Dear followers💛
Tumblr has lost a lot of meaning for me in the past few years. It just isn't for me anymore, as I have moved on in many ways. This is the end of my Tumblr, but not the end of the art! You can find me from now on on Instagram @icantdrawbutdontcare. I hope you will join me there as I post new and old stuff there. I will forever be grateful for your support on here, but it is time for me to move on. I'm excited for this new chapter 💛 see you there 😊 (my Tumblr will not be deleted, I just won't be posting here anymore)
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Hope you guys are doing okay during this worldwide crisis. I know staying inside may be hard (I personally start dissociating real quick..) but we must try our best to stay safe. And those who (like me) have to work during this time, I hope you can take steps to stay healthy. I wish you luck💛
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Well... My year did not indeed end in the downs of the relapse... I thought it would.. And then right after gorgeous fireworks at midnight my boyfriend got down on one knee! I'm engaged guys!💛
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Ending the year with a relapse... Tough day to say the least. Disappointing. Upsetting. Scary. I hope things will go back to normal soon...
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You’re not alone. It’s okay to struggle. You will make it through.
Suicide rates skyrocket this time of the year. Please call your local suicide hotline if you have thoughts about hurting yourself.
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I think I like who I’m becoming♥
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I refuse to pretend anymore.
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I work. It’s not easy, but I do. Took me years to be well enough to work. But I am by no means okay when I work part-time and I need to smile at customers. 
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If you can’t stop abusing and trying to change me, you do not deserve to be in my life. End of story.
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I can trust myself. I have been gaslighted, there is nothing wrong with my memory.
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My baby sister♥
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Let yourself go through all the seasons♥
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I thought the expression said ‘say my peace’ but i googled it so
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I’ve always thought people could read my thoughts.
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I can’t be sure. So I’ve kept quiet through a panic attack, countless anxiety attacks and dissociation…
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