#yet people will eat it up because it’s been repackaged to sound more cool and progressive
uwua3 · 4 years
a3! as seventeen songs + lyrics
🌸🌻🍁❄️ all troupes
author’s note: i love svt so much! they deserve all the success in the world, i promise they’re all a group of such talented and creative individuals ♡ they produce their own music, choreograph their own dances, and work together as a family! please check out seventeen :D
(this is an apology to all the non–kpop stans who still read these~ i love you! please go through their discography like i did today because i fell in love all over again TT) (yes, tsumugi and tasuku’s are meant for each other, once again)
♡ SMILE FLOWER — going seventeen
“I can smile because we’re together / I can cry because it’s you / So, what can’t I do? / Whenever, wherever / Even if we’re not together, just like always / Our smile flowers bloom / I’ll be the spring to your smile”
♡ THINKIN ABOUT YOU — director’s cut
“I want to give you my heart / Deep in our memories / We were so young, those days were so pretty / Each flower petal, each memory of ours / I haven’t forgotten any of them”
♡ THANKS — you made my dawn
“These typical words / I’m only saying them now / But, I hope these typical words will reach you / Thank you, thank you, that’s all I can say / Because they’re such common words / I was worried it wouldn’t sound sincere / I was looking for something better than just thank you / So, I couldn’t tell you thank you”
♡ STILL LONELY — love&letter
“As time goes by, I’m feeling indifferent to everything / I’m sick of meaningless hangouts and conversations / It’s like living for other people’s expectations / And all of it piles up / All the numbers I don’t call / This cursed popularity. Why won’t it leave me alone? / But, why am I getting lonelier?”
♡ LUCKY — an ode
“I don’t know everyday, I only think about tomorrow / Just have fun today, enjoy life / So, relax first / It’s easier than you thought it would be, just eat and have fun”
“What I thought only happened in moves or TV shows / Something like that is happening to me, too / It started as one strand and it sprouted into emotional fireworks / There’s a line in this movie that says love comes around / I didn’t understand before but, I understand now”
♡ SIMPLE — love&letter (repackaged)
“In this big world, I know I’m like a particle of dust / Nothing is easy in this exit–less, maze–like world / Happiness is only a word / It’s just a dream that everyone wants / But, that doesn’t make sense / I don’t even want to believe that / Yeah, I just want it simple”
♡ OH MY! — you make my day
“You’re like the summer without the overbearing heat / You’re the boiling point to my loneliness / I can’t sleep because of you and it’s morning already / What do I do? / I like you more each day / I’m a bit careless and clumsy / Let’s hum together / Let’s share earphones / On the sketchbook of my brain, I draw you out everyday”
♡ WHEN I GROW UP — boys be
“I know, I’m still a child now / I can’t catch up to you yet / Only a little while more / As more time passes, when I grow up / I’ll understand you more”
♡ OUR DAWN IS HOTTER THAN DAY — you make my day
“Our night is countless / Between the stars and the sand / On the sound of a fireball that shoots firecrackers / Our laughing smile / When I am spreading from me to you / My tears are gone”
♡ SHHH — you made my dawn
“I want to fight and worry, that’s all I want to do / I don’t think it’s all my own illusion / It’s not a lie inspired by the moment / I can’t desire anyone, my heart is burning / Because, I will never change / We are never gonna make it / It’s you and me who’s hurt by lies”
♡ TRAUMA — teen, age
“I’m barely breathing / Like I forgot how / It’s too hard for me / To be lenient with myself / Feels like debt / All the light on me / The stage is getting bigger / But, the place in my heart is so small”
♡ SNAP SHOOT — an ode
“Snap shoot! I want to capture this smile / Your image, this way / Click the shutter, rewind the film again / You try to show off your coolness in the picture / But, your smile in just one photo / My whole life is shot like that”
♡ SPACE — love&letter (repackaged)
“I ask myself again and again / If I can endure through these things / Then, as if it’s nothing, I say, ‘Why can’t I?’ / Actually, it’s been really hard / The fact there’s not a single person / Who will listen to my secrets that / I’ve been keeping makes me sad / This reality makes me cry”
♡ CALL! CALL! CALL! — we make you
“Even if the world turns against you / Until the very end, we’ll be together / I will protect you no matter what / Despite what anyone says, I’ll be right here / If it’s another bothersome request my way, I don’t want to be hasty or impatient anymore / I won’t be like that anymore / Even if I’m problematic, I’m always on your side”
♡ MY I — AI1
“When I meet you after time passes / I’ll know (you were my future) / I’ll know (I was your yesterday) / When I meet you after time passes / I’ll know (you protected me) / I’ll know (I desired you)”
“I’m okay (I’m not okay) / I don’t want to see you (I really want to see you) / I have to say, say / These lies that / Don’t even come from my heart / Because my heart won’t listen to these words as I thought / Come back, come back, come back / When half of me is gone / How can I live as one?”
