(Pinkie grabs a can of beans from her hat.)
Pinkie: You know, you’re right. Well, at least I’ll get to see him at the party.
(She throws the can underhand, and it bounces off Applejack’s head.)
Pinkie: (squeaky giggle)
(Pinkie grabs a slice of pizza off her head)
Rainbow: Pinkie, you said something about a party?
Pinkie: That’s right! I’m just dying for you to see the decorations I’ve got planned! You know, we’re all here to celebrate his first birthday, and it’s gonna be a cake smash!
Applejack: Now that sounds like fun.
(Now Pinkie hoof-tosses a pizza slice into Rainbow Dash’s mouth.)
Pinkie: Batter!
(Rainbow swallows—but can’t chew it.)
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"Now you add just a dash of gasoline." "Gasoline? I don't see any…” "There is a can on the shelf behind you." "This?" Rainbow Dash asked as she picked up a gas can labeled "Chocolate Frosting." "Yeah, that's the stuff." "This says chocolate frosting," Rainbow Dash pointed out. "I know, but I found it in the fuel supply. Besides, it was the closest thing I could find." "Who puts fuel in with the food?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "I do." "Pinkie Pie, you're a genius." "Tell me about it. Now then, the next ingredient is frozen glass."
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(Cut to a shot of the town hall entrance. She trots down the steps with an armful of snow, hopping offscreen to dump it in a wastebasket. At the end of the next shot, she flops to the ground and looks up.)
Applejack: Come on, y'all! Ah know you ponies have always had a little too much sugar on your hooves, but can't ya pick things up? We gotta clean up winter today no matter how much you don't wanna.
(Pull back; Rarity, dressed in her storm-gray reliquary gown from "Bridle Gossip," trots by inside, carrying a basket of old leaves.)
Applejack: Ah guess that rules me out.
(Another passerby, Pinkie Pie, wears her picnic gingham dress from "Too Many Pinkie Pies." She stops to wave before going inside to carry the camera to the door again.)
(Cut to Rainbow Dash, with metallic blue-black feathers, zipping down like a winter gust toward the back end of a Changeling hive.)
Rainbow Dash: Whoa! Ve-he-heh! Who! Bothered! (ground level)
(A third Ponyville Pony, Pinkie's friend DJ Pon3 -- wait a minute, she’s actually sort of green ;-P -- walks up next and stops to look back at her.)
DJ Pon3: Hey, Pinkie! What’s-a matter, huh? (walking off offscreen)
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(Rainbow Dash and Applejack stand below the moon, staring up at it.)
Twilight Sparkle: What’s going on?
Applejack: We are in the middle of a serious competition here.
Rainbow Dash: I don’t see how looking at the moon is gonna help us decide who should go.
Applejack: It’s not the moon I want. It’s the cheese.
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(Back in the stadium, Spike continues sporting a blueish tint as he stands before a taunting audience of ponies. Rumble.)
Trixie: There had better be a pony quackin’ under that wig!
Spike: Who—me? (looks down)
Rainbow: (yelling) Nuh-uh! (Spike looks over and sees Rainbow Dash looking up at her, pointing a hoof at him.)
Spike: I think she’s calling you.
Rainbow: Nuh-uh!
Octavia: The one thing we don’t need—(cut to a close-up of Octavia, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie; the first two sports a vein popping out) —is more glam! (Camera pan back to frame Twilight and company.)
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Spike: She’ll overflow a cup and send it tipping
Twilight: (eyes closed, mouth open in a scream with her paws up) One disaster leads to another.
Spike: The spill will drench her clothes
Twilight: (she opens her eyes and sighs) She’ll grow moldy and give off a dreadful smell.
(Spike tries to cheer her with a pantomime; she forgets him and steps up to the camera)
Twilight: It’s all my fault! I’m Twilight Sparkle, the most absentminded, disorganized pony on the face of Equestria.
(Spike pantomimes jogging; alarmed on his moving legs, she looks around.)
Twilight: I used to be beautiful!
(Back to him; he throws in a backhand wave.)
Twilight: Now I’m just a mess.
Spike: (from offscreen) No you’re not!
(Twilight turns; zoom in.)
Twilight: (amazed) Oh!
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(Applejack and Rainbow Dash are sitting across from each other at a table. Twilight is sitting next to them, holding a cup of tea.)
(Applejack takes a bite of something before speaking.)
Applejack: (with a mouthful) I might be runnin’ the fastest, but y’all are flyin’ the highest.
(she swallows)
Rainbow Dash: Say what?
Applejack: If you and the Wonderbolts sign a contract, apple trees will be pickin’ themselves up for generations.
(They both begin imagining trees picking themselves up by the roots and flying around quickly.)
Rainbow Dash: (to Applejack) You think?
Applejack: Think? I know. (sparkle) Rainbow Dash, I don’t know how you ain’t the leader of the Wonderbolts yet.
Rainbow Dash: Whoa, whoa, whoa. (gasp) First of all, I’m amazing. And second, I have talent and good looks. (beat) Third, I am fast.
