I thought I would never have to do something like this again, especially so recently since my brother died last September, but I guess the world can be cruel sometimes.
Over the past weeks, my mom had been severely sick. She has been sick for years, but it just started getting worse, even more so after my brother passed away. She spent her last hospital visit tied down, tubes in her throat and IV’s everywhere for 3 weeks. Saturday night (11/3) her heart failed and she passed away. After all the hope me and my family had, she passed peacefully.
She was an amazing mom, and always cared for me and my two younger sisters, and all her grandchildren from my older sisters. She would always do what was best for all of us, and even would give to my family members while we were still struggling.
Please, if you can, donate whatever you can, even if it’s 1 dollar. If you can’t, sharing this to reach more people would be even better. Thank you so much
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I thought I would never have to do something like this again, especially so recently since my brother died last September, but I guess the world can be cruel sometimes.
Over the past weeks, my mom had been severely sick. She has been sick for years, but it just started getting worse, even more so after my brother passed away. She spent her last hospital visit tied down, tubes in her throat and IV’s everywhere for 3 weeks. Saturday night (11/3) her heart failed and she passed away. After all the hope me and my family had, she passed peacefully.
She was an amazing mom, and always cared for me and my two younger sisters, and all her grandchildren from my older sisters. She would always do what was best for all of us, and even would give to my family members while we were still struggling.
Please, if you can, donate whatever you can, even if it’s 1 dollar. If you can’t, sharing this to reach more people would be even better. Thank you so much
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I'm really sorry...
It's hard to break it to you guys, but I kinda lost interest in writing for Kuroko no Basket. I still love the show and everything, but when I try to write for it, I just get this writer's block, and I can't write for it anymore. I'm really sorry guys, but I think I may drop this blog. So for now, I'm taking a haitus with this blog for now (even though I technically have been for a few months). I love all 698 of you, and I hope you'll forgive me! If I ever come back, maybe I'll start off with doing match-ups or MTC's (meet the characters). But for now, I'll have to say goodbye to you guys. I'll be back later! Bye sweeties! 💕
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Promo! <3
Go send some asks to @imagine-free-basuke if you’re a fan of Kuroko no Basket AND Free! (two of my personal favorites!) Send in NSFW and SFW asks, too!
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I’m so sorry
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Kuroko no Basket ngshuu / bloopers
Season 3 Vol. 6
translations from here
subtitles by me^^
|| more knb ngshuu ||
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January 31st - Happy Birthday, Tetsu-kun!!♥♥
Otanjobi Omedetō~!♥♥
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Just to remind you guys that Kise is a bona-fide model
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[Your english is fine, but I hope you’re feeling better!] @light-windsnow
Dear ____, I’m sorry that we’ve been sepaeated for so long, but my father is still hospitalized. He’s starting to feel a bit better so that’s good news, right? As soon as he is well enough for me to leave his side, I’ll head back home to where you’ll be waiting for me. I’ll get to hold you in my arms, but until then all I can say to make you feel better is that I love you. Your smile brightens my day, but while I’m not there I want you to smile for your own sake too. When I go home, you can cry into my shoulder as much as you would like, because its not good to keep things bottled up for too long. But until I get home I want you to keep a brave face on! You won’t be alone for long, so just wait for me, ____. Love, Shuuzou
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Ask box is now closed for requests!
Since I am now at 20 requests, I'm going to be closing the inbox until I finish all of them. I'm sorry I have been really slow lately, but me and my family are having trouble finding a house. Right now we're all at my sister's house. I've been super stressed, too, since I've missed two weeks of school because we're essentially homeless. I'm really sorry guys, I'll try posting more as soon as all of this is over with! Thanks for being so patient with me! You guys are the best! 💕
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[I hope you’re feeling better, sweetie! And thanks for the compliment!]@imagine-basukebakas
Hey, babe, why are you hiding your hands from me all of a sudden?” Aomine asked you one day as you two were sitting on the school rooftop. You were currently sitting with your legs crossed and made sure you wore a sweater with long sleeves to hide your hands.
“Well…um…you see, its been getting cold lately and I just want my hands to be warm since I’m sensitive, y’know?” you lied to him, smiling sheepishly.
“Let me see your hands, ____,” he demanded as he held his own hands out so you can place your hands in his. You immediately shook your head in response. Aomine sighed and reached out to grab your hands, causing you to wince in slight pain.
“What happened, babe?” Aomine asked, frowning as soon as he saw the bandages wrapped around your knuckles.
“…I got really mad a few days ago and I punched a wall…,” you admitted quietly.