♡ MOONWALKER — you make my day
“Night dancing for you / Let’s call you in the moonlight / A little bit like that / I feel loved for the first time / The fragance and value of the first blooming flower / I want you more”
♡ LOVE LETTER — love&letter
“I awkwardly take out a pen & paper / And write down the words I had deeply swallowed / My handwriting isn’t pretty / Please, don’t be disappointed / Please let it go if I suck / Worrying all night about my bad handwriting / Which is about as bad as how I express my feelings / I try to sincerly express myself but I can’t get it out”
♡ RUN TO YOU — director’s cut
“Holding back my tears, hiding my fear / I will go to you, I was about to sleep / But, I woke up from thinking of you and went outside / I was walking, but I started running like my heart / Even though I don’t know where you are / I’m following the compass of my heart / Slowly looking through the map of my heart / Then, I can find you, who cares if it’s a bit far? I’ll follow the line that connects us two”
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Vacuous Value
It’s wild to me how the statement “Black Lives Matter” is so goddamn controversial. I have a ton of white friends who literally don’t understand the difference between that and All lives matter. they objectively don’t understand why we say what we say, how we say it. Most of them are good people and legitimately do not understand because they’re white. They don’t have to experience life the way i do. Objectively, you know everyone ha a different life experience but in reality, it’s wildly jarring to know, the life these people have lead, has given them such an entitles outlook that they cant even empathize or understand the basic truth that our lives matter. Instead of hearing that statement, understanding it, and embracing it, they have to qualify it, mitigating it’s importance and impact. The illest thing in all of this is the fact that don’t understand their doing it. Some do, don’t get me wrong, I'm not naive in that fact, but i think some of them just don’t understand their position of privilege. I’m not bojangling for these motherf*ckers in the slightest, believe me when i say i have been screaming at these motherf*ckers for the last week and half about their bullsh*t, but the thing is, I've seen a change in their understanding. I’ve seen a change in their thinking. I’ve seen an effort to be better. Cats are starting to get it and when they do, they see a world that is pitch. They see a world of hypocrisy. They see why we need to scream from every avenue and platform we have, that black lives matter.
We live in a world where all of our contributions are valued but our lives are not. Black people are the cool. We are the trendsetters. Everything about who we are is dope. Paul Mooney once said, “Everybody wanna be a n*gga, but no body wants to be a n*gga.” Truer words have never been spoken. We are aggrandized, festishized, and imitated ad nausea, only to be disposed of later. Justin Timberlake built his entire post-boy band career with the help of black artists. Timbaland and Pharrell gave that man his sound and every album he’s ever had using it, has been a wild success. The second he dropped it for a more country take, his shine dimmed considerably. Miley Cyrus used out culture to distance herself from that Disney Princess bullsh*t, got shine and fame, then perpetrated like she was against everything about that life in an effort to re-capture the white vote. The NFL is basically analogs to slavery, with each franchise the plantation and the owners the mastahs. They use us up, tossing a few duckets our way to stay silent and perform, and the second we speak out, we’re eliminated. Look at what happened to Kaepernick. My man took a knew protesting the exact sh*t going on right now, an they blackballed from the entire league. Now, the NFL is out her talking about standing together and sh*t like we forgot. And don;t get me started on the Kardashians. Like, holy sh*t, the Kardashians, man!
It’s crazy to think how much our dollars, our influence, our art, has become the cultural zeitgeist. We made Nike what it is. We made Reebok what it is. We made the NBA what it is. When Kobe passed, the world mourned. They mourned a black man. Michael Jordan single-handedly main the NBA the powerhouse it is today and LeBron James is carrying that torch handily; Both have been outspoken about the bullsh*t hypocrisy they’ve seen lately. It took Jordan decades to speak up but he hasn’t stopped since he started and i have to acknowledge that. Bron has never not been outspoken. He and i are the same age. We are the first generation born after the Civil Rights Movement. Our schools started integrated. We came up in the same environments. He knows how f*cked up the world can be and has been a stalwart voice of progress in the NBA, just like Kap was for the NFL. The difference is the NBA listened. They’ve done their best to be more culturally accepting and progressive than any professional sports league in the country, a fact they have been rewarded for over and over again. The NFL has stagnated much like Nascar, another notoriously bigoted league, but the NBA is doing gangbusters. It’s grown, year over year, for close to a decade, stealing more market share and talent from less than sympathetic sports. That’s what black people can do. That’s what everyone covets.
