onedirectiontwoways · 3 months
I was just thinking about that one time in high school when one of my friends signed my yearbook "chicks are better than dicks", and i didn't realize it until after i had a teacher sign right next to it. Like, i know people who have gone back to see past teachers, but after that one? Nope.
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onedirectiontwoways · 7 months
Hey... Just figured I'd let y'all know I posted another playlist on my spotify... It's pretty short for right now, but it's up. There's another that I just made public as well that's songs my sister and I found through movies & TV shows as well (that one's also kinda short). Just figured I'd let y'all know
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onedirectiontwoways · 8 months
Also while we’re here I want everyone to appreciate that This
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This wild, wonderful, beautifully animated and heartfelt queer story started here
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Here, on tumblr, by an art student who was wrestling with his identity, mental health, and religious trauma
Tell your stories, kids, you never know how many people will thank you for it
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onedirectiontwoways · 8 months
Can the United States stop putting old white dudes in office?
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onedirectiontwoways · 8 months
I remember I had a (high school... we kinda lost contact) friend, who decided that he had enough of getting in trouble being late to classes, and bought himself a pair of heeleys (i think that's what they're called at least? y'know... those shoes with the wheels in them?). It used to be a highlight of my day to watch him zoom past in the halls... that is, until my school put an end to it)
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onedirectiontwoways · 9 months
Y'all wanna know what ruined my writing? EASE. Echo, answer, support, explain. Which was kinda great to teach, but it absolutely ruined my writing as a kid. Hear me out: If the prompt was "Why should we ban plastic bags?", It was expected for you to answer it like "We should ban plastic bags because plastic bags ___. In the text, the author states, '___.' This quote shows ___. " Exactly like that. It was like a fill in the blank. We weren't allowed to get creative with our writing. And it wasn't until i got a teacher my sophomore year that was like "what are you doing??? That's not how to write a paragraph..." that i realized how badly it messed up my writing. What makes it even worse is that they still teach kids to write like that
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onedirectiontwoways · 9 months
Me: This month I need to actually save my money
Also me: *Blows $20 on one singular reed*
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onedirectiontwoways · 9 months
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favorite ship dynamic moodboard
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onedirectiontwoways · 10 months
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onedirectiontwoways · 10 months
Through a set of cautiously conducted experiments on my family, I can now conclude that I'm able to say "L U", and every single member of my family believes I'm saying "Love You". I feel victorious.
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onedirectiontwoways · 10 months
A little while ago (during my college search), I sat down with admissions at a school that has a renowned music school within' the larger school (for my privacy, I won't say where, but it's an incredible program). I remember talking to the guy from admissions, and we had gotten on the topic of activities I did at school, and I had mentioned that I was a band and theater kid. To which, he asked what instruments I played. I have no idea how much y'all know about me, but I'm one of those with way too much time on my hands, and alone for my schools band, I played flute, clarinet, and oboe (plus a couple more on my own time). All of this I told him, and he looked at me with this weird look on his face, and goes "oh. so you're one of those". This was only the second college I had visited (even though it was (might I say it is still?) my dream school, and probably should've been #1), so I had no idea what he was talking about, and it probably showed, because he goes "you're one of those people that can look at an instrument, pick it up, and learn it". Which, is kinda true? I just have to be motivated to learn it (plus, i learnt in one of the best music programs in my area...). So I was like "idk... i guess?", and he goes "i'm not. i was a chorus kid, and a few years ago tried teaching myself to play guitar off youtube, which didn't go well". Like, now looking back, I think that visit was one of my favourite visits I've done to a college (plus he was super helpful). Our chat only got funnier from there, and it only heightened my desire to attend this school. Anyone else got stories like this one? Like, just curious
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onedirectiontwoways · 10 months
instrument or sport if applicable in tags. if you wish
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onedirectiontwoways · 10 months
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they SURELY are okay…
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onedirectiontwoways · 10 months
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is there anything that the humble chicken cannot do
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onedirectiontwoways · 10 months
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onedirectiontwoways · 10 months
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onedirectiontwoways · 10 months
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King for a Day || Pierce The Veil [\m/]
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