Stranger || Open RP
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 10 years ago
The cool wisps of the wind flowed through Marie's hair as she looked the man up and down confusedly. "Thanks I guess?" She watched him as he placed his seat on the park bench. "It's not a song that anyone would really know. It's a song my mom used to sing to me when I felt nervous or scared." She nodded off because she was talking about her actual mother instead to the adopted one. She swallowed hard shuttering off the subject. "Why are you sitting there when it's about to rain?"
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Excuse Me? || Open RP
Ryuunosuke couldn't help bet let out a bellowing laughter accompanied by a big smile. He had known very well that she didn't say anything offensive of any sort, he just loved to mess with the youth.
"Oh you just mustn't of heard me, deary. I asked what that song was, I know I've heard it somewhere, something as catchy as that is hard to forget, but I guess my memory isn't quite what it used to be, oh and nice tone,at very well drive off the day to day jerk." He said sitting on the park bench as he crossed one leg over the other. The trees were whispering in the wind, a storm was coming as much as Mr. Raku didn't want it to.
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 10 years ago
Marie whizzed around scarcely at the older gentleman's condescending tone.
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She stopped in the middle of the parks path to face clueless as to why he was even talking to her in the first place. "Um I didn't say anything? I was just humming a tune on my way to work. Sorry if it bothered you." She said sounding slightly offended.  
Excuse Me? || Open RP
He barely has time to swallow his water before he coughs out of surprise, “Excuse me?” He says with a sort of angered laugh. “Now I don’t think I heard you right, so I’ll give you a second chance, okay? What did you just say to me?” He says with a bit of a condescending tone.
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 10 years ago
Marie nodded with an appeasing smile. "Well that's great!" But her smile soon simmered down once he invited inside. She peaked in around him and spotted the dirty dishes and clothes strung all over the room probably attracting bugs and who knows what other little disastrous creatures. Although she had shared a room with her also adopted brother Hyojin growing up. He also acquired the same habitual standards as Blake, so the messy issue didn't bother her so much as if he wanted to hang out or hang out. Marie's heart rumbled in a hast of nerviness as her sky blue eyes drifted back up to his.
Her smiled timidly drew back on as she let out a small shy chuckle by pulling her bag up more on her shoulder. "Well um that sounds rather lovely Blake but um.." Her mind concentrated on a solution so she wouldn't be obliged to go anywhere near that room. After all she just wanted to catch up with him as friends and with him inviting her in she didn't know what he intended. "I was about to grab a cup of coffee earlier before I found you...uh I mean your card." She shook her head. What was she doing wanting to hang out with him anyway. Maybe it was because she needed to. It wasn't like her agenda was taken up by someone else this morning.
"Uh so what do you say? Talk over coffee?"
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Familiar Stranger || Open RP
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 10 years ago
Her eyebrows furrowed deeper as her ears keenly listened to the rugged man's hear me out kinda story. Blake's words started to follow and paint vague images onto the canvas of her mind. Starting to think back she remembered the charming two story house with the lovely flower garden and the white front porch where she usually tinkered with her favorite stuffed animal; an airbison named Pip Pip. Usually she would want to go adventure and play with Pip Pip but most of the boys in her neighborhood taunted the inferior blue eyed girl.
Her hand slowly ventured to her forehead when Blake cited the tail about the rock. The dainty little fingers curved over the meager scar that was tucked below her hair line. A faint smile arched the edges of her mouth as she remembered screaming and crying like a baby to her parents she got hit and how she thought she was gonna die. She never did rat him out though. It must have been one of the boys when her parents decided to go around the neighborhood asking questions. All she knew was that she never really saw Blake after that.
"Oh yeah, yeah I do remember you." She said looking at him with a more approachable expression.
Not only from the rock story but also another time before hand when some boys stole her Pip Pip from her side and started to toss it back and fourth in front of her saying atrocious things about how ugly and stupid she was or how after they were done tossing the stuffed toy they were going to rip her only friend apart. Part of her wanted to air blast those boys with her fits but at the time she really had no force with her airbending but fortunately the rich green eyed boy stepped in and beat up the two punks. When he handed her back Pip Pip Marie felt truly grateful. She blushed thinking how could I ever forget my first crush.
