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iamemeralddream76 · 2 years ago
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Greetings my multiversal friends, family, followers, and subscribers, I want to honor the day set aside for individuals globally to manifest 100% pure/real love for themselves and others. Know that you can still celebrate this day if you are single, dating, in a situation-ship, relationship, married, divorced, widowed, etc. Either focus your love on yourself or your significant other (S.O.). You are not alone, and I stand with you for however you are manifesting your love today. Know that I love each of you. We are stronger together. #manifested #day #love #valentines #day #2023 #iseeyou #ihonoryou #icelebrateyou #iloveyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CoqZGxurLST/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 2 years ago
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iamemeralddream76 · 2 years ago
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KWANZAA DAY 7 – FAITH Habari gani? Imani! On the seventh day of Kwanzaa, Imani is the principle of reflection. “Imani calls on us to believe in ourselves, in our people in the righteousness and victory of our struggle, in the inclusive good we seek and our capacity to achieve it, share it and leave a rightful and righteous portion of it for those who come after.” Malauna Karenga, in “Reimagining and Remaking The World: A Kwanzaa Commitment To An Inlusive Good,” 2018 Annual Founder’s Kwanzaa Message To celebrate Kwanzaa is an act of faith and resilience. By reflecting on each principle African-Americans acknowledge the past with gratitude for our elders and the ancestors whose names we may or may not know. We also acknowledge and accept the precious gifts of of principles and traditions of which we are now stewards. Precious, because they were not documented but survived slave trade and were all but lost to us. Now we continue in faith toward the future, with a focus sharpened by the time spent reflecting on these principles. Happy Kwanzaa and Happy New Year! Courtesy of; https://showingupandshowingout.com/kwanzaa-kujichagulia/ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm5MuzarUpj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 2 years ago
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KWANZAA DAY 6 – CREATIVITY Habari Gani? Kuumba! Creativity is a Principle that underscores all the other Principles of Kwanzaa: Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Nia and Imani. Historically, Black people have used the Principle of Creativity to solve problems, for innovations and to elevate ordinary things to amazing things. Here are just a few ways Black people have used Kuumba to make America great: During times of enslavement, African-Americans used coded messages in songs of faith. The structure of these songs were used in blues songs, which as we know have influenced most genres of contemporary popular music. Soul food. The Lexicon. American newscasters, screenplays, and co-workers sound much different than they did many years ago because of the influence of Black Creativity. Words like “bling” are in the Oxford English Dictionary. African-American derived words are so completely baked into American culture that even the most uptight of reporters and colleagues now regularly pepper their speech with phrases like “the bomb” without a soupçon of hesitation. Kwanzaa Heads Up If you are feeling inspired and motivated as you reflect on the Nguzo Saba, the Sixth and Seventh days of Kwanzaa are excellent times to plan. Today or tomorrow, consider creating a vision board or writing a goals list. Courtesy of; https://showingupandshowingout.com/kwanzaa-kujichagulia/ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm2SKoUvCwS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 2 years ago
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KWANZAA DAY 5 – PURPOSE Habari Gani? Nia! Today’s principle is Nia. One of the most exhilarating sensations a person can experience is that of a having a sense of purpose. Self-Determination helps us live on purpose. African-Americans are heirs to a tradition of communal greatness–from cultivating land that we were not allowed to own under generations of subjugation, to the limitless Black Girl Magic the world cannot get enough of today. No matter what your purpose looks like or feels like, the principle of Nia reminds us that the ways we choose to use our time and our talents will build a legacy of Black Excellence. “You were uniquely designed for success in your purpose. When you align your life with your strengths—those innate qualities you were gifted with—you will tap into a level of grace that empowers you to achieve things you could never accomplish in your strength alone.” Valorie Burton, in Successful Women Think Differently: 9 Habits to Make you Happier, Healthier and More Resilient Courtesy of; https://showingupandshowingout.com/kwanzaa-kujichagulia/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CmzxFaPPgtl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 2 years ago
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KWANZAA DAY 4 – COOPERATIVE ECONOMICS Habari gani? Ujamaa! The collective spending of African-Americans is currently about $1.1 trillion–yes with a ‘t’–but in 2012 only 3% of those dollars were spent at Black-owned businesses. Support and unity are inside jobs. Take an honest look at how many of your dollars went to Black businesses, be they side hustles or large corporations. Naturally, as we light the fourth candle today make a mental note to understand what cooperative economics can look like among African-Americans. The Andersons are a suburban family that spent an entire year doing just that. Read about it in Our Black Year: One Family’s Quest to Buy Black in America’s Racially Divided Economy by Maggie Anderson. By the way, the phrase “Habari gani” is a Swahili greeting that translates to “What’s the news?” and the news for Black America should be all about Cooperative Economics. We should reflect on how we can work together to make the news better. Courtesy of; https://showingupandshowingout.com/kwanzaa-kujichagulia/ #fyp #habari #gani #day1 #umoja #day2 #kujichagulia #day3 #ujima #day4 #ujamaa #kwanzaa #africanamerican #panafricanism #holiday #est #1996 #drmaulanakarenga https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmw-fiDP5gA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 2 years ago