“Dang babe, remind me to never get into a fight with you,” he joked and chuckled just a bit. Suddenly, he gently took your hands in his and kissed each one of your knuckles tenderly, causing you to blush.
“I’m not too much into the mushy stuff, but that might help just a bit,” Aomine smiled and gingerly placed your hands onto your lap.
“Thanks, Daiki,” you smiled and tears started to fall down your cheek, happy to know that your boyfriend was there to always comfort you in just the right ways.
“Hey, no need to cry, ____,” Aomine smiled again and wiped your tears away with his finger, “If anything ever makes you this mad again just tell me and I’ll help you take care of it, alright?” he asked.
“Mmhm,” you nodded and rested your head against his chest as he stroked your hair. You really did have the best boyfriend in the world.
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I’m opening the ask box right now because I feel bad for having it closed after reaching 230 followers! Thank you so much for following!
Remember, no NSFW and there is a limit to 5 characters! I’ll be closing the ask box after I get to 20-ish!
-Mod Erica
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Hello~ ^^ May I request Hanamiya and the rest of KiriDai making it up to their s/o after getting them mad for something? If you could make it really cute and fluffy (as much as you could with those bastards XD), that would be great. Thank you very much and welcome to the KnB Fanfiction Fandom (if something like that even exists)!
[I’m sorry that this took too long! And I am also sorry that I didn’t do the last two members, but I don’t know enough about them! And I’m sorry that this may seem a bit ooc, but I hope you enjoy it!]
“Look, I said I’m sorry ____,” Hanamiya mumbled as he avoided your gaze.
The day before he had accidentally eaten your favorite piece of cake in the fridge. You had specifically told him that that was YOURS, but you guess he was too busy reading to remember that. You were really looking forward to eating it after a long day of work, too.
“Sorry isn’t going to bring my precious cake back, is it Makoto?” you pouted.
“Look, babe. I’ll buy you a whole new cake the next time I go out, deal?” He insisted.
“…….Will it be the same kind?” you questioned, still kinda ticked.
“Yeah, yeah,” he sighed and looked back over to you, “Am I forgiven now?” Suddenly, you hit his shoulder.
“Now you are,” you giggled and kissed his cheek.
“You kept me up all night with your loud drum playing, Hara,” You groaned as soon as you saw him in the kitchen.
“….I’m sorry,” he said quietly as he popped a piece of gum into his mouth.
“If you were serious about this, you would stop chewing that gum of yours.”
The purple haired man walked over to you and pulled you into a gentle embrace.
“I promise it won’t happen again. I was just trying to practice so I could show you what I could do,” he admitted and took another piece of gum out of his pocket, slipping it into your mouth after unwrapping it.
You ended up accepting his apology as you enjoyed the nice minty flavor that spread throughout your mouth, knowing he didn’t mean any harm.
“It was just a joke, ____,” Furuhashi tried to explain as he followed you around the house.
“Well, it wasn’t a very good one!” you shouted, not turning around to face your boyfriend. ‘He’s never good at telling jokes to begin with…,” you thought to yourself.
“Well, I guess you don’t want these flowers that I grew for you…” you could hear his slightly teasing voice from behind you. You slowly turned around and your eyes landed on the beautiful flowers in his hands.
“D-Did you really grow those for me?” you asked as you marveled at their beauty, and he responded with a nod. He handed them to you and you were welcomed with an amazing sweet scent. All your anger towards him seemed to melt away.
“Am I forgiven?” he asked before he kissed your cheek, to which you nodded.
“Just never tell a joke like that again,” you responded as you played with the flower petals.
“I promise.”
“Why is there such a mess in here?!” you yelled in anger. You went over to the couch that Seto was asleep on and shook him until he woke up.
“Hm, what is it ____?” he asked in a sleepy voice.
“Why is it a mess in here, Kentarou?”
“About that…” he tried to explain but went silent.
“You always do this and I’m always left to clean up after you because you’re always busy sleeping! Maybe we should take a bre-” you were suddenly cut off when Seto pulled you down onto the couch by him and wrapped in his arms.
“I’m really sorry, _____. It’s just a really bad habit that I can’t break.But I’ll try breaking out of it…I hate seeing you angry, _____, especially when I know it’s because of me…maybe you can help me break my habit?” he whispered into your ear.
“…..Habits are really hard to break, so I guess I have no choice but to help you,” you sighed, but it was followed by a smile.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you, too,” you admitted as you were calmed down by his warmth.
“Shall we clean up now?” he asked you after a bit.
