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HxH Exchange - Gift for lnosaku
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
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HxH Exchange - Gift for petalfang
SO I HEARD YOU LIKE PITOU (favourite white-haired characters? you bet most of them are dead)
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
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[HxH Exchange - Gift for kitsuelle] Homesick
Title: Homesick Recipient: kitsuelle Pairing: one sided KilluaXGon, Alluka Nanika Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Blood, Self Harm, Character death(s) Word Count: 5,200 Summary: Killua and Gon reunite in the most unexpected way. Both boys and Alluka journey to the Dark Continent for dark reasons. Gon and Killua each risk a great deal for each other. Author’s Note: My apologies. I wish it was better.
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the author’s URL!)
It was the first Monday of the Zoldyck’s stay in Rivertown. The silver-haired boy was dressing after his morning shower when he felt a strange cold sensation. It was incredibly subtle, less than when a cloud passes in front of the sun, but Killua sensed it nonetheless. He turned to meet Nankia’s empty eyes. The creature was sitting up in his sister’s bed and was silently gazing at him. The boy turned back to his previous activity and pretended not to be disturbed. It was highly unusual for Nanika to wake before Alluka and he wasn’t exactly sure how long it had been sitting like that. There was something about it that seemed…off. Even though Nanika’s expressions were typically difficult to distinguish, Killua had a different feeling about this morning’s.
“Yes?” he turned to find Nanika standing inches away from him. He fought the urge to step backwards, and mentally questioned how alarming Nanika’s soundless movement was. This wasn’t normal at all.
“Tell me I’m good, Killua.”
“You’re very good, Nanika.” He smiled warmly and gave its head a pat.
Seven weeks later.
“But Killua play with Alluka.” Nanika persisted. It had been two whole hours and Something still wanted to have games.
“Yes, and I played with you also, Nanika..I need a little break. How about you look at this book? Alluka picked it out today.” He had to remember to get more things that Nanika liked. He had entertained his little sister all morning and as much as he loved them both, he was a little tired of tea parties and painting. Alluka was usually able to play in the same room with Killua, but without his undivided attention. Years in isolation had taught her to amuse herself if nothing else. Nanika however had become more active than ever lately, and required constant interaction. “No book. Killua brush Nanika’s hair?” He groaned and smiled. “Alright, I will brush your hair.”
Six months later on Christmas Eve Killua paced anxiously on the balcony. Snowflakes fell softly, and a broken cup lay in the sink. Alluka had been resting for hours and he was lonely. They had talked about having hot cocoa together during the first snowfall and she was missing it, and on Christmas Eve at that. He didn’t like how much she was sleeping these days. Minutes ago, he stood in the tiny kitchenette drinking hot chocolate alone and wondering about his sister's health. He had taken her to a few doctors in different countries, but they found nothing wrong. If he were to take her to see a specialist, concealing their identities would have become more of a problem and he couldn’t risk it. Why was she sleeping so much? The mug cracked in his hand. Killua’s hold of his mug tightened, causing it to crack within his hand, his frustrations slipping out. It was the first time he had ever failed to control himself in such a way.
He went and stood out in the chilly night air with a strained mind. A tapping sound at the window brought peace to his unsettled nerves. Finally Alluka was up and ready to --- it was Nanika. Holding the repaired mug and smiling.
“Nanika go home.” It was one o’clock in the morning, March eighteenth. Killua sat upright and stared wide eyed at the creature who shared his sister’s body. His sleep had been poor for a while now due to stress and he wondered briefly if he was dreaming. “Nanika go home.” It said again, its tone was simple and easy. Something was wide awake and had been wandering around the bedroom for quite some time. “N-Nanika? I don’t understand.” Killua hadn’t felt fear this acutely since Peijin, when Gon had destroyed the King’s guard. “Home?” “Aye.” “B-but.. that’s a bad place. Aniki will take Nanika and Alluka away. He’ll lock you away!” “Not Killua’s home. Nanika’s home.”
A dreadful silence fell, what could he say? Killua was shocked and concerned. Was this what was wrong with Alluka? Was this why she slept practically all day and night now? Was this the reason her appetite was scarce and her moods fragile? It all made sense now. Nanika was becoming dominant. Killua’s mind raced with multiple scenarios, many of them ending badly for Alluka. Heart hammering in his chest, the teen forced himself to inhale and exhale calmly before speaking. “I see, where is Nanika’s home?” “Nanika show Killua.”
