if-you-care-at-all · 1 year
terfs be like i’m joining the fight against restrictive gender roles on the side of the restrictive gender roles
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if-you-care-at-all · 1 year
y'all wanna see a horror story in 2 pictures?
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if-you-care-at-all · 1 year
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if-you-care-at-all · 1 year
Happy radfem thursday, without the trans exlusionism.
People are born from an egg being fertilized with sperm. It takes two people to make a child. And the child should be loved whether they’re trans or not.
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A liberal feminist & pro-trans page is now officially labeled as tRanSpHobiC!
Happy TERF Thursday! xD
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if-you-care-at-all · 1 year
> “its the feeling of oppression due to being a woman” 
I’d like to interject here. That’s not what being a woman is about.
It’s about whatever you want it to be.
every single convo with a transsupportive person goes like this:
"what is a woman?" "someone who identifies as a woman" "and what is that identity?" "its the feeling of being a woman" "and what is that feeling?" "its the feeling of oppression due to being a woman" " and what is that oppression?" "for example the standards that a woman has to be feminine, anyone who is put to a feminine standards is a woman" "so if that standard of feminine = woman is oppression does that mean a woman can be masculine?" "yes" "then why do you wanna transition if you can be a masculine woman and a feminine man?" "its the feeling" "which is???" " you're attacking me and i cannot keep having the same conversation, you're invalidating trans people's feelings"
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if-you-care-at-all · 1 year
as a person with a uterus who is also a man, I respectfully disagree.
Trans people are people. Who are most likely feminists. That tiktoker was making fun of, probably, cis white men.
The people in the comments are a mixture of people. Not all of them are necessarily good people. But hating trans people is most certainly not the solution to the patriarchy.
You see, the patriarchy is a system that’s been in place since before the beginning of colonization. And it’s kept in place by many, many things:
Sex inequality
Gender inequality
Race inequality
Income inequality
And you’re taking screenshots out of context and using them to exclude trans people, when really, you should be educating people on how to take the patriarchy down.
Terfs need to become radfems without the trans exclusion.
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Record store makes Tik Tok about their female only stock. Comments filled with people asking if they sell specific trans artists DESPITE them already confirming they have trans artists in their catalog.
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It’s not about inclusion they just don’t want women to have anything for themselves.
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if-you-care-at-all · 1 year
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There's a lot to deconstruct here but what stands out to me is the disdain they have for the imaginary wife of the imaginary man who they will let beat them. It speaks to the state of female socialization that even in women's revenge fantasies they imagine other women as barely consenting victims.
It's distressing to watch women brag and fantasize about being the best (abandoned) sex object?
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if-you-care-at-all · 1 year
PCOS is beautiful and you should be proud of having it.
Trans people are beautiful and they should be proud that they’ve decided to stop listening to what everyone else says they should be.
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if-you-care-at-all · 1 year
I also have PCOS. I have a uterus. I have a naturally deep voice. I’m an intersex man. Intersex people are healthy and normal, just like everyone else. I live a healthy life with pain management and treating the painful parts of PCOS as a disability that I’m proud of. And I’m also proudly a man, who loves both men and women.
You’re an intersex woman. You’ve been told that you have to perform femininity your whole life, because you’re different.
What on earth does that have to do with trans people existing? Using the term “gaslight” implies that I’m denying reality in any sort of way. Isn’t pretending that people can’t choose to identify as whatever they want denying reality?
Trans people have existed for centuries throughout all non-white cultures. In judaism, in native American religion, and in hindu beliefs. And in Japanese beliefs. People have been revered as beautiful and holy for having a non male or female gender or a gender that doesn't align with their sex--- since before you were alive. Since before your parents were alive. Since before your siblings or your partner were alive. Since before the idea of forcing trans people not to be trans ever existed. Since before the idea of patriarchy even had a name. Since before the word trans even existed.
Everybody knows what sex is, to a degree. But scientists are starting to understand that sex is a spectrum. That PCOS and hyperandrogynism exist and they're as common and normal and healthy as being trans is. Oh yeah, and as common and normal and healthy as being a red-head.
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if-you-care-at-all · 1 year
A moment of silence for the switches or bottoms that are naturally masculine and assertive and self respecting that people label as tops. Especially if it complicates your relationship to submission.
Sincerely, an intersex guy with PCOS who's been in a bunch of relationships where he was forced into a corner of being the dominant one or else neutrally aligned, which wasn't what I needed 😔
Last time i made a post like this some toxic bottom that I'm not friends with anymore made an angry comment about not being able to get off when on the top.
Like. Can you imagine emotionally hurting a switch in order to get yourself off and then acting like you're the victim. Imagine.
I literally think this has something to do with the patriarchy, I swear. I'm masculine and naturally assertive and I'm very similar to cis guys and JUST like cis guys, I get shoved into the box of "always knowing what to do or you're worthless and you'll get tossed to the side" just like every other cis man.
Look at me in the eyes and tell me the patriarchy doesn't hurt me. Look at me in the eyes and tell me the patriarchy doesn't hurt men and that feminism is only about cis women.
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if-you-care-at-all · 1 year
Definition of transgender: someone who feels like they're a different gender than what their sex implies to other people.
It is entirely harmless to be transgender. Not all people who are trans have penises. Not all people who are trans have vaginas.
Not all people who are trans and have dicks are inherently predatory.
No people at all who are trans and have vaginas are stupid and don't know what they're talking about when they say their gender has nothing to do with their sex.
Sex has been proven to be a spectrum. Intersex people exist. And anyone with any sex of any kind can identify as whatever they want.
The patriarchy doesn't just hurt cis women. It hurts a lot of people of color, intersex people, trans people, queer people, and gay people.
"I don't want trans people to die, I just know what biological sex is."
Well, then look at this. [x]
You see, you expressing the opinion that trans people are somehow not LGBT destabilizes the whole community and easily allows conservative christians to kill us all. You're accidentally helping literal, actual fascist patriarchs win by doing that.
PCOS is an intersex condition. You should be proud of being an intersex woman, if you are one. Just like I'm proud of being an intersex man who has PCOS. Radical Feminism needs to include trans people in order to take down the patriarchy. I'm a man with a uterus. Nobody is saying that you can change your chromosomes in order to change your sex. Everybody is saying that trans people are real and beautiful and a necessary part of the LGBT community.
"Queer is a slur." Look at this: [x]
It is your duty as a human being to be an activist against the patriarchy. Not trans people. Look at this: [x]
"No kink at pride." look at this: [x]
The reason you are trans exclusionary is because you don't know LGBT history. You don't know who and exactly what communities fought so hard for our rights. It was the rubber communities. It was the kink communities. It was especially Trans and Black women. And Butches who used he/him and they/them. And your history was ripped away from you by a world who looked away when people were dying of AIDs.
I don't do "receipts" because they're full of hate and not educational. Everything I say is in the interest of changing your mind. Personally.
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if-you-care-at-all · 1 year
Trans people have existed for centuries throughout all non-white cultures. In judaism, in native American religion, and in hindu beliefs. And in Japanese beliefs. People have been revered as beautiful and holy for having a non male or female gender or a gender that doesn't align with their sex--- since before you were alive. Since before your parents were alive. Since before your siblings or your partner were alive. Since before the idea of forcing trans people not to be trans ever existed. Since before the idea of patriarchy even had a name. Since before the word trans even existed.
Everybody knows what sex is, to a degree. But scientists are starting to understand that sex is a spectrum. That PCOS and hyperandrogynism exist and they're as common and normal and healthy as being trans is. Oh yeah, and as common and normal and healthy as being a red-head.
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