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Designing new world with robots
Walking MechatroWego is a palm sized robot, developed by LivingRobot. Originally designed by Kazushi Kobayashi as plastic kit for hobbyist, MechatroWego is now equipped with camera, motors, and various other functions, became actual robot, that is programmable, and customizable. Unlike other educational robot, it tells us coding is just a tool to make things possible, and inspires our creativity not just by its technical capability, but by its design and story to develop.
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It’s time for robots being waiters.
Softbank introduces its serving robot “Servi” to Pepper Parlor in Shibuya, Tokyo. Servi is helping food/drink serve as well as helping human waiters to bring back empty dishes, alongside Pepper. The robot has been developed by Bear Robotics in Silicon Valley, US, and integrated to local restaurants by Softbank. Pandemic forces most of restaurants to find human contact-less services, and robot waiter is one of the promising solution for now.
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New Postman in the office
In the office building complex in Tokyo started pilot testing for robot delivery. This autonomous wagon carries packages and parcels for offices in upper floor, with getting on and off the elevator. If human get closer, the robot tell you to keep away. The robotic wagon is developed by Softbank.
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Working remote expands new horizon to ALS patients
Human presence can be transferred through robots. If you go to fast food restaurant MOS Burger in Tokyo, you’ll find this little robot who’s operated by real human living home at 500 miles away. OriHime is designed to help patients who’s required to stay in bed by providing working opportunity remotely. Robot helps customer choosing menu with natural conversation, as human clerks do, and it makes you feel as if you are facing the person behind. Telepresence opens up new opportunity for patients of ALS, or other diseases that prevents them from going out.
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Real-time 3D scanning by robot dog is now ready.
Ford has a piloted dog-shaped robot "Spot" to scan around the factory and create a 3D map, being useful for factory refurbishment planning. Equipped with a laser scanner and 5 cameras, this robot can continuously measure the surroundings, collecting data, and reaching places that aren`t accessible for humans, being a safer and faster source of work.
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Activate hands-free switch-pressing robot via voice command
After successfully avoid the risk of touching shared switches by using Switchbot, now we tried to activate the robot via voice command, without touching our own smartphone to send command. Less touching is safer precaution for now. As a robot-experience professional, let us share how we use robots to mitigate contagion risk in our home/office.
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コロナと闘う日々を支える小さなロボット - Tiny robot can prevent virus transmission
Tiny robot might help to prevent coronavirus transmission - コロナと闘う日々を支える小さなロボット -
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ロボットは空港でのお客様案内として期待に応える価値を実現することができるのでしょうか。Haneda Robotics Labの試みとして2019年4月22日〜24日に行われた、遠隔操作ロボットJET の実証の様子を見てきました。一部ですが観察の結果と、そこから見えたことをまとめます。
!!注意!! 以下の考察は今回観察できた範囲での実績に限ったものであり、今回の実証期間全ての結果を包含するものではありません。
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3月にアメリカで開催された人とロボットの関わり方を研究する学会(ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction in 2018)で,なんと157種類のロボットの顔を調査した研究結果が発表されました。
University of Washington, “Characterizing the Design Space of Rendered Robot Faces,” HRI 2018 in Chicago, Alisa Kalegina et al. IEEE Spectrum, “What People See in 157 Robot Faces“, 2018年4月3日, Evan Ackerman
写真: University of Washington, “Characterizing the Design Space of Rendered Robot Faces,” HRI 2018 in Chicago, Alisa Kalegina et al.
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Can you imagine a robot now serves as even a barista???
A Robot’s barista has started working at a coffee hotspot in San Francisco and Hong-Kong. Once customers order a cup of coffee via their smartphones or a tablet on the stand, a coffee machine makes a coffee and a robot arm places it to a heat retaining station. When customers input a PIN issued at the time of order, the robot arm shifts newly made coffee to them. Interestingly, the coffee machine will automatically re-pour a coffee if customers don’t show up and cannot receive the coffee within 6 minutes.
Regarding reputation of this diligent robot’s barista, while some customers listed practical benefits such as they don’t need to wait for more than necessary and they may use this service again in the near future, others mentioned that a barista cannot be replaced with the robot’s barista because they would like to have a chat with a barista.
To tell the truth, in Japan, there is a café where we can have a conversation with a robot’s barista. HENNA CAFÉ located in Shibuya, Tokyo, a robot inside a counter manipulates a coffee maker and serves a coffee with freshly-grounds, and it takes 3 to 4 minutes. Also, while Sawyer prepares a coffee, customers can enjoy a short conversation with him.
Both of them let us think what we really want at a café. Which barista would you prefer, “human” or “a robot”? It may be enjoyable to think of it the next time when you are on a line to get a cup of coffee!