The salty air did nothing to sooth the silver-haired boy who stood aloof on the pier. Nanika wore a hat to hide her absence of features and held his hand. The young hunter’s appearance was a weak reflection of his inner turmoil, haggard and worn. Alluka was only present for small amounts of time now, and at irregular intervals. Killua feared it was only a matter of time before he might lose her entirely. As powerless as he felt around Nanika, the boy found comfort in the hope that once Something had returned to its home, he’d get his sister back. There were so many unknowns, and Nanika didn’t talk much about it when asked. Its attitude had been changing. As the creature gained more independence, it spoke less. What was once a simple, happy being was now calculating and serious. Killua still maintained a positive relationship with Nanika, but it was strained due to Alluka’s increasing absence. He was almost certain that Nanika was deliberately taking over his sister’s body. He had promised to care for and to protect Something, but it was taking Alluka away from him and Killua was angry and frightened. Until recently he’d considered Nanika as another part of Alluka. It was clear to him now that they were two different beings within one body, and he could only hope to remain close until the time came for Nanika to rejoin its kind. Killua no longer had control even though he still behaved in a brotherly way. The truth was, if Nanika ever decided to use its abilities, there was nothing he could do to stop it. “Killua, Is that you?” Everything stopped, all sound and sight became blurred. There was no mistaking that voice…that aura. Killua was overwhelmed and speechless. His eyes found the source of the voice against his will. Killua wasn’t quite prepared, he hadn’t been expecting this. The sun-kissed island boy was standing seven feet and four inches away, those eyes, they still held light. Gon took in Killua’s thinned face and dark circles, his fearful expression and trembling hands. He saw these things but they did not register all the way, for his own heart clamored wildly as the memories came rushing in. He slowly closed the gap surprised to run into this person of all people. This person…
Gon’s mouth hung stupidly agape and his eyes moistened. He stood an arm’s length from Killua now. It had been a full year since the World Tree, but it felt like much longer. “Wow, what are you doing here?” The wide eyed boy wanted to hug Killua, to kill this strange tension, but Gon remained where he was. Something seemed wrong. Maybe it was the simple fact that they were about to embark on a treacherous journey.
“You’re sailing to the Dark Continent too?” Gon asked incredulous. “Shhh! Lower your voice Gon, everyone in the world doesn’t need to know about it!” Killua snapped, “How did someone like you even find out about it anyway?” He immediately regretted the outburst. It was the first time he saw Gon in over a year and this is what he had to say? Killua could tell Gon was affected by it, something deep had changed within his friend. Gon hid it rather well, but he was less impervious than before. “Prepare to cast off all lines!” Cried a sailor. “Shit!” Killua scooped up his sister and they all raced to board the departing ship.
Four months earlier Gon stood before the vast and ancient ruins. A pale levitating figure smiled down at him. “Bring us the book. It is important.” “Who are you?” “We are the eternal guardians of the abandoned city. Soon travelers will come and destroy it. We need your help Gon Freecss.” “What? How do you know my name? What is this place?”
“We know many things because we exist for always. This is our sacred city. The last monument of our kind remaining. This is a place your kind calls the Dark Continent. You are the one who we have chosen to save it.” “I can’t. I am no good anymore. I can’t even pass my mathematics exam.” “We can give you back what was lost.” “Really?! You mean…my aura?” “Yes, but on one condition.” The Eternal said, “We must have the book.” Gon woke and sat upright in the middle of the night. He glanced down at his hands, aura radiated from them proving that it wasn’t a dream after all. He had been contacted by a powerful species from far away. They had shown him what they wanted. It was on a shelf downstairs. The West Edition of the Traveler’s Guide. He didn’t realize it was so…precious. He had looked at it many times as a child. No wonder he never found any of those plants he’d read about so many times. They were only found on the Dark Continent. Now that small teams of settlers had been making the journey, the Traveler’s Guide penned by Gon’s great grandfather Don Freecss would be highly sought after; to those that knew of its existence in any case.
He had dutifully taken the precious book and left home that same night determined to keep his end of the bargain. It was difficult to find a ship sailing to that God-forsaken continent, the trips being highly secretive and infrequent. Only after months of unsuccessful searching did he have another dream.
“There is a vessel heading north. It sets sail on the twenty third of August.” The pale figure pointed at the boy sternly. “If you fail to bring us the book, you will become what you once were; nothing.” Gon’s nen was removed for a week, and only when he finally located the correct port did it return. Gon was practically a slave to his need for power, the long and lonely months on Whale Island had changed him. He simply had to have his nen, no matter what. A life-risking journey to give the creatures the Guide was worth it.
Now standing on the ship’s weather deck he studied Killua with interest. Just what was Killua doing there? Surely it was too dangerous for Alluka to go where they were headed? Gon decided not to ask about it right away only because he didn’t want to answer those same questions himself. Killua didn’t need to know that he’d lost his nen and that it was only back under heavy conditions.
The silver-haired boy also wished to avoid discussing details. Alluka’s situation was his own private nightmare, and no one else needed to know about it. There was nothing anyone could do, so why publicize it? He felt strangely comforted with Gon by his side. Things were going to be ok somehow. Gon had incessant confidence. It was foolishness, but Killua allowed it to ease his mind regardless. No harm in a little solace.
“Come on, Killua. Let’s get a room situated before we end up sleeping in the cargo hold like we did last time.” Gon was smiling at him. Killua’s own lips twitched at the corner involuntarily. Sharing a room would be nice, he really missed Gon. Wait. No. He couldn’t. What about Nanika? He didn’t want Gon to start asking questions.
“A room? Well, don’t you mean rooms?” Killua avoided Gon’s gaze. He couldn’t bear to see the other’s reaction.
“Rooms?” Gon was completely confused.
Killua hated how guilty he felt, but he had to be strong. He had felt weak and powerless for too long now. It was refreshing to have a little control again.
“Yes, rooms Gon. Alluka is older now, it’s not appropriate.”
Silence. It went longer than Killua could tolerate. He stole a glance at the other boy. Gon was deeply disappointed, and…something else. Something grim. Killua wished he could take it back, but the damage was done. Gon’s mouth formed a tight line and he straightened. A trace of a smile could be heard in his voice. It was obvious the boy needed to wait until the right words had formed.
