icemiracle · 7 years
(as you all might have noticed, this blog is pretty much dead. I just thought you all deserve to know that I am still very much alive but my muse for Suriel isn’t as strong as it used to be. I would like to thank you all for writing with me and letting him have important memories with your muses. I know I was never one to reply fast and for that I’m sorry. You’re all wonderful writers.
I think I should call it fairly: an indefinite hiatus as I do not know when and what for I will return to this blog. That’s all. Thank you once again for writing with me.
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icemiracle · 7 years
coughs. not like this is a ship yet, but do it!
@icemiracle | ship meme thing.
who is more likely to hurt the other?Ripper, unintentionally. But he’s pretty good at making up.
who is emotionally stronger?I’d like to say it’s Ripper but he is a s o f t i e.
who is physically stronger?For a human Ripper is pretty strong. He’s tall, bulky, fighty and he knows magicks. Suriel, on the other hand, is lithe but he’s an actual ethereal being, so there. Ripper doesn’t really know what Su is but he knows there’s more to the other guy than what meets the eye.
who is more likely to break a bone?Suriel. Definitely Suriel. He’s fantastic on ice but on land? Best friends with a newborn deer.  
who knows best what to say to upset the other?Ripper. He just naturally knows which buttons to push. On almost everyone.
who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? Ripper. Since it’d usually be his fault.who treats who’s wounds more often?Su treats Riper’s more often—if he lets him.
who is in constant need of comfort?I think both?
who gets more jealous?Not Ripper. He knows his place. Not sure about Su—need to talk to him more!who’s most likely to walk out on the other?Neither. They’re both stubborn assholes.who will propose?I don’t think it’ll ever come to a proposal (at this point) but I can see them being totally comfortable with each other in many ways.who has the most difficult parents?RIPPER WITHOUT A DOUBT.who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public?Ripper doesn’t hold hands he’d wrap his arms around the other’s waist or shoulder and just stay there like a koala.who comes up for the other all the time?what does coming up even mean if it’s like approaching the other I think they do it on a fairly similar frequency.
who hogs the blankets?Suriel.who gets more sad?Su. I think it’s the ice in him.who is better at cheering the other up? They’re both surprisingly good at this.who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?Suriel, before Ripper gets annoyed and puts him in a headlock.who is more streetwise?Ripper. Juvenile delinquent at his finest hour, baby.
who is more wise?Both will grow into wisdom, but neither are currently wise.
who’s the shyest?Suriel, maybe? Ripper swaggers like he owns the place. He tries hard.who boasts about the other more?Both. Both do it.
who sits on who’s lap?Suriel would sit on Ripper’s lap when he feels like it. Ripper would sit on Su’s lap because he’s an asshole.
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icemiracle · 7 years
Sanghyun scoffed and looked at the bird face in front of him. With a little pout on his lips, he held out a tissue towards the other. "Stop crying, will you? Take this!" The Djinn suddenly sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed, carefully petting the ice birds head. "It was just a nightmare. Nothing is real. So why are you crying over this?"
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Suriel’s still shivering even though he’s been awake for a good few minutes already. He took the tissue held out towards him and he heard Sanghyun’s voice but the words didn’t really reach him. Not for a while. The other could have been spitting profanities and it would have had pretty much the same effect -- that was the ice bird leaning towards the touch for some comfort. The touch was warmer than he would have liked but so was his own body temperature after these vivid nightmares he’s been having lately. His eyes watered on its own -- and yet again he thought that maybe, maybe he’s finally melting. “I’m not crying.” Yet again in his nightmares he was reminded of his fear of forgetting. The ice bird blinked the tears gathered in his eyes away and they slowly trailed down his cheeks. “I’m melting.” and as soon as he said that out loud he realised how stupid it must have sounded to the other. He looked down at the tear-stained tissue he crumpled in his hand then up at the Djinn, not quite understanding why the male was trying to cheer him up. “Thanks...” a small smile flashed briefly on Suriel’s face and then he fell quiet, letting the other run his finger through his hair.