Cafe X
When: Open!
Where: San Francisco, U.S. (Metreon Shopping Centre), Hong Kong (Science Park)
Robot: Cafe X (2 WMF Coffee Machines, 6-axis Mitsubishi Electric Robot Arm)
When: Open!
Where: Shibuya, Tokyo (Shibuya MODI B1F)
Robot: Sawyer (Rethink Robotics), Poursteady Coffee Machine
Source:Gigazine, "ロボットが淹れたてのコーヒーを提供してくれるコーヒーショップ「Cafe X」", 31st Mar, 2017Wired, David Pierce, "This Robot Baristat Makes a Dang Good Latte", 30th Jan, 2017
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職場の雰囲気が良くなり、クリエイティブになる秘訣はロボット?そんな仮説を検証するために来年から、企業の研究所オフィスにロボット同僚の導入実験が始まります。過去に行われた人とロボットとの共存実験は長いものでも10日がせいぜい。今回は長期的な関わりがグループにどんな影響を与えるかを観察する、画期的な取組です。 人々の気持ちをくみ取って、一緒に居て良いロボット、邪魔にならずさりげなく助けてくれるロボットとはどんなものか、心理学の知見を生かした設計を目指すとのこと。次のフェーズでは従業員の健康状態を見守ったり、職場内での協調を生む手助けができるようになりたい、と考えているそうです。果たしてどんな形でお目見えするのか、今から楽しみですね。 いつ: 2019年初旬から? どこで:神奈川 横浜 富士ゼロックスアドバンストテクノロジー(地図)…
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WWill robot workmate change workaholic habit in Japan!??(Yokohama, Japan)
People becomes more creative, collaborative when social robot is placed in workplace!? From next year, University of New South Wales and Fuji Xerox R&D plan to put real robot among employees to study how robots influence to group behavior in long-term interaction.
Psychological insights will play important role for robot development. The researchers try to design features that understand psychological needs, and encourage positive engagement. They even envision the future when robot will enhance employees’ wellbeing and facilitate collaboration. Thrilled to see how it will look like!!
When: From early 2019
Where: Fuji Xerox R&D square, Yokohama, Kanagawa Japan (map)
Robot: Prototype is under development in Creative Robotics Lab in New South Wales University
Test will be held inside Fuji Xerox exclusively.
The robot is expected to exhibit at Miraikan - National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, Aomi, Tokyo. (Map)
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Photo Credit: UNSW, Quentin Jones Source: this contents is originally published by University of New South Wales Sydney, Newsroom “Social robot developed at UNSW set to revolutionise workplace experience” Feb 8th, 2018 Susanna Smith Tech Central “UNSW and Fuji Xerox Begin Long-term social robotics study”
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ついにこの夏、宇宙ステーションにアシスタントロボットAIが派遣されます。ロボット宇宙飛行士と言えばNASA(米国航空宇宙局)のROBONAUT先輩が有名ですが、今回ESA(欧州宇宙機関)からISS(国際宇宙ステーション)に派遣されるCIMON(Crew Interaction MObile Companion)はその名の通り、乗組員の良いパートナーとして、長期的なミッションを成功に導くことを目的としています。 この夏のミッションではドイツ人の宇宙飛行士Alexander…
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Accompanying with AI crew mate at space (International Space Station)
This summer, AI robot companion will challenge its first mission with German astronaut Alexander Gerst. German Space Administration (DLR) developed CIMON (Crew Interaction MObile Companion) to ISS, as astronaut assistant system, which aims at supporting success of long-term missions by encouraging smoother social interaction between people and machines.
The robot starts apprenticeship in helping extensive task of Alexander, such as experiment support, moreover in the future, CIMON, who can even talk with its digital face, is supposed to build relationship with humans, and expected to become a good countermeasure against psychological reactions within small group of ISS crews.
Won, sounds like C3-PO or JARVIS?? Truly it is!!
When: June to October 2018, in Horison mission by ESA
Where: International Space Station (map)
Social interactive free-flying robots CIMON developed by Airbus
Sphere shape of 32cm diameter, approx 5kg, 1m/sec velocity
Equipped with 8 inch display, and camera, and IBM’s Watson technology
Providing visual guide/schematics/checklist for extensive tasks, chat companion that reduces stress
Eligibility: Can be colleague with astronaut working at ISS …Let’s be astronauts to meet CIMON!