“Oh. Of course. I just got carried away seeing you again. Like it was old times..” Gon’s apologetic smile was weak, causing Killua to look away quickly. Why did everything have to be so damn painful?
“Fine. Whatever. It’s a good idea to get settled in.”
The day passed slowly. They had quarters side by side and Killua ended up spending a great deal of time in Gon’s room, playing cards and talking about old acquaintances. Nanika had withdrawn and Alluka slept as usual... After sharing a few laughs Killua was beginning to feel truly happy. It had been too long since he’d felt so good. This boy meant so much to him. Gon was so lighthearted, and kind. He was determined, talented, good-natured,…strong. Gon’s wild features were still as animated as ever, and he had even grown a little in the past year. Some of the boyish freckles had faded, his jaw more defined, his eyes held a new fierce secret of some kind. Killua wondered how much Gon had been training. Was he stronger than himself now? Maybe after this whole mess was finally over with, they could spar. Everything was going to be ok again.
That evening Gon sat alone and struggled with fresh feelings of loss after Killua had retired to his own cabin. He had suffered tremendously after returning to Whale Island. Lonely and haunted by his mistakes, Gon struggled with the boring and lack-luster days back home and catching up on his school work. He didn’t want to accept that he would never again go on incredible adventures, that he might have lost his best friend for good. The pain was too difficult sometimes and Gon resorted to a dark little ritual to distract himself. He now sat in his dark cabin, the moonlight causing his small knife to gleam in a cheerful way. It was hard seeing Killua again and feeling so distanced. His best friend was so cold and seemed genuinely unhappy to see him. It had been nice to spend time together that afternoon, but the reality was he wasn’t special to other boy anymore. Little did he know an assassin was preparing to kill him at that moment. This was all carefully planned from the beginning.
Gon’s dreams were created by one of Pariston’s henchmen to lure the boy out with the Traveler’s Guide. To frame him for its disappearance. The boy was particularly easy to manipulate given his fragile mental state. If the book had simply gone missing, no doubt others would search for it. Yet, if Gon Freecss had been last seen with the book in his possession on a vessel headed for the Dark Continent no less, it would be considered lost for good. People would assume the boy got himself killed in that deadly place and the invaluable tome was lost forever. That way Pariston could use it freely and without any possible hindrance. Of course if Ging dropped his pursuits of the Dark Continent’s treasures due to the untimely death of his son, that would be a bonus. Gon’s nen hadn’t returned at all. It was just another ruse created by another nen-user with the ability to loan power. Another hired man of Pariston Hill. Now the third employee got ready to strike. He crouched in a small space just below the boy’s floorboards. With En, he watched as the teen removed his shirt and placed a small knife against his own flesh. The murderer was bewildered by what he saw, and hesitated as Gon injured himself. A muffled grunt. Blood trickled from a pained grimace. The assassin’s heart slowed and he dropped dead at Killua’s feet. That one moment of distraction had been his fatal error. Killua had sensed the bloodlust only seconds ago and discovered the villain just as he was about to kill his dearest friend. He too was astonished with Gon’s self-inflicted harm, but his instincts took over and he used that awful moment to save him. Blood now covered both boys’ hands. Gon’s eyes closed as he pressed his wound to increase the pain. Tears slid down his cheeks and those of the pale boy’s just below him.
Killua stared up at his precious friend who had secrets of his own. What had happened to Gon? Why was he doing that to himself? Why was someone hired to kill him? Killua knew an assassin when he saw one. This wasn’t a simple murder. It most likely had something to do with Gon’s journey to the Dark Continent. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]
A loud knock startled Gon. He slid the blade underneath his pillow and groaned when he realized that he had gotten blood on the sheets. More knocking. “Just a minute!” Gon spit on his dirty hand and rubbed it on the already ruined sheets before bundling them up quickly. The door banged open and Gon spun around to find Killua upset and inches away from his own face.
“What the hell is this about Gon?” Killua didn’t mean to sound so angry but he was disturbed and concerned. Why was Gon cutting himself for God’s sake? The island boy was still bare chested and Killua couldn’t help but notice the fresh laceration. Gon blinked down at himself and began to pull his shirt back on but Killua lifted it to expose the boy’s wound.
“Where’d this come from?” He growled. Gon grabbed Killua’s wrist and tried to remove his hand, but the silver-haired boy was still much stronger and wouldn’t budge. “Leave it alone Killua, it’s nothing!” He cried in frustration. Why had Killua barged in like that? Why was he in his face and looking at what he’d done? Gon began to grow red with embarrassment while the other boy remained close and refused to release his clothing. He shoved Killua away, but the former assassin only shoved him back harder causing them both to topple onto the bed. “You’re a liar.” Killua growled and pinned Gon down. “Get off of me!” Gon had been caught red-handed and he was humiliated. “No. Tell me what’s going on Gon. Now.” Killua could see the boy’s fear, but ignored it. This was not the time for being polite. Gon had not surpassed him in strength.. Killua noticed his muscles twitching as the other strained to break free, the sweat on his brow, the rising and falling of his chest. “You’re attacking me for no reason!” Gon spat. Killua’s features softened. He understood why Gon had done it. He also knew that Gon would never admit to it. It was sad seeing his friend taking measures such as this. Evidently Gon was deeply unhappy. Gon noticed the change in Killua’s expression and stopped struggling. “What? What’s the matter?” “Gon..” “What is it?” “Don’t ever do it again.” “Killua…” “Gon. Don’t ever do that again.” Killua found it hard to conceal his emotions. His voice was giving him away. Gon could see the agony within Killua’s eyes. The Zoldyck had reached his breaking point. Gon looked away ashamed. Killua was hurting too but he was brave. He was facing his pain, whatever it was. The silver-haired boy suddenly released him and walked to the opposite side of the small room. Gon sat up and pulled his shirt down. “Why are you going to the Dark Continent?” Killua’s voice was quiet.
