ineffectualvillainy · 2 months
still so incredibly not over how season 1 "I'm sorry I left you alone" Martin became season 5 "why won't you kill the guy I'm romantically jealous of???" Martin and how they are so clearly The Same Martin and we just did not see the deranged depths of his soul until then
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ineffectualvillainy · 2 months
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ineffectualvillainy · 2 months
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Something something... Eldritch Podcast men and their Chekov's lighters. I just love them so.
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ineffectualvillainy · 2 months
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Smiling Jon sketches
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ineffectualvillainy · 7 months
obsessed with villains who you just KNOW are aware deep down in their heart that they've done something unforgivable, but the only way to never admit that or face the guilt is to keep doing it over and over again until they don't feel guilty about that first time anymore
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ineffectualvillainy · 7 months
the modern girl experience of reading the classics is just finishing one of them and promptly searching the tag on ao3
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Story idea:
Character A is a sickly Victorian goth guy who doesn’t eat enough and character B is a baker who’s seen him around town and decides to bring him lots of food everyday and they end up falling for each other😳💕
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ineffectualvillainy · 2 years
Happy new year, you lot.
:fist bump: (if appropriate)
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ineffectualvillainy · 2 years
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the prompts this year were chosen through a suggestion poll and subsequent vote, where over 350 people voted for their favourites. the top 28 make up the core prompts, and a mixture of the next most popular and this blog’s personal favourites have become the alternatives!
i’m so excited to see what you all create with these prompts, and hope they’re inspiring enough to trigger a whole month’s worth of creativity for you! if you have any questions, make sure to check out the blog’s FAQ, or check out the previously asked questions on the blog before sending one of your own!
please note: this year, notifying the blog of completionist status will happen through a google form that will be released closer to the end of febuwhump.
full write-up of prompts and rules under the cut:
Keep reading
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ineffectualvillainy · 2 years
Broke: vampires are vulnerable to the trappings of Christianity only, particularly Catholicism, no matter how dubiously applied. (See: Van Helsing's Communion wafer grouting).
Woke: vampires are vulnerable to sincere faith of all kinds, and atheist vampire-hunters need to believe very strongly in the Power of Friendship or their love of Star Trek to get by.
Bespoke: vampires are vulnerable to the faith that they followed when they were alive, and hunters tracking down an ancient vampire are obliged to learn about Neo-Babylonian theology or Middle Palaeolithic bear cults.
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ineffectualvillainy · 2 years
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Malevolent fanart
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ineffectualvillainy · 2 years
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the money skull, reblog for money and or skulls
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ineffectualvillainy · 2 years
OK, who thought it was funny to summon the sexual frustration demon to torment the feeder? Ha ha. Very funny. Good one. You fucker. My new young co-worker is putting on a ton of weight and, reader, I FUCKING CANNOT. His shirts don't fit and the buttons are straining. Strapping young lad, tall ex-jock type. His lovely big belly is just getting bigger and bigger and he walks around holding it. He just randomly said the other day he can't stop eating and my brain totally short circuited for a good hour - I came back online halfway through a meeting. Today he was eating the chocolates I brought in for the staffroom and just rubbing his belly looking so round and comfortable and ARRHG. No. Fuck. I'm not going to go for this. Nope, no.
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ineffectualvillainy · 2 years
This blog is a safe space for: rascals, scoundrels, villains, knaves, devils, black sheep, and really bad eggs
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ineffectualvillainy · 2 years
I too, enjoy the classics.
For me its: Propped up in bed with a cold compress on the forehead and a hot waterbottle on the tummy and possibly even a thermometer in the mouth.
I have zero shame.
okay here’s an niche underrated trope that I literally NEVER see used anymore: someone, huddled in a blanket soaking their feet in a bucket of hot water after getting chilled or rained on or when they’re sick.
like it’s so vulnerable and soft and helpless and sweet and I just want more of it
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ineffectualvillainy · 2 years
I know everyone likes the "secretly good villain whumpee..." but what about when the villain was a rat- bastard with very few redeeming qualities... just being injured and sick and oh so broken. Just begging for mercy, even though they were so arrogant and vicious before.
I melt at those scenarios.
I agree with that. If the villain is secretly good, you might as well call him or her a hero- or at least a vigilante.