Eminem would be nothing without Dr. Dre. He’ll be the first to tell you no one f*cked with him in the beginning, not even the white dudes. Em got his break because Dre heard his tape and realized how talented he was before anything. Marshall Mathers is easily a top-ten lyricist, all time, and he was passed on so many times until a black dude believed in him. Jim Carrey struggled in Hollywood until Keenan Ivory Wayans put him on In Living Color. Dude had several failed pilots, not because he wasn’t funny, but because white executives didn’t think he was marketable, not until he was embraced by that “urban” audience. Keenan saw Carrey’s genius and believed in him. He gave that man a shot, which directly lead to Carrey getting Ace Ventura, which lead to him getting The Mask, which lead to him becoming a legitimate star. We supported and encouraged these men who were cast aside by their own, and they’ve never forgot that kindness. You motherf*ckers even want the sh*t you threw away, after we picked up and made it dope again. I’m not saying Carrey and Em are sh*t, i would never, but y’all did. Every time you passed on their talent. Every time you dismissed their ability. None of that genius was recognized until we recognized it first, repackaged it, and presented it as part of us. Then, all of a sudden, they were hot. Then,after we put our cool all over that cosign, White America wanted to be in the Jim Carrey business and couldn’t wait to buy tickets to the Eminem show. Em and Jim will be the first to acknowledge they owe everything to black people but you motherf*ckers won’t even acknowledge our right to live.
We’ve contributed more to this country than anyone, bar none. Our bodies literally built the US into the powerhouse that it is, from slavery to the military. We have been used, abused, slighted, disrespected, and dismissed, as a people, for centuries. Literally since we were forced to set foot in this would-be-stolen land. Yet, every contribution we’ve ever made to this country has been absolutely integral. You love our blackness but hate the fact that we are black. I do not, for the life of me, understand that bulls*t logic. How can you hate the notion that Black Lives Matter, when you love everything those Black Lives Create? You listen to our music. You steal our swagger. You appropriate our culture. Elvis Presley is considered the King of Rock and Roll but he cribbed his entire career from those old black folks playing in the old colored juke joints, across the tracks, in the black neighborhood. Someone once asked Eric Clapton what it was like to be the greatest guitarist in the world and he said to ask Prince. I once read an article from Cosmo talking about how box braids are the brand new way to wear your hair. Box braids are cornrows. F*cking Allen Iverson, man? They’re called cornrows because we literally kept corn and other small foods, braided in our hair to eat, while we toiled in those cotton fields, because weren’t allowed to have pockets. You motherf*ckers tried to take cornrows from us! Cornrows!
Everything about us has value in this country but our liberty. That sh*t is f*cked up and we’re tired of it. We are valuable beyond our cool. We are more than our culture. We are Black as f*ck and our lives matter.
0 notes
smokeybrand · 4 years
Vacuous Value
It’s wild to me how the statement “Black Lives Matter” is so goddamn controversial. I have a ton of white friends who literally don’t understand the difference between that and All lives matter. they objectively don’t understand why we say what we say, how we say it. Most of them are good people and legitimately do not understand because they’re white. They don’t have to experience life the way i do. Objectively, you know everyone ha a different life experience but in reality, it’s wildly jarring to know, the life these people have lead, has given them such an entitles outlook that they cant even empathize or understand the basic truth that our lives matter. Instead of hearing that statement, understanding it, and embracing it, they have to qualify it, mitigating it’s importance and impact. The illest thing in all of this is the fact that don’t understand their doing it. Some do, don’t get me wrong, I'm not naive in that fact, but i think some of them just don’t understand their position of privilege. I’m not bojangling for these motherf*ckers in the slightest, believe me when i say i have been screaming at these motherf*ckers for the last week and half about their bullsh*t, but the thing is, I've seen a change in their understanding. I’ve seen a change in their thinking. I’ve seen an effort to be better. Cats are starting to get it and when they do, they see a world that is pitch. They see a world of hypocrisy. They see why we need to scream from every avenue and platform we have, that black lives matter.
