Tibetan Affairs Task Force of India
52 posts
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
BREAKING NEWS: Government Funded Massacre
The Deccan Herald, 6 Jan 1952
In North and Northeastern India, the Government cracked down violently on protesters. They were authorised, by the Indian Government, to shoot, beat and arrest civilians. A massacre has started. The entire region is coloured red with blood. Death hangs uneasily in the air. If this was not gruesome enough, the Government threatening "imminent consequences" for Bengalis if they step out of line.
In these trying times, the CPI has come to the rescue, providing humanitarian aid, water and food resources. They are rebuilding of government buildings and temporary shelters are also in order.
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
Press Release by Patel
The government of India has issued police action against the Communist Party of India. Additionally, the government of India officially condones all acts of destruction of government buildings and compromises to national integrity by the Communist Party of India. Additionally, humanitarian aid in the form of $50 Million USD will be provided to help India recover from this situation! Deputy Prime Minister Patel had this to say, "India has never been more divided! There are some amongst our midst who seek the disunification of Mother India. We will be enacting immediate police action against the Communist Party of India. Those who do not wish to be on the receiving end of this police action are encouraged to lay down their arms immediately!
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
Press Release from Baldev Singh
As of now, we are sparing all citizens from any damage. However, for the paramilitary who have turned communist, we are coming to catch you. We are giving you one chance to hand in yourself and all your crimes will be ignored. You have 48 hours."
Hindi translation:
"अब तक, हम सभी नागरिकों को किसी भी नुकसान से बचा रहे हैं। हालांकि, अर्धसैनिक बल जो कम्युनिस्ट बन गए हैं, हम आपको पकड़ने आ रहे हैं। हम आपको अपने आप को सौंपने का एक मौका दे रहे हैं और आपके सभी अपराधों को नजरअंदाज कर दिया जाएगा। आप 48 घंटे हैं।
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
BREAKING NEWS: Finance Minister a Communist?
The Deccan Herald, 7 November 1951
For months, Indians have been scratching their heads over the missing funds, the corruption, the suspicious activities within the Tibetan Task Force.
In a series of arrests and trials, the Minister for Finance, Mohanlal Saksena, has openly admitted to colluding with the Communist Party of India. For months, he has been siphoning money from the National Treasury to the CPI, enabling their recent declaration of West Bengal as an independent Communist state.
His arrest was made promptly, but he was bailed out by the CPI for 1 million USD. Out on bail, he now acts as the Communist spokesperson in the Indian Task Force. Minister Mukherjee has taken over the role of Minister for Finance.
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
The Deccan Herald, 18 Nov 1951 An assasination attempt has taken place during a communist rally movement in New Delhi. The leaders have survived as they were rushed to the hospital urgently. However, in the aftermath of the incident, onlookers realised that the weapons used were all of Chinese origin. Letters with the message: “Go attend the meeting, and kill as many other leaders as possible. You will be paid handsomely and we will rise to power together. Signed, Sitaram Yechury, whom will rule India one day” were also found discarded with turbans that appear to have been discarded by the attackers. What is going on within the Communist Party of India?”
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
Press Release by Keskar
With regards to the survey by Minister Patel’s office, the government is pleased to announce a State Welfare Plan will be coming into effect as soon as possible. The bill will increase the wages of all public servants and ensure that they can maintain their way of life. Additionally, the working conditions of the people will be improved, with more details being released in an upcoming press conference.
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
Press Release by Patel
Paramilitary response to aid in regaining control of West Bengal! Deputy Prime Minister Patel had this to say, "We have never been more divided as a nation. We will be deploying more paramilitary troops to quell protests in a non-violent manner. We will also be enacting socialist reforms soon to aid the workers of India. THROUGH UNITY WILL INDIA PERSEVERE!"
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
Press Release by Patel
Deployment of Paramilitary troops to aid in riot police to quell violent riots! Paramilitary troops, equipped with non-violent weapons, were deployed to West Bengal to aid in suppression of violent riots. Deputy Prime Minister Patel had this to say, "Our country has never been more divided! We need to unite as an Indian nation! As such, we will be sending 10000 paramilitary troops to aid in the Police to ensure the safety of innocents in West Bengal. Additionally, my brothers and sisters, we have listened to your needs for better working conditions, better wages and better affordability of resources. Please cooperate with us, people of India!"
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
CPI Backed Protesters Control West Bengal
Deccan Herald, 5 Oct 1951
Efforts of the police have proved to be ineffective as the state control falls into the hands of the protesters. The Governor of West Bengal has been escorted out his office by his personal police and is now heading towards Delhi. The protesters are demanding socialist reforms or face uprisings in other states.
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
Press Release from the Indian Embassy in Nanking from K.M Panikkar
In light of the Chinese skirmishes along the Tibetan borders, India is alarmed at the escalation of the conflict which is a threat to peace and stability in the region. India strongly urges both China and Tibet to continue diplomatic talks and seeks to mediate as a neutral party to reduce tensions. Additionally, India supports the holding of a referendum under Indian supervision in Tibet to determine the will of the people if they want to join China once and for all!