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KWANZAA DAY 3 – COLLECTIVE WORK AND RESPONSIBILITY Habari Gani? Ujima! This is the day we light the third candle on the kinara for collective work and responsibility. Pause for a moment of gratitude to those that helped make you who you are today. Your ancestors. Community members. Any and everyone who made a difference big or small in your journey to Self-determination counts! Next reflect on how you can make a difference–big or small–to someone. How can you pass your gratitude on? Today, give someone a call or send a sincere email to encourage someone in your life or express thanks to a person who made a difference in your life. “Working together works.” Courtesy of; https://showingupandshowingout.com/kwanzaa https://www.instagram.com/p/CmuqHbGr2UE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 2 years ago
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KWANZAA DAY 2 – SELF-DETERMINATION Habari gani? Kujichagulia! Yesterday’s principal was Umoja. Today, we light two candles for Kwanzaa. The foundation of building character and integrity begin with determining who you are. Win Kujichagulia. Happy Kwanzaa. “Freedom is not about how other people define you, but how you define yourself.” Stedman Graham Courtesy of; https://showingupandshowingout.com/kwanzaa-kujichagulia/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CmsMiiVr-Bj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 2 years ago
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Greetings global community, happy holidays to everyone. What's for dinner? My menu includes vegan gumbo, wild rice, mac & cheese, yams (not pictured), and cookies & creme loaf. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmnk4SCM4OP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 2 years ago
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Greetings global community, it's about to go down @thenewarkufc . If you're around 393 Central Avenue, Newark, NJ 07103. You're invited to join us at 11 am. #ufcnewark #fresh #worshipexperience #bewell #itsadifferentworld #youreinvited https://www.facebook.com/UnityFellowshipChurchNewArk/?mibextid=ZbWKwL https://www.instagram.com/p/CmUElBLOGqw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 2 years ago
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Greetings global community, if you're in Newark tomorrow at 11 am join us. It's about to go down. We're celebrating the birthday of this beautiful servant of love. See you there. #happybirthday #75years #strong #committed #to #lovingkindness #ufcnewark #pastorjerrilee https://www.instagram.com/p/CmSyzYlu472/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 2 years ago
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Hey friends, family, supporters, and global community, I want to invite you to meet me at the Visioning Conference. I am participating in this rich experience hosted by Sunshine Cathedral Lumination. I look forward to seeing you there. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj1bJZdLSqI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 2 years ago
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Hey friends, family, supporters, and global community, I want to invite you to meet me at the Visioning Conference. I am participating in this rich experience hosted by Sunshine Cathedral Lumination. I look forward to seeing you there. https://www.instagram.com/p/CjWGayKPZiV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 3 years ago
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Hey friends, family, supporters, and global community, I want to invite you to meet me at the Visioning Conference. I am participating in this rich experience hosted by Sunshine Cathedral Lumination. I look forward to seeing you there. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cipxvv8r5ah/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 3 years ago
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Hey friends, family, supporters, and global community, I want to invite you to meet me at the Visioning Conference. I am participating in this rich experience hosted by Sunshine Cathedral Lumination. I look forward to seeing you there. A https://www.instagram.com/p/CiV_Z8PLOLs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 3 years ago
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A tidbit to consider #your #personal #relationshipgoals #with #higherpower #deities #ancestors #universe #spirit #itspersonal https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg2jxJNvHVa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamemeralddream76 · 3 years ago
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Happy foodie Saturday,  I took a stroll to my all-time favorite vegan eatery in my area @vegan360nyc . Today's menu includes: My favorite chopped cheese combo (includes fries).A large Duck platter (w/ cabbage, mixed vegetables, and rice).Two large Irish Moss beverages to wash it all down. The food never fails in look, flavor, texture, or fulfillment. Thank you for being NYC'S go-to and must-eat spot for soy-free, made-to-order, fantastic food.  #supportblackownedbusinesses #365days #truly #goodeats #foodgasm #blackvegan #nycbest #veganrestaurant #thankful #to #vegan360 #vegan360nyc https://www.instagram.com/p/CgqNYcmsgI_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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