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♚Favorite Scenario Blogs ♚
✘ So since a long time i wanna to this, because mostly of the blogs i follow are scenarios blogs of certain anime and others some other type of blogs. But this is some of the favorite blog scenarios i like to read because there awesome doing what they like and i appreciate that fact and keep doing that and of course don’t overwork yourself at doing that. Also i’m gonna do some promo because i think some blogs are need of love and i think there great at writing too.Plus if you haven’t followed one of thesse blogs you should because they have awesome writing.  ✘
✘ If you’re not in this listing is either that i forgot to put it and is too long blogs to put it and that i forgot to. In the end all the scenarios of aime fandom like one piece,gangsta,free,knb,etc. I love equally all the scenarios and i give the best of lucks and wishes for you and you’re blog.  ✘
➳One piece:
@your-one-piece-fan  (Spanish/english)
➳ Haikyuu!
➳ Gangsta
➳ Free!
➳ Kuroko no basket
➳Multiple of fandoms
@imagina-anime (Spanish)
P.S i hope everyone have a good christmas time with you’re family and friends and have a happy new year!!
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Scenario where kagami + aomine going to their long time girlfriend volleyball team and she is amazing at it and then the boys hears some guys making vulgar comments about her and planning to make a move on her
“Ah, finally!” Aomine smiled as he took his seat in the bleachers of the gym. It was finally the day he was waiting for, the day he gets to see you kick some ass on the court. You had asked him to come and watch and he couldn’t say ‘no’ to you.
Soon the opposing team came out onto the volleyball court, but Aomine didn’t even bat an eye. When you and your team came out, however, he grinned.
“YOU CAN DO IT BABE!” he cheered as soon as you stepped out onto the court. You had to admit that he was a great boyfriend because people stared at him due to his loud cheering, but he didn’t mind at all. You waved up at him with a huge grin on your face before joining the rest of your team.
Although, Aomine could’ve sworn that he heard someone whisper,”She’s pretty hot,” behind him, but he ignored it.
Soon the match began and right off the bat you stopped the ball from hitting the ground, which ended up exposing more of your thigh.
“Damn, that girl has some sexy legs!” this guy whispered to his friend.
Aomine immediately turned around and glared at the guy,”That’s my girlfriend, punk. Keep your eyes off of her.”
“Oh yeah? I might just confront her after the match and steal her away from you with my smooth words,” the guy mocked as his friend laughed.
Aomine stood up from his seat and grabbed both guys by their shirt collars and dragged them both out of the gym.
Five minutes later he came back in alone and sighed. “Punks made me miss some of my babe’s moves! At least their in the lead,” he smirked and started cheering for you again.
Outside the gym lay two unconscious boys with big bruises on their heads.
“You can do it, _____. Good luck!” Kagami patted you on the head and gave you a kiss before you headed out onto the court.
He walked through the hallway to get to the bleachers when he heard a conversation.
“That chick, _____, is really hot, don’t ya think?” a guy asked his friend. This immediately caught Kagami’s attention.
“Yeah, how about after the match we catch her when she’s alone and try to swoon her, hm? Then the two of us can take turns making out with her,” the other guy chuckled. This immediately got on your boyfriend’s nerves and he strode over to the two.
“I would kindly ask you to stop talking about MY girlfriend like that,” he smiled, though it wasn’t a friendly one.
“Well, she’ll be my girlfriend before the end of the day,” the first boy smirked.
“Or mine!” the other added.
“Besides, how can she like a mean lookin’ guy like you?” the first asked.
“Yeah, it’ll be easy to steal her away from you,” the second mocked.
This got on Kagami’s nerves and he punched both of them in the face before heading to the bleachers.
After your volleyball match you asked Kagami why he took longer than you expected to get to the bleachers.
“I just had to take out some trash,” he answered simply before kissing you on the cheek.
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Can we have Himuro And Kagami with a tall S/O. ((And selfishly for Himuro maybe have the S/O be slightly taller haha))
[Sorry if this is short or ooc!]Himuro:
Himuro wouldn’t mind having a tall s/o. In fact, it would refreshing to have someone taller than him. He wouldn’t have to reach for things for his s/o, unlike with a small partner.
He would also enjoy the fact that he could be the little spoon when the two of them are spooning or cuddling.
He would enjoy playing basketball with them too! It would be more of a challenge to play against someone taller than him.
Like Himuro, Kagami wouldn’t mind having a tall partner as long as they shared the same interests as him. He would enjoy playing basketball with them because a challenge always excites him. Plus, he wouldn’t have to look down as much, which was a plus.
He would enjoy changing positions while cuddling, even though he would be slightly embarrassed when he’s the one being the little spoon, not really being used to it.
All in all, he wouldn’t mind a tall s/o and would love them no matter what.
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