Things I'd love for the Internet to leave in 2023:
• misusing the word "delusional" or saying "delulu"
• public freakout videos that are just someone displaying psychotic symptoms
• "I'm in your walls" and other paranoia triggering "jokes"
• schizoposting
• misusing the word "psychotic"
• baiting and triggering people online who are openly psychotic or displaying psychotic symptoms
• excluding schizo-spec and psychotic people from any neurodiversity/mental illness awareness
Let's just all try to be better to schizo-spec and psychotic people. And hold others accountable as well.
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It’s Magic Word Leftism. You say the Right Words to prove you are Correct and then you don’t have to elaborate and you don’t have to think any deeper. If someone else says The Magic Words you don’t have to question that they are telling the truth — they said The Words — so you know it’s true and spread anything they say. At this point you could publish the writing of Henry Ford and add in the right buzzwords and people who genuinely think they are helping would post it across all their platforms.
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I wouldn’t like tell someone they’re not autistic or whatever because it can be so helpful to kind of find a label for the thoughts and feelings you have etc. And again I don’t think a lot of these people are “faking” it like how a lot of people back on old kinblr faked mental illness for kinblr points. I don’t see a big issue with calling yourself autistic and not turning out to actually be, my biggest issue is do you think about how you’re treating other autistic people. Do you care about lower functioning autistic people’s autonomy. Do you understand how your autonomy could be effected if you’re professionally diagnosed? Do you know anything about what being autistic entails in the face of the public, or even friends and family? It feels like they’re utilizing the label without understanding that autism isn’t solely a good thing
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Also just. Since I’m rambling about sex work today, we need to get rid of the idea that the person who purchases sexual services or products are all somehow evil and exploiting the sex worker.
I’ve had clients that became friends! I’ve had clients who were disabled and wanted companionship, who were gentle and kind people. I’ve had clients who cried to me and thanked me for allowing them to just exist without expectations. I’ve helped clients realize they’re gay or trans. I’ve had many, many many more positive experiences than ever negative ones with sex work specifically. Because the truth is, people are shitty to sex workers, but the majority of those people aren’t clients! And there are shitty clients, and abusive ones, but not as many as there are shitty and abusive retail customers in a 20 minute span working as a cashier on a busy day.
A lot of sex workers aren’t doing sex work just because it’s the only tolerable thing they can do to survive. I LOVE sex work, when all my spoons are there for it. I have more fond memories and funny stories from sex work than I even have memories of past jobs at all.
And I think it should be more normalized for more people to support sex workers by purchasing their services! Sex workers support each other constantly but because of this idea that sex work is all bad and evil and all the clients are evil abusers, it holds back more good people from supporting us! Like god I’d love to have more queer clients, more women, more types of people! But as long as we keep demonizing the profession AND the clients, that ain’t gonna happen huh
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There is no such thing as an unproblematic piece of media, production team, or morally-pure person. There isn't. There's only "what flaws I am willing to put up with," which is going to be different for every person. If your friend has a different level of acceptable bullshit than you, it's probably fine, actually? The sooner people learn that, the happier in general they will be.
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Some adults that are into animation geared towards children really sound like “man this new episode of Learn Colours and Shapes with Blimbo was really mediocre and can we talk about how abusive it was that Shrimpy literally gaslighted Blimbo on the playground? 🙄”
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"depiction is not automatically glorification" can and should coexist with "some depiction is glorification and you need to be able to tell the difference"
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There is no form of hating fat people - including concern trolling or hating fat acceptance - that doesn’t amount to you saying, “Uh, excuse me, what made you think you could go around having a body without justifying it to me?”
When you talk about “fat” diseases - you’re saying: “uh, that body better be perfectly healthy in all instances forever before I give you my approval.”
When you talk about “it’s just not attractive” - you’re saying: “I think I made it clear that if your body isn’t pleasing to me, I’m not signing off on it.”
When you talk about “just eat less and exercise more” - you’re saying: “who gave you permission to live your life as you see fit instead of how I see fit?”
So let me just be clear: all anti-fat arguments are always and completely invalid because fat people will never owe you an explanation or justification for their bodies, their health, or their lives. 
Fat acceptance is simply the assertion of a right fat people have always had, and one it’s long past time others started accepting.
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we need to stop treating terfs like misguided feminists and start treating them like the dudes in tf2 voice chat who try to have a moral debate with you when you tell em not to say the n word. like these people are not well intentioned they dont want social progress they want to be able to call people trannies with impunity and thats basically it, radical feminist "theory" is a joke stop taking it seriously and trying to refute it with Facts And Logic
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tumblr media criticism
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people who have a hate boner for wap are the right wing version of people who think steven universe is “irredeemable media”
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i am once again asking liberals to extend the criticism they had of trump to the united states as a whole
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this kid is 14 oh my god is no one teaching children to protect themselves online anymore…
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the concept of people’s idea of the most vile media they can possibly think of being a cartoon network children’s show is so funny to me like not even a honorable mention of lars von trier or whatever. excessive fandom participation really shrinks your view of the wider world.
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Please do not leave deaf, disabled, mentally ill, and autistic people out of your conversations about police brutality.
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With the rise in OnlyFans’ popularity, there’s been a rise in women pursuing sex work. Many of them are pretty young, with teenagers being encouraged to set up an OF the second they turn 18, which is really disturbing.
By the way, I have nothing against sex workers. But the risks of sex work significantly outweighs the benefits, with some SWs being killed. Even just having an OF will result in lewd photos of you being on the internet for the rest of time. As a result, sex work has traditionally been seen as a last resort.
Unfortunately, the rise of OF has turned a dangerous career that financially struggling women turn to in order to make ends meet into a playground for privileged women to feel empowered. Again, I’m not against sex work, but it’s not the #girlboss feminist hustle people make it out to be.
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