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
Press Release by the Information Press Bureau
India Government releases government bonds! How it works: Pay 100 USD to the government. Over the course of 10 years, approximately 3 USD will be paid back to you per year. After 10 years, the full 100 USD will be paid back to you! Please contact your local governor to apply for bonds!
Hindi Translation:
भारत सरकार ने जारी किए सरकारी बॉन्ड! यह कैसे काम करता है: सरकार को 100 यूएसडी का भुगतान करें। 10 वर्षों के दौरान, आपको प्रति वर्ष लगभग 3 USD का भुगतान किया जाएगा। 10 वर्षों के बाद, आपको पूरे 100 USD का भुगतान किया जाएगा! बॉन्ड के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए कृपया अपने स्थानीय गवर्नर से संपर्क करें!
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
Thousands of Communist Sympathisers Rally
Deccan Herald, 1 Oct 1951
A large gathering of protesters has been spotted in the local region of West Bengal requesting for socialist reforms. The protesters have destroyed government property and started massive fires. The riot police have been deployed to stop the uprising but efforts have largely been ineffective.
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
Telegram from Nehru: Saksena and Panikkar Arrested
Members of the Tibetan Affairs Task Force,
Some of you have made the decision to place Minister Saksena and Ambassador Panikkar under arrest on grounds of funds embezzlement. It is my strict instruction that unless concrete evidence of their actions is found, they are to be released in 72h. Such actions reflect badly on the competence of our Task Force. I sincerely hope that this arrest was warranted.
Jai Hind.
-Jawaharlal Nehru
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
Press Release by Vallabhai Patel
Our government is sending 2000 paramilitary troops to aid in the recovery of Calcutta from the recent bombings. 500 thousand USD in aid will be sent to reconstruct destroyed buildings, provide food and water, and establish temporary shelters for those affected. However, it is absolutely clear that the People's Republic of China was the instigator of this attack! My brothers and sisters, we must recognise this threat by the People's Republic of China! We must look past political differences and unite as one, the Indian people!
Hindi Translation:
मंत्री वल्लभभाई पटेल बमबारी के अधीन कलकत्ता के क्षेत्र में सहायता भेजते हैं। एक प्रेस बयान में, मंत्री पटेल कहते हैं, "" हमारी सरकार हाल ही में हुए बम विस्फोटों से कलकत्ता की वसूली में सहायता के लिए 2000 अर्धसैनिक बल भेज रही है। नष्ट इमारतों के पुनर्निर्माण, भोजन और पानी उपलब्ध कराने और प्रभावित लोगों के लिए अस्थायी आश्रय स्थापित करने के लिए 500 हजार अमरीकी डालर की सहायता भेजी जाएगी। हालाँकि, यह बिल्कुल स्पष्ट है कि पीपुल्स रिपब्लिक ऑफ चाइना इस हमले का भड़काने वाला था! मेरे भाइयों और बहनों, हमें पीपुल्स रिपब्लिक ऑफ चाइना द्वारा इस खतरे को पहचानना चाहिए! हमें राजनीतिक मतभेदों को पीछे देखना चाहिए और एक भारतीय जनता के रूप में एकजुट होना चाहिए!""
प्रेस विज्ञप्ति में शामिल नहीं किया जाना चाहिए और केवल बैकरूम के अवलोकन के लिए: यह भारत सरकार के समर्थन के लिए झूठे झंडे के रूप में कार्य करता है।"
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
Press Statement by Keskar
With regards to the leaflet allegedly sent by Commander in Chief K. M. Cariappa, it is untrue that it was sent by him. Investigations have shown that it is instead a public servant, who has turned his back on Mother India. The public servant, who cannot be named for privacy reasons, had misused the trust that Cabinet leaders had in him, choosing to spread infectious ideas which have caused confusion among the public. The Tibetan Affairs Task Force formally retracts the statement and apologises for any misunderstanding caused.
Hindi translation: कमांडर इन चीफ के. एम. करिअप्पा द्वारा कथित रूप से भेजे गए पत्रक के संबंध में, यह असत्य है कि यह उनके द्वारा भेजा गया था। जांच से पता चला है कि यह एक लोक सेवक है, जिसने भारत माता से मुंह मोड़ लिया है। लोक सेवक, जिसे गोपनीयता कारणों से नाम नहीं दिया जा सकता है, ने उस भरोसे का दुरुपयोग किया था जो कैबिनेट नेताओं ने उस पर किया था, संक्रामक विचारों को फैलाने के लिए चुना, जिससे जनता में भ्रम पैदा हुआ। तिब्बती मामलों की टास्क फोर्स औपचारिक रूप से अपने बयान को वापस लेती है और किसी भी गलतफहमी के लिए माफी मांगती है।
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
The Rivers Flow Red
Tibetan Herald
1 July 1951
A rural Tibetan village near the Indian border has been burnt down. The 100 villagers were brutally tortured and executed, and found in a mass grave half a kilometre away from the village. Amongst the rubble, discarded bullets used by Indian rifles were found, as well as scraps of Indian army uniforms 
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indiataskforcejcc · 2 years ago
The Deccan Herald, 8 July 1951
Due to the government's ineffective action regarding the issue of communism in India, rich business workers have gathered to support the country's independence.
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