Vermintide x Reader
109 posts
Home to all your Vermintide Imagines! Requests closed!
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
This blog is a gift to humanity thank you for existing
Oh, thank you so much!! I really appreciate this! ❤💜❤💜
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
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With one last swipe of your blade Rasknitt fell, only to lift from the ground in a haze of green soon after. All of you seemed in awe, you were confused, but couldn’t stop staring. What in Sigmar’s name was happening?
And that’s when it hit you, literally. You felt a warm and wet slap on your face and you instinctively closed your eyes as droplets of blood soaked your top.
Once you opened your eyes you saw the others in a situation much like your own, altough it’s impossible to miss the infectious laughter from the pyromancer. Saltzpyre, however, seemed to be computing it all before turning his back and coughing violently towards the ground. You sneered upon noticing the grotesque mix of blood, scrags of flesh, and spit spill from his mouth, a result of leaving his jaw slack as the rat exploded in front of them.
Your gaze landed on Kruber next, who had his hat in his hands and was looking over the patches of blood on the rim. He didn’t really seem to be computing it very well, looking from you and your blood soaked clothes, to the spot Rasknitt had been standing.
You turned the cuff of your shirt down and lifted it to wipe over your mouth, clearing it of the blood and guts that’d splashed onto you.
“That was… different.” You spoke.
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
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“Come on, Victor.” You huff impatiently, taking a step towards the hunter, who just took stumbling one backwards. He refused the help you offered, determined to walk himself on the leg that had had a fresh bloody shard of wood poking out of it only moments before.
“I can walk myself.” He growled, and you simply rolled your eyes. Like this, you wouldn’t be back at the Red Moon for hours, and you were getting hungry.
There was only one thing for it.
You stormed closer and ducked before he could say anything, shoving your shoulder into him and standing up straight, now with the hunter hoisted over your shoulder.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” You heard him grumble and he kicked furiously, until his good leg hit you in the chest.
“Getting us home before nightfall.” You growled in return, grabbing his leg and keeping it still.
You heard another grumble as you started off home, and you couldn’t help but grin. After a while he calmed down, and you were met with silence again. He was probably plotting your downfall after this incident, but you didn’t care. You were finally getting home, and you didn’t have a bad view.
The hand that wasn’t occupied around Victor’s waist reached up and you gave his ass a sharp slap, which made whim wriggle in your grasp after a shocked and rather indignant gasp.
“Carrying me like a sack of grain is one thing, but smacking my rear like a disobedient child is another!”
You chuckled and rubbed the area you’d hit.
“Sorry, Victor, didn’t mean to hurt you.”
You felt the rumbling hum in his chest against your back, which he coughed over to try and hide the approval. You did it again, giving it a soft pinch as you got lower.
You were both enjoying this perhaps a bit too much.
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
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Yet another item that’d be perfect for your collection had fallen into your hands. This time it was a trinket of some sort. A finely chiseled brass dove that sat perfectly in the palm of your hand. It soon found it’s way into your pocket and you rushed up the stairs to your room to place it in your draw along with all the other items you’d acquired.
“I know it was here.” You heard the voice of the Hunter tear through the inn later that night just as the four were about to set off for the mission on the evening.
“Well I didn’t move it!” Kruber’s voice came soon after.
“Then who did?!”
You decided to step out of your room, leaning against the railings watching Saltzpyre, Kruber, Sienna, and Bardin all argue.
“Don’t look at me!” Bardin grumbled, holding up his hands. “It’s not my style.” The joke was lost on the hunter who was practically fuming from the ears at this point.
A sly grin crept onto your lips and you pushed yourself up, sauntering back to your room with your triumphant smile
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
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You couldn’t help but smirk when Kruber marched out of his room with nothing but his trousers on, his expression a mix of annoyance and a smile as he stepped towards you. You were sat on one of the few stools at the bar, back leant up against the counter as you brought one leg up to cross over the other.
“Good morning.” Your voice was a low hum as you brushed the tunic - his tunic - that you wore.
“That’s very funny, Y/N, but if the others get up and see both of us ‘alf naked, they’re gonna ask questions.” He tried to keep a seriousness to his voice, but it faltered at that smile you shot his way.
“But it’s very comfortable. I think I might keep it for a while longer.” You chuckled, watching his every move.