Gon glanced up at Killua’s back. “It’s complicated.”
“I’m sure.” The Zoldyck replied coolly. “Are you angry with me Killua?” “I will be if you don’t start talking.” “Fine.” Gon groaned. He just knew that Killua would disapprove but he didn’t like keeping secrets from him. “I was given back my nen in exchange for a book. I have to bring it to someone over there.” Killua swivled around incredulous. “Given back your nen?! What?” “Oh. Well I lost it.” “You.. lost your nen?” “Yes. After what happened in Peijin I haven’t been able to even see my own aura. But now I have it again!” He added quickly. Killua narrowed his eyes. “What happens if you don’t deliver the book?” Gon shifted uneasily and the Zoldcyk understood. It was payment. Gon was being manipulated somehow. The assassination attempt was beginning to make sense. “What is this book anyway?” Killua shoved his hands in his pockets much to the relief of the other. The interrogation was over for now. “I’ll show you.”
“This one’s interesting..” Gon pointed to an illustration of a large plant with teeth.
They sat side by side looking at the yellowed pages of the Traveler’s Guide. Killua’s eye was on the other page featuring white minerals. He studied the sketches and small details recorded around it. “Once the Ghost Stones are submerged in water, lightening forms.”
“Who are you delivering this to?” Killua suddenly looked up at Gon. “I’m not sure. They talk to me in my dreams. I know it sounds dumb, but they proved it. They took my nen away for a little while and gave it back again.” Killua frowned. He didn’t like the sound of that. It was just as flawed as his own quest. Would either of them survive? “Are you afraid Gon? I mean, of going there?” Killua was getting drowsy. The warmth from sitting so close to Gon was relaxing.
“A little. But now that I’ve got Nen again I feel strong!” Gon made a fist and grinned. Killua smiled in spite of himself. Gon’s optimism was ridiculous and charming. He yawned for the one hundreth time that hour. He needed sleep desperately but he didn’t want to leave. Gon seemed to understand. “Do you think Alluka would mind if I slept on the floor in your room? I could leave before she wakes up.” Killua blinked wide-eyed at the tanned boy. He remembered Gon’s deep sadness he’d witnessed earlier that evening when he thought he was alone. Perhaps they both needed each other more than they realized. “Sure. I won’t tell.”
Fourteen hours later they stood on a rust colored shore gazing up at imposing mountains. They had arrived. Killua had asked Gon that morning if he knew where to go. The boy only shrugged.
“I haven’t had a dream in a while. I thought they would tell me how to find them.”
“Just stick with me until they contact you again. Maybe Nanika can help you.” Killua was certain Gon would get himself killed. Gon didn’t argue. How could he possibly turn down the offer to spend more time with his most important person? Especially here.
Killua now stood on the Dark Continent’s shore and shrouded himself in aura. Gon went to do the same thing but much to his dismay no aura manifested. ‘No. Not now.’ “Nanika go home.” Something tugged at Killua’s hand.
“Gon, what’s wrong?” Killua noticed Gon’s aura hadn’t shifted into a defensive shroud.
“Nanika go home.” Something repeated.
“Killua..my nen..” Gon looked down at his empty hands. He was completely vulnerable and white as a ghost.
Killua’s features tightened. This wasn’t good at all. He turned to Something.
“I can’t. Not now. I know you want to go home Nanika, but Gon isn’t safe here. We must leave.”
Nanika frowned. “Gon?”
“Yes, Gon. Killua’s friend.”
“Killua loves Nanika?”
“Yes.” Killua answered frantically. No time for this.
“Killua loves Gon?”
“Err—well..” Killua was completely taken off guard. How was he supposed to answer that? Did it matter what he said? Somehow he felt that it did.
“Nanika go home now.” The creature began to walk.
“Please! Wait!” Killua jumped in front of his sister’s body clearly panicking. “I love Gon but not as much as Nanika!”
Something stood there quietly.
“Gon not safe.”
“Yes, I can’t see your home without Gon.” Killua took his sister’s shoulders and spoke softly. This moment felt so dreadfully decisive. This might be the last time he ever saw Gon.
“Nanika show Gon home.”
“But Gon isn’t safe.” Killua bit his lip. He wasn’t even sure about his own safety here. He’d heard the rumors. This place was suicide. The Zoldyck had no desire whatsoever to explore the wild and uncharted land. He just wanted his sister back. What was to become of Alluka? Himself? Gon?
“Nanika go home now.”
