Introvert Stylist
68 posts
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introvert-stylist · 6 months ago
Unbiased Review Of McCall's 7686: Craft The Ultimate Off-the-Shoulder Top!
McCall’s 7686 is my something new this year. I plan to sew 2 -3 garments a month and this one is the first on my list. My goal is to use the fabric that I have been hoarding in my bookshelves and learn from my mistakes so I can get better. I didn’t want to go at it alone, so I joined a sewing group on Facebook. There are a ton of groups out there so take your time to find the one that fits your…
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introvert-stylist · 2 years ago
What activities do you lose yourself in? Coding, reading, watching TikToks, sewing of course.
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
Friday Haul_faux_leather - HD 720p from Ashley Strickland-Horne on Vimeo.
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
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May was madness. Yep I said it. We had a tornado of a month here in the Horne household and so ready to start a new month. As you can see I am already in shorts because it is HOT 🥵. It is already in the 90s and hit over 100 a few times. So you know what that means you’re about to get all this summer content. No more coats for now, lol. What are you excited about this month? Shirt @thechicshirtshop Kimono Made by me Butterick 6176 (This is a quick make for the summer) Xoxo 💋 #introvertstylist #b6176 #bloggersofinstagram #blackbloggers #sewingblogger #petitesewing #sewingblogger #memadeeveryday #creativechics #whomademyclothes #sewingissexy (at Phoenix, Arizona)
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
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Raise you hand if you dread Mondays. 🙋‍♀️ I know after resting all weekend the last thing you want to do is deal with work and other obligations. My hope is that this quote will remind you that you matter. And if no one told you today, I’m grateful that you’re here. Have a great Monday! The whole outfit was made by me. 😉 Xoxo 💋 #introvertstylist #azblogger #blackgirlswhoblog #memademay2022 #blkcreatives #sewcialist #sewingbloggers #fashiondesignerlife #fashionbloggers #sewingissexy #creators (at Phoenix, Arizona)
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
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Dress #2: Loading… Happy Hump day Loves. I hope you’ve been crushing it. Xoxo 💋 #introvertstylist #azblogger #blackgirlswhoblog #memadeeveryday #blkcreatives #sewcialist #fashiondesignerlife #fashionbloggers #fashioninfluencers (at Phoenix, Arizona)
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
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In the studio today working on some goodies. Since I have so many new followers I thought I’d share a little about myself. 1st off, welcome to my corner of IG. Over here I love to dance, sew and occasionally sing. Oh and if you follow my stories I find things that will make you laugh. My name is Ashley. I’m from the burbs of Chicago and have lived in Phoenix for 17 years come this May. Long time I know. 📝A fun fact about me, I used to have a photography business, which sometimes I get the itch to start again, but for now I’m having fun creating content on IG and my blog. Swipe right to see some of my old work. And I’ve learned so much since these photos. (I know this was overdue to share I finally got my hard drive to work 😅) Now tell me something I don’t know about you. Xoxo 💋 #introvertstylist #azblogger #sewingblogger #blackphotog #blackphotographer #blackgirlswhoblog #memadeeveryday #blkcreatives #sewcialist #calledtobwcreative #photogsofinatagram (at Phoenix, Arizona)
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
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I told y’all I was going to start having fun with this camera. Swipe right to see me in action. So if you missed the reel this week, which is possible. It was only 7 seconds, 🤪. I’ve slowed it down for you with these still shots. Check out my blog for more tips on working with georgette fabric. The last image shows where the vision began. Xoxo 💋 #introvertstylist #stylebloggers #handmadeisbetter #sewingissexy #slowfashion #sewingbloggers #sewingblogger #streetstyleblogger #blackbloggers #wearable #bloggersofinstagram (at Phoenix, Arizona)
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
9 Things to Know about Georgette Fabric
Get some extra tips on working with Georgette fabric for free.
What are 9 things you know about Georgette Fabric? This week I am doing a guest blog over at reviewing McCalls pattern 7607. I use this particular fabric for the project. Be sure to give it a read, especially if this is a pattern that you have in your stash and haven’t used. I show you how it looks on a petite person in stripes. Personally, I am a fan of the look, but I am also biased…
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
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Don’t mind me, just over her trying to find my inner peace after a long week. Is it Friday yet? Xoxo 💋 #introvertstylist #nl6581 #icanmakethat #blkmakersmatter #sewingblogger #newlook6581 #blackgirlswhoblog #bloggersofinstagram #sewingissexy #diystyle #ilovesewing #imakemyownclothes #instasew #memadeeveryday (at Phoenix, Arizona)
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
Tips Making New Look Pattern 6581 Easier to Sew
New Blog Post!!! Check it out.
