azoriumarchives · 9 years
Chris’ SEES Prompt #2: Rushing into battle against an assload of Shadows knowing that they’re gonna die, but going out with a bang anyway.
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chemlem · 9 years
Send me a fandom and I'll tell you a character I'd roleplay from that fandom.
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Chie Satonaka from Persona 4! Actually wanted to rp her for a while but never ended up doing so! B)
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crimetimetelevision · 9 years
The relationship between Tohru Adachi and the members of the organization known as the Shadow Operatives was a shaky one at best. He’d never had any contact with them prior to the incident with Sho, but they’d had knowledge of the whole incident in Inaba on file before everything went to shit for a second time. So naturally, during the small encounters that they’d had during the P-1 Climax, they’d been distrustful and weary of him. Even now, trapped together in this wretched excuse for a city, he knew they were less then comfortable with him wandering about, despite the fact that he hadn’t made any moves against them or the city’s populace since arriving.
Fair enough, Adachi thought. In a situation as messed up as this, a convicted murderer with his kind of power was the last person you wanted lose track of. And he didn’t feel any particular desire to try and better their opinion of him. No, as long as they didn’t try and get in his way, he was perfectly fine with this kind of relationship.
Of course, that uneasy, neutral ground wouldn't stop him from bestowing upon them his usual spiel of mockery and trash talking. In fact, he rather enjoyed provoking them and the Investigation Team specifically. Even with the war for Hive City’s soul raging on, his attitude didn’t waver.
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“So you were brought here too, huh? Man, if those scientists really wanted Lady Kirijo’s Persona users that badly, what’re they dicking around taking their time for?...Whatever. Uhhhhh...Huh...Uh, which one were you again? ‘The Mighty Strikeout Slugger?’ I can’t remember all that well...”
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junesreceipt-blog · 9 years
 “yasogami-braids “[ real talk all i’m probably going to do tonight is...”
!!!!!!!!! IM GONNA ADD YOU
5043-1267-4102 ]
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murasxme-blog · 9 years
Magical things remains magical (closed rp;;)
Arriving in a really unknown place is one thing, and  to think that she would have a city that has it’s own  reflection on the top of it... it is really unbelievable, but it must be faced, and she could not believe it if there’s no enemy or whatsoever judging from what  the scientists said when she gain her consciousness back. Why did she lost her consciousness back then, seriously? A sigh escaped her mouth before she noticed the sound of people’s footsteps are ringing everywhere, from fast to slow, It’s really noisy. The situation is basically like the Capital, if she need to admitted.
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“.......?” Akame blinked her eyes for several times as she started being cautious. Both of her hands were tightly gripping the teigu of hers, who is coming, she wondered? Is it an ally, or.... 
                                                             an e n e m y?
{ teretelevelup } 
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goofyfacade · 10 years
aaah. meg i want one -- teretelevelup. yes. talk abt me.
// yoooooo! London, you should already know how rad you are ok? I'm pretty sure that you are Junpei, jfc. I'd love to have my Adacho interact with Junpapa because wow. In all seriousness though, I really admire you as a writer. None of your posts have ever felt ooc to me, tbh. You've got Junpei down extremely well, and it always makes me happy when I see you on my dash. As for the mun, well, you're pretty cool. We need to talk again more though, because wow I need London in my life ok bye :D
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junesreceipt-blog · 10 years
teretelevelup replied to your post:
[ L A U G H S
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sakerarenai-blog · 10 years
teretelevelup replied to your post:teretelevelup replied to your post spoiler...
excuse me, you /ass/.
You're excused.
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azoriumarchives · 9 years
SEES Prompt #1: A guys night out led by Junpei.
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goofyfacade · 10 years
ahh .. you already know what i'm gonna say meg. you're a really a+ adachi and there's nothing else more to say. if max likes you, too then you're obviously doing something right. keep it up bab.
[How am I doing with my character? Tell me in the askbox, and I’ll publish it without comment.]
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kekkotei · 10 years
teretelevelup replied to your post:Now I can’t sleep, and it’s too early to go for a...
i’m sure sitting down for two minutes won’t kill you, senpai..
I mean, there's always the punching bag in my room…
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tomboychariot · 10 years
sully from fire emblem fuckin fight me
Other than the one being played, what character could you see the mun playing?
outofkungfu: U WANNA GO M8?
No I kid, but NGL, I had to google search this character because I don’t really know my stuff when it comes to fire emblem. 
SHe looks pretty friggin’ kickass though!
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sakerarenai-blog · 10 years
teretelevelup replied to your post
spoiler alert: you’re both five, get over it.
I know for a damn fact that nobody wanted to hear you speak.
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headphonesandkunai · 10 years
....... i have no idea. maybe lisa silverman or like ... ... eikichi mishina??
[ Quietly skips down the "I have yet to play P2" lane ]
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proteinshots · 10 years
Explain how they portray feelings of hostility or dislike.
Even towards people he likes.. If something's said that's displeasing? Well, take Shinji for example. His first instinct at times is to lash out. Questions can come later.. When they encountered Ryoji during the Dark Hour too, he'd immediately gone right to aggression before Mitsuru spoke up to stop him. Without that voice of reason, he might have tried to attack Ryoji then too. I noticed how in P4A he's got a little more self control, however. But he's still more ready for a fight than to just keep talking. 
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