int from @wilted-blades || che/cher aux she/her
Last active 60 minutes ago
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IDs in alt text
original | simplified
gendercowboy - a gender related to being a [x] cowboy, a cowboy [of/from/themed around] [x], a cowboy and [x], etc.
individual layers/template below! IDs in alt text:
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a gender system in which one’s gender can be explained by wanting to be/being two things at the exact same time. these two things might be distinguishable from one another and clear, or there might be a blurry overlap. these two things might be similar (ex. princes and princesses or cats and dogs) or they might be completely different (ex. vampires and angels) 🌈 gender system and flag by the virtual one... requested by no one !
🌈 the flag above is a template... please tag @/bloodygendersystems (my gender system archival blog) in any coining posts... planning to coin ones centered around princes and princesses, vampires and angels, angels and dolls, computer viruses and angels, computer viruses and dolls, and computer viruses and vampires... all i ask is that you don’t coin these unless i later state that i’m overwhelmed and that you can!
🌈 template! /end pt]
a gender system in which one’s gender can be explained by wanting to be/being two things at the exact same time. these two things might be distinguishable from one another and clear, or there might be a blurry overlap. these two things might be similar (ex. princes and princesses or cats and dogs) or they might be completely different (ex. vampires and angels)
🌈 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 gender system and flag by the virtual one 。。。 requested by no one !
🌈 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 the flag above is a template 。。。 please tag @bloodygendersystems (my gender system archival blog) in any coining posts 。。。 planning to coin ones centered around princes and princesses, vampires and angels, angels and dolls, computer viruses and angels, computer viruses and dolls, and computer viruses and vampires 。。。 all i ask is that you don’t coin these unless i later state that i’m overwhelmed and that you can !
🌈 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 template !
#gender system#gendersimulantic#psd templates#flag templates#theme: contradictory#needs id#flag template
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a gender system where one's gender is [x] in the way of a fairy's transformation like in winx club, or where one is a [x]ix fairy.
psd with layers can be found here !
#gender system#genderix#has pt#theme: media#theme: fantasy#needs id#psd templates#flag templates#symbols#<- not extracted but
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[pt: Genderblock
description; /end pt]
description︔ a gender system where one's gender is related to [x] block (being) in minecraft and, or when one is a [x] block / a block of [x].
find the psd w/ layers here !
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Gendertie/Genderconnect | System
Gendertie (right) / Genderconnect (left) is a system where a gender of your choosing HAS to be connected/tied to something else for it to really be your gender. inspired by me and how im only a girl/woman if its tied/connected to something else. "-tie" and or "-connect" is the prefixes; "-tie" having a shoelace tie as the symbol, and connect having a chain.
Gendertie template download | Genderconnect template download (DA Stash for both; will need an account I'm pretty sure.)
#gender system#gendertie#genderconnect#psd templates#flag templates#has id#unsure how to tag this#has pt
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multiple definitions:
A gender related to [x], vinyls, and spinning
A gender related to spinning [x] in a record player
A gender related to [x] and vinyls spinning in a record player
A gender related to putting [x] on a vinyl (in a record player) and spinning it
gender system!
tagging @identity-systems @radiomogai
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Nascime ⚓
a term system for being (a/an) [x] since one came into existence, what ever that means to the user! this can apply to any part of one's identity (gender, orientation, alterhumanity, etc)! example; nascipink - a term for being pink since one came into existence, what ever that means to the user!
symbols from photopea!
etymology; "nasci" latin for 'come into existence/being', "ime" meaning from/deriving from!
psd file (link)!
tagging @radiomogai & @dimensen!
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flag temp from under the cut for archival

a term system for those who feel as if they are smarter than others because they know a lot about [x].