We live in a world where all of our contributions are valued but our lives are not. Black people are the cool. We are the trendsetters. Everything about who we are is dope. Paul Mooney once said, “Everybody wanna be a n*gga, but no body wants to be a n*gga.” Truer words have never been spoken. We are aggrandized, festishized, and imitated ad nausea, only to be disposed of later. Justin Timberlake built his entire post-boy band career with the help of black artists. Timbaland and Pharrell gave that man his sound and every album he’s ever had using it, has been a wild success. The second he dropped it for a more country take, his shine dimmed considerably. Miley Cyrus used out culture to distance herself from that Disney Princess bullsh*t, got shine and fame, then perpetrated like she was against everything about that life in an effort to re-capture the white vote. The NFL is basically analogs to slavery, with each franchise the plantation and the owners the mastahs. They use us up, tossing a few duckets our way to stay silent and perform, and the second we speak out, we’re eliminated. Look at what happened to Kaepernick. My man took a knew protesting the exact sh*t going on right now, an they blackballed from the entire league. Now, the NFL is out her talking about standing together and sh*t like we forgot. And don;t get me started on the Kardashians. Like, holy sh*t, the Kardashians, man!
It’s crazy to think how much our dollars, our influence, our art, has become the cultural zeitgeist. We made Nike what it is. We made Reebok what it is. We made the NBA what it is. When Kobe passed, the world mourned. They mourned a black man. Michael Jordan single-handedly main the NBA the powerhouse it is today and LeBron James is carrying that torch handily; Both have been outspoken about the bullsh*t hypocrisy they’ve seen lately. It took Jordan decades to speak up but he hasn’t stopped since he started and i have to acknowledge that. Bron has never not been outspoken. He and i are the same age. We are the first generation born after the Civil Rights Movement. Our schools started integrated. We came up in the same environments. He knows how f*cked up the world can be and has been a stalwart voice of progress in the NBA, just like Kap was for the NFL. The difference is the NBA listened. They’ve done their best to be more culturally accepting and progressive than any professional sports league in the country, a fact they have been rewarded for over and over again. The NFL has stagnated much like Nascar, another notoriously bigoted league, but the NBA is doing gangbusters. It’s grown, year over year, for close to a decade, stealing more market share and talent from less than sympathetic sports. That’s what black people can do. That’s what everyone covets.
Eminem would be nothing without Dr. Dre. He’ll be the first to tell you no one f*cked with him in the beginning, not even the white dudes. Em got his break because Dre heard his tape and realized how talented he was before anything. Marshall Mathers is easily a top-ten lyricist, all time, and he was passed on so many times until a black dude believed in him. Jim Carrey struggled in Hollywood until Keenan Ivory Wayans put him on In Living Color. Dude had several failed pilots, not because he wasn’t funny, but because white executives didn’t think he was marketable, not until he was embraced by that “urban” audience. Keenan saw Carrey’s genius and believed in him. He gave that man a shot, which directly lead to Carrey getting Ace Ventura, which lead to him getting The Mask, which lead to him becoming a legitimate star. We supported and encouraged these men who were cast aside by their own, and they’ve never forgot that kindness. You motherf*ckers even want the sh*t you threw away, after we picked up and made it dope again. I’m not saying Carrey and Em are sh*t, i would never, but y’all did. Every time you passed on their talent. Every time you dismissed their ability. None of that genius was recognized until we recognized it first, repackaged it, and presented it as part of us. Then, all of a sudden, they were hot. Then,after we put our cool all over that cosign, White America wanted to be in the Jim Carrey business and couldn’t wait to buy tickets to the Eminem show. Em and Jim will be the first to acknowledge they owe everything to black people but you motherf*ckers won’t even acknowledge our right to live.
We’ve contributed more to this country than anyone, bar none. Our bodies literally built the US into the powerhouse that it is, from slavery to the military. We have been used, abused, slighted, disrespected, and dismissed, as a people, for centuries. Literally since we were forced to set foot in this would-be-stolen land. Yet, every contribution we’ve ever made to this country has been absolutely integral. You love our blackness but hate the fact that we are black. I do not, for the life of me, understand that bulls*t logic. How can you hate the notion that Black Lives Matter, when you love everything those Black Lives Create? You listen to our music. You steal our swagger. You appropriate our culture. Elvis Presley is considered the King of Rock and Roll but he cribbed his entire career from those old black folks playing in the old colored juke joints, across the tracks, in the black neighborhood. Someone once asked Eric Clapton what it was like to be the greatest guitarist in the world and he said to ask Prince. I once read an article from Cosmo talking about how box braids are the brand new way to wear your hair. Box braids are cornrows. F*cking Allen Iverson, man? They’re called cornrows because we literally kept corn and other small foods, braided in our hair to eat, while we toiled in those cotton fields, because weren’t allowed to have pockets. You motherf*ckers tried to take cornrows from us! Cornrows!
Everything about us has value in this country but our liberty. That sh*t is f*cked up and we’re tired of it. We are valuable beyond our cool. We are more than our culture. We are Black as f*ck and our lives matter.
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