Vicious and Bloody
Warnings: gorey(?) description of injuries, maggots, blood, vomit, mention of people dying, pus, field medicine, bathing, vomit, sleep deprivation, pills (tylenol and ibuprofen), attempted murder, implied past torture, hallucinations, fever, delirium
There was no rational answer for the scene in front of her. Not even the greastest minds in history could comprehend it- figuratively speaking. It was just so peculiar, odd and out of place, that it was like from a different dimension.
The said scene would be absolutely mortifying to the squeamish soul. Between the blood and the vomit and the maggots, the sight was more than revolting.
But still, ignoring her instincts to gag and run, Civilian crouched down next to the poor man- not touching, of course, it would only irritate his injuries further and be disgusting on many levels.
"Should I call an ambulance?" Civilian asked the man softly, brushing back the part of his grimey hair that wasn't intoxicated by maggots or too much blood.
But in doing that, she realized that the man wasn't even conscious. Which, was not surprising and brought a small relief to the nervous civilian.
But it also revealed his identity. Even without the foreboding mask, his features unmistakably were those of the most feared and vile human of the city.
"If you ever see Villain, call the heroes. If he so happens to be incapacitated, kill him or injure him further to limit his ability of escape or to destroy."
That mandatory lesson rang through Civilian's ears nearly as loud as semi's horn. It was every civilian's responsibility- whether they were a certified hero or not- to hand it or dispose of any being against the government.
Especially Villain.
Especially without any doubt Villain.
Civilian sighed and observed the injured man's face. It was her responsibility to do this, the city would thank her, applaud her.
She brought her hands to Villain's neck and squeezed. His breaths hitched, but he didn't wake, not even to the sensation of suffocation. Civilian squeezed her eyes shut, but it did nothing to rid her mind of the horrendous sight of his already crimson stained face growing even redder... his lips paling then morphing into a grayish blue...
Civilian gasped, drawing her hands away from his neck. The villain's eyes shot open as he tried to fill his lungs, but as he heaved and wheezed, they kept rolling up and sliding closed.
"Hey!" Civilian exclaimed, tapping his shoulder. Villain's eyes shot open and he looked at Civilian with an expression filled with the unthinkable.
Villain's lip trembled as he tried his hardest to scoot away. He whimpered something unintelligently and weakly held up a hand as if to protect himself from futher harm- as if the shaking limb could do anything other than wave aimlessly in the air.
Upon coming to the conclusion that escape was impossible, the villain resumed a position of pointless mewling.
"Don't hurt me," he whined, tears streaming down his cheeks, making the small cuts sting and itch. "D-don't hurt me. I've been bad, please don't remind me. P-please." He shifted his head into his elbow and sobbed.
Civilian didn't know what to do with the scenario, so she just allowed him to cry until he was too exhausted to do anything other than whimper pained pleas.
When his eyes started to droop, Civilian wrapped her arms around his upper body and heaved him into a sitting position- somewhat shocked of how limp and pliable he was.
Then she stopped. What was she doing? Villain was the most notoriously evil person in the city, if not the universe. He killed hundreds, thousands even including men, women, and children. He was undeserving of any level of comfort, whether that be love, care, or compassion.
Yet someone had to be worse than him to put him in such a nasty condition.
"Don't hurt me," Villain whispered, clinging to Civilian's shirt with all his might- as little as that was.
"I won't," Civilian promised, smiling down at the injured villain. The villain sighed and closed his eyes.
She had to help him now. It would be practically illegal to turn him in, or harm him even further. Well, metaphorically speaking.
Civilian dragged Villain into her house. Luckily, she owned a one-story, so bringing him to the bathroom was not too big of a deal- apart from the exertion on her slender arms, that was.
Immediately, Civilian stripped off the remains of his tattered clothing and sat him in the tub. Gingerly, she washed out the infection wounds, making sure all the maggots were gone.
After thirty minutes, she only finished the lower half of his body and his back and shoulders were much, much worse. It took another hour to get done with those.
Civilian took a second to catch her breath, she didn't realize how diligently she was working. The villain was completely clean, other than countless uneven holes that looked like someone grabbed his skin and pulled it out.
The next line of business was whether or not to give him stitches. Many of the remainding wounds were heavily infected and would benefit from being dried out.
Many of those infected wounds needed to be drained and removed.
