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“You said that you needed some help earlier...” His voice called back to him, unoccupied digits tending to the cuffs of his shirt. Eyes glimmered off the reflection of the street lights, scanning for any subtle discrepancies along his facial features. “Anything in particular?”
#kinghtofkindness#{ t.emil:one }#[ aaay hello#hope it's fine that they've been acquainted with one another for at least 5-10 minutes hhhhah ]
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It was a faint call that blended in with the raucous noise coming from the on-passing crowds, yet he halted and glanced back and as he had assumed, no one particularly caught his interest or were nearly familiar. A sigh pushed out from his pressed lips as he circled back, immediately halting yet again. In front of him stood a boy, gauging around his age; normal circumstances aside he’d assume otherwise and proceed past them—-but this case was different. “... You need something?”
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Since I’ve cleared everything out and I’m in the process of revamping—like this for a (small) starter, I’ll cap it at six.
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Back then oft was he called that—-’Aki’, yet its use dwindled with his passing. Catching wind of it again, here of all places, and with a tone that bore great familiarity, he could only turn to gawk. His calloused hands balled into fists momentarily, as he were taken aback by his sudden appearance and racked with overwhelming guilt and rage; but those feelings soon subsided and were replaced by nostalgia & happiness, and hinted with confusion. Akihiko observed his movements, as calmly as he could—his subtly actions indicated his discomfort, a state of mind that Akihiko reciprocated.
“Shinji…?” Pausing briefly his hand rose, fingers pressing against his forehead. “… How… how long now… …” His pale gaze cast downwards to the uneven pavement they stood on. “… How long have you been here…?”
He had already been forewarned that one person in particular was here, but it still irritated Shinjiro for them to meet like this– irritated, and embarrassed him. He couldn’t bring himself to even look at Akihiko after all that happened; abandoning his friend the way he did. There was a spot of guilt that seeded itself within him upon being granted another life, furthering the internal turmoil as he stood before the other. He was at loss for words for the longest time, hardly mustering up the will to mutter what he finally did.
“Aki…” This was one of the rare occasions where Shinjiro was actually in a state of mild discomfort. It was awkward that he didn’t even know where to start, so he waited to gauge Akihiko’s response, shifting anxiously.
#penitens#{ t.shinji:one }#[ sprawls myself on the ground#sorry th is took so long but ye s finally im super excited ]
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“Been a long time coming... it’s nice to see familiar faces.”
#;musing#[ crawls out of a crypt#finally back but I think I'll have to drop every thread save for two#also want to revamp his theme ]
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Pausing, he stole yet another glance at the self-claimed leader cladded in that recognisable school uniform—too many instances had they the honour of delving into matters similar to this current one. Out of habit, a hand reached for his chin, calmly grazing it in thought. “… Arisato, huh?” Words trailed off as a rather covert smile played upon his lips. “Interesting… you two even share your last name…” Catching wind of her voice, and rather her addressing him specifically made him twist his gaze to her. “Hm? Oh yeah… I don’t mind the idea of having two leaders around, in fact the concept is a bit comforting—more of us increase our chances of seeing this through to the end, right? I like those odds.” Assuming a rather relaxed posture than before, his pale hues shot back at Minato. “Looking forward to see how you handle yourself out there!”
“So then… ” His face contorted slightly, adopting a serious tone—“want to tell us what’s going on, Fuuka?” He had the opportunity to seek more than just what meets the eye; aspects of this city has changed, the people seemed more weary and the atmosphere around them has changed—that much had been obvious. “You said something about protecting the city, alright—- but from what?”
oracleabuser → teretelevelup → adficere → orpheans → imperatos
♦ “sees” the day [ event ]
#oracleabuser#teretelevelup#adficere#orpheans#{ t.fuuka:one }#{ t.junpei:one }#{ t.minato:one }#{ t.minako:three }#{ event.oo1 }
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Gaining momentum in his speed, he had easily caught up to her. A faint smirk curved the edges of his lips, no doubt due to the exhilaration the chaos brought. He knew not of the perils that plagued the path before him and yet, he couldn’t shake off the excitement to fight off new challenges. Both he and Minako came to a halt upon meeting the gathered Sees members. “So this is it then?” His eyes drifted from the others to the bright red moon that hung in the sky. The scenario before them posed similarities to the dark hour; like the latter, he felt different somehow however the difference was greater than anything he had known prior. His hand slowly lifted, fingers gripped nothingness tightly; his gaze then situated back to the others. “Does anyone else feel… different?”
