A Court of Books and Movies
34 posts
Just a girl trying to leave an imprint in the world
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I figured I would update y’all at the normal time of day, and I just wanted to let you know that I officially have started to post on my instagram
If any of you would like to support me over there, my account is @bookwithoutaspine
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The Obvious
Alright guys, lets state the obvious. I’ve been gone. Not just like, no posts for a week or so, but like straight up absent. The main reason for this is because frankly I just had NOT planned on how I was going to run this account. I do love the act of blogging and I do not regret starting this at all, But I did need to take a break and properly figure out how this is going to work. First, I want to say that if there is anyone that still follows me, thank you, I appreciate the patience and do not think I forgot about y’all.
What this means/where am I going?
So basically, I will be starting this up again, not as often as it was before, but I fully intend on taking this into account and posting regularly. I also have started up an instagram (@bookwithoutaspine). If you want the most constant posts/updates, that is where you are going to find them. I am also genuinely considering making a youtube, as I feel personally like that is the most realistic way to communicate feelings about books while maintaining a connection with my audience, which is literally the main reason I started doing this. I wanted to be able to talk about books and give feedback and become friends with you guys.
I hope y’all will support me on this journey, and if any of you guys have feedback at ALL please feel free to comment or message me directly. Thanks again guys!
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An Enchantment of Ravens Review
So! While I was away I finished An Enchantment of Ravens. I gave it 3 stars.
While I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the characters, I found that it is one of those stand-alone books that could use a sequel.
The pacing was alright, it wasn’t unbearable, nor was I hooked and NEEDED to read what happened next. 
The characters were so well written, but not too much development. Which I really would like to see more of. Rook and Isobel are so interesting to read about, and their dynamic is amazing. I just wish I got to experience more of it. 
The romance itself felt very rushed and not realistic, which I mean yeah it’s a book, but it also seemed to take place within a week, and the book over the course of maybe a month or two. 
Overall, yes I would say to read this, it is a great book. I will warn that the ending is not as satisfying as I thought it was going to be, but I did love the book very much.  
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Childhood Favourites
Hey guys! Today I will be talking about some of my favourite book series’s when I was a child.
My all-time favourite book that is the reason I read is Magic Tree House. This book series taught me so much about the world and just everything in general.
Rainbow Magic. These books gave me the beginnings of magic within books. Getting to experience these things at such a young age made me so happy.
Honestly I expected to have more come up on the top of my head, but in reality, these are the things that I read the most when I was younger.
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So guys, I have been bouncing an idea around in my head, and I would be interested in starting a youtube. However, the thing is that I would start with some lower quality content. I was interested to see if you guys would be interested in doing something like that with me. This is just as much yours as it is mine, so where should we go next?
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Hey guys. So I have some ideas for posts this week, but I need your help! 
What kind of stuff do you want to see? I’m willing to try anything so reply with some ides!
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yes, i know this isnt something of mine but DONT BE BIPHOBIC. WE ARENT GREEDY.
Lesbians who wouldn’t date bi girls because they’ve been touched by men are gross
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House of Night Review
Alright. I had someone specifically ask for a full review of this series. There won’t be spoilers, but I am highly critical regarding this series, so if you’re a fan, don’t read this unless you’re okay with a hateful opinion, haha. 
So I had bought Marked (HoN 1) when I was about 12 years old, maybe 11. I had read it once, and I liked it at the time. 
I didn’t read the rest, and then I had read the first and second book again when I was maybe 13 or 14 years old.
I picked up these books this year because I was so tired of having them take up almost a full drawer in my book collection, and it was the worst thing. 
I honestly think that if I had read these books when I was 12 I would have enjoyed them. But being 19, I have a hard time appreciating them.
The pacing is TERRIBLE. I never used to have such an issue when it came to pacing until I started dating my partner, who has educated me immensely on how pacing truly effects what you are reading, or watching.