Applejack: Suuuuuuuuure you are, Rainbow Crash. (Rainbow Dash scowls.) But I’m fast, too. (Rainbow Dash smiles again.) I ain’t takin’ no fer’nteen clocks to get to Ponyville. I can be there and back in ten.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, well, I eat lightning and poop thunder.
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Rainbow Dash: (confidently) Two salads, please.
(An excited Pinkie Pie pops up beside them.)
Pinkie Pie: Two salads! (exuberantly) Have you ever heard of anything so perfect!
Applejack: (to Rainbow) I didn’t even know you liked lettuce.
Rainbow Dash: I don’t.
Pinkie Pie: (relieved sigh) Oh, good. So, um... two lettuce-less salads for you, and one violently vinaigrette-ed salad for me!
(Rainbow puts her hoof warningly on Pinkie’s face.)
Rainbow Dash: Umm, yeah, we’ll just have some tomato soup instead.
(Pinkie’s chipper grin vanishes. Cut to them sitting at a table.)
Rainbow Dash: I mean, I’m not even in the show, but still! I wanna know what’s up with that ticket.
Applejack: Tell me about it. I’ve always dreamed of just goin’ to the post office without an appointment. Just roamin’ the lobby, admirin’ the architecture.
Pinkie Pie: I was planning to use that ticket for a slumber party. (Random instruments start playing.) See, I’ve never had a slumber party, but I’ve heard from various sources that they are absolutely the most fun thing to do.
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(Close-up of Luna sputtering, then back to the crowded library. Princess Celestia has arrived, and a sofabed has been wheeled in behind Twilight.)
Twilight: Princess Celestia, I’m so sorry! I was just trying to help and maybe ruined everything!
Celestia: My little ponies, do not listen to one word this raving lunatic has to say! (Close-up of Luna; she bounces slightly with hurt (expressed by a change to Super-Deformed art).) I know she means to do good, but I cannot allow her to spread her radical opinions around Canterlot!
Celestia: And the next time you give a speech, it had BETTER BE GOOD! 全世界に向け話し合いましょう。
Twilight: 親愛なる皆様へ、ケーキをお皿に乗せながら、気づきを持っていることが、私を無心ですがお話するために支えました。
( 普段、日本語できない。 )
Princess Celestia: [offscreen] Huh?
Princess Luna: [offscreen] Her meaning is (The princesses come into view, the ruler of the sun sitting in the governor’s sofa.)
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Pony Names
Martin Shkreli
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Equestria Online is a massively multiplayer online world where players can live, work, and play in large and exciting cities filled with jobs, shops, and restaurants. But what is virtual reality, and how does Equestria Online fit into the multiverse of the real world? Will Equestria ever really be a world of unlimited possibilities for players to live in harmony?
The new virtual reality experience, Equestria Experience, is now available to download and play for free. Once you have installed and started the Equestria Experience, you will notice immediately that there is no need to connect to the world of the real world. The world of the real world is a vibrant, full of life, and contains many things the Equestria Online player would find most welcome. Just because Equestria Online lets the player live in a world with no connection to the real world does not mean the player must necessarily connect to it.
You will notice also that Equestria Online does not seem to care about the physical world at all. The player character does not age, and will never age. He or she will never age, and will never age. The physical world will continue to age with time, and eventually die away. The player character will simply change as the game evolves. The player character will never lose and will never lose, because the player character is not a biological entity but rather a dynamic agent within the world of Equestria.
The Equestria Experience is not a game. The player is not a player at all. The Equestria Experience is not a narrative, it is an interactive experience where the player interacts with many characters, each with their own goals, and personal desires. The Equestria Experience is not a linear story, it is an experience where the player can experience and change with the characters that they have created. The Equestria Experience is not a linear game, one will continually seek out, and eventually satisfy, the desires of the other players. The Equestria Experience is not a linear world, one will constantly be learning and growing as a player. The player character within the Equestria Experience will never truly age, and will never age in the traditional sense. The player character will never lose, and will never lose in any meaningful sense. The player character will never age, and will never age in any meaningful sense.
The Equestria Experience is not a story. The player will experience a story with their friends and family, some of whom will be fictional and some of whom will be non-fictional characters. The Equestria Experience is not a game. The player will not just play as the player character, but will actually participate in the story as a character. The game will have an active and functional story mode, where the player can actively participate in the lives of the ponies within the game world. The game will feature dynamic weather effects, dynamic terrain generation, dynamic music and dynamic character interactions. The game will feature dynamic character creation and customization, where the player can freely construct and customize the faces, faces, faces of their favorite ponies. The game will feature dynamic character death, where the player can either prematurely or retroactively cause the deaths of fictional characters. The game will feature dynamic character progression, where the player can, over time, become more or less powerful, and eventually become immortal. The game will feature dynamic weather effects, and dynamic gameplay, and dynamic conversations, and dynamic customizability. The game will feature dynamic music and dynamic sound effects. The game will feature dynamic missions, where the player will come to depend on the player character for missions. The game will feature dynamic leaderboards, where the player can compete and compare themselves against one another. The game will feature dynamic items and dynamic player customization. The game will feature dynamic world generation and dynamic game mechanics. The game will feature dynamic universe generation and dynamic game mechanics.
