immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
do you ever catch yourself being really gay and you are like shit! calm down we know 
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
why are cool socks not a bigger part of society. why doesn't everyone have cool socks with designs on them. why do we confine ourselves to white socked hell
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
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Matching twitter headers I made for myself and @ryoji-mochizukis because we need some X files in our lives
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
reasons to love harrison ford
1. hates donald trump 2. got his ear pierced at claires because why the FUCK not 3. legit asks people to beat him up in action scenes EVEN NOW AS AN OLD ASS MAN 4. is arguably one of the most iconic star wars characters yet couldnt give less of a shit abt star wars 5. the universe tried to kill him (or at least permanently incapacitate him) twice in 2015 and it only mildly inconvenienced him 6. flies helicopters in search and rescue missions 7. was in his 40s for the majority of the indiana jones series which is fucking insane when you think about all the stunts involved 8. quote “the director yells cut and harrison cracks open a beer and then builds a fucking shed” 9. arguably sexy 10. points angrily and its super effective
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
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Humans are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites and try to control what won’t be. But there is grace in their failings.
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
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jessica jones meme » ⅔ relationships » jessica & trish
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
i think it’s funny how men use myths of female inadequacy to cover for their own shortcomings. 
like how women are supposed to be horrible drivers, when four out of five serious or fatal crashes in new york are caused by male drivers and research shows that young men (18-24) have a tendency to take high risks, over-evaluate their driving skill and disrespect the rules. 
or how “women are stupid”, especially with regards to the debate of the wage gap, where men often claim that women earn less because they are less capable, when there are more women studying in higher educations, women are less likely to drop out of higher educations and are more likely to end up with a better degree than men. 
or how men claim that women talk too much, when research shows that men talk 65% of the time within the family and are more likely to talk in long monologues, whereas women more often offer commentary. Men also are more likely to interrupt; in fact, during a political debate, the former (female) minister of state in denmark was criticized in the media and made fun of for interrupting the current (male) minister of state too often - study found that he had interrupted her 28 times, whereas she only interrupted him 13 times.
or literally uncountable other scenarios. the truth is, male pride today is so inflated and builds on so many lies that it would be laughable - hadn’t it been for the fact that these things affect women’s lives every day. these jokes mean that white women earn 78 cents to a white man’s dollar. they mean that women can be ridiculed even for the things they haven’t done. they mean that women, as a gender, are assigned less worth even in the fields where they succeed. they mean that women, as a gender, are devalued and disrespected in every aspect of their professional and private lives. 
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
ppl: ur so talented i wish i could draw
me: ive been practicing for ten years
ppl: no but like... ur talented
me: no ive been practicing for ten years
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
top trends for 2015
1. minding your own business
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
Things I’ll never be over:
Abe waiting by the river worriedly
the darker side of Henry
Lucas being amazing
the allusion that Jo found out
Hanson being a ancient weapons nerd
Lt. Reece’s comment of “A case involving the dagger that killed Cesar, I’m surprised you didn’t storm up here sooner” (or what ever it was if that’s not right)
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
So Henry’s life flashing before his eyes thing now includes Jo? Excuse me while I go jump off a cliff.
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
If you’re not okay after the Forever finale, clap your hands
*clap clap*
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
None of us can make it through this life without suffering some kind of pain. Having lived through my fair share I can tell you the most difficult to endure is loneliness. Adam was right, life is a game and one that we must play. No matter how careful we are there is simply no way to go through this life and escape. But fortunately for us it’s a game we don’t have to play alone.
Henry Morgan (via forever-its-a-long-story)
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
It’s a long story
…this is how it began and how it ended….hopefully not forever
Thanks to the entire cast&crew of forever-abc ❤
(via forever-its-a-long-story)
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
also reminder that Adam can escape locked in syndrome if he dies, because he will be reborn and his body will be reset back to factory standard at the time of his first death
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immortalmorgans · 9 years ago
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