Into The Nightosphere
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Hi, I'm Jason.But , you can call me by Marshall Lee. 
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intothenightosphere331 · 6 years ago
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God, this was the coolest looking aquarium I’ve been to. This #tbt to the time I went with my family to Tipley’s Aquarium in Toronto last summer, it was insane! One of my favorite exhibits was the Jellyfish. They look unreal in neon light and red light and I’ve always love how Jellyfishes inhabit in the ocean. As a fan of marine life and oceanography, that aquarium is and still the coldest place Toronto has to offer. Also, thanks to @sammeden for the recommendation. Someday I’ll come back to visit again. • #tbt #throwbackthursday #tbthursday #throwback #lastsummer #summer #summervacation #vacation #aquarium #ripleysaquarium #ripleysaquariumofcanada #canada #toronto #ontario #lastsummervacation #jellyfish #jellyfishes #ocean #oceanfan #oceanography #marinebiology #underthelight #neonlight (at Ripley's Aquarium of Canada)
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intothenightosphere331 · 6 years ago
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🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥 . 📸 by @archmax_studio at @newyorkcomiccon • #nycc #cosplaylife #dragonballsuper #thelegendarysupersaiyan #brolythelegendarysupersaiyan #thenightospherecosplay #thenightosphere #broly #nycc2018 #nycomiccon2018 #nycomiccon #nycc #newyorkcomiccon #newyorkcomiccon2018 #tagme #sharemycosplay #featureme #likemycontent #dbz #dbs #godofdestruction (at Javits Center)
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intothenightosphere331 · 6 years ago
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Nycc was amazing this year after 10 years! I’ll post more of my pics from @newyorkcomiccon soon. I didn’t spend much but I was able enjoy myself seeing everyone this year! I’m still recovering for this epic weekend and I got this week to get back into life and I’m gonna post more pics from nycc! Can’t wait for this to happen! . #cosplaylife #cosplay #nycc #newyorkcomiccon #newyorkcomiccon2018 #nycc2018 #cosplayfriends #myhappiness #javitscenter #cosplaymoments #10thyear (at New York Comic Con)
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intothenightosphere331 · 6 years ago
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It’s almost time! I can’t wait to see everyone at nycc, it’s still crazy that it’s this week! But I wanna look back at yesterday’s friendiversary between me and @annieleecosplay. She’s always supports me and wants me to succeed and be happy. • #cosplay #cosplaylife #friends #cosplayfriends #cosplayfriendship #friendaversary #nycc #memories #nycc #nycc2017 #conmemories (at New York, New York)
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intothenightosphere331 · 6 years ago
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So now that we are a week away from nycc, it’s time to update you with my lineup. So for Friday and Saturday I’ve decided to do this: ~ • Thursday - Roadhog (Overwatch) • Friday - God of Destruction Broly (Dragon Ball Z/ Dragon Ball Super) ~ The rest I’m keeping the same because I wanna have a relaxing cosplay on Sunday and the secret is almost complete! Can’t wait to see everyone at @newyorkcomiccon! • #nycc #newyorkcomiccon #newyorkcomiccon2018 #cosplay #cosplaylife #cosplaylineup #dbz #dbs #broly #originaldesign #overwatch #overwatchcosplay #deadpool2cosplay #firefist #firefistcosplay #secret #secretcosplay #update (at New York, New York)
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intothenightosphere331 · 7 years ago
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Today is my first few days back in my city, New York City, since my vacation in Ontario and after the wedding in Lake George. Things are getting back to normal and I was too tempted to share this. The Miagra Parks Butterfly Conservatory was absolutely beautiful. I didn’t know that so many butterflies were here and I got to hold on to some while I was there. It has to be my favorite place to visit and I highly recommend you to check it out if you decide to go to Niagra Falls in Ontario. #niagrafalls #niagarafallscanada #niagrafallsontario #ontario #butterfly #butterflyobservatory #niagraparks #vacation #summervacation #2018vacation #vacation2018 (at Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory)
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intothenightosphere331 · 7 years ago
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Even at night the falls look 10x more beautiful. The lights in the falls are great and the fireworks did the trick to make this visit so special. These pics show it all.(2/2) #travel #niagrafalls #niagrafallscanada #ontario #ontariocanada #canada #atnight #fireworms #waterfall #niagrafallsnight #nightlife #summer #summervacation #vacation (at Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada)
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intothenightosphere331 · 7 years ago
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Today’s the last day and it’s a little sad but I’m glad that I’m coming back home to get ready for the fall and back to crafting. But I think that Niagra Falls Is absolutely beautiful. Up close towards the falls is unreal. I got more...(1/2) #niagrafalls #ontario #canada #summervacation #trip #excursion #boatexcursion #niagrafallscanada (at Niagara Falls, Ontario)
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intothenightosphere331 · 7 years ago
