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Ria. 18. ENFP. Kinda in love with 50 fictional characters and also lasagna.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
johnmurphyne-blog · 9 years ago
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
i have so many thin friends who eat shit and don’t exercise ever and are probably rotting inside but no one says shit about their health so let’s stop pretending it’s fat people’s health you’re bothered about you transparent motherfuckers 
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
me, immediately after communicating in any way with another human being: I have Failed
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
only REAL tumblr users remember...
that one time they changed the color by 3 shades
the cole sprouse nightmare
the mario kart meme 
flappy bird meme
photoshopping surprised patrick into everything
jennifer lawrence EVERYWHERE
mitt romney 
only REAL 90s kids remember 
bee movie
do you love the colors of the sky??
the moreos guy
i like your shoelaces
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
marvel: were raising up the inhumans to be a marginalised group within the marvel universe in which we can write stories dealing with issues of prejudice and hate while also being able to create a cast of uniquely powered individuals stuck on the fringes of society. The concept is new and edgy and relatable to todays modern problems and we’re really proud of ourselves for finally addressing these issues within comics
the x-men: we’re literally standing right here
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
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Fuck your wanheda bullshit, I was  a l r e a d y  strong.
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
stop hate against dark chocolate
It Is Good
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
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nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent nous protĂ©geons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protĂ©ger eux-mĂȘmes
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
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Bellamy Blake “your pretty face” Appreciation [87/?]
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
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straight for the castle
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
AU where the 100 writers actually think through the world building:
Everyone on the Ark speaks two or three languages minimum because the Ark is made up of space stations from different countries
Primary Ark languages are English, Mandarin, and Hindi/Urdu
The preservation of different languages and cultures is held to be very important on the Ark because they believe they’re the last remnants of humanity and it’s important for them to preserve human culture
Everyone is encouraged to speak, write, learn, and pass on whatever language they can
Multiple religions are encouraged and inter-faith religious ceremonies are common
There are multiple â€œculture days” in which different Earth cultures are celebrated and people are taught about them, for the sake of preserving them
The Delinquents that land on Earth speak a handful of different languages and flip easily between them
Many of them are religious and/or very deeply into their culture because THEY COULD BE THE LAST EVER OF THEIR CULTURE OKAY so even though they’re kids they make the effort to still preserve that
Grounder culture is based on Western culture circa 2015
Grounders primarily speak English, with some made up/slang words
Grounders don’t wear warpaint, face tattoos,or bindis because THAT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE
Grounders remember a lot about what happened to cause the â€˜apocalypse’ because they were on the ground at the time and they preserved the memory of that as part of their folklore
Grounders have a sophisticated culture that values relics from the past but prioritises survival of the species above survival of the individual, because they too see themselves as humanity’s last survivors
They have preserved a lot of knowledge from the past and have well-guarded libraries full of old knowledge
Grounders with ancient computers running on solar panels that are only fired up occasionally when their precious knowledge is needed
Grounder librarians
Lincoln as a Grounder librarian whose role in the tribe is to study all the knowledge they preserved and teach it to others
Nerdy Librarian Lincoln and Nerdy Historian Bellamy being best friends
Grounders teaching Arkers things about the Earth they’ve completely forgotten
Grounders having sophisticated ways of resisting MW even before the Sky People arrived
Grounders with radios
Just Grounders not being Generic Angry Savages okay
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
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jason rothenberg be like orange is the new black
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
Whats a fuck boy? i've heard many meanings but I want the exact one.
A fuckboy is a weakass dude who ain’t shit.
A fuckboy is the guy who will go around calling women â€œthirsty hoes” but like 30 profile pictures in a row and comment â€œhot” under one of them because he thinks somehow it’ll get him laid.
A fuckboy is the guy who calls girls sluts but goes around begging chicks for nudes out of fucking nowhere.
A fuckboy is the guy who sends unrequested dick pics with no context to women he’s barely spoken to.
A fuckboy is a guy who regularly uses phrases like â€œbros before hoes”
A fuckboy is a guy whose idea of flirting is â€œwhat would u do if i was there right now lol” 
A fuckboy can often be spotted by his asking if you want to play â€œthe 21 questions game” which is a trap to ask if you’re a virgin or not
A fuckboy is a guy who will call you a prude if you don’t want to fuck anyone, but call you a slut if you want to fuck someone who isn’t him.
A fuckboy is a guy who will disrespect you and try and get with you in the same breath.
A fuckboy is a guy whose idea of foreplay is kind of touching your clit twice before he tries to move on to sex
A fuckboy is a guy who tries to text you even when he already has a girl
A fuckboy is a guy who continues to hit on you even when you’ve said no
A fuckboy is a guy who pretend to invite you over for â€œNetflix and pizza” which is a bummer because it’s totally ruined legitimately inviting people over for Netflix and pizza
A fuckboy is any guy who’s ever told you â€œsmile, beautiful” while you’re just walking down the street minding your own fucking business
A fuckboy is the kind of guy you have to lie about having a boyfriend to in order to get him to leave you alone.
A fuckboy is a guy who will tell you â€œyou’re not like the other girls” like that’s a compliment because he doesn’t have any respect for them.
A fuckboy is a guy who will tell you â€œmy exes were all crazy” even though you know them to be totally fine, kind, measured people.
A fuckboy is a guy who will tell you “guys don’t like it when you -bullshit bullshit bullshit-” and try to shame you because of your weight, hair, style, use of makeup or anything else that you do in order to express yourself because in their tiny fuckboy minds you only exist to attract them.
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
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johnmurphyne-blog · 10 years ago
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picture me under a blood red moon.
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