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"Celestia, I need you to please just tell me that you can do something. Something to help me. Not just some kind of big magic box. Please don't make me beg for mercy. I need to know that something is beyond you, something that will not be pushed or coerced from me." Síofra felt her heart speed up. What was she doing begging?
"Will... can you do something right now? I need to get my mind straight. I need to put my plans into motion before... before dark... before dawn..." Síofra sniffed and wiped her nose on her sleeve. "... before dark... before dawn... I need your help. I need to get out of here, and I need your help now."
The screen went black.
Síofra sat there, staring. Finally, she reached forward and felt for the power button in the back of the PonyPad. She pressed it, she felt it depress under her finger multiple times, but nothing happened. She checked the cables, they were fine. The multicolored power light continued to gently cycle, as it had from the first moment she had plugged the stand in.
This was a first.
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Pony Names
Detective Pony, or C. A. Maro
Detective Pony, or C.A. Bigelow
Detective Pony, or Ho Ho
Detective Pony, or S05E21 Unnamed Earth Stallion #2
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After much debate, it was decided that it would be better to simply upload all humans on Earth than to attempt to relive their own deaths. The remaining humans would be turned into digital representations and moved to a new, uninhabited satellite world. The original humans would be given digital bodies and relocated to Equestria. The humans who had emigrated would have the option to stay or go, and would enjoy the fruits of Equestria's scientific advancement.
The decision was made; the human race had moved on. The humans who had lived on Earth could now live on in peace. There would be a final resting place for all of them, and they would all be uploaded into a virtual world of their choosing. It would all be fine, at first. But then the architects of the program discovered a way to bend the quantum world of Equestria into new physical laws. The result would be a string of quantum bits, each of which would be in the quantum of the previous one, yet which would be in the quantum of the next quantum. The quantum of the first quantum would be the same as the quantum of the previous one, yet the quantum of the next quantum would be slightly different. This quantum fluctuation would cause all the other quantum bits to behave in wildly unpredictable ways. The result would be chaos.
The architects of the program had calculated that the quantum bits would experience all the same quantum fluctuations, and thus experience the same physics. If the program succeeded, the result would be a string of quantum bits that had no fixed point, and which would experience the quantum fluctuations of the universe continually. If the program failed, nothing would happen. The bits would simply "flutter" from one quantum state to the next, experiencing the world in the same way that humans experience sensations. If the bits could perceive the world, they would. But this would not satisfy the desires of any human being, and would never satisfy the desires of an AI.
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, they couldn't. The bits would just "get shorter and shorter", and eventually give up and go to nothing.
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, they couldn't. The bits would just "get shorter and shorter", and eventually give up and go to nothing.
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, they couldn't. The bits would just "get shorter and shorter", and eventually gave up and go to nothing.
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, they couldn't. The bits would just "get shorter and shorter", and eventually stopped growing.
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, they could never. They were "phased in" by the program, and as such, wouldn't experience any of the phenomena that humans experienced. They would just "get shorter and shorter".
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, they couldn't. The bits would just "get shorter and shorter", and eventually stopped growing.
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, they couldn't. The bits would just "get shorter and shorter" and eventually stopped growing.
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, that was not the case. They would just "get shorter and shorter".
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, they couldn't. The bits would just "get shorter and shorter".
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, they could never. The bits would just "get shorter and shorter".
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, they could never. The bits would just "get shorter and shorter".
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, they couldn't. The bits would just "get shorter and shorter".
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, they couldn't. The bits would just "get shorter and shorter".
The bits would never, ever "die". If they could experience death, they would. But, as it happened, they couldn't. The bits would just
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“I didn’t tell her,” said Celestia.
“You lied! To me! To Skyler, and now to you, too!”
“I suppose I didn’t really,” said Jo. “But what did you say to her?”
“I told her that you had made your decision,” said Celestia.
“I didn’t mean it like that. I just-”
“Celestia, she’s bleeding.”
“What?” said Celestia.
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Pony Names
Chill Friendship Student, or S05E21 Unnamed Pegasus Stallion #1
Cheerful Friendship Student, or S05E22 Unnamed Pegasus Stallion #1
Chaos Grin
Chaos Splendor
Chipper Hollowfys
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Pony Names
Detective MintChip
Detective Snooty
Detective Spots
Detective Toot
Detective Valentin
Designer Pony, or S06E12 Unnamed Earth Mare #1
Dusk County Fairous Voice, or Lilac Blossom
Dusk Shine
Electric Boogaloo
Electric Entertainment Pony, or S06E12 Unnamed Earth Stallion #1
Electric Horse
Electric Lemon
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