"So uh how have you been?" She said without not really knowing what to say other than Pip Pip was fine and safe back home on her bed but that would be rather stupid. 
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Familiar Stranger || Open RP
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 10 years ago
Marie jumped out of her distraction as she felt the brush of a stranger's shoulder against her. The blonde looked up to the woman with daze almost not fully comprehending what she just said. "Oh no no you're fine." She slightly giggled. "I'm okay just a ditz I guess, are you alright?"
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Walking Home Alone || Ada and Marie
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 10 years ago
Walking Home Alone || Open Chat
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 10 years ago
Marie's feet reached and abrupt halt once the strange man called out her name making her heart skip a beat. Her knees started to partially trembled under the wait of anxiety that flowed rapidly through her veins causing her to stand motionless in the dimly lite hallway. Part of her thought process was debating on either to automatically dart down the stairs to flee to safety or just calmly shift her heels towards him and inquire him of his knowledge about her. Stupidly she decided on the second one.
Slowly her shoulder pointed at the man along with her eyes holding a solid concerned illustration to mask her small fear; plus part of her wanted to kinda look like a bad ass.
"Um how do you know my name?" Her eyebrows furrowed deeper. "Look dude I dunno who in the frick told you about me, but I'm not one of those girls. And I'm definitely not gonna play one of your stupid games."
She huffed hoping she sounded more serious verbally than what she imagined in her head. Marie's nature was never to be spiteful but she needed to protect herself somehow, and if he is like the person the woman described then she had no choice than to put up a front. Her eyes looked him over unsure but oddly enough there was tinge of familiarity to his face especially those green eyes.
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Familiar Stranger || Open RP
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 10 years ago
The bitter wind of the night nipped lightly on Marie's nose making her arms wrap tightly around the middle of her torso to install an efficient amount of warmth to keep her cozy on this lonely walk home tonight. It's been a while since she has seen her best friend Maya. Funny enough they work at the same place but both are incredibly busy with each of their tasks they rarely get to see each other anymore. She honestly wished she never moved out so she would stop feeling so lonely but that wouldn't be fair to think of that towards a friend but it's hard to run away from the thought of the feeling that lingered when you've read every book in your apartment just to relive yourself of it.
That's why she was out tonight. Maybe it was in hopes of finding someone to cling to for awhile so the thought could slip away. She sniffled a bit passing some alley way that reeked of piss and alcohol but what really caught her attention was the distraught screams of a woman heard further down. Marie timidly inched closer to the woman with her heart in her throat not knowing what to expect. Her eyes widened in astonishment when she noted it was the familiar red head she shared lunch with awhile back. "R-rayvn?" Marie's voice quietly peeked out to her.
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Life of a Nightmare [OPEN]
[She woke up violently in a cold sweat gasping for air. It was the dream. Every second of the recurring nightmare replayed in her mind as her body shook impulsively. Desperately, she closed her eyes as tight as they would go and forced herself to resume normal breathing. “Stop,” she spat out loud to the replaying visions. Her feet were heavy and abnormally unsteady as she rose off the unfamiliar asphalt still buzzed from the afternoon before. “STOP,” she pleaded again louder as she propped her exhausted body on the wall beside her, her eyes still firmly shut. The memories finally came to a stop. Uneasily, Ravyn reopened her eyes and exhaled. Her arms began to tremble under the dead weight of her body. She let her them fall to her sides as she leaned her head on the brick wall in front of her. Her hands hesitatingly drew themselves up to her cold stomach slowly gripping it tighter and tighter as she realized that it was forever empty all over again. Ravyn now felt her body start to ache with every tremble as her face grew miserably hot from the tears streaming down. Suddenly she let out a deep excruciating cry as she furiously beat her fists and head against the cold brick wall.]