Civilian sighed, thinking of her nursing classes. She had school tomorrow...
Someone was dying.
Someone with the name of Villain.
Civilian ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. She ran in through the sharpener a couple times before heating it on the stove to remove bacteria. Here goes...
Civilian cut into one of the infected abscesses and carefully drained the pus out. She sighed and wiped her hands on a papertowel. She should really be wearing gloves...
Villain jerked, suddenly awakening with a shriek. His eyes saw the knife and he froze, staring at it for a long time, before erupting into unstoppable sobs.
"Don't hurt me! P-p-please don't... knife," he wailed, trying to curl into himself.
"Stop it," Civilian tried to reason, clenching her teeth, as she pulled Villain away from himself. He started to rock, back and forth... back and forth... back and-
"Hurts," he whimpered.
"I know," Civilian whispered, rubbing the back of his head. "I'm trying to help."
"No. Pain."
"No pain?" Civilian repeated, trying to make sense of what Villain's intent of the statically said statement.
"No pain," he murmured, resting his head against the tub. "Take away."
"I don't have anything for the pain," Civilian told him softly. "Some nyquil, but I'd rather give you tylenol for the fever."
Villain looked up at her with pleading eyes. "Please," he begged..
"It's just gonna make you tired, not take away the full extent of the pain."
Villain let out a strained sob and kicked out with his feet. Pouting in the most pitiful way.
"Just," Civilian sighed. "Just. It's gonna hurt."
Civilian leveled the knife to another wound and drained it. Villain writhed in the beginning, but stopped when he realized his fate.
By the time each major abscess was drained, Villain was barely conscious, his head lolling groggily against the bath tub. Civilian gulped. She would have to disinfect the wounds now, but she didn't have anything for it...
Salt water, a saline solution.
Villain's screams did not leave Civilian's memory for a while, even when he was finally asleep on the couch. Civilian aimlessly rubbed his hand, whispering to him as he slept, but it all felt wrong. So, so wrong. All the people he hurt never got the same level of care that he was receiving- as if they had any at all.
But at the same time, it felt right. None of Villain's victim's injuries were as extreme as his- they either died or went to the hospital. Whoever tortured Villain wanted him to suffer, not that Villain wanted people to not suffer...
Crap, this was confusing herself.
Civilian cared for Villain throughout the night. The open textbook on her kitchen table did not even remind her of her class in the morning. Nothing could, especially when someone so sick seeked her hospitality.
Villain's fever raged and he was fed more and more tylenol. Eventually, she started to put ice packs around his neck and major arteries, but he was still so, so miserable.
He started to hallucinate. Sometimes whimpering about a bat flying around his head, or laughing giddily. But one of these episodes really stood out to Civilian.
"Curve, curve," he muttered as his cheek rested against the mattress- for some reason he kept flipping himself to his stomach. "Fall."
"Then cave." The delirious, but intense gaze the villain had made Civilian wonder if he was trying to tell her something in his fevered state.
"Man hurt."
Civilian shushed Villain and gave him a quick sip of water with an ibuprofen tablet. He sighed and closed his eyes.
"Don't hurt me," Villain whispered, scratching at the sheets. "Please."
"I won't, sleep."
Villain slowly, oh so slowly nodded as he allowed his eyes to slip closed.
Civilian took care of Villain as best as she could. She really needed to get supplies, but it was dangerous to leave the villain unattended as sick and injured as he was. Infection set in agai, fever rose...
Civilian groaned and rubbed her head. She had a horrible headache from stress and lack of sleep.
Maybe a short nap wouldn't hurt...
When Civilian woke up, seven hours later, she found Villain shivering on the ground with vomit all over him.
"Dangit," Civilian groaned and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
Just dangit.
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ineffectualvillainy · 2 years
it's so bitter to watch how many people are only now realising that the censorship of "morally bad" things will never stop at just the things they personally find repulsive. the problem with morals is that they're not a fixed norm that everyone agrees on and that they're a very easy argument to be used by bigots against marginalised groups. that's why it's dangerous to call for censorship on moral grounds - whose morals exactly?
all you people campaigning for a boycott of ao3, wanting them to censor "bad" content, i am begging you to wake the fuck up and understand that for many people "bad" things include queer people's existence, any form of sexual content, minority-representation and criticism of the government.
don't open the door for them.
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