Before Killua could respond he was whisked away into thin air and three sets of footprints were all that remained on the lonely shore.
The boys stumbled and gasped as they took in their new surroundings. Beneath them was some kind of elaborate stone road. The ruins of majestic buildings stood silently before them. Killua immediately shifted closer to Gon. They had teleported to what was most likely Nanika’s home. He sensed no protective shroud around the other boy and grit his teeth. There was no telling how far they were from the ship now. His eyes fell on a familiar sight. A crystal growing out from a statue’s hands. Killua quickly tore off a fragment and pocketed it just before he sensed they were no longer alone.
“Killua..” Gon was pointing. There no fear in Gon’s voice or in his expression, but something gnawed at Killua’s instincts. Something terrifying.
He followed his friend’s gaze to a strange haze. A dark cloud lurked softly in front of them. Slow and gentle rolling movements and what appeared to be dark eyes indicated that there were many beings within the mass. The airy gathering seemed to be observing the two boys with curiosity and small whisperings could be heard.
“Nanika love Killua.”
“We love Killua.”
“Killua love Gon.”
The boys cringed at hearing their names mentioned over and over again by the shifty mass. It drifted closer and Killua took Gon’s arm. Gon grunted in surprise and looked at the other. Killua was clearly afraid. He shook badly and seemed frozen with wide eyes. Alluka’s body lay on the ground at their feet. Had it been there the entire time? The beings drew closer.
“We love Killua.”
“Killua home.”
“Nanika love Killua.”
“No!” Killua’s voice was full of panic even though he meant to sound firm.
“Killua.” Gon was holding his shoulders. He stood facing the terrified boy with his back to the others.
“Gon! What are you—“
“It’s ok. It’s going to be ok.” Gon smiled. The light in his eyes was dull. Something was off.
Before the silver-haired boy could think of what to say next, Gon had turned and walked towards the dark cloud of watchers.
“Gon.” “GON.” GoN.” The whispers seemed confused.
“Nanika loves Killua, but this isn’t Killua’s home. Please put Killua and Alluka home now.” Gon spoke in a calm manner, yet there was a definite firmness in his tone. The Nanikas didn’t like it. The mass twitched and darkened.
“Killua.” “Killua.”
The former assassin could only stare in disbelief. Gon was such a bold idiot. What was he doing?
“Killua and Alluka need to go home. Nanika loves Killua. Nanika wants Killua to be happy, right? ArrNN!” Gon choked and fell.
“Killua.” “Killua.” “Killua.”
“GOOOOON!” The pale boy snapped out of it. Gon was on the ground and unmoving. There was blood seeping from his eyes. “NO! No No NOO!”
He glared up at the Somethings. “How COULD YOU?”
“Killua home.” “ Killua home.”
Without thinking the boy slid his hand into his pocket. His heart twitched with sorrow and rage. He did not linger however. Killua’s switch was flipped and he entered a cold, unfeeling state. Murderous aura began to flow. They had hurt Gon. They were trying to keep him. They had used Alluka. They were going to pay now. On his own he lacked any kind of serious power but..
He held the white mineral in his hand. The dark cloud had passed over Gon’s dead body and hovered closer to Killua now. The boy spit onto the crystal and immediately felt it awaken. It burned. Instead of dropping it, Killua squeezed it tight in his fist and two things happened at once. His skin turned completely blue and the Nanikas scattered. What happened next was beyond the boy’s comprehension. A solid beam of pure energy surged through him and expanded his own aura far beyond its boundaries. Killua was no longer just a boy. He was the sky, the earth, the basic electrons connecting every element of mass. His form remained intact and rose up high into the air with empty eyes and a glowing body.
“YOU CANNOT HIDE.” He said, his voice speaking directly to their hive-like mind. Killua could feel their astonishment and fear.
“Killua.” “Killua!” “Killua!”
“I will destroy you all.” He unleashed a small amount of his new power and altered everything within a kilometer into a two dimensional state.
The beings screamed and frantically whizzed around in the fearsome prison. They began to plead.
“Killua no!”
“We are afraid!”
“Help! Nanika Loves Killua!”
This last cry touched Killua’s faraway heart. His bodily head turned to look down at what was left of Gon and Alluka. All reality seemed to wait for the One to choose what happened next.
“Give Gon and Alluka back. Give them back to me.”
“Yes! Yes!”
“Killua go home!”
“Killua go home!”
[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]
The boat creaked as it was pushed and pulled by the ocean’s waves. Killua sat on Gon’s bed with the tanned boy in his arms. Alluka played with dolls in the cabin adjacent to theirs and hummed softly. It was night, and the only light was provided by a small lantern hanging from a low nail. Gon hadn’t woken yet, but he was breathing and the blood was no longer there.
Killua simply looked down at the other. He was too numb to cry or laugh. He was relieved and scarred. He inhaled the smell of his friend’s hair and skin. Gon. Even in sleep, this boy astonished Killua. This wonderful boy. Pale fingers dared to touch the sleeper’s face. Gon twitched and smiled softly, he opened his eyes to see Killua.
The Zoldyck was so happy he forgot to be embarrassed by his intimate gesture. Deep and powerful feelings rose up inside of him yet tears did not come.