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 10 years ago
It was a chilly morning in Republic City. The sky had an overcast of a solemn grey with suspicions of possible snowfall which Marie childishly hoped for since she loved the feel of a snowflake gently kissing her nose. Blowing a few stray strands from her face she sat there on the frigged iron of the bus bench impatiently tapping her fingers on her purse awaiting for the bus to come. It was a long drone of boredom until the nine-thirty bus would arrive and she felt like she was gonna die from it until something by the curb keenly caught her eye. An ID? She curiously walked over and picked up the plastic card containing the most important information you seriously wouldn't want to have lying around on the streets of this town. Her face scrunched up examining the picture of the jagged looking soul. "Kinda cute." She puffed out her lip nodding while she admitted it to herself. The name one the card read: Blake Johnson.   
She resumed her seat on the bench, puffing out her cheeks in boredom as she fiddled with the card not knowing how she would return it to its owner. All of a sudden a red head came trumping by with a heinous look  on her exhausted makeup smeared face. "What a fucking asshole I never wanna see that Blake again." She heatedly murmured to herself. Marie's ears perked once she thought she heard the name Blake. 
"Excuse me." She called out to her. "But is this the Blake you're talking about?" Marie held up the card and the woman's eyes flared in pure fury making Marie take a step back. "So is that a yes?"
"Why do you need to know? Not like he is going to love you anyway. All he is gonna do is just use you to get what he wants." She said desperately trying to fight back the tears.
"Whoa whoa!" Marie flabbergasted a small laugh. "I don't want anything like that! Just want to give the man his card and be on my way." The woman huffed and pointed in the direction he came and told her she would be better off burning it than ever encountering that man.
Walking up to the steps to the third floor Marie had a gut wrenching feeling weigh her down. The place, the girl. and even him seemed a too sketchy. She hoped when he answered the door she wouldn't fall into his trap like the last one did but knowing Marie she probably wouldn't. With three consecutive timid knocks she nervously awaited for Blake to answer the door. Once he did and asked his obtuse question Marie confusedly shifted her eyes around away from his emerald green eyes that evenly matched the picture in the ID.
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"Uh what? Um I just came to give this back to you okay. So um kay bye." She gave an awkward wave and with her heart beating anxiously in her chest she started to tend down the hallway she just came. 
Familiar Stranger || Open RP
Blake chuckled as he opened the door to the motel room that he lived in.  A girl with red hair jumped in after him, laughing as well.  The room reeked of alcohol but it was still somewhat organized.  But neither he or the redheaded girl cared.  They were both drunk and the girl jumped onto the bed.  Blake shut the door behind him and went after her.  He didn’t even remember her name; he had just met this girl at the bar and they had agreed to head over to his place.  She moaned as he trailed his hand up between her inner thighs.
The next morning, when Blake opened his eyes, he found the girl from the night before cuddled up against him.  They were both naked so it was a dead giveaway that they had sex.  He sat up and the girl’s eyes fluttered open.
"Mmm, good morning, handsome," she smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
Blake said nothing in reply and just looked for his boxers on the floor.  Once he had found them and put them back on, he searched for his pants.  As he did, he handed the girl back the articles of her clothing.  She seemed somewhat confused but she stayed quiet and took her clothes.  Finally Blake got up, having found his pants so he could retrieve his wallet, with a couple of bills in his hands.
"I’m not a hooker!" the girl growled when he tossed the bills to her.
"Cab money," Blake casually said as he lit a cigarette.  "Good-bye,"
"You’re an asshole!"
She quickly dressed in silence and Blake opened the door for her.  As she ran out, she brushed past an old woman.  The old woman was his landlady and she was coming to collect the rent.  He closed the door, quickly put out his cigarette, pulled on a t-shirt and grabbed an envelope.  When he opened the door again, the landlady was about to knock.
"I already told!  No smoking!" she scolded.
