Truth or Dare Tuesday!
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Its Headcanon Thursday
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It’s TMI Tuesday! Reblog If You Would Like to Participate~
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(open) Who Wants to Be Handcuffed to a Serial Killer???
 This had to be one of the worst days of Yoshikage Kira’s life if not the worst. Kira had always been careful; so very careful his entire career as a serial killer as well as his entire life. He had always made sure that he was never noticed, never special, never stood out in anyway. He had always made sure he was never followed. He had always covered his tracks. He did everything to make sure he could satisfy his desires and maintain his perfect quiet life without any interruption, and yet somehow for the first time ever he must have made a mistake. He never once had imagined to find himself in such a position and yet here he was.
 He had been examining his prey for a few weeks now; she was a tall, brunette woman in her late 20′s, she went to school and had a few friends, but seemingly no one really close to close; she was thin but not muscular. Her hands were small and delicate, though she clearly moisturized a little too often, but over all she was a good target.
 His fingernails were  long despite still looking still quite manicured he felt them grow longer,and longer as his previous lover had deteriorated seemed to be deteriorating quicker and quicker.  He had known he needed to strike soon, so one cloudy, starless night he followed the woman, whom had clearly been drinking, and watched her stumble up to her room on the second floor of an apartment complex. Kira stood there calmly, coolly surveying the area. Once he was sure there was no one around watching him, the blond quietly walked into the ally behind the complex and climbed the fire escape, and then in to her back window. He took off his jacket and left it on her bed to make sure no blood got on it and continued out of the room where he then once again witnessed his soon to be victim just standing there in the living room, looking out the window and sipping yet another glass of wine. Kira began to soundlessly stalk his intended victim. He reached at her from behind and then grabbed her with lightening speed and she let out an extremely brief blood curdling scream of complete  horror, terror,fear, that was quickly cut short by the chloroform rag shoved into her face and merciless well placed knife thrust into her back. The wine glass that was in her hand tumbled to the ground; crashing and shattering into thousands of tiny shards on the hard wood floor; her now limp body crashing to the ground, hitting it with a gentle thump. 
Kira quickly removed the knife ensuring if she wasn’t already  dead she would bleed out soon. He then kicked over the  woman’s body and swiftly began slicing off the woman’s hand with near surgical precision when suddenly someone whom Kira had never seen before had run into the surprisingly unlocked room witnessing the bloody scene and before either person fully realized what happened the stranger had punched kira in the face and attached a pair of handcuffs that were located on the coffee behind the scene of the crime that bore the now probably dead woman’s on to both of their wrists.
Kira quickly attempted to summon Killer Queen but to no avail because the cuffs were somehow suppressing his ‘special ability’ and possibly the other person’s as well if they had one. 
The chain was clearly too strong to be broken by hand and Kira knew he had to silence this wittiness and somehow escape He glared daggers at the stranger and had no idea of the challenges that were ahead of him.
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In Speedwagon’s confusion at these very important musings; his vulnerable soul just so happened to invite a certain bowler hat wearing ghost named, Yoshikage Kira, Whom had been contemplating many simalr questions about his own life after death.
He had recently been double crossed once again by that dammed, bald shrine maiden. She had simply called him up saying she had a job for him involving a lot of money, and when he arrived at the shrine she immediately shoved him into a bright. glowing vortex without a word sending him god knows where but it certainly wasn't 1999, Morioh.
Kira looked to the living man in the room and spoke, 
“Life is very bitter and hard to take and that is why people try to squeeze out every last drop while still continuously sugarcoating it with lies to make it somewhat bearable to their feeble minds. That is why people make lemonade instead of orange juice. Now by any chance could you please tell me were we are currently located and what year it is.”
Speedwagon contemplates life
Speedwagon had done everything he could to sleep. He even tried the old trick of warm milk and honey and counting sheep, but nothing was working. He was debating whether or not to break out the alcohol when he remembered why he was being kept up in the first place. It was because of a conversation he overheard from a random passerby.
