inepti-blog · 9 years
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So for those who were wondering, and really for anyone following, i feel that it's now safe to say that this blog is going to remain INACTIVE.
Which is really, really painful to do, because I absolutely adore Terra, and I had a great ( almost ) year run of roleplaying on here, and meeting wonderful people, but I just can't bring myself to continue.
I love Terra more than most of the muses I've had a chance to play. I love his character, I love the potential, I love sitting around and thinking of headcanons and expanding further on his personality and what the game gave us. I love talking to people in this community, I loved having a chance tobe a part of it. I loved being part of what felt like a FAMILY.
This blog has been a huge help in my life but also a huge weight. A lot of good happened on here, as did a lot of bad, and the bad has left a sour taste in my mouth and on my muse and on kingdom hearts in general that I haven't been able to shake. It's made logging in stressful. It's made even thinking about logging in enough to make me feel sick, and it’s completely pushed me away from the series, and I shouldn't feel that way about ANYTHING that should make me happy.
So I'm going to say that this blog won't be coming back, and that I'm going to leave it up for archival purposes. One day I may come back to the fandom and the community as Terra, but it'll be under a different URL, maybe even a different handle than cassa. Maybe it'll be a different character entirely. I'm not sure, but right now I am sure about this.
It's been a good time guys! Sorry for saying that I would be back when, in reality, I knew that me leaving this blog was inevitable. I also apologize for those who sent me messages that I never got around to answering— the first time I've logged onto this blog since I posted I was back was today, just to make this post.
If you still want to follow my writing or interact with me, i'm over on voleuri most of the time right now when life allows it.
But thank you. Thank you all so much for the good times and for the chance to write with so many lovely people. I’ll see you all again someday in this fandom, I’m sure of it. 
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inepti-blog · 9 years
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HIATUS IS OVER ( which means ):     . inbox is completely emptied!      . previous unplotted threads are dropped ( any questions please ask me! )     . rules have been updated. please read them.     . my activity is still going to be pretty spotty for a bit, but i’m on photographor too!
I won’t be active much today, but tomorrow I’ll DEFINITELY be getting back in the swing of things 
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inepti-blog · 9 years
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update: hiatus over at the end of this week instead!
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inepti-blog · 9 years
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just a quick psa that hiatus will be OVER by the end of the week!
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inepti-blog · 9 years
H I A T U S.
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oh man this was a huge decision to make and one I really don’t want to make, but it has to be done. 
until the end of june, terra is going to be on a permanent hiatus. 
i don’t want to go into personal boring details, but i just can’t keep up with blogs right now! i have a lot going on outside of tumblr, and a that takes absolute priority over replies and this blog in general. if anything changes and things look up then i’ll be back sooner, but until then i won’t be around until the end of june/early july!  if you want to talk during that time, my skype is right here, but tell me who you are when you do. ( i’m actually on skype a lot now finally ) i’m also somewhat present on rnalfaiteur​ and mostly present on sheepai​ but take care guys and i’ll see you over here when i see you!
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inepti-blog · 9 years
H I A T U S.
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oh man this was a huge decision to make and one I really don’t want to make, but it has to be done. 
until the end of june, terra is going to be on a permanent hiatus. 
i don’t want to go into personal boring details, but i just can’t keep up with blogs right now! i have a lot going on outside of tumblr, and a that takes absolute priority over replies and this blog in general. if anything changes and things look up then i’ll be back sooner, but until then i won’t be around until the end of june/early july!  if you want to talk during that time, my skype is right here, but tell me who you are when you do. ( i’m actually on skype a lot now finally ) i’m also somewhat present on rnalfaiteur​ and mostly present on sheepai​ but take care guys and i’ll see you over here when i see you!
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inepti-blog · 9 years
H I A T U S.
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oh man this was a huge decision to make and one I really don’t want to make, but it has to be done. 
until the end of june, terra is going to be on a permanent hiatus. 
i don’t want to go into personal boring details, but i just can’t keep up with blogs right now! i have a lot going on outside of tumblr, and a that takes absolute priority over replies and this blog in general. if anything changes and things look up then i’ll be back sooner, but until then i won’t be around until the end of june/early july!  if you want to talk during that time, my skype is right here, but tell me who you are when you add me. ( i’m actually on skype a lot now finally ) i’m also somewhat present on rnalfaiteur​ and mostly present on sheepai​ but take care guys and i’ll see you over here when i see you!
