illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
the body positivity movement needs to start moving hard into including disabled bodies and this is what I mean by that. yes, it was a good step forward to change the rhetoric from “your body is a good body if it meets these arbitrary aesthetic standards” to “your body is a good body because it completes these tasks for you” (ie: walking, eating, laughing, hugging, etc.) but that rhetoric is still not fully body positive, because it excludes bodies that do not do these things. the same as saying how we need to “focus on healthy bodies not skinny bodies” sounds good at first, but it completely misses the point that unhealthy bodies deserve to be appreciated too. disabled bodies are still beautiful and still fundamentally good, not because “your body is kind to you so you should be kind to your body”- because not everyone’s body is kind to them. but all bodies are still good bodies because they are what houses your soul. your body is what allows you to exist and live your life in whatever way you live it, and for that reason, it is a good and beautiful body. your body is what your loved ones see when they look at you and the love they feel for it as an extension of you makes it a good and beautiful body. your body doesn’t have to look a certain way or behave a certain way to be good. it is good just for being here.
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
Cool thing about having friends who study rocks is that they’ll identify the type of rock it is when you bring back rocks you picked out at the beach
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
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We really do live in a society lads
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
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[Caption: Screenshot of two twitter posts by ‘jazdia (bat emoji) deep sea cryptid @swampflora from 17 November 2020. The first post reads: “Don’t identify with your illness/disability” is deeply ableist nonsense. It keeps us from things that vastly improve our lives, like mobility aids & disabled community. It’s based on the idea that being disabled is a bad thing & that limits don’t exist unless we believe they do. The second post reads: So many people, including doctors, think encouraging us to ignore our limits, needs, and the ways disability/chronic illness shapes our lives, will magically make us nondisabled. It doesn’t. It makes us miserable, isolated and often worse off.]
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
Every day I feel like I look gross I end up running into like half my high school but whenever I feel pretty I usually stay inside all day and it’s not planned or anything
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
Does anyone else go through a crisis when it comes to pronouncing your own name or is that just me
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
Forgot the second part of my midterm that was seven hours after the first part existed so guess it’s time for a depressive spiral before my 8am ochem midterm that’s tomorrow ;)))
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
Since I generally have sucky luck I’m just gonna start making up luck facts bc mind over matter and whatnot so it’s basically like handing out luck to ppl since I have none
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
I’ve been getting all my lucky signs lately but bad thing after bad thing keeps happening?? I’m emo and i miss my friends and uni is getting harder but cooler but also harder
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
Make it a requirement for all professors to show their pets on zoom in the beginning of class
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
Someone please tell me why my school covid symptom checker only calls during my classes as if they do not have my schedule it’s literally the same school???
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
just to be clear, the fact that music was nominated for a golden globe is absolutely disgusting. every single (adult) involved in that gross, ableist movie should be sickened by themselves.
for those of you who don't know, music (2021) is a movie being directed by sia about a nonverable autistic girl. not only does it not include any actually autistic people in the movie itself but it also only took advice from autism speaks which is looked at as a hate group by the majority of the autistic community. leaked scenes have also shown the movie glorifying prone restraints which are incredibly dangerous and have resulted in major injuries and even death to disabled people as recently as last year.
autistic people just like me have been incredibly outspoken about how harmful this movie is but the allistic have been mostly silent. we are already seeing reviews calling this movie 'inspiring' and important' and it's absolutely horrific! we need your help calling this out. please stand with us and call out this disgusting display of disrespect to autistic folks.
💛 - your local actually autistic pal
p.s. please, please reblog if you aren't autistic.
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
Why do professors say ‘he or she’ when talking about people instead of ‘they’
It’s easier and covers more people!?
I get they want to imply that doctors can be both male and female but it’s more inclusive to just say they? But I don’t ever mention it and just deal bc I don’t want to be seen as difficult but just use ‘they’ ty.
Oop I just missed a chunk of lecture typing this to rant maybe girls don’t belong in stem 🥵
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
all i want rn is to apply to this one v sick lab at my uni but there’s no way they’d take a freshie(but like I have junior standing??¿) w/out any experience in its field so now im emo
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
I like to read alone in bed at 4 am and some books I think about how the scenes would be filmed and I may have taken the ‘I’m-gonna-drop-my-major-and-become-a-film-major-joke’ too far. It was fun to scare my parents at first but like, I’m studying bioengineering?? Those are very different. Anayways not gonna drop my major but just random thought I have a lot
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illiteratebookluvr · 3 years
Oh and occasionally bringing their adult children into the show trying to flex them or get them spouses
The only cooking show I want is one by immigrant mothers cooking native dishes yelling at each other in their differing native tongues
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