iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
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Madagascar hissing cockroach cake by Katherine Dey Art, @sixpenceee
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
Can neurotypicals really get any work done in an office where people are chatting/talking on the phone? Or are they all just pretending? Seems highly suspect if you ask me
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
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Danielle Lauzon
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
Listen up everyone I wanna find some poly people who also have ADHD so we can chat together about this tricky RSD situation and what to do about it.
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
i think what’s wrong with me is that i don’t live secluded in a hut in the woods. i don’t bang enough rocks against enough things. i just haven’t forged any swords
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
Super helpful advice for people with ADHD who want to start taking stimulant medication
This is a list I made up in my head while I was on meds and couldn't think about anything other than the fact that I was on meds 1. Plan your meals in advance. Try to eat small things (eg sandwiches) because if you prepare a big meal you will either a. Feel sick or b. Wander off halfway through eating it 2. If you don't have any food in, do your shopping before your meds wear off. Otherwise you will suddenly remember about food right as the mind chaos starts to set in and you will find yourself wandering aimlessly around a supermarket, having forgotten all the things you like to eat 3. If you have work to do, try to start doing that work before the meds kick in. Don't take your meds, make a coffee and then start scrolling through Pinterest because after half an hour your brain will suddenly zoom in and you won't be able to stop scrolling through Pinterest for the next four to eight hours. 4. Actually, Pinterest is completely banned. So are Facebook, tumblr, Instagram, YouTube, or anything else that involves endless clicking or scrolling 5. Online shopping is also banned. Don't go anywhere near Amazon, eBay or etsy. 6. Don't clean/tidy/organise anything that doesn't need to be cleaned/tidied/organised today. There's a random plate you forgot to clean on your desk. Ignore it. 7. I SAID IGNORE IT 8. Don't bother trying to have sex. It's boring and it won't work.
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
'Rowan, use your indoor voice!' - my boyfriend, 1386939 times a day
Shout out to people who have a hard time controlling their volume when talking, and who always speak too loudly or too quietly.
Whether you are teased for being too quiet but it’s really nerves/anxiety/shyness, and/or you have a hard time talking in an “indoor” voice when excited so people are constantly telling you to quiet down and “chill out”.
You’re okay. I know you try hard. I know you mumble incoherently when scared and yell when talking about something that excites you. It’s okay. I do it too.
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
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executive dysfunction
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
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you can’t make this shit up
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
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The majestic Conehead mantis (Empusa pennata) via Beautiful Amazing World
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
Me: get the rest of the cookie dough so you can feed it to me while you spoon me
Jana: obviously. I was going to do that anyway
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
Obviously I am not a fan of gendered marketing BUT I’m just saying that if someone produced some man-tampons for transmasculine people I would DEFINITELY buy them
Always sanitary towels used to have helpful advice on the wrapper like ‘schedule bra shopping for the 3rd week of your cycle’ but what if the man tampons said things like ‘Did you know that some sharks can smell blood from 3 miles away? make sure to use a man-tampon before you swim with sharks on your man-period’
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
@whatever-singularity just said 'no one is going to reblog that' THINK AGAIN MY FRIEND
What if there was a cheesy horror movie about giant beetles eating people and destroying cities called.. Wait for it.. Coleop-TERROR (reblog if you’re a huge nerd)
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iplantpunkus-blog · 7 years
What if there was a cheesy horror movie about giant beetles eating people and destroying cities called.. Wait for it.. Coleop-TERROR (reblog if you're a huge nerd)
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