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[pt: kimeditive - (from ki(nd), medi(c), and suppor(tive)) [key-mehd-ih-tive] /end pt]
kimeditive - (from ki(nd), medi(c), and suppor(tive)) [key-mehd-ih-tive]
an umbrella term for identities centered around healing, taking care of people, beings, creatures, and animals, wanting to be a supportive energy to others, fixing and mending whatever needs to be, gentleness and kindness, and shades of deep and light blue. can be connected to the umbrella term wisteric, but isn't inherently related to it. coined with the healing coven from the owl house in mind, but isn't connected to it inherently.
meditinity - equivalent of masculinity/femininity meditinine - equivalent of masculine/feminine kimed - a kimeditive person KIMEDiN - kimedtive-in-nature meditic - gender alignment mederian - (kimeditive4kimeditive, kimedLkimed) a kimeditive person being attracted to another kimeditive person. (from mederi; latin for "heal") transimeditive - transitioning into meditinity medind - a meditic gender
@radiomogai @neopronouns @imawanokiwaaa @revenant-coining
#neogender umbrella#theme: emotions#theme: medical#theme: colours#theme: media#gender natures#has id#has pt
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[PT: GenderMD] A gender system where one's gender is an MD (doctor of medicine).
(ID in alt)
Reposted from an old account.
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01. huntrence! (hun-trenss)
[pt: huntrence, pronounced hun-trenss)
an umbrella centred around forests, cottagegore (link), sleeping, mushrooms, and meteor showers. it is generally non-xenine but can be considered xenine, mixed with xenine terms, or presented in a generally xenic way. based loosely on one of my OCs. can be used for anything, not just genders!
other themes that might fall under huntrence:
hiding your true self
fairy grunge (link)
thorned bushes
huntol - a huntrence person. huntrenity - the equivalent of femininity/masculinity/etc. huntrine - the equivalent of feminine/masculine/etc. HUNIN - huntrence-in-nature. hentrence - gender alignment. terhin - a huntrence4huntrence (huntol4huntol) term for huntrence people attracted to other huntrence people. transhunren - transitioning into huntrenity. huntren- a general huntrence gender. forun - a huntrine minor. hunfet - a huntrine adult.
symbol from here (link) coined by felix!
taglist!!! @radiomogai @idwl @rwuffles @daybreakthing @boingogender
#neogender umbrellas#huntrence#theme: forests#HUNIN#gender natures#theme: fog#theme: storms#theme: weather#theme: secrets#has id#has pt
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(✟)— [x]-motif . . .
[pt: [x]-motif /end pt]
(✟)— definition . . .
[pt: definition /end pt]
A term for when one feels like they have an [x] motif to them, their identity, and their story. This can be used as an alternative to vesils (link), however it is suppossed to include one's story (not necesarrily life and on this earth). This would mostly be because of delusions, plurality, having a paracosm/parame, and such, but it is not exclusive to those.
This can also be used as an alternative for vesils for fictionkin folks, and those who are more comfy with referring to oneself as a fictional character.
(✟)— definition template; not required to use . . .
[pt: definition template; not required to use /end pt]
A term for when one feels like they have an [x] motif to them; that [x] impacts not only their identity, but also their story. May be due to delusions, but doesn't have to be.
(✟) — flag description template . . .
[pt: flag description template /end pt]
A rectangular, horizontally symmetrical flag with 10 horizontal stripes. Each of them is slightly wavy, with the frequency of waves being the same in each. The stripes are of varying thicknesses, from top to bottom: wide, very thin, thin, the thinnest, medium, medium, the thinnest, thin, very thin and wide. The 2nd and 9th stripe glow onto the 1st and 10th stripes. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: COLOURA, COLOURB, COLOURC, COLOURD, COLOURE, COLOURF, COLOURG, COLOURH In between the two middle stripes there's an extremely simplified COLOURI oscillogran wave, outlined twice, once in COLOURJ and once in COLOURK. In the middle of the flag, there's an open book symbol, with a COLOURL cover and COLOURM pages, outlined twice, once thinly in COLOURN, and once thickly, in COLOURO.
(✟)— icon credits . . .
[pt: icon credits /end pt]
Book symbol by Freepik on flaticon [link]
(✟)— psd template . . .
[pt: psd template /end pt]
it can be found here [link]
(✟)— tags . . .
[pt: tags /end pt]
0 1 . — @rwuffles, @idwl, @monarchenwinter, @gender-mailman, @boingogender
0 2 . — @radiomogai
#x motif#motif#flag templates#has id#has pt#theme: past lives#theme: delusions#theme: fiction#psd template#psd templates
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[pt: Icosahuman/Multialtertype /end pt]
Icosahuman / Multialtertype
A term for an alterhuman who identifies with their alterhuman identity in many or all of the possible ways.