He panned out, scanning their expressions and if they shared the same opinion on the matter. It was then he noticed the dark haired individual who stood next to Junpei. Lids fluttered, he took a few steps forward, keenly observing the boy—he had seemed oddly familiar and the individual in question had recognized Akihiko, or so he could tell from his expression. “… Junpei, you know him?” He was aware Junpei knew him, an obvious fact; however he still had to ask. He held high regard to those who could offer assistance, but he also had no desire to reveal his abilities to those with no prior knowledge of it and he had hoped that the rest of Sees felt the same way. “Is he coming along…?”
oracleabuser → teretelevelup → adficere → orpheans → imperatos
♦ “sees” the day [ event ]
#oracleabuser#teretelevelup#adficere#orpheans#{ t.fuuka:one }#{ t.junpei:one }#{ t.minato:one }#{ t.minako:three }#{ event.oo1 }
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“The culprits have made appearances here and there... or so I’m told—yet no one has done anything about it... which raises some questions.”
◀❆▶ “A quest of revenge with odds worse than surviving being shit on by a troll? Been there, fucking done that.”
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“Finding those responsible won’t be an easy task, you sure you’re up to it?”
◀❆▶ “Yeah? Well. If shit gets any worse, I’m gonna shove my hand up the culprit’s rectum and pull their fucking ears out their ass!”
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“Yeah well... it gets worse with each passing day.”
◀❆▶ “Same shit, different day.”
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He halted upon hearing her voice, though drowned out by the booming atmosphere. It was a generic call, not specific; out of instinct however he peered back. “… You talking to me?” Her facet seemed to have brightened consequent to seeing his reaction. “Do you want something…?”
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It was fast, the azure cladded girl had passed him without taking notice of him. “Huh…?” He had took steal a second glance to identify who she truly was, but by the time he had turned on his feet she had already been gazing at him. “… So… you’re here too…?”
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[ Finally done with classes and assignments, so I’ll get to starters and replies first thing tomorrow! Thank you all for being patient with me. That being said, since I’ll have more time for him—let me know if you want to plot, my askbox is always open. ]
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His movements halted abruptly and his gaze rose, observing her features—though from the angle of which he was standing made it difficult to deduce her exact expression. A soft sigh pushed passed her lips; it was quiet and yet due to the calming atmosphere his ears caught wind of it. He planned to pass in silence, but a sudden reaction of guilt washed over him. “… You alright?”
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insomnia & fluff!
Insomnia :: What’s their sleeping schedule like? Snorer? Sound sleeper?
[ His sleeping schedule is precise, to a point—he works more efficiently in the morning and sleeps at a decent time, not too late and it varies from time to time but regardless he still wakes up early.
Snoring happens when one’s airway is obstructed; there are several reasons as to why someone snores, some are serious while others aren’t. Regularly he’s a sound sleeper, but on some occasions, for example if he has a cold, he will snore at times—it depends on how bad it is. He takes care of his body though, so he doesn’t come across colds often. ]
Fluff :: What hits their soft spot? Does anything them into emotional goo?
[ He has an affinity to children, due to the death of his sister. But they don’t exactly turn him into emotional goo; he just likes to be around them. He’s gotten over the death of Miki but they still bring him a sense of nostalgia and they also serve as reminder for him to grow stronger. ]
#risetted#;resolved#;muse:info#[ this is super late ggg#finally getting around to memes/starters/replies on him ]
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