You didn’t expect him to grab you off the chair, hoisting you over his shoulder with a round of giggles and laughs from you both as he carried you up to his room.
Either way, he was going to end up getting his tunic back.
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
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It had taken days and days of pestering before the hunter would even give you an audience, knowing exactly what your intentions were. You had prepared a perfect argument why he should let Sienna free. She helped defeat the Skaven, aided Ubersreik when she could’ve just killed them all and ran.
But it was finally the day. You walked down the thin street behind an old tavern in Stromdorf, Sienna blazing a path through the Skaven stragglers that had decided to throw their cowardly ways aside and at least try and stop the heroes in their path.
You could see Olesya’s cart, and the other three racing towards it, but with your hand in Sienna’s you tugged her aside, diverting away from them.
Saltzpyre looked over to you both and you swore you saw a smile as the pyromancer and yourself set off towards the fields around.
A smirk played on your lips and you lifted your free hand to give him a lazy salute as the two of you became blocked by the ramp of the cart being pulled up over the door.
It was a good day, with the pyromancer at your side, finally free of the trials she’d been sentenced to.
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
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Trigger warning. Death, Gore.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as the pain overwhelmed your nerves, each burning, sparking, as the Stormvermin drew it’s blade from your body. Your mind rushed, all thoughts blurring into one as your legs collapsed from underneath you, sending you into the ground with a hard thud.
The pain that radiated through your spine was drowned out by that of the wound in your torso, hands grabbing at the torn flesh weakly.
“Y/N!” The voice was the only thing you could make out from the surrounding sounds, the clang of metal against metal, and the roaring of flames bellowing around you. Kruber soon fell into your sight, his weapons dropped by his side as his hands clasped over your wound instead.
You could feel the beat in your throat becoming slower yet harder as your heart fought to stay pumping, but as the battle around you faded into mere silence, so did you.
The others kept their distance, allowing Kruber the space he needed. They’d seen the wound, and the amount of blood that stained your hands and the cobbles under your body. There was nothing that could be done, not that that would stop Kruber from vainly trying to staunch the blood.
“Markus?” Your voice was weak, barely audible, but he heard and pushed himself to sit nearer your head, eyes locking with yours.
Your hand lifted from your side, falling to trace his jaw which you could feel tighten under your touch. You could see he was trying to hold the tears at bay, though one streaked his cheek with a damp trail, one that was soon replaced by a deep crimson line as you thumbed away the tear.
This isn’t how you thought you would go. This isn’t how you wanted to go, but obviously the universe had plans of its own for you. Kruber and yourself had so much planned and so much hope for the future… you couldn’t believe it was all torn away so quickly.
“I love you.” You managed to whisper, eyes fighting to stay open.
“Don’t go yet,” Gods, he pleading voice made your chest tighten. “Please. I love you.”
“It’ll be alright, Markus… it’ll-” your breath began to catch in your throat and your grip lessened. You could feel it washing over you, from the tips of your toes until you could no longer feel the pain from your wound.
With one last “I love you,” the air was pushed from your lungs one last time, and your sight darkened, the sound of the wind rushing through the trees fading into the darkness.
“Y/N?” Kruber’s hands gripped either side of your pale face, eyes searching madly for signs that you were still alive, but the way your (E/C) pools stared blankly above, he knew.
Now he didn’t bother holding back. The cool air on his cheek making the blood that stained his cheek even colder was what set him off, leaning down to press his forehead against yours.
There was one less plate at dinner that night.
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
So there are over thirty requests in my inbox, and I've written a few so they will be posted now! Requests are closed until I manage to work through all of these requests. Sorry for any inconvenience!!