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So since my vacation is almost over, here’s some pics from Gore mountain. I was at my cousin’s wedding and the view of Gore Mountain was breathtaking. Plus the fog makes the photos pop out since there was fog was overcasting the mountains. I got more pics coming in from my holiday so stay tune... • #vacation #summervacation #weddingvenue #fog #goremountain #eeriefog #lookatthatview #newyork #upstate #upstatenewyork (at Gore Mountain)
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intothenightosphere331 · 7 years ago
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Hey guys, This is my little update for my Broly cosplay. I’m working on the shoes and the bottoms before getting to the wig. And then I’m going to work on my secret cosplay right now (I started on that before I left for my cousin’s wedding and vacation in Buffalo and Toronto!)! I cant believe it’s less than a month away! The process won’t stop for no one!! • #theprocess #process #cosplayprogress #trusttheprocess #cosplay #cosplaylife #dbz #dragonballz #dragonballsuper #godofdestruction #godofdestructioncosplay #dragonballzcosplay #dragonballsupercosplay #broly #brolythelegendarysupersaiyan #brolycosplay #almostdone (at New York)
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intothenightosphere331 · 7 years ago
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Hey guys! The progress of the cosplay lineup for nycc is looking great! The Broly outfit looks great so far; I used the remaining of EVA foam and foam sheets to make the designs. I even used hot glue to make the gems and this is my first time using fabrics for this project. I made the small cloth look rigid to look like it’s been through battle and sewn the materials with foam. So far I’m doing the last remaining sod my outfit and it’ll be ready for October! And remember, “Trust The Process” • #cosplay #cosplaylife #theprocess #cosplayprocess #cosplayprogress #progress #dbz #dragonballzcosplay #dragonballsuper #dbs #dragonballsupercosolay #broly #brolycosolay #godofdestruction #badass #almostdone #cosplayupdate
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intothenightosphere331 · 7 years ago
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This weekend is the Overwatch League Grand finals between the @phl_fusion and the @spitfire at the finals, hope you guys can put on a show! Anyways in honor of the first grand finals, here’s a pic of me and @hellokitti2323 cosplaying as D.VA and Roadhog from @newyorkcomiccon last year. Hope everyone is enjoying themselves at the finals! • 📷 credit @eternalcosplayapp • #overwatch #overwatchcosplay #roadhog #roadhogcosplay #dva #dvacosplay #overwatchleague #overwatchappreciation #grandfinals #cosplay #cosplaylife #eternalcosplay # (at New York, New York)
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intothenightosphere331 · 7 years ago
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So I’ve promised of a lineup and now I’ve came up with one within the next three months up until October. My lineup includes: • Thursday - God of Destruction Broly ~ Friday - Roadhog ~ Saturday - Secret Cosplay ~ Sunday - Firefist (Deadpool 2) • I’m Almost done with the other cosplays to work on and the secret will be worked on soon. It’ll be lit for my 10th time at New York comic con this year! • #nycc #nycc2018 #newyorkcomiccon #cosplay #cosplaylife #cosplaylineup #nycclineup #newyorkcomiccon2018 #dbz #dragonballz #dragonballzcosplay #firefist #firefistcosplay #roadhog #roadhogcosplay #overwatch #overwatchcosplay #secret #secretcosplay #cosplayannouncement (at New York, New York)
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intothenightosphere331 · 7 years ago
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Oh so I was at that party with @otakuswithattitude and a lot of shit went down last Friday. But I’m back from recovering my eye and thanks again everyone who were glad that I’m okay. But it’s also nice to see everyone again. Anyways cosplay making is slow but it’s progress. I’ll post my progress for my first be soon. • #owa #otakuswithattitude #mcgettiganspubs #mcgettigans #cosplayselfie #cosplay #cosplayparty #imokay #thankseveryone #thankyoueveryone❤️ (at McGettigan's NYC)
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intothenightosphere331 · 7 years ago
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Sometimes, you have to work hard to earn it... • • #cosplay #look fresh #windbreaker #owa #otakuswithattitude #lookingfresh #fridaynight #goodvibes #mondaymotivation (at McGettigan's NYC 36th Street)
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intothenightosphere331 · 7 years ago
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It’s been. Week since I hung out with these coo and caring people before ihe play ended. I was thankful that I met these cool people in @epicplayersnyc during the times I was rehearsing woman’s hanging out with these awesome, caring, and great people. Now I’m at home, recovering from my surgery and thanks everyone for wishing me a speedy recovery! I really appreciate it! • #epicplayers #chinatowndinner #chinatown #chinatownstories #tbs #throwback #throwbacksaturday (at Chinatown (Manhattan))
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intothenightosphere331 · 7 years ago
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Well I was gonna post it on the day of and yesterday, but, you know me and my relationship with procrastination😅. But I’m officially going to my 10th @newyorkcomiccon this year! Also, I’ll be going all 4 days for this con. This yeah, I’m going All In for the Cosplay plans I’ve got in store. These next 4-5 months from now are going to be challenging but it’ll be fun! I can’t wait to show case it in October! • #cosplay #cosplaylife #allin #imallin #nycc #nycc18 #con #newyorkcomiccon #imgoing #cosplayupgrade #mytime (at New York, New York)
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