Examples of identities which may be icosahuman:
Lacking personal distinction between types of alterhumanity.
Having multiple interpretations of one's alterhumanity.
Being both kin and copinglink due to clinging to one's kin as a coping mechanism.
Being a fictive or extranthrope who also identifies with other alterhuman terminology.
An alterhuman with fluidity in their type of identity, such as sometimes being kin and sometimes being hearted.
And more!
It is intended for those who are multiple kinds of alterhuman regarding a single identity (ex. being foxkin and a fox copinglink), rather than those who have multiple alterhuman identities of different types. Someone with multiple alterhuman identities who has singular identities of multiple types is also included.
Please don't do alterhuman discourse on this post. People have varied experiences regarding their identity and restricting people to one category for the sake of protecting the label does no one favors.
[PT above: Please don't do alterhuman discourse on this post. /End]
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oracrystular - (from orac(le), cryst(al), and (oc)ular) [or-ah-crih-stue-lahr]
an umbrella term for identities centered around crystal balls, predicting the future, communing with the dead, having those spirits fight for oneself, eye imagery, things and beings appearing creepy or unsettling, telepathic communication, shadow creatures or turning into a shadow, weaponizing psychic energy, and shades of deep or dark purple. can be connected to the umbrella terms kenochoric, tenethesia, occultarius, ocularic, tarotine, or zanicesh, but isn't inherently related to them. coined with the oracle coven from the owl house in mind, but isn't connected to it inherently.
oracrinity - equivalent of masculinity/femininity oracrystine - equivalent of masculine/feminine acryst - an oracrystular person ORACRYSiN - oracrystular-in-nature oraclic - gender alignment aveniran - (oracrystular4oracrystular, acrystLacryst) an oracrystular person being attracted to another oracrystular person. (from the french word for future/the future; avenir/l'avenir) transracrystul - transitioning into oracrinity ocustal - an oraclic gender
@radiomogai @neopronouns @imawanokiwaaa @revenant-coining
#needs pt#neogender umbrella#gender natures#theme:edia#theme: emotions#theme: fear#theme: supernatural#theme: magic#has id
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Uncou- / Uncoumei
Pt: Uncou- / Uncoumei :End pt
A prefix under the dissomei umbrella specifically for subterms where one is involuntary disconnected from something the user is, has, located, or possess for a variety of possible reasons without then thinking they are, have, or should be something/someone/somewhere else.
Such as uncougreeneyes would be a term for when the user is disconnected from their green eyes, but don't think/believe that their eyes are or should be a different color.
This is a prefix for subterms specifically since this is already covered under the main dissomei label, and not fully meant to be it's own standalone label under the dissomei umbrella. This is to try to avoid confusion between subterms & to fill a niche I have seen others wanting for more specific subterms.
And for those curious, the offset of the stripes up/down is by 20
Mention / Tags: @dissodic-archive, @kiruliom, @radiomogai, @whimes, @rwuffles
@smilepilled, @sylviestial, @redacted-coiner
Symbol layers!
Banner transcript: This term was made by an Endogenic. Anyone can use it however (So don't repost or recoin, ask before adding to wikis) :End Transcript
Written ids under the cut
Main flag id: a flag with 11 horizontal stripes, the outer 2 stripes have a cloudlike pattern and the 4th and 8th stripes have outward-facing, simple frill patterns with 4 sided stars on them. from inside out the colors are dark warm tone plum, warm tone plum, dark magenta-purple, magenta-purple, reddish orange, and orange. In the center there is a irregular dissomei symbol, a stylized brain, colored light orange. The left side is lower then the right side, with a think black outline outside, and a orange thinner outline. Inside there is a light yellow 4 pointed irregular star with the left side being lower then the right side and a dark orange outline. :End id
Alt flag id: a flag with 11 horizontal stripes, the outer 2 stripes have a cloudlike pattern and the 4th and 8th stripes have outward-facing, simple frill patterns with 4 sided stars on them. from inside out the colors are dark warm tone plum, warm tone plum, dark magenta-purple, magenta-purple, reddish orange, and orange. In the center there is a irregular dissomei symbol, a stylized brain, colored light orange. The left side is lower then the right side, with a think black outline outside, and a orange thinner outline. :End id