‘Why lemons’, he wonders.
The saying that he heard was 'When life gives you lemons make lemonade’ however the concept of that phrase confused him.
'Why are lemons comparable to life? Why not something sweeter like oranges and make orange juices why lemons? You take something tart andit sstays tart’ he continued to contemplate this idea and question. It wasn’t allowing him rest. He looked at the time and saw it was three am. He sighed and covered his face with his hands exhausted.
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tmi tuesday
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[passes a priest on the street] look down. look down. dont make eye contact. he knows. he kn
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 Kira couldn't decide how to take the priest’s apology. He didn’t know if the priest was suspicious; he didn’t know  why the priest was there; he didnt know if the priest was a stand user. There was a lot of things he didnt know about the man, and very few he did. This seemed to be a very dangerous situation situation. Kira most certainly knew he did not want to fight and make an enemy of this man.
 The murderer glowered and ran his fingers through his hair and more water droplets dripped onto his eyelashes and he sighed.
Honestly Kira’s best option would be to continue to feign ignorance and continue walking and hope he never sees the priest again. Kira was very much aware of this and yet the man whom performerd the useless action of holding an umbrella over the drenched serial killer’s head, gave off such an air it was impossible not to be curious.
“Killer Queen,” Kira muttered under his breath, summoning his stand to see if how the priest would react to the sight of his stand. That is if he was even a stand user at all.
This was one disadvantage of wearing expensive uniforms. The priest stood in his place and gazed down at his own now-soaked figure, feeling the wet garments uncomfortably stick to his skin. Soon enough he witnessed he bumped into the other person, and the sound of an object hitting the ground –The stranger was in an even worse condition than he was in, along with his dinner, so it seemed. The other’s light hair stuck to his own forehead by the rain, thin groups of hair shadowing over his wet eyelashes and startled glare – The man generally looked like he went out for a swim fully clothed, and Enrico’s unexpected disturbance didn’t help his state at all.
“I apologize - …” Enrico begun almost immediately, gazing down to the man who bent down to recover his meal, but before he was able to finish his sentence something caught his attention.
His eyes caught a brief glimpse of a light gleam of what resembled a golden ring, which reflected back the dim street lights and was stuck around some kind of an object inside the bag. In silence, the priest observed curiously the man and his package, now closed and back in its owner’s hand – And it certainly wouldn’t be anything that suspicious, if only a faint stench didn’t escape the cover, although it faded almost right away. His eyes flickered in interest, and questions popped in his mind, but Enrico quickly snapped out of his thoughts as the man addressed him.
The priest kept his eyes fixed on the other’s figure and met his glare before he continued. “I’m sorry for the disturbance,” He sent out his hand which held to his umbrella, placing it slightly above the other. It was a useless act of kindness for the man’s condition, but he hoped to gain his affection and cooperation with it. “I simply feel bad for causing you all this trouble – I just made your and your meal’s condition a lot worse. Please, let me treat you to another.” Tilting his head just a little, presenting a good intention, he was utterly curious what the owner of the fishy bag’s reaction will be.
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Are you married?
“ I have never been married as Yoshikage Kira, but I suppose you could say im in a marriage as Kosaku Kawajiri to his wife Shinoubu. I will continue to keep up the facade to maintain my quiet life; that is unless she gets in the way, and I can, and will easily dispose of her and her obnoxiously nosy child.”
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Reblog if you just want a quiet life.
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It’s TMI Tuesday!
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its nothing very special 
Usually it consists of eggs, natto, white rice, miso soup,and sometimes plain, hot japanese tea when hes awake enough to make it.
He’ll eat it while watching the the sunrise, but still keeping a close watch on the clock so he can maintain schedule, and not be late for work.
He also sometimes enjoys breakfast with his girlfriend on the table by his side
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Kira dosent like especially mostly dogs, but he wont mind them unless they try to get in the way like Remi’s dog Arnold or the one whom attacked him as a ghost.  He is however indeed qite fond of two very special cat stands.
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Its HC Thursday!
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