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icemiracle · 7 years
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“You wanna shut your mouth for a fucking second?” she seethed through her teeth. “You can’t go around saying shit like that with people watching. Do you want us to get fucking caught?” It’s not as if her neighbors weren’t already suspicious—having the coldest house in town tends to cause a lot of curious and nosy-as-fuck people to wonder how she does it. Plus, there’s something about him calling her ice queen that brings a soft shade of blue to her cheeks ( but that could just be her reacting to the heat ). In her brief moment of distraction, she feels herself get pushed back, plopping down on the disgustingly warm grass. “Like it’s any of their fucking business,” she murmurs, getting up and walking to the nearest tree. She sits up against the trunk, using her diminished powers to recuperate her naturally low body temperature. “Suriel, I can’t do this. It’s way too fucking hot.”
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Suriel almost felt bad for scolding her. Almost. And so his hand reached out to tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear and then he patted her cheek -- slightly too hard. She didn’t need pampering, no. If he was to decide, she deserved a strong kick in the ass instead for being worse than a whiny kid. “Listen, trust me, I’m not doing this to kill you. Hell, if the heat is to kill you, I can assure you that it will strike me faster than you and you will have just enough time to hide. Let me be your heat-o-meter.” He pushed himself up from the ground, fixing the hem of his shirt. He expected her to give him some trouble but he did not expect a frightened little girl he saw in her now, her fear as raw and overwhelming as only a child could experience it. “We'll get you an alcoholic slushie, just move your ass, we need to move or else it will be too late.” He’s still vague about his plans for the day.
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icemiracle · 7 years
if i were
tagged by: @mothernatureknows​ tagging: @pvgritia​ (jinjoo)
if i were a month, i’d be february if i were a planet, i’d be pluto if i were a mythological figure, i’d be a phoenix if i were a sea animal, i’d be a harp seal if i were a piece of furniture, i’d be a freezer if i were a gemstone, i’d be a moonstone if i were a flower, i’d be a heather if i were a kind of weather, i’d be snow if i were a colour, i’d be white if i were an emotion, i’d be joy if i were a fruit, i’d be a rowanberry if i were a sound, i’d be the chirping of birds in the morning if i were an element, i’d be ice if i were a place, i’d be a railroad if i were a taste, i’d be honey if i were a scent, i’d be mint if i were an object, i’d be a lantern if i were a body part, i’d be lips if i were a pair of shoes, i’d be trainers if i were a song, i’d be Happy all the time by Danny Schmidt
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icemiracle · 7 years
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[ ✉ ;; ice daddy ]
( 1:22AM ) ➨ it’s been that long? why didn’t you stop me? ( 1:22AM ) ➨ it’s like you WANT me to keep going ( 1:23AM ) ➨ here. show anyone this and i’ll kick your ass ( 1:25AM ) ➨ [ IMAGE ATTACHMENT ]
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text to hero of pornrule (01:20am) ↪ I’m setting this as your contact photo ↪ call me often ↪ so every time someone asks me who’s calling me I can say DAT ASS
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icemiracle · 7 years
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        Huh? he wants to say but the simple little word doesn’t leave his lips. His expression soon relaxes the moment the younger of the two points out that his crazy stories that Yoongi always went along with, in which sometimes REALLY worried him too and shook his head just in the slightest. There had to be a BIGGER explanation to this but he wasn’t going to push it, instead he was going to enjoy it, and push all those questions aside right now, especially when Suriel speaks up again. ❝You’re not a freakshow.❞ He comments, sure, it was strange, this was bizarre, Yoongis’ mentally thinking over how fucking abnormal this is and how it’s not at all a dream and the cool air causes him to feel a tiny shiver. ❝That’s your secret? How dare you hold a secret from me this WHOLE time, When I tell you everything. Tch. Rude.❞ There’s a playful tone now in his voice and slowly a soft smile spreads upon tiers like the one Suriel was asking for ( not exactly, it’s not his wide gummy smile but it’s a smile atleast ) he’s still not sure whether or not he believes him BUT, after all, how could he plan out snow, in his apartment, while it’s summer, this was real. He’s bringing himself to roll off of the others’ waist, Sitting on the edge of the lounge, eyeing his apartment.