“Killua?” Gon reclaimed his complete attention. The island boy felt strangely rested but couldn’t remember how they got back on the ship. “Did Nanika do this? Where’s Alluka?” He sat up and turned to study the other’s face for answers. Killua was always keeping secrets and had a funny look on his face.
“You ok?”
Killua nodded with a soft smile. Gon was ok. Gon and Alluka were safe and well. They were together. Gon looked so pure in the dimly lit cabin. Like a dream.
Gon leaned forward with a disbelieving smirk and touched his nose to Killua’s. “You’re not acting like yourself. What happened? Did Allu---“
He was cut off by the other’s timid kiss.
#hxh exchange#killugon#alluka zoldyck#nanika zoldyck#killua zoldyck#gon freecss#kitsuelle#r:pg13#w:blood#w:self harm#w:character death#fanfic
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HxH Exchange - Gift for riingoame
Almost to the final level, just a few more hours...!
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
77 notes
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Exchange staff, u ok? Just asking. Hope you're all right there
Hi! Yes, sorry to make you guys worry. Some things came up, and I haven’t been able to be as on top of this as I hoped. Thank you to everyone for your patience! The last couple of pinch hits are coming in, so we should be able to wrap this up in the next couple of days.
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HxH Exchange - Gift for ouisoo
“hey, gon, wait up!”
went with the prompt of traveling to draw killua traveling through some whale island forests together with gon. hope you like it!
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
105 notes
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HxH Exchange - Gift for kureiiroodle
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
250 notes
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HxH Exchange - Gift for everyone
Happiness. Illumi is a good onii-san and take his two adorable siblings out to an amusement park. If only these three were happy together T^T
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
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HxH Exchange - Gift for everyone
"Would you like to take a button?"
My submission for the HxH Exchange! It is a High School AU where Illumi is the scary boy from a rich family, and is friends with the scariest delinquent in the whole school, Hisoka. Illumi is running for class president with Hisoka as his campaign manager, and everyone is terrified of NOT voting for him, but also terrified of what will happen when he wins!
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
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HxH Exchange - Gift for everyone
i took the kitty!killua prompt and made a whole story that was.... unfortunately deleted. i had about 10+ pages of comic to accompany this drawing, with the last two sketches as a little bonus, but sai crashed and it's all gon(e), and i'm so, so sorry!
basically, cat shapeshifting is a zoldyck family secret that's helped them complete countless assassinations, with being able to sneak into impossibly tiny spaces for any human, and basically being able to sneak past unsuspecting people. unfortunately, the cat form is incredible fragile,and has neither the speed nor the strength to accomplish a lot of what can be done in human form. nevertheless, the shapeshifting of the zoldycks is kept well under wraps, and nobody alive outside of the zoldycks knows about their ability. since killing everyone in sight whenever they transform is obviously not the most efficient method of doing things, the zoldyck family has strict rules and regulations to keep their shapeshifting abilities hidden from anyone else. typical rules like no changing form in front of a non-zoldyck, and making sure to stash clothing in a safe place, so the media doesn't see any post-transformation naked zoldycks running around.
the comic was a continuation of the first image, in which killua steals some important documents. while he himself isn't really sure of what's inside, it's something that his parents suspect may help them understand their shapeshifting abilities better. killua in his cat form is easily able to slip in and out, and escapes by running along the edge of a roof. he jumps off, and runs down the street, towards the rendezvous point that he'd agreed on with alluka, who has been told to keep quiet and stay hidden. of course, the mission isn't that easy and he's chased by the security guards from where he'd taken the documents from.
alluka worries about killua. a lot. if he doesn't come back in time, she'll put herself out in the open, like a sitting duck to try to find him. when cornered, killua's cat body isn't as skilled as his human one, and he ends up having to take huge risks to escape on time. he ends up wounded, but manages to shake his pursuers off after turning a corner and scrambling into a gutter. as he loses consciousness, he reverts back to his human form. in the gutter. naked.
alluka has gotten impatient and is ready to go looking for killua. she's pretty poorly hiding herself behind a tree, just so she can say that she technically, she was hiding (however poorly), if killua DID come back. peeking out from behind the tree, she sees killua scrambling into the gutter, while being unaware that he's being pursued. all she sees is her brother. deciding to jump into a gutter for no reason. of course on killua's end, he's bleeding to death until he reverts back to human form. in his human form, the injuries that he has sustained as honestly no more than paper cuts to him.
alluka comes out from her hiding spot to try to get her "silly brother" out, and when she arrives, she sees gon standing in front of the gutter, looking down. alluka, not knowing that killua's back in his human form, asks the "good sir" gon to help her fish out her cat from the gutter. what cat? there is no cat. only a naked cat eared boy passed out in a gutter, full of muddy water and garbage. why is he like this.
gon's powerful in this au too, so he punches open the grate and drags killua out, when he notices killua's cat ears. they're obviously not fake, and he refuses to let alluka take her brother back with her until she explains. in the comic, alluka was wearing a hat with cat ears. she drags gon to an alley and takes off her cat, revealing cat ears of her own. she explains the whole zoldyck secret, while also clothing killua with the clothes that he'd left her before leaving for the mission. she makes gon pinky swear about not telling anyone, and gon takes her and killua to his hotel room, where he's staying for the night.
