isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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“ if i’m honest with myself; i really missed this place. “
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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“That does it. I’m sick of sitting around and doing nothing but studying. It’s nauseating. Who wants to come do something fun and reckless with me?” 
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
C O S T U M E - 1910's Cabaret Dancer
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The school said to spare no expense on a costume and that was what Tink was planning to do. Of course, she had to find a costume that would suit her personality perfectly so she decided to go with a Cabaret Dancer. You couldn't get more sassy than that, right?
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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Kristoff: i dont like it here anymore
Kristoff: come save me
Kristoff: ill give you a penny or something idk
Tink: I don't know who this is or how you got this number
Tink: But if I'm coming to save you from something it's going to cost you more than a penny.
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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“Of course I am or my name isn’t Tinkerbelle.” She said, giving Bill a playful wink. “That’s great, Billy Boy! If you’re up for it, I daresay this is cause for celebration!”
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“You’re one of a kind Tink,” Bill said with a smile.  “The UN thing went great!  I truly believe we’ll see some changes in the works on this fight of global warming soon.”
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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Tink playfully rolled her eyes when he gave another laugh. She debated his reasoning in her head and stuck her tongue out at him. She knew, deep down, that he was right. It was Bill, he was always right. “Maybe I’ll help her.” She said with narrowing eyes. “Maybe.” She sighed softly, “But enough about me, how did the UN thing go?”
Bill chuckled at the girl. He knew she wasn’t one to offer a helping hand but she was kind deep down inside. “Yes, yes, Tink I’m feeling great.” he said with another laugh. “And I know you’re not the fondest of helping strangers but from what I heard in your story, she most definitely needs it.” Bill said with a smile. “And I have two very good reasons why you should help. 1. Because you are the best pharmacology student I know and if anyone could help a girl learn what a sugar is it’s you and 2. because I don’t want to live in a world where my pharmacist doesn’t know the difference between carbon monoxide and glucose.”
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
Tink roughly ran her hands through her curls before she quickly and sloppily pulled her hair up into her signature hairstyle. Her top bun. “I just—–I don’t understand how she couldn’t figure it out.” She said, still seething slightly. Her eyebrows shot up when he complimented her and she flushed slightly, no one really told her she was smart. She sort of just flew under the radar because she wasn’t exactly popular, but then again what science major was?  She looked at him with wide eyes and pointed to herself, “Me? Help her? Billy Boy, do you need water or something? Are you feeling okay? Since when do I help people out of the blue?”
“Tink, Tink, you gotta calm down.” he said with a laugh. “I see exactly how that could be upsetting and it’s very true that carbon monoxide and glucose are very very very very very different. And I know, especially, that minor mistakes for a pharmacist could be deadly, but dear Tink this “valley girl” has given you a great opportunity.  It’s obvious that she’s definitely struggling and you and I both know how smart you are.” he said with a smile. “Perhaps you could find it in your heart to help this girl who cannot seem to differentiate between what a sugar is and carbon monoxide.”
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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“I know; finally, someone who understands my pain! I was practically ready to walk out. How she got into pharmacology, I’ll never know.” 
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“B-but… CO and C6H12O6 are so dissimilar! That’s absurd! And I think CO might be the easiest formula to remember!”
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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“Someone mistook the carbon monoxide formula for the glucose formula. I’m wondering how they passed 9th grade science really.”
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“Yikes. Bad experience, I take it?”
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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“Exactly!” Tink practically exploded when he said the correct formula before taking a breath. “So I’m sitting in class and we’re going over chemical bonds for the millionth time. I swear, they think we’re not going to get it. It’s really not that complicated! And Professor goes, “What’s the most basic sugar?” So obviously all of us groan, but put our hands up anyway because maybe, just maybe, it’ll make him talk faster and get over the whole chemical bonding thing. So there’s only a couple of hands that don’t go up because either they’re a.) too tired or b.) not paying attention at this point. Honestly, I don’t blame them for either. Of course, Professor calls on a girl who doesn’t raise her hand and she answers his question. Do you want to know what her answer was? She says in her stupid valley girl accent,” Tink shifted her voice to the accent, ““Uhm, like, CO, right?” I was seething, Billy Boy!” She exclaimed. “CO? CO?! Carbon Monoxide?! Carbon monoxide is certainly not sugar! How do you mistake glucose for carbon monoxide?! I just----ugh! If you made a mistake like that in the pharmacy you could kill someone!” She took a deep breath. “Now do you see why I said what I did?”
Bill couldn’t help from smiling. His friend Tinkerbelle, as he liked to call her, was obviously very upset about something that had occurred and it was quite amusing to him. “C6H1206, honestly Tink, maybe give me a little more challenging question. Now how does this pertain to the tale?” Bill said with a laugh.
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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“Of course, I know that. But if you’re studying something to go into a field in that subject shouldn’t you be at least somewhat good at it going in?” She paused to take a breath. “Alright, Billy Boy. Let me ask you a small question before I set off on telling you the tale of my chem class today. What is the formula for glucose? You know, the most basic sugar?”
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“Not everybody can be good at everything, but you can learn something new from something new from everyone, dear Tink. Though I would like to know the back story to this statement.” Bill said with a smile.
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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"I swear, some people just aren’t meant to be pharmacologists.”
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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“Yeah, Tinker. That’s me, the one and only.” She paused. “So you’re the infamous Christopher Robins, then? I was beginning to wonder when I was going to meet you. I mean obviously we would have crossed paths at some point, unless you didn’t plan on sleeping in our dorm.”
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“The surname is ‘Tinker’ though, right? It’s just, I think we’re roommates?”
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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Tink raised an eyebrow before rolling her eyes at him. “Oh, right. Now I’m on par with say Shakespeare or Samuel Johnson.”
“Now, now, Easy Tink, someone significant has said that,” Max replied with a wiggle of his eye brows. “You did. And you’re significant– so you know.”
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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“Jack Jack? What are you, five?” 
“Actually, there are some organisms that don’t have a brain and they can function. It’s fascinating really. Perhaps I’m one of those. Then I’d basically be a super hero. Call me Incredible Jack Jack.” 
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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Tink laughed, truely laughed. “You know what they say, a wall of sass is stronger than a wall of concrete.” She paused, “Yeah, I don’t know if anyone significant actually said that. I just made it up.”
“Let’s be honest here,” Max started to say as a goofy smile filled his lips. “Even if I said Easy Tink in the different connotation. You and I both know it’s not true. Especially since you have a wall of sass built around you.”
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isabelle-tinker · 9 years
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( homework assignment. )
Moodboard Number One ( ft. Tink )
      Isabelle Tinker is sassy. That was just it. Ask anyone at Walt Academy and they would tell you the same thing. Before coming to Walt Academy, Tink was bullied. Badly. Instead of succumbing to the bullies, though, she became strong. She learned to use books and words as a weapon rather than fists and blood. As she was only 5'5", fighting wouldn't have worked very well in her favor anyway because most of the people that bullied her were well over her height. During this time, Tink's sass and rebelliousness started to really flourish. She just wanted to prove to everyone that she was her own person. That she could be her own person. And no one could stop her. Mostly because she never really let anyone in.
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