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My dramatic ass when anything goes even slightly wrong
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Ohmygod I’m totally calling my shaking and jumpiness “Spidey-sense” now.

This blog is Dedicated to anyone suffering from Anxiety! Please Follow Us if You Can Relate: ANXIETYPROBLEMS
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This makes me feel so much better about not wanting to be a mother. I thought just about everyone wanted to have kids, and if they didn’t, they were that hurt and/or cranky kind who hated kids wholeheartedly. I thought I was the only person in the whole, wide world who loved kids but didn’t want to have them. I thought this point of view of mine was strange and messed up and no one else would ever relate to or understand it.
Then, I see this post, I read the comments, I visit the link, and everything becomes a bit lighter.
This is so important, stories like this need to be told. The cultural insistence we have that parenthood is some kind of magical bonding that happens every time without exception does real harm to both parents and children, as you can see from some of these stories:
My father recently told me he never wanted kids, but my mother wanted them. She thought he would love us when we were born.
I didn’t realize that a maternal instinct is not universal. You know how you see parents in the delivery room and they are crying tears of joy? I felt nothing. […] My boys are well cared for and I am always here for them, but it feels very unnatural and fake and unenjoyable. It is a bit like a retail job you don’t like where you put on a fake persona and slog through it the best you can. I don’t get to leave this job, though.
I also thought I wouldn’t mind missing out on all the partying and holidays because I would have the ultimate gift, a child.
I always said I would never have children. I hate kids..I do. I am just not that type of nurturing person. I was always very careful to make sure protection was in use (condoms, birth control) but I am that .1% and apparently very fertile. I do not have that natural motherly instinct that all women seem to have, you know..that one that kicks in the moment they know they’re pregnant. I have to work really hard at it and it’s exhausting. I miss my solitude and being able to “check out” of reality from time to time.
Because kids aren’t the life completer we believe they are.
Are there people for whom having children completes their lives? No doubt. Are there parents for whom the downsides like sleeplessness and loss of personal time are outweighed by the love and joy they feel? Of course. Are there people who change their minds about wanting kids once they have them? Sure. But that’s not true for everyone. It doesn’t happen every time, it’s never guaranteed, and the consequences are grievous when people who don’t want children have them anyway trusting that they will love the child and be happy.
We need to dispel the starry-eyed myths around pregnancy, childbirth, and marriage and create more realistic expectations. Parenthood is too important a choice for people not to go into it with their eyes open.
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If you are a student Follow @studentlifeproblems
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fun fact: the producer for the Scooby-Doo movies is named Dick Suckle
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Source: [x]
Follow Ultrafacts for more facts!
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How to be productive during appropriate hours of the day and get a regular and healthy sleep schedule
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More by the Artist Here
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Blood type should be listed on your driver’s license
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i hate the anxiety that comes with loving something so dearly and knowing that in a matter of months it’ll become seen as a “cringy” interest
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And I love bunnies 🐰

Bunnies love flowers 🌼
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AHAHAHA is it a bad thing that I’m reblogging this because relate to it so much.
I hate myself so much. I used to be a terrible person and I probably still am and I hurt people I cared about and had no boundaries whatsoever.
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A man went to the zoo, the only animal there was a dog. It was a Shih Tzu..
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