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inepti-blog · 9 years
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just a quick announcement more than anything else. i'm going to be awol for the next week— what started out as allergies turned into something worse, so i'm currently extremely sick and won't be doing much on here until i feel better. apologies to those waiting for replies and such, but i'll figure out what to do with threads when i get back. for the most part i’ll be on my personal if anyone needs me ~ 
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inepti-blog · 9 years
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             “I swear…                                              I will NOT fail you again.”
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inepti-blog · 9 years
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⠀Something seemed off—he wasn’t totally present. It was normal for people to get lost in their own thoughts; he did that all the time. But he seemed different. Maybe it would have been best to leave him in his thoughts… But Sora couldn’t just leave him here after speaking with him. He couldn’t just offer his shoulder and then walk away. He had to make him feel better.
⠀⠀⠀⠀It was a strange answer, but nonetheless a good one. Sora enjoyed stories, regardless of their length. Besides, what else could he do?
⠀⠀⠀⠀“I don’t mind! What’s the story about?”
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  IT WASN’T AS much of a story as it was a sort    of distraction. A type of explanation, but even then it    was hard to decide what to say. Stringing together    words into something meaningful was not Terra’s    strong point, and now it seemed harder than ever.     A hand was raised to rub at the back of his neck    almost sheepishly while he thought, and an    apology was offered in the form of a small smile.    “Have you heard of the Land of Departure?” 
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inepti-blog · 9 years
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  HE REALLY HAS no clue what he's doing.    It had been given to him by someone else without    much for instruction. But if she was going to help,    then he'd do his best to allow her to.    Hesitantly at first he angles the Keyblade towards    her, and moves his hand enough to give her room    to grab onto it and take it if needed.
                         "...Now what?"
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   “Mmmmmmm, of course!” The ninja chimes, swinging her legs over the wall‘s barrier and jumps.With a small ‘oof’ she lands near him and edges closer, prying the small orb from his grasp. “It’s really not that hard.”      ( A pause. )            “Lemme see your weapon.”
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inepti-blog · 9 years
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  TEMPTATION HELD PART in his being here. A sense of familarity rested with that of the upturned stone and broken spires. It's not his home, it's nothing like his home, but it rang within his chest like it was. This place was, and is, important. It suffered from that it did not deserve. There's nothing he can do to help now. All he can do is wander, wander, mouth silent apologies in the direction of the ground.
                          ( He comes across her, and he can tell she's not from here.                             She seems too fragile for a BROKEN place such as this. )
                                    "—It's dangerous to be walking around here."
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         It was likely a strange picture: an arcane girl clad in PURE WHITE standing among wreckage of a town ravaged ( though it could have been the entirety of the world, for all she knew ) quietly, calmly, little reaction showing upon her face. After all, she had no connection to this world, no recollection, nothing drawn from stolen memories and it was like it had never existed, to begin with. ( How vain, and perhaps even cruel, to acknowledge a world as nonexistent because she had not known of it. ) Gentle pangs of sympathy still danced along her ribs, like a rubber mallet wielded by a talented musician; and she wondered if that was the PRINCESS crying out.
         Gentle steps were taken; treading further into the wreckage. Call it morbid curiosity.
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inepti-blog · 9 years
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██████████  ran out of phoenix down;
 It’s been two months since I created this blog! Time flies so fast, doesn’t it? I would like to thank everyone who stayed with me until the very end. I don’t have much time to make a really fancy bias list, so I just decided to make a short & simple one. If it weren’t for ya’ guys, this blog of mine would not last this long. I might have missed a lot. I love you all, nonetheless. \(o wo\)   
blackmage-lulu suuima frcsty kxybearing naeniiie forcefulxlotus esudeath hallothien summxner lumenaureus honorificus rapusodosu stranglingloyalty katiksunik loverofwarmhugs scindeva tentaisenshi temperedbydarkness fujxn inepti thespellweaver 
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inepti-blog · 9 years
IT WASN'T FAIR to be treating her like this. A part of him knew that, and that part screamed at him from the back of his mind. Aqua was trying hard; she was working past her limits, through her struggles, and she was slowly blossoming because of it. She was turning into a fine apprentice. Maybe that's why he was so upset.
Culture had it where her role did not fall close to this. It was supposed to be him and only him with the Keyblade. Not a little girl who could barely pronounce her words right. Not someone so weak and flimsy as she. She, who would pop with the slightest prod like a bubble.