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
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"Soldier." You hummed the word as you passed the Sargent, lightly grabbing his ass as you did. His face turned the darkest shade of red that it could, his eyes fixing themselves to the image of you wandering up the stairs like you hadn't just made such a public display of affection. Luckily, there was no one else around except Lohner, who simply laughed and carried on with what he was doing. This wasn't how it was later in the evening, much to his embarrassment. Everyone sat dotted around the inn, Kruber sat opposite Saltzpyre on the farthest table near the forge with his hat tipped forward as he pushed his food around his plate idly. He didn't even note your arrival until he felt your hands drape on his shoulders and then wound down over his chest as you placed a kiss on his temple. He stopped every motion, his face becoming increasingly hot, and not because of how close they were to the furnace. You whispered something to him that made him look up to you slowly, and then to the Witch hunter, who looked far less than impressed with what was going on between the two of you. This only made Kruber even more embarrassed, and he couldn't help the apologetic look on his face. You giggled and shook your head, kissing his cheek again. "Please go and do that somewhere else." Saltzpyre grumbled, making Kruber stumble over his words as he tried to hurry out an apology as well as stand from his place. "Why don't you keep an eye on that book of yours rather than watching, then, hunter?" You quipped, pulling back and taking Markus by the hand, walking away from the table with the red Sargent in tow.
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
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It was bound to happen sooner or later. You two had a more than healthy love life, and... well, there were little provisions to stop such a thing.
Victor felt awful - awful that he'd been careless and helped bring this life into a world with such chaos and more than it's fair share of death. He already felt like a failure of a father...
You took his hand in yours when you found him staring at the fire absent-mindedly, just watching the flames burn away. The other hand rubbed his arm, and without warning you felt him turn and wrap you in a much needed hug.
"Victor..." you whispered to him, just about able to hear a faint sniff from his tears.
"What's going to happen?" He sounded scared, a vulnerability he had showed only to you before.
"We're going to be parents, and we're going to fight to make this world better for our child."
He pulled back, watching you over his tears.
"/I'm/ going to fight. You need to be more careful from now on." He drifted a hand up to your cheek and thumbed a stray tear from your eye that had been caused by seeing his own.
"I -" He couldn't help but pause when his words caught in his throat, moving his gaze to their locked hands, "What... if - I'm worried." After much stammering over his words he managed to get it out. He was worried, ever so. What if something went wrong? The apocalypse seemed to be apon them, and he doubted it would be over in nine months - what would the chances of finding a doctor, or anyone capable of delivering a child, be in these times?
"That's understandable," You whispered, moving a hand to his chin to lift it so you could look into his eyes. "I am, too, but we will get through this. All of us." With that you took his hand and placed it on your barely developed bump, a gesture that seemed pointless since it was still so small, but it gave you both a sense of hope.
"I promise."
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
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"Saltzpyre?" You knelt down on the wooden floor to look closely at the rather mangy looking kitten that sat there staring up at you. He still had the white eye so... at least that much stayed the same.
"You're rather adorable, Victor." You smiled as you reached a hand out to pet the animal's head, only to have it lurch at your hand and bite at it with it's small fangs. This, however, didn't phase you one bit. You stared at the creature with a brow raised, knowing that Saltzpyre could see it. You eventually did manage to manoeuvre ypur hand to stroke the fur on the kitten's belly, and it started to purr under your touch. Perhaps Saltzpyre had already given into the cat-urges, not really being able to resist the tummy rub.
"I know you're mad, but I'll fix this. Just - I have to show the others first!" You said lightly while scooping him up in your hands to take him to see the others.
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
I’m still feeling quite ill and positively exhausted, so I'll post what Requests I have managed to do, and I'll get to work on the others. So, so, so sorry for making you all wait forever for these. 💙
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
Was passing through and just wanted to say I hope you’re feeling ok! Get well soon friendo!
Hello! It's seeming to stick around a bit, but it should pass soon! So sorry to keep you all waiting on your requests. 💙
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
Imagines may be postponed this week. I've come down with quite a nasty cold and just can't find the energy to do anything. I will try and post some, but any that aren't will be posted as soon as I feel better! So sorry everyone.
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
Imagine making a last stand with the hero’s, and being the last to die, and the first to see them all go.
My heart shattered while reading that :')
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
Imagine your a mage, and through poor timing and your own nerves, Saltzpyre has accidentally become the victim of your transfiguration practice. What have you turned him into?
The possibilities! So many possibilities! Thanks for sending this in!
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imagine-vermintide-blog · 7 years ago
You and Kerillian have been a couple for several months, but your first “time” with her is spent in her arms, under the trees, in the comfort of the dark woods of the Reikland. Just when you though there were enough leaves in your bedroll, she proves you wrong.
I just want to make sure so I don't mess this up and have Kerillian just dump some leaves on your head while you sleep, you mean real leaves, right? :)
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