killua eventually wakes up, but he realizes that the hairpins that he wears to keep his ears pinned down and hidden in his hair aren't there, and that there's another person in the room. he attacks gon, nearly killing him, until alluka yells at him to stop. gon's mostly fascinated, and isn't really offended by killua's outburst. gon is frustrated with alluka for breaking the family rule, but he can't bring himself to yell at her. he then threatens gon's life, saying that if he tells the zoldyck family secret to anyone else, he'll be a dead man. killua himself knows that this really isn't the smartest thing to do, but he feels like he can trust gon. he then realizes that the documents aren't in the room, or anywhere else in the hotel for that matter. he rushes out back to the gutter, looking for them, and gon insists on tagging along, at least until he leaves this town. killua wants to hurry, and doesn't want to waste time arguing, so he agrees to let gon come. they reach the street and check everything, only to find that the documents sare gone. killua suspects that the original owners had retreived them, and returns to the building from where he'd stolen them. however, the building is completely vacant. everyone seems to have picked up and left.
killua knows that he won't be allowed back home without the documents, and ends up going on a journey with alluka and gon to find his papers. as the initial sense of urgency wears off, killua becomes less concerned about finding the papers and starts to enjoy being able to travel with gon and alluka. when the final battle happens and he finally does get his papers, he's surprised to find how reluctant he is to end the journey that he'd initially been so eager to finish.
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
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HxH Exchange - Gift for everyone
here's your gift for the hxh exchange!! you said you like killua/alluka doing something cute, maybe after they split from gon, so i picked something summery sort of, i hope you like it!!
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
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HxH Exchange - Gift for everyone
Enjoy Gon and Killua's beach trip vicariously! The summer will come and go no matter what, but I hope this image keeps you warm all year.
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
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HxH Exchange - Gift for mountainchildgon
I tried for plants. I really did. But...I ended up with skateboards.
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
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HxH Exchange - Gift for isnri
Normal life AU ~ Volleyball children hanging out (as usual) at their local Zodiac Cafe.
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
#hxh exchange#gon freecss#killua zoldyck#leorio paladiknight#kurapika#zushi#wing#isnri#r:g#w:food#fanart
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HxH Exchange - Gift for everyone
Tarot cards for the prompt "parallels between killua and pitou". I focused on the parallels of desperation, devotion, bravery, and self-sacrifice. The flowers in the borders are tree peonies, white roses, spider lilies, and something like ten thousand primroses.
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
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HxH Exchange - Gift for everyone
i got the option for piggyback rides and leopika, so this happened! it was a lot of fun and i hope people like it :)
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the artist’s URL!)
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[HxH Exchange - Gift for popdropsugar] To Take Care
Title: To Take Care Recipient: popdropsugar Pairing: Killua/Gon Rating: PG-13 Warnings:N/A Word Count: 1549 Summary: Gon and Killua take care of each other in the summer heat. Author’s Note: Love you, Rin~! I hope you enjoy this fanfic!
(This is an anonymous exchange–please check the masterlist on or after August 17 for the author’s URL!)
Snip, snip, snip.
The scissors were the only sound the boys could hear in the sparsely decorated hotel room they had rented for the summer. Lined with graying wall paper and only a bed and small table as furniture, it was a simple place for them to rest. The simplicity was a sort of getaway for just the two of them after one long mission after the other. Excitement was something both boys treasured, but being able to take a breath was a sort of home away from home to soak in the alone time they had always wanted.
The night air swung the tinted blue curtains softly, sweeping through Killua’s fingers that held Gon’s hair gently in one hand and swiveling metallic scissors in the other. Gon sat with his hands in his lap, swinging his feet joyfully. A soft hum escaped his smiling lips, keeping in time with his boots. He was not used to Killua’s touch not being accompanied with a shaking fist and blushing face. It was a new change of pace to soak up the happiness subtly, as Killua continued his task of taming Gon’s mane of spikey hair.
“Killua, I never knew you could cut hair,” Gon smiled, trying to tilt his head slightly to see his comrade.
“Keep your head straight unless you want to lose an ear,” Killua replied shortly. ”I don’t know why you wouldn’t think an assassin wouldn’t need to know how to disguise himself. Cutting hair is the basic of the basics.” Killua accompanied his curt answer with a soft warning tug to Gon’s raven strands, pulling him to face forward once again.
“Still, it makes me happy…”
Silence returned between them, a moment of serene silence only disturbed by the breeze that chose to continue to pick up outside their open window. It was a breeze both teenagers were beyond grateful for. Summer had not been kind this year. Record breaking temperatures had left both boys panting from simple walks. Not to mention sun kissed skin had darkened on Gon, but the sun’s leeching waves had left Killua with crippling sunburns that could keep him down for days. Killua blushed slightly remembering this little favor of a summer haircut was thanks to Gon for soothing Killua’s deep burns throughout the last week. There was just something about knowing you were providing relief to someone close…
“Ouch! Killua, you are pulling too hard!”
“Oops… sorry.” Killua loosened his grip on Gon’s locks, stroking them again lightly before beginning the operation again.
“It’s fine.” Gon giggled, lifting his hands slightly over his head. “You couldn’t break me if you tried.”
“Why would I even try, stupid?”
“I wouldn’t know, would I?”