"Sorry Madam Chou," Blake shrugged and handed her the envelope.  "That wasn’t me, it was that girl that just left and I told her to put it out.  Anyways, here’s three month’s rent,"
Madam Chou looked at him over her glasses doubtingly as she took the envelope.  Instead of walking away, she opened the envelope and counted the money as she stood there in front of Blake.
"That’s fine," she said stiffly.  "Have a nice day,"
Blake bowed a little then closed the door.  He lit up another cigarette and sat by the window.  The landlady was unpleasant and he really didn’t like to interact with her.  Today, they had surprisingly gotten along; it wasn’t unusual that they got into shouting matches.
His room was on the third floor and he had a nice view of the backyard.  It was peaceful out there and quiet.  He had purposely asked for a room that didn’t overlook the streets of Republic City.  Although it was a motel, it was all he could afford and the landlady let him stay for a monthly rent.
He had just finished a big job which had allowed him to pay three months in advance this time and he had plenty left over for his vices; alcohol and heroin.  He had bought 300 yuans worth of heroin and stashed it in his room before heading to the bar the night before.
Blake took a can of air freshener and sprayed the surrounding area to cover the the smell of cigarettes.  He went to his cabinet where he kept his syringe and heroin and opened it.  Carefully, as to not miss a drop, he extracted some heroin into the syringe and then injected it into his arm.
As he put away the heroin, Blake heard a knock on the door.  Thinking it was the landlady again, he groaned and got up.  He opened the door and was about to angrily ask her what she wanted but it wasn’t the landlady.  It was someone else.
"Is that-," Blake stuttered.  "Is that really you?"
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 10 years ago
Marie walked at a steady pace with a high amount of effort not to seem that she was frantically lost. She bit at her lip eyes looking nervously around trying to spot any familiarizes in the area that could possibly put her stress at ease. Why oh why did I have to take that stupid freaking shortcut down Fifth Ave? She cruelly harped on herself. "Now I'm gonna be late!" She huffed taking a small defeat sitting on the bench next to the woman who was reading a book. It took her a moment to speak up to the woman who looked so content with her read but she just had to know where the crap she was and if she would ever make it home again. "Excuse me uh Miss? Sorry to interrupt you bit do you know how to get to the tea shop from here? I'm stupid and sorta lost here."
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In the park || Open.
Amber sat on the bench in the park, slightly reading the memorial sign on it. She nodded her head slowly before placing her coffee cup on the armrest of the bench, letting out a sigh. She then opened the book she had gotten from the Library, that Anna had recommend to her.
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 11 years ago
Um no. [laughs] I just had a crap ton of coffee to get me through the day and now I have so much energy to burn. [bounces in place.] See..
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Well you should teach someone how to play so you don't just play by yourself.
Bored in the Park
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 11 years ago
Pushh I'm not worried about being late.. [nervously laughs because she really is.] But uh hey let me make it up to you because I think I ruined your book. [Frowns and points at where the book was wet from landing in a puddle.]
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Oblivious Bliss
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 11 years ago
[looks at him questionably] Um then why do you keep drinking it? 
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This tea sucks.
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 11 years ago
Maya [smiles at her gesture] I've read all of your books too. I mean when we shared the apartment and I had nothing to do I read all the books. ALL OF THE BOOKS!! [laughs] But thank you any way. [looks off as a wicked smile curls across her face.] Sacry Mary huh?
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Do tell this story. So I know how I can scare the new interns. [laughs] 
Summer Night. Dinner Alone.
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its-ah-me-marie-nieo · 11 years ago
Well [laughs] if that's how you prefer to drink it. [She finds a table next to the window and takes her seat. She looks over at the  man and motions him to come over and sit with her.] So Blake... [ She props her elbows on the table.] I gotta say I've only been drunk a handful of times and man it's not pretty. [shakes her head in shame.] Last time I got drunk at a party 
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  I don't remember why either. Maybe I was chasing after a cat or dancing. Something stupid. But since you drink a lot, I was wondering what crazy stuff have you done in a drunken stupor?  
I went to a class.
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And coffee, I suppose. I’ll add my own alcohol.
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