The plot is weak. The storyline and idea itself is intriguing, and if they were written better or if I was younger I probably would have enjoyed the series a lot more. 
I just cannot in good conscience recommend these books to anyone, and I don’t see the point in reading 17 books if you are going to hate every single one like I did.
What series just didn’t cut it for you guys?
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Favourite TV Shows
Hey guys! I’m back from my little weekend trip. 
Today I’m gonna talk about my favourite tv shows. 
I have a couple, but these are my top favourite, like I refuse to miss an episode.
1. Grey’s Anatomy (yes I’m that chick)
3. Criminal Minds (currently doing a rewatch from season 1)
I watch more shows that just these, but these are shows that I actively will watch every single episode of. 
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Bout of Books Update
I’m not gonna lie and say that I’m being super active with this read-a-thon. I had thought there were reading challenges, my bad. So far I have read two chapters of Sorcery of Thorns. That’s it. Oops.
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How I Read so Much
So, basically, the short answer is that I don’t have a life.
The long answer is that I cannot drive right now, nor am I in school right now, so it is very easy to just sit and read for an entire day. I don’t have anything else to do except work, and even then it’s never for longer than 5 hours. 
Reading a good book is reading it FAST. At least for me anyway. I get so fascinated and engulfed in the world that I don’t even realize I have finished the book by the time I’m done it. The book becomes my home, my world, for a couple days.
That escape is so relieving.
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Why I Read
Simply put, I read to escape.
Reading to me is getting to explore worlds that don’t exist, and getting to see lifestyles that you aren’t in. You feel the love, the pain, that the characters are going through, and to me, that just makes me so much happier. 
Getting to see different things represented within books is exactly why I started reading when I was little. I got to travel to different places with Jack and Annie, and I got to learn about all of these places as well.
I feel as though I know so much about places that aren’t even real. 
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Quotes from Books
Okay, some information about me.
I am a HUGE quote fan. I have a notebook that I write my favourite quotes from books into. I dogear the pages and everything. I am committed to this.
The reason why quotes in books are so important to me is that the stories themselves have so many ways to teach lessons and to learn more about the world, and I find that specifically, quotes can do that. 
Taking the time to specifically look for the quotes in novels I read makes reading even more fun for me. I get to search for lessons within the words of someone else’s brain. I get to see how authors view the world, how the characters view the world. 
And that’s really important to me.
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An Instagram?
How would you guys feel if I made an instagram specifically for this tumblr? I want to know you’re opinions! What could I post? What could we talk about? 
Let me know!
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Dev1at3 Review
Let me tell you!!!!!!!!!!
After reading the House of Night series for the past month and a half, I have had a GLORIOUS palette cleanser. 
Dev1at3 by Jay Kristoff is EXACTLY what I needed to get myself back into reading good books. 
I rated it 5 stars. 100% will read again, and I highly recommend the Lifel1k3 series to EVERYONE.
It has cyborgs, robots, and humans. An interesting play on having “powers” and it is just overall a really well-paced novel.
The two twists in this book literally had my heart pounding for the characters, and the ending made me only crave the next book so much more. 
Read it, you won’t regret it.
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Gone for the Weekend
Hey guys! I will be gone from August 16th - August 19th, unable to make as many posts for the weekend. Today there will be two posts, one a review and one a question. Saturday there will be only one post, as well as Sunday and Monday. 
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Redeemed Review
Yep. You caught me. I didn’t make posts yesterday because I was finishing this series. You right.
I gave Redeemed 3 stars. It was the typical ending that I expected from this series. The death didn’t surprise me, and the ending was very cliche. Everything turns out great in the end for the characters. 
I will not be rereading this book, and honestly, this is about all I have to say about it. The pacing in the novel was very strange, as it was with Kalona’s Fall. It seemed as though it was just being rushed to be finished rather than creating an impactful ending.
Do you guys want to know my full thoughts on the House of Night series? Let me know!
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