isatling Care 101!
65 posts
for care needs, concerns, and general isatling enthusiasm!asks open, guide sheets to come!
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 13 days ago
This morning, I woke up to see that my siffling wasn't wearing their hat! At first, i thought they might have left it somewhere in their enclosure, but after looking in literally every possible hiding place, I couldn't find it!! And im freaking out a little!! My only theory is that maybe they destroyed it, which i find alarming, with how attached to it they were? And yet they seem fine right now? They ate as usual and seem just as affectionate with their tank mates. But I'm so scared it might negatively affect them later, or that it might be the sign of an underlying issue... what should I do? Should I find a replacement for it just in case?
This all really chalks up to how your Siffrin acts over the next few days! If they appear stressed, are frequently hiding, are shying away from tankmates, etc, then there may be a concern. It’s possibly they might be sick, or are hiding some sort of injury. If they display any more unusual behaviors, do get them checked out.
However, it’s possible this is a part of your Siffrin’s growth stage. It’s not uncommon for a Siffrin to loose it’s hat at some point in the adult stage. Losing their hat can be a concern for wild Siffrins, as the hat works to protect the scalp and cover their eyes. Siffrins lean towards being more nocturnal, and the hat aids in protecting their sensitive eyes from sunlight during daytime hours. However, a Siffrin can live just fine without their hat, especially in a well-shaded enclosure. For caretakers with your same concern, I would suggest looking in their enclosure and the space around it to see if you can find the hat, or potentially looking into a replacement hat if your Siffrin begins missing it or starts to have difficulty in bright lights.
Additionally, if you have a Loop, it is possible that they may have taken it, or been given the hat as a gift.
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 13 days ago
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[ID in alt]
can anyone hear me
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 25 days ago
Mdp needs smoko
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Mdp needs smoko
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 1 month ago
i have an odile. and also a cat, who basically rules the house. here's the thing tho: my odile keeps trying to climb the cat tower. she's absolutely awful at it, to the point that we had to put several pillows around the cat tower, but she Keeps Trying To Climb Up There. i don't know why she does this. she also climbs onto the cat and uses him as transport like she's riding a horse
This fascinates me considering Odiles are well known to have a fear of heights? It could be that your Odile is aiming to find a quiet place for herself. Your cat tower could be a soft & isolated enough place for her to relax. I’d suggest either building her an easier way to get up the tower, or making her a separate tower or similar structure.
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 2 months ago
My Pétronille is breaking my heart. I love her, but I think she gets lonely when I'm at work. I'm thinking about getting a Bonnie to keep her company. Do you have any advice on how to introduce them? I'm thinking about taking a few days off, to be there full time when they first get introduced.
I’m shocked you don’t have a Bonnie yet at all!! I super recommend getting her a Bonnie: they’re immensely important for a Petronilles’ health and happiness. Petronille often struggle to connect with other Isatlings and have a tendency to self isolate, but having a Bonnie dilutes these tendencies and is likely to help your Petronille’s loneliness and mood. The same idea goes for Bonlings.
Introducing them isn’t very difficult, as they take to each other very quickly, but you should still be mindful & observe them. Bonnies can be very scared and skittish at first, so make sure they aren’t too stressed & ensure they have a place to hide when first being introduced. Keep an eye on them while they first interact. Bonnie are very small and touchy, which doesn’t always work great for Petronilles who are easily startled and have harder boundaries for touch. She may suplex them- which can be fun for Bonlings, but potentially bad for their little skulls!
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 2 months ago
blog called istheloopvideocute that rates loop characterization on a scale of how healthy the coping mechanisms are (as well as, on a more meta level, how aware of loops facade the characterization is)
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 2 months ago
hiii so I’m having an issue :( I think I have an infestation???? But I’m not suuuure??….
So, uh. It’s been raining a loooot the past few days, and my house ain’t like, the best, so there’s a bit of standing water here and there andeverywherre. And uh. I swear there’s something hanging around the puddles at night?? And sometimes I hear these Maybe laughing? Or something. It’s been keeping me up, it’s so constant!! It’s like crickets or something, but they laugh!! So it’s gotta be a lil guy, I think? Or many little guys. Cuz it’s loud. And they keep leaving crumbs in my house and I’m gonna get REAL rodents or something if this keeps up HELP
Based on the laughter and whispers, plus nocturnal activity, this sounds like a Mal Du Pays army… I’ll pray for you. Mal Du Pays can be solitary, but it’s very common for them to form large groups. These groups are usually a lot bigger than they appear, with how easily this species blends into darkness.