Plain flag id: a flag with 11 horizontal stripes, the outer 2 stripes have a cloudlike pattern and the 4th and 8th stripes have outward-facing, simple frill patterns with 4 sided stars on them. from inside out the colors are dark warm tone plum, warm tone plum, dark magenta-purple, magenta-purple, reddish orange, and orange. :End id
Simple flag id: A simply designed rectangular flag of 11 irregular horizontal stripes; the left side stripes of the flag are a little higher than the right side of the flag's stripes. from inside out the colors are dark warm tone plum, warm tone plum, dark magenta-purple, magenta-purple, reddish orange, and orange. In the center there is a irregular dissomei symbol, a stylized brain, colored light orange. The left side is lower then the right side, with a think black outline outside, and a orange thinner outline. Inside there is a light yellow 4 pointed irregular star with the left side being lower then the right side and a dark orange outline. :End id
Alt simple flag id: A simply designed rectangular flag of 11 irregular horizontal stripes; the left side stripes of the flag are a little higher than the right side of the flag's stripes. from inside out the colors are dark warm tone plum, warm tone plum, dark magenta-purple, magenta-purple, reddish orange, and orange. In the center there is a irregular dissomei symbol, a stylized brain, colored light orange. The left side is lower then the right side, with a think black outline outside, and a orange thinner outline. :End Id
Plain simple flag ID: A simply designed rectangular flag of 11 irregular horizontal stripes; the left side stripes of the flag are a little higher than the right side of the flag's stripes. from inside out the colors are dark warm tone plum, warm tone plum, dark magenta-purple, magenta-purple, reddish orange, and orange. :End id
#dissomei#uncou#uncoumei#affixes#flag templates#theme: dissociation#long post#prefixes#symbols#has id#no pt needed#identiora
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♡Simplified by kiruliom♤
A term that is specific for people with BIID, psychosis, being an alter that differs from the body, atypical dysphoria, etc. that causes them to have a disconnect in how they view their identity. This can also be for if your delusions or IRL attachments even that cause you to feel as if you are them exactly and have their same race/mental health issues/disabilities/etc. This term doesn't believe in the idea of "transitioning" to these things and is merely to help describe the experience of such disconnect as well as it is NOT comparable to transgender and such for this reason. This term is never for "fun", it isn't for a voluntary "I wanna be this thing✨️✨️✨️" experience, it is for those that can't help how their mind disconnects their identity.
Arisso is derived from a conlang that means a disconnect between external and internal
This identity is NOT transid or radqueer friendly and is NOT in support for "transitioning" tips/subliminals/advice/etc. As well it doesn't support the fetishization, romanticization, misinformation, etc. of mental illnesses, disabilities, or cultures. (Because this term also understands you can't change these things)
@silentfoxproductions @kiruliom @theedgesofeternity @antiradqueer @adorbsies @de-rune @flwering
#Dissomei#Dissodic#types of identity#needs id#theme: plurality#theme: delusions#theme: psychosis#theme: BIID#identiora
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A gender system related to rollercoasters, the feeling of riding rollercoasters, &/or rollercoaster design.
Check #gendercoaster on our blog for genders under this system!
Not a xenogender but using xenogender tags for reach!
Plain text and image IDs under the cut!
[Image ID: A 7 horizontally striped flag with the following colors, from top to bottom, being dark blue, blue, light blue, white, light blue, blue, and dark blue. Going across all the stripes there is 3 curved lines that form one line, with hills and valleys, as the track of a roller coaster. The 3 lines are the following colors, from top to bottom, light red, red, and dark red. Underneath the curved line is many thin vertical lines spaced out and many think horizontal lines spaced out crossing under them as the support beams for a roller coaster. The vertical lines are yellow and the horizontal lines are dark yellow. /End ID]
[Image ID: The same flag as the previous image but gray-scale. /End ID]
[PT: Gendercoaster. A gender system related to rollercoasters, the feeling of riding rollercoasters, and/or rollercoaster design. Check #gendercoaster on our blog for genders under this system! /End PT]
[Image ID: A divider image with a grass field filled with yellow, orange, and white daisies. /End ID]
[PT: Not a xenogender but using xenogender tags for reach! /End PT]
#gender systems#gendercoaster#theme: arts#theme: fun#flag templates#gender system#theme: emotions#theme: joy
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