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“You can stop pretending it’s not a big deal. I know it is for you...” As soon as he’s free, Suriel sat up. He should stop the snow now not to give Yoongi too much problem with cleaning it up once it melts but he discovered it’s beyond him -- he couldn’t control it anymore. A short tug on his bottom lip, then a smile followed; hide everything behind the smile, that way nobody will notice something’s not right. “See, I’m able to give you your winter wonderland even in summer, isn’t that great?” Head tilted to the side, he watched Yoongi closely before sticking his tongue out and trying to catch a few snowflakes on his tongue. Once they fell, he let them sit there for a while -- they didn’t melt. His temperature was enough to keep them from melting, to him, they were much like candies. And hell, he could swear that each little snowdrop tasted different (though it’s more than probable that he was imagining that). After he’s done playing around with slowly falling snow, he moved closer to the other male. “I’ll clean it up later.” he said in a whisper. He should be able to keep it’s temperature low enough to keep it from melting until they packed it all in a bucket and threw away. “Let’s just enjoy it for now... and... uh, let me tell you more about myself.” Finally, he was starting to be more honest with his friends.
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icemiracle · 7 years
friend: “hey how’s that rp reply coming?”
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icemiracle · 7 years
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[ ✉ ;; ice daddy ]
( 1:18AM ) ➨ i haven’t no worries about that ( 1:18AM ) ➨ was that enough to get your friends off your back?
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text to hero of pornrule (01:20am) ↪ oh, they went to sleep almost twenty minutes ago ↪ why you ask? ↪ it’s safe to send nudes now ;)
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icemiracle · 7 years
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「 ♡ 」 … *┊                               JUDGING BY THE REACTIONS his friend was giving with each time again, Jaden was almost certain that nothing was just as good as Suriel pretended it to be. Which nice human would lock two people in a dark room instead of offering them having a seat in the living room? Jaden was still not knowing everything about humanity bit he was certain that something was just not right here and their only way to get out without any further damage was to escape through this door. But this was certainly where the problem started: how to get through a door which was locked? Jaden had opened a door with his water manipulation once or twice when he has forgotten his keys inside but like the name of his ability said, he needed water for this, he was unable to summon water from the nothingness.
Survival, this was probably some kind of instinct Jaden was still having even though he already lived a human life since eighty years. But back in the ocean, he was forced to look out for his own survival by each day. Hunters could wait for you everywhere and just because you are bigger than them never meant that they couldn’t kill you in no time. And not even those you think are harmless like Dolphins were just as peaceful. There were countless horrifying stories Jaden could tell about his merman life but nobody asked before so he would keep them to himself. Also: they still had other problems than telling each other stories.
Only a soft audible breath came from the merman the moment the ice bird wiggled his hand free from the grip. It wasn’t bothering Jaden at all even though he was already missing the physical contact. With his eyes opened up wide, the merman watched his friend, not saying a word, even holding his breath because he didn’t want to disturb the moment of concentration the other had. For a moment Jaden was certain that Suriel was able to get them out of here but these hopes shattered within no time when he realized that nothing happened. Suriel even panicked and asked Jaden to scare him? The merman looked troubled and helpless. “I don’t know how,” he responded quickly with a shaky voice. How should you scare someone who was asking for it? On top of that, Jaden’s fears were probably different than the ones Suriel was having. It was useless and enough for the merman not even to try anything. But this was probably not even needed.
Already seconds after he was talking, Jaden heard noises from the other side of the door. Fear was immediately taking over him and he wasn’t the only one feeling this way. A glance on the ice bird was enough for Jaden to see that he was feeling troubled as well. “Suriel…” that was all Jaden could say. The blonde merman has taken a few steps back, a wrong decision considering that the floor was soon covered with ice. Jaden lost his stability, slipped and fell on the ground with his butt first. A loud cry of pain coming from the merman echoed through the room before the doorknob moved. They were fucked and Jaden was halfway knocked out by the pain coming from his coccyx. “Freeze him! Whatever…Ouch!!”
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They’re done. They are going to die there, right here right now just because Suriel made some poor decisions in the most recent past. It’s not the first time the ice bird had to face the consequences of his hasty behaviour and foolish ideas but it is probably the first time he has exposed someone else directly to the danger of losing their life.
The doorknob moved and he heard the creaking. It’s probably just his imagination, he thought, but he could swear he was hearing somebody’s heavy breathing and the chills were creeping up his spine as the ice spread over a good half of the floor. Freeze him, he heard Jaden scream and the voice seemed to be reverberating in his bones -- freeze him, burn him, kill him, save us. The heavy breathing, it came to him a moment later, was nobody else’s but his own. Suriel didn’t want to look up, didn’t want to face the newly acquired friend who proved to be a serial killer or even worse but he had to. 