“Oh just shush and let me work already!” Killua grabbed both sides of Gon’s head, forcing him to sit still through his fits of laughter. The touch, although forceful, was also gentle. It was a tiny shadow of reminiscence to Killua. His own touch paled in comparison to Gon’s in his mind.
Killua could still remember the comfort. It always started with soft sighs near his ear in the middle of the night. “Are you alright”s would soon follow echoing through his brain and radiating on his already red cheeks. Killua would never answer Gon’s queries, keeping his pooling blue eyes shut tight. Amber tinged hands covered in green cool aloe, thinking Killua was long past asleep, would taper soon after rubbing softly but deliberately across Killua’s back. The act left Killua’s heart thumping and mind racing. It was embarrassing for Killua to be so entrusted to one individual. Allowing someone else to clean his wounds, minor or not, was not something he would normally permit. Gon was special though, very special.
Just how special was reflected in Killua approaching Gon on his own and offering to trim up Gon’s mane. Gon had thick jet black hair that absorbed the sunlight almost as quickly as Killua’s skin. The sweat that ran down his tanned neck and head rushes that came and went suddenly were obvious to the cat-like senses of the ex-assassin. Killua knew well how stubborn Gon could be about his own maintenance, though, no matter how well Gon tried to hide it. So after a minor struggle over the scissors, Killua had the boy sitting in his capable but slightly shaking hands.
A few more snips and Killua smiled his own toothy grin before playfully shoving Gon out of his chair.
“You are all done!”
“Geez, Killua, you don’t have to be so rough!”
“Rough is all I know how to be” Killua smirked, placing the scissors on a nearby table and leaned back on his hands. He was proud of his work and felt the debt sliding off of him along with the night air.
“Is that so?” Gon said blankly before charging forward.
Killua barely had a second to react before his back was pressed hard against the table supporting him, his hands collapsing behind him from the force of the shove. Quickly Gon moved his own hands to cover Killua’s, pinning him in place. Killua’s lashes fluttered in confusion before he met Gon’s eyes seconds later. Amber globes hovered above him with a piercing stare, as a few left over snippets of freshly cut hair fell onto Killua’s surprised face.
“You didn’t seem so tough when you let me take care of you,” the tone in Gon’s voice, seemingly joking at first, was more questioning than a statement. It was a leeway for Killua to deny if he wished. It was in that instant that he realized what a fool he had truly been. All the nights Gon’s hands had laid on his skin Gon knew. Gon knew that Killua had pressed his eye lids to the breaking point trying to pretend he couldn’t feel the tenderness of someone else. Gon knewthe reason he approached him, shyly mussing his own white locks asking to cut Gon’s hair. No wonder he hadn’t put up that much of a fight…And even now Gon was giving him the chance to deny it all for his own fragile ego. He really was a special one.
Killua blinked, averting his gaze from his companion as much as possible. He didn’t want to feel so see-through at the moment. Or ever for that matter. Or did he? Swallowing hard, the white haired boy once again turned his own line of vision to Gon’s eagerly waiting eyes.
“S-so? What of it?”
“It’s a nice change. We should take care of each other more often.”
“What?” Gon seemed almost hurt at Killua’s sarcastic words at such a crucial and sentimental moment.
“What I am saying is… We take care of each other all the time.” He gulped, shifting uncomfortably under Gon’s weight “You know… by just… er… being together.”
Not used to words flowing like miniature rivers from his mouth, Killua quickly dammed them up with a bite to his lower lip and another averted gaze.
“Do you mean that?” A whisper. A curious, confused whisper from Gon pierced through Killua’s heart faster than any projectile Killua had ever witnessed and left him stunned. Silence fell like a storm between them, a stark contrast from the light rain of silence they had felt earlier. Everything suddenly felt stuffier, suffocating. With enough of a push Killua had the strength to push Gon off him and run, escape the questioning gaze and his own fears. Still, he laid there silent.
One minute.
Pressing his wrists against Gon’s pressured hands, Killua broke free just enough to wrap his arms around Gon’s neck. It was his turn to apply some pressure and break the space between them. Surprised himself, Gon didn’t fight the hug from enveloping him like a warm blanket.
Pink lips found their way to Gon’s ear, quivering as the dam broke into pieces.
“Of course I mean it. I’ve never felt more taken care of in my life.” Killua tightened the hug, pulling Gon close enough to smell his shampoo before getting lost in his freshly cut strands. “You should know that.”
Gon buried his face in Killua’s welcoming neck, feeling at home.
Both boys blinked as the table caved underneath them, forcing them apart and into a pile of splinters. Scrambling to their feet, Gon burst out in a fit of laughter.
“Hahahaha! You should of seen your face, Killua!”
“You should see yours! Are you… crying?”
“No! I just must of hit my head when we fell.”
“If anyone would survive a knock to the head it would be you.”
After a second both young hunters were rolling in laughter, tears streaming down both their faces from the sheer silliness of the other.
Raising a finger, Killua caught a tear at the edge of Gon’s eye, wiping it away and onto the floor to join the rest of Gon’s left over hair. Tracing his fingers up the side of his face, he stopped momentarily on his forehead, flicking it.
“Hey! That hurts! Killu—“
The burning sensation from earlier was replaced seconds later with Killua’s lips pressed to Gon’s forehead.
“Just me taking care of you.” Killua smiled shyly before turning away on his heel. “Now help me clean this place up!”
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