"If he does, then why isn't he here?!"
Another jab to her already distraught shape. He could feel the bitterness on his own tongue, but he pushes through it. Blue narrow, and irony has his lip trembling. His words faltering. She was crying, and he was feeling horrible about it.
"Why did he chose you?!"
The water soaked into his shoes and at the hem of his pants. One leg remained rolled up, the other created ripples whenever he shifted his weight. He was angry, but he didn't step towards her. Terra kept his distance,  and he'd rather simmer in his own anger than take it out on her, regardless of their standing.
"Tell me why!"
SHE WASN’T MEANT to be a Keyblade Wielder. At least, not in the current culture sh was thrust in. Frequently was she told by Eraqus’ associates that he should not be training so roughly, that women could not be warriors, that women were mean to be simple clerics, to heal the warriors, to tend to them, to bear their children and to cook their dinner–
She had seen how angered Eraqus would become whenever someone would mention that, and would always usher her out of the room and assign her practice, something to hone the skills that she did not have. And as always, she would do them, and would maybe join Terra if he was working at the time. Rarely did it end up working out, but it still happened every single time.
No, she wasn’t very good at what she was supposed to be learning. Her talents were nonexistent, and she struggled to do such simple concepts that Terra had mastered with ease. Falling behind quickly, it frustrated her, but she appreciated Eraqus’ attention that he gave her, his one on one time with her, to tend to her and to shape her into the proper keyblade wielder.
But she was an idiot to think that her and Terra was ok, and it was what kept her crying louder at his cruel words. He hated her. She wasn’t meant to be here, and he was right. How everyone treated her–she wasn’t meant to be a student. It went against everything he was taught, and what she was learning.
“Just shut up!” she shrieked, tears smearing across her dirty face and dripping down her cheek, a frantic sob leaving her lips. “Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up! Just stop talking!” she wailed, her hands covering her ears as she frantically shook her head. “You’re lying…! H-He loves me…!”
It was getting harder to understand her, that lisp penetrating her ever word through her terrible grief. “Stop lying! Stop it!” she demanded desperately, sobbing frantically. “Just..! Stop it!”
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inepti-blog · 9 years
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I’ve hit a bunch of milestones in rapid succession, and for that I’m eternally grateful! This is a long overdue thank you to all of my friends and partners I’ve the pleasure of meeting! THANK YOU SO MUCH –– for sticking by my side and for putting up with my excruciatingly slow reply pace. Special shout out to those who started following me on my Genesis blog a while back! Words cannot express how I adore writing with you all, and I look forward to any future interactions and friendships! 
1ST CLASS – Those who are particularly dear to me ❤️️ You guys inspire me and continue to push me both as a writer and as a person!
rapusodosu, mahtches / osorea, naeniiie, wolfiiism, wutaiiwanderlust, clocking-out-early, ablackwing, falsimonia, putesco
2ND CLASS – I hope to grow closer to you all as time goes on! Our conversations, though succinct, have been meaningful and altogether lovely ❤️️ 
gaiafleur, ancientproject, steedisms, passioniista, calisvol, wounded–warrior, houkanai, mastergarland, embraceyourdreamsoldier, musoheki, promptov, infxtious, fujxn, kinginnuendo, arutiimu, sollertis, introversiion, zaxfea, duxmilitumodio, zackoftrades, flosmoriens, ladydiaochan
KEEPERS OF HONOR – Those who I admire from afar that I’ll hopefully have the pleasure of interacting with in the future! 
turpium, verwilderte, arteriius, poisonedplant, wisdomiism, kamishiroed, catharsiiis, forsakxnbeast, withstrategy, magnetance, tsynr, falsequerade, lumennox, lordiism, katiksunik, masochisticsadist, xvaleant, leistvng, temptrcss, ironhorns, omnislashing, otwilightprincess, retinentiiia, epizov, republici, ofpurisms, ofpurgisms, dreyriadr, alitisomnia, einnvaengr, veilled, edrord, grishildr, enveigle, starpathed, inepti, xreveried, corvium, claamor, lambencies, persuadedbyboko, verrouillias, svikinnar, venatorx, offabletown, fracione, umbraeperpetuus, arthuil, conscxentia, witandcharms, donyokuu
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inepti-blog · 9 years
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Michael Cunningham, The Hours
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inepti-blog · 9 years
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