Suriel’s only half-present and thus what’s happening in a mere minute of real time spread over good ten minutes in his mind -- just how many thoughts could fly through your mind in such a short time? He thought of the male he’s looking at, thought how harmless he looked, even confused (though should it be a surprise, he probably didn’t understand what’s happening) and not at all dangerous. When he spoke, the ice bird heard the actual concern in his voice. ‘Are you okay?’ the male directed his words towards Jaden and though they could hardly see in the dark Suriel’s certain there’s worry painted all over the man’s face. There’s doubt in that moment and the ice bird wanted to believe it was just all one big misunderstanding. Hadn’t it been for the merman lying on the ground, all defenceless, Suriel would probably have given up into the fake sense of safety coming from the sweet, soothing tone of their oppressor’s voice. But he had a friend to protect and with a tide of courage that washed over him, he jumped at the male pushing him right towards the frozen floor where they lost their balance and Suriel fell on top of the other. He didn’t have it in him to hurt the male but he could slow him down.
“Get up” He yelled towards Jaden, “God, please, get up, we need to run!” He wanted to say more but the male grabbed him by his throat and the words stuck in his throat came out as merely a squeak of a fledgling. In panic he jerked away, feeling nails grazing against his skin -- it’s probably pretty nasty but there’s no time to stop and think about it. Once he’s up he kicked the male’s shin hard enough to have him wince in pain and then rushed to help Jaden up. “Can you walk?” It was really useless to ask -- Jaden was forced to either make his legs listen to him or stay there, hoping his death will be quick and relatively painless. Suriel grabbed onto Jaden’s wrist and pulled him towards the open door having no idea where to head next.
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icemiracle · 7 years
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            “everyone in the 80s, maybe.” naoko chuckles lightly before taking the skates from the male, sitting beside him. “i’m… above average at skating. i’m sure you’re a pro, though, so i don’t know how i could possibly catch up. but i’ll try. for the sake of blowing minds, at least.” her head turns to the very few people in the rink, and there’s a tiny sense of relief that she wouldn’t have to actually blow too many people’s minds with mediocre iceskating.
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“Well then, you should feel honoured, looks like I time-travelled for you from the 80s.” He’s skating ahead with ease but not even ten seconds passed before he was back at her side. Hand reached out only to grab onto hers. “I’m no figure skater, but I know a few tricks... like...” without another thought he brought her even closer, practically pressing her against himself and like that he makes a few spins -- in the middle of that he gently pushed her away, making sure to hold her hands tightly while they spinned.
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icemiracle · 7 years
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[ ✉ ;; ice daddy ]
( 1:15AM ) ➨ it’s only arousing because it involves you ( 1:15AM )➨ c’mon, suri. aren’t you at least a little bit tempted? ( 1:16AM ) ➨ it’s not every day i offer to go down on you
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text to hero of pornrule (01:13am) ↪ yeah, not every day. I’d even dare to say never. ↪ but then maybe you said something like that when my circuits were on fire ↪ what do I know.
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icemiracle · 7 years
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                                                    ― REBLOG FOR A STARTER ―                                                                         ― follow ―
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icemiracle · 7 years
pick your battles. pick… pick fewer battles than that. put some battles back. that’s too many 
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icemiracle · 7 years
littlehungrywarrior :
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icemiracle · 7 years
You will be forgotten by all you hold dear.
break the ice birb | status: acecepting
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Suriel swallowed thickly; while he’s been through thoughts of him forgetting his friends, worried to the point where he’d demand from some of them to promise him they would do anything to bring his memories back, he has never really considered it could be them forgetting about his existence.
“They’re not cursed. It won’t happen.” He tried to speak with confidence, but it’s hard to fake it when all you feel is a newly acquired fear. Memory, after all, was a fickle thing and things deemed unimportant could be forgotten. Was the memories his friends shared with him irreplaceable? Couldn’t they be easily overwritten? He knew of the beasts and gods who died long forgotten, he knew of the ancient ones whose names were no longer on anyone’s lips. They too must have had people who knew them, loved them, praised them. If the beings much more powerful than him could lay forgotten, so could he.
Yet, there’s a little thread of hope he’s still holding onto: they love me, they are happy around me. That matters. I... matter. He tried to smile but the quivering lips betrayed him so instead, he tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth worriedly. “It’s impossible. I have a lot of friends. They can’t all just suddenly... throw me out of their mind.”
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icemiracle · 7 years
You now have my permission to break my muse right here right now. Tear them apart. Find their weak point and make them suffer. Break them and make them snap
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