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Source: Airbus Newsroom “Hello, I am CIMON!” 26th Feb, 2018 IBM THINK Blog “Watson Hops On Board Human Space Flight” 26th Feb, 2018 Video: Chris Burns “AIRBUS describes CIMON for the ISS and ESA”
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Shopping experience becoming fancier with smart cart (Chongqing, China)
Supermarket in China increases its “SUPER-ness” with intelligent technology. Smart shopping cart with big cute head will autonomously follow you around, guide you to aisle when you ask location of goods, and even recommend you what to eat for tonight, utilizing IoT and facial recognition system built behind the store surface.
Needless to say cashless payment App, automated delivery system within 30min, customer experience will be maximized by the store’s integrated new-technology, including interactive game screen on walls, floor projection mapping, etc. Shopping becomes another style of entertainment here.
When: opening at January 19, 2018
Where: Yonghui Supermarket Bravo, Chongqing, China
Autonomous smart shopping cart, developed by Zhongde Techco Technology Co., Ltd
Avoid crashing on obstacles and people, by infrared sensor and camera in front
Following customer with special wristband (apple-watch-like)
Load capacity: 20kg, 3-speed, Velocity: 0.7m/sec (2.5km/h)
Verbal interaction only available in Pekingese
Eligibility: Anyone who shops at the supermarket! (Smart shopping cart are deployed only 20 units as of January,2018. Chop-chop!)
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Source: Winshang News “全国首家永辉BRAVO智能体验超市将于19日正式运营” 16th Jan, 2018 Sina Corporation “重庆首家智能体验超市开业,小编带你打探这些黑科技!” 20th Jan, 2018
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Trusted associates supporting each other on backstage of Walmart (US)
Walmart proved that good chemistry could happen between human workers and robots, after months of deployment of robots to its 50+ supermarket starting from October 2017.
The robot scan shelves to checks items out of stock, and human employees fill up goods based on the scanning data. Interestingly, it is employees who appreciate the robots at most, towering robots that diligently work on the boring, repetitive task without any complaint, and now human can concentrate on tasks which cannot be done by robots.
Some shoppers are curious, but almost half just ignore the it.
The experiment provides us intriguing insights that, we are not so much incompatible with robot in the workplace as often disputed, as long as we carefully define, what robots should do.
When: Already deployed since latter 2017
Where: more than 50+ Walmart stores in USA
Developed by Bossa Nova Robotics
self-driving with LIDAR
2D and 3D camera equipped
Shelve scanning
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Source: Wired US "Please Do Not Assault the Towering Robot That Roams Walmart" 30th Jan, 2018 Matt Simon MIT Technology Review "Walmart’s new robots are loved by staff—and ignored by customers" 6th Feb, 2018 Erin Winick Walmart “Technology helps us save time” 26th Oct, 2017 Justin Rushing
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Service Robots swarm over far-east gateways (Seoul - Korea, Tokyo - Japan)
Far-east airports are maybe the hottest place in the world to meet social robots in operation - aside from pretentious performances at CES. Following pioneering Inchoeon Airport(ICN) where LG robots work in the terminal, Gimpo Int’l Airport (GMP) in Seoul, Korea, announced to launch service operation of visitors’ guide robot and window cleaning robot early January. Tokyo Int’l Airport (HND), Tokyo, Japan has been going into its 2nd period of `robotics lab project’ that invites robots helping security guards or translation. Enjoy the chance to encounter with them!
[Seoul, Korea]
When: from January 2nd, 2018 ~
Where: Gimpo Int’l Airport (GMP), (map) International flights waiting zone
Guiding robot: Wonik Robotics, Asiana IDT Inc.
Window cleaning robot: “Windowmate” RF
Eligibility: Any passenger at Gimpo Airport
[Tokyo, Japan]
When: from 9th January to the end of February *check detailed schedule here
Where: Tokyo International Airport (HND) (map)
Domestic flight terminal 1, 2nd Floor South Wing
Domestic flight terminal 2, 2nd Floor South end etc. *check latest information of robot whereabouts here
Robots: Security robots :
Reborg-X by ALSOC
Transportation robots:
OTTO 100/1500 by Clearpath Robotics Inc.
Relay by Savioke Inc.
Translation robots:
Cinnamon by Donut Robotics,
Hearable device by Dentsu Live
Robocot by TAKEROBO
following robots are working at rundom times
Pepper by Softbank Robotics, EMIEW3 by Hitachi, HAL by Cyberdine
Eligibility: Any passenger at Tokyo Int’l Airport
Source: Korea Airport Corporation, Press Release 2nd Jan 2018 The Korea Bizwire “Robots to Help Passengers at Gimpo Airport” 3rd Jan 2018 Japan Airport Terminal Co., Ltd, Press Release 12 Dec 2017 The Japan Times “Robots to be ‘scattered’ about Haneda airport to help visitors to 2020 Tokyo Olympics” AFP-JiJi 13 Dec 2017
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