Try to keep the water as minimal as you can, and leave out bait foods (dark chocolate, lemons, typically sour or bitter foods). It is very possible that they are actually legitimately in your walls, so check your home for any places they could be getting in or out. This includes outdoors, particularly around water drains & areas prone to pooling. Set out traps for them (large clean containers of salt water with food should do the trick) as well.
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 2 months ago
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Hi! I just realized that I never told you, but: I was inspired by this blog to make an au/roleplay/unreality of my own! It’s pretty much this but Mega Man, and they’re called Masterlings. Have a wonderful day!
OUUHH I AM SO GLAD YOU FELT INSPIRED BY THIS BLOG HELLO!!!!! I hope you are having so much fun with your blog!!!
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 2 months ago
Hi! I just realized that I never told you, but: I was inspired by this blog to make an au/roleplay/unreality of my own! It’s pretty much this but Mega Man, and they’re called Masterlings. Have a wonderful day!
OUUHH I AM SO GLAD YOU FELT INSPIRED BY THIS BLOG HELLO!!!!! I hope you are having so much fun with your blog!!!
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 2 months ago
so is it normal for kings to be so.... weepy? because my roommate's king gets very teary very often and i'm kind of worried it's got an eye infection or something
Yes, crying is a vital function for kings! Kings cry for two primary reasons: as a means of hunting, and for temperature regulation.
Hunting is the most commonly known reason. The tears of a king are able to temporarily freeze any small prey that run into it. This process can take a few minutes to a few days depending on the size of the prey, and if they have any freeze resistance (such as Mirabelles, who are incredibly resistant to freezing).
Kings also use it for thermoregulation. Kings live in environments that change from extreme heat to extreme cold. Their hair is there to keep the King insulated during the winter, but the length does not shed during the summer. Instead, a King will produce excess tears to lessen its body temperature, similar to perspiration in humans!
It is a good idea to maintain the health of a King’s eyes. Check tears for unusual cloudiness, and monitor any changes in the amount of tears your King cries. Their eyes should be regularly cleaned to prevent salt buildup in the tear ducts, which could potentially damage the eye or cause irritation, and the possibility of infection in cases severe neglect. Your king should for the most part clean his eyes himself, but cleaning them monthly allows you to be certain they’re properly clean. Here is a step by step guide for doing so:
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Signs of an infection include cloudy tears, increased agitation, itching or scratching at the eyes, and swelling.
Bonus info regarding how this benefits them & their environment, bc it’s very cool to me and not enough people know about it!!
Their tears are incredibly salty. In their native habitat (replications of it, at least), this aids in watering local plants and contributing to salt deposits on the rocks. Kings reside by the shore where most fauna lives off high-salinity water, and are anchored into rock beds. These salt deposits are beneficial for other wildlife: particularly goats & sheep, who descend nearby mountains to lick the rocks for essential minerals.
It should be noted that “native habitats” are tricky to mark down for Kings. They’re theorized to be native to the Island north of Vaugarde: which, of course, researches struggle to understand, let alone locate. These native habitats are understood through replications in other areas, places that wild Kings thrive & navigate towards. Many are found on the shores of Vaugarde, particularly near the mountain ranges.
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 2 months ago
wait do you keep asks that are so funny you want to see them forever? I was wondering if my ask ended up lost or not. What funny ones do you have?
If it’s funny, I’d post it!! It stays on my blog either way :]
I have a lot of asks in my inbox. I try to answer older ones first, but some of them either take a long time (especially ones I wanna make art for, like the Changeling post), are asks I’ve already answered in a different post, or are asks I don’t have an answer to. I’m sorry if I don’t end up answering someone’s ask, but it’s a bit tricky to get to them all. It’s a one gal show on this page!!!
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 3 months ago
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Grown ass time looper cannot handle genuine love and appreciation, more at eight. (Interpret this image as you will.)
Bonus mutual:
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 3 months ago
had a coworker show up 3 hours late today and, when asked why, they said “sorry, my loop didn’t want me to leave for work today so last night they froze my wallet and car keys in ice again”. so here’s your reminder to make sure your loop doesn’t learn how to use the freezer/oven/safe without having a proper tankmate to keep them company for when you leave home
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 3 months ago
hello is there a limit to the amount of isatlings u can own. i am personally trying to make an army (i currently have 3 siffrins, 2 mal du pays, 2 loops, 2 odiles, 1 mirabelle and 1 claude) dont get me wrong i love each and every one of them to death and they each have their own space but. legally is this allowed (i really like isatlings ok...)
