Harry: What are you doing here? Five words or less.
Tao: [counting the words on his fingers] Out… For… A… Walk… Bitch
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Hey! I just saw your post introducing yourself, are you from New Zealand? If so, hi! I am too ☺️
tēnā koe :D
it’s always fun bumping into other heartstopper kiwis online. sorry it’s taken a while to answer but i do love getting mail so please feel free to send messages in (nice ones though please)
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hello my loves,
life has been tough. i’m a broke university student with mental health stuff, need i say more?
also my kuia (grandma) has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, so i’ve been trying to balance emotional, mental, and study needs and have been failing spectacularly at it.
i’m trying to get back into this now that season 2 has started filming and hopefully i will be able to get some more inspiration.
- marie <3
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Darcy: Mark the day, Nick. 18th of June at 4:00 p.m.
Nick: Oh, Darcy. We're well into October.
Darcy: Really?
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Nick: I'm bisexual and confused.
Nick: Not about being bisexual. I just never know what the fuck is going on.
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Darcy: [Making a bet with Charlie] And if I run and leap at Nick, he will most certainly catch me in his arms.
Darcy: Coming in!
[Sprints towards Nick and jumps]
Nick: No! I'm holding tea!
[Drops tea to catch Darcy]
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Charlie: [To Elle] Who do you think would win in a fight, Nick or Tao?
Elle: I can't answer that! Tao is my boyfriend.
Charlie: So, Nick?
Elle: Yes
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Charlie: Shit, the printer broke while printing out Nick’s surprise birthday invitations.
Darcy: What are they supposed to say?
Charlie: "Nick’s birthday party".
Darcy: What do they say instead?
Nick: "Nick’s bi".
Darcy: [Shrugs] Works out either way.
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hello pals
i just wanted to apologise for my absence. lots of personal stuff to deal with and i just moved houses with basically no money and no support network, so it was 3 days of me moving totally alone and spending a fortune on renting a car to move my shit. anyway, im in a new place so hopefully ill get more active again and my posts will be better quality.
thanks for those who have stuck with me, i appreciate you.
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Nick: Tara, what's it like dating Darcy?
Tara: [Flashback to Darcy lying upside down on a sofa and trying to drink water. Water boards herself, coughs for a minute, and then tries again]
Tara: It's alright I guess
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Tao: What’s wrong with Charlie? He’s been lying on the floor for like 30 minutes.
Isaac: He’s little overwhelmed right now.
Tao: Why?
Isaac: Nick smiled at him.
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Nick: Charlie, you need to rest, you’re sick!
Charlie: If I was sick, could I do this?
[Charlie stares at Nick]
Nick: What are you doing?
Charlie: Cartwheels... Am I not doing them?
Nick: No.
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[At Tao’s birthday]
Charlie: I made a marshmallow Tao. See? His arms are crossed because he's mad at all the other marshmallow people for annoying him… You like it?
Tao: [Choked up] It's fine.
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Charlie: [Talking about Nick] He's so sweet, I just wanna feed him grapes and brush his hair.
Tao: You are aware that he's not a monkey, right?
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[Talking about Darcy being gullible]
Nick: [To Charlie] She will believe anything.
Darcy: That’s not true, Nick!
Nick: [Serious] My real name is Jameel.
Darcy: [Gasps] It is?!
Nick: No, my name is not Jameel, it’s Nick! You know that.
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Nick: Harry, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Nick: At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.
Nick: Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
Harry: Okay, well you didn’t have to say it like that.
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Charlie: Shit, the printer broke while printing out Nick’s surprise birthday invitations.
Darcy: What are they supposed to say?
Charlie: "Nick’s birthday party".
Darcy: What do they say instead?
Nick: "Nick’s bi".
Darcy: [Shrugs] Works out either way.
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