New Look pattern 6581 really is the perfect knit set to wear as a work-from-home outfit. You can even get away with it in the office if you pick the right fabric. I saw a version that Mimi G made a few years ago in gray and put it on my wish list. The list is so ridiculously long that I never thought I would get to it, but I have. This year I have been pushing myself to finish garments by setting…
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
8 Mistakes to Avoid When Sewing Simplicity 8546
🚨New Blog Post 🚨 You don't want to miss this one.
I discovered two things last year, petite sewing patterns are still hard to find with commercial patterns and I am in love with crepe fabric. Going through my closet, I realized that I have made a lot of sewing projects with crepe such as this dress here and this tunic here. I even have a few on The reason why I believe I am obsessed with crepe is that it holds better and can look…
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
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I did it! I finally sewed something for Black History Month. This coat is by a black sewing pattern designer you may recognize the name, Khaliah Ali. Not only is she a designer, she is also an author and philanthropist. Boxing fans may recognize her because she is the daughter of the late great Muhammad Ali. Stay tuned because I’ll be sharing fun facts throughout the month. I wanted to make this coat for a few years now and finally did it. Check the link in bio under “latest blog post” for a review of this coat. Xoxo 💋 #sewingissexy #m7262 ##diystyle #petitesewing #ilovesewing #imakemyownclothes #instasew #slowfashion #memadeeveryday #sewcialist #whomademyclothes #fashiondesignerlife #blackfashionista #blackfashionblogger (at Phoenix, Arizona)
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
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STOP ✋🏽Take a second and appreciate how far you’ve come. Did you do it? I really hope so. It’s so easy to get caught up in the future without acknowledging the past. I’ve been trying to do that more and more these days. It’s been three months since I was in the hospital and today I can stand on my own without needing my husband or an emergency team on hand. I am grateful to be alive and spend the holidays with my little family. So if you see me cheesing like I am in these pics then you know why. What’s something that you are grateful for today? Pattern: McCalls 7836 Fabric: Sweater Knit from @Joannfabric (Not sure if they still have it, but definitely worth a look. It’s a very stable knit. Not too stretchy) Shoes: Old (I found a few affordable alternatives if you’re really interested. Look under “Shop Style Collective”) Blog post up tomorrow. Turn on notifications so you don’t miss it. Xoxo 💋 - - - - - #introvertstylist #sewingbloggers #slowfashionblogger #makersofcolor #sewingaddict #makersgonnamake #millenialsewing #azblogger #phxblogger #fashiondesignerlife #blackblogger (at Phoenix, Arizona)
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
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2 Years old! Can you believe it in 30 days Jack Jack is turning 2? If you are new to my page then you haven’t meet him yet. We got him right after my Dad had a really bad stroke as an ESA for me. I am a Daddy’s girl and took it very hard. It has been a journey to say the least. His goofy personality as you can see here helped me stay positive. So today I’m taking this time to share a tribute to him. Check out my blog now for the best dog gift ideas Jack Jack approved. Who do you have that supports you on your worst days? Xoxo 💋 - - - - - #introvertstylist #petgifts #dogmom #mentalhealthadvocate #emotionalsupportdog (at Phoenix, Arizona)
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
Stop Wasting Money and Get These 10 Pet Gifts
Jack Jack is turning two in December and all I can think about is what do we get him to celebrate. I’m sure many of you may be thinking about your pup and how do you stop wasting money and get the best pet gifts. Your dog may be the first or last one on your list, but either way, I have you covered. Some of these toys have already been JJ tested and approved. And others have been on his (our)…
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introvert-stylist · 3 years ago
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This is me being reflective. Mr. H thanks I look too serious. 🧐 I thought it looked cool. I was playing with lighting. FUN FACT: I used to have a photography business before I dealt with all the health stuff. Holla below if you’d like me to share some of my past work. And a special shout-out to ALL of you who purchased from, liked, commented, & shared my new t-shirt shop. I appreciate all of you. Please make sure to tag me in any photos. I’d love to share them. Now on to the week’s plans •Review @iamnatalie Mastermind course •Clean my office •Get work done for my client •Clean and decorate the house •Study web design 😅Yeah busy week ahead. What are your plans? Stilll shopping? Xoxo 💋 - - - - - #introvertstylist #introvertthoughts #sewingbloggers #mondayselfie #selfpotrait #selfportraitphotography #petitesewists #phxblogger #azbloggers #blackgirlswhoblog #blackwomenfashion (at Phoenix, Arizona)
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