It depends on where you live, and what the laws and regulations are in your area.
Many countries have restrictions on what Isatlings can and cannot be allowed in its borders. The reasons for this can vary, but the most common reasons are that certain species may pose an environmental, health, or safety risk. Countries (or states/provinces) may allow you to care for a certain isatling if you have the qualifications to. For example, Almerio only allows to care of a King if you have a recognized caretaker’s license.
Limitation wise, most places won’t have a set limit. Rather, if you can care for all the Isatlings without creating a risk, and without harming them or those around you, then there’s really no harm in having multiple. It’s however many you can handle. The situation does change, as although the country and city might not set limits, landlords and private businesses usually can. To be safe, check with your local officials and see what exactly the regulations (if any) there are, and get written confirmation from your tenant that you are permitted to keep as many as you currently are.
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 3 months ago
hi! I'm thinking of adopting a change god! I recently found one of these rarities at a local shelter <3 do you have any tips to taking care of one?
I am going to assume you mean a CHANGELING, and not a GOD..?? These guys have a lot of common misconceptions around them, especially with their appearance to common depictions of the Change god. They are very rare in most countries, but are native to (and thus everywhere in) Vauguarde.
The appearance of a changeling is heavily similar to depictions of the Change God. Changelings adapt to their environment and their appearances will reflect that of its caretaker.
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pictured: changeling & fruit, Liana A, oil on canvas. a depiction of the artist’s changeling, who interrupted her original plan to paint fruit.
They’re not too high maintenance. Changelings live a Change lifestyle, meaning they need constant changes to their stimuli, diet, and environment, though they’re easily pleased by small changes like moving their enclosure or feeding them a new kind of treat. Changelings are perfectly fine without an enclosure, but should you want one, fill it with Change artifacts and a large variety of textures, shades, and decor.
They’re cheerful little creatures, enjoying dancing in place and playing, and often mimic behaviors they observe their caretaker doing. A bored changeling is a deeply unhappy one, so look out for any signs of disinterest in their surrounding or minimal movement. Also be warned that they are very clumsy creatures, being well known to fall off tables or play structures. While they are usually very resilient, make sure you always monitor your Changeling after a bad fall.
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 3 months ago
I think my girlfriend's Odile hates me. Every time I come over, she keeps glaring at me, and every once and a while I'll say something I see her start writing in her notebook. Any advice for getting on her good side? I'm well aware that my relationship hinging on having a good relationship with her isatling.
Odiles can be pretty hard to read sometimes. From what I can gather, your girlfriend’s Odile has found something interesting about you. If this is good or bad I truly cannot say: but she’s not ignoring you! The worst offense you can take from an Odile is for her to find you uninteresting in any capacity, so at the very least, she’s willing to observe and change her mind to something more positive.
There is also potentially a very good chance that this Odile is messing with you. It’s a well known fact that Odiles enjoy small pranks, a common one being the mental game of “what is she writing about”. If this is the case, it’s likely that the Odile quite enjoys your company, and is simply having fun tormenting you for laughs. This is a positive method of communication for Odiles.
If you’re this concerned, then here’s some suggestions for getting on her good side.
First off, you can try treat bribes. Don’t overdo this though!! Odiles are not food motivated, but do appreciate offerings. The best way to go about this is to be the one to give treats, and make sure she can see you. Bonus points if you bring them from your own home. Treats also include gifts like new books or puzzles.
Also, treat your girlfriend really well!! Give her gifts when you visit, call frequently, and be present in general! These are things you should already be doing of course, but still! The Odile WILL notice, even about things you may think are small or inconsequential. The Odile knows more than you: always remember this.
Furthermore, you should engage with the Odile, though do keep her boundaries in mind. Odiles are not very physically affectionate, and require more alone time than most species. Still, theyre not absolute loners, and need attention just like any other species does! Talk to her, be attentive, and so on. Most of all though, be yourself! And Odile will see through any meaningless words or appearances you put on just to appease her.
Best of luck!
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isatling-husbandry-guide · 3 months ago
Is there any legal, ethical way to covert large quantities of Siffrins into loops? I am trying to start a business as Loops seem to sell much faster, and a higher price.
Are you a pokemon villain or perhaps an impish demon bc that is a comically evil thing to ask.
Furthermore, there’s no guarantee you would even get a Loop, because a Siffrin needs to know love or comfort before it can change. It’s incredibly likely that the Siffrin will die otherwise, from illness or more severe methods.
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