Text || Kurt/Hunter
Kurt: Plus, it's fairly innovative.
Kurt: Yes, he has been. People tend to expect him to be who he used to be, for one, when he really truly isn't.
Hunter: I've noticed he seems much nicer than people have implied he would be. I was expecting quite the fight for my position.
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Text || Kurt/Hunter
Kurt: That's a good way to phrase it! It explains the situation without over-explaining.
Kurt: I'll accept it, but I'm glad you apologized to him. He gets enough shit without getting it from people who could be friends.
Hunter: Precisely.
Hunter: Yes, I've heard he's rather poorly treated by the people who've known him in the past.
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Text || Kurt/Hunter
Kurt: You could talk to Blaine about switching rooms, but I have no idea if the administration would allow it to happen like that or not.
Kurt: Is that what the whole socks thing was about when we were at the hotel?
Hunter: That is an option. I could speak with them regarding, hopefully I can phrase it as a mental health concern.
Hunter: Yes. I apologize for being so rough on Sebastian for it.
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That is very considerate of you Hunter. Thank you.
It’s no issue at all, not to worry.
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You make a good point.
If you’re in town and need pain medication, feel free to pay me a visit.
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Text || Kurt/Hunter
Kurt: I don't think he'd find that too offensive. Might even give him a chance to room with B if the tables stay in their favor.
Kurt: While it definitely seems extremely inconvenient for you, you do have the benefit of knowing that you're always as safe as possible right? Or of ensuring you are, I should say.
Hunter: Here's hoping we can have things in both of our favors then.
Hunter: I try to keep that in mind, yes. There is at least that bright side.
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Text || Kurt/Hunter
Kurt: Let me know if you need further imagery. I have some you might... find particularly useful.
Kurt: Understandably so. I'm surprised you didn't try to get roomed by yourself.
Kurt: This might sound strange but I get it in an odd sort of way. Though for very different reasons. Far too many episodes of Cops growing up gave me a big fear of ground-floor windows, but my love of aesthetics constantly counters it. Do you try to fight it or is it one of those things you allow to be what it is?
Hunter: I did try, but Dalton refused. They told me the single rooms were filled and I would be given a suitable roommate. No offense to Sebastian, but I am trying to see if I can have a solo room again come next semester.
Hunter: It depends. My medication allows me to mostly ignore it if I'm distracted enough, ie around others, but if I'm next to the windows I'll still end up checking regardless. I can't help it.
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Text || Kurt/Hunter
Kurt: Given we have Sebastian hostage you're more than free to... take care of it, if you will.
Kurt: Take comfort in knowing it could've been much worse. Richard, the one who's rooming with Daniel? He's so messy when I went over to study I couldn't find a place to sit.
Kurt: Can I ask what sort of obsessions/compulsions?
Hunter: I may just might, now that I don't have him knowing what I'm doing during a pause.
Hunter: I can't help it, I know it could be much worse but it's still bothersome for me.
Hunter: I, ah. I'm not much a fan of windows. I always feel as if someone could very easily come in through them or use that as an easy exit point. If I'm not absolutely certain all the windows are closed in a room I won't be able to focus.
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Text || Kurt/Hunter
Kurt: I'm not. That was never my intention. It is admittedly difficult to not talk about, and the idea has me... ah... distracted enough to not really think first.
Kurt: Thank goddess. I was starting to worry.
Kurt: Oh? How does it manifest itself?
Hunter: I'm not mad, just ah. Frustrated, likely in the same way you are at this moment.
Hunter: I tend to keep everything exactly as I want it. Sebastian can be... Trying at times because of it. He's clean, but he has a tendency to just throw his things wherever he pleases on his side of the room.
Hunter: I do have obsessions and compulsions as well, but that's the main way it manifests for me.
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Text || Kurt/Hunter
Kurt: How am I a liar?
Kurt: Please tell me it's nothing involving your heart or anything of the sort. Logically I know that's serious, but it could not be to some people.
Hunter: You said you weren't using Sebastian's tricks.
Hunter: No, no. It's nothing physical, I assure you.
Hunter: I have a mild form of obsessive compulsive disorder.
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Text || Kurt/Hunter
Kurt: So you /wouldn't/ want to hear about how B's got more than just lace cuffs to keep him bound up when we want him - or he needs - to be?
Kurt: Not entirely true?
Hunter: ...You're a liar.
Hunter: I, ah. Do take medication for a condition I have, though it's not too serious. I don't believe so, at least.
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Text || Kurt/Hunter
Kurt: I know, and I don't know how to ensure you're alright with that fact.
Kurt: Perhaps, yes. Just... know that there are things that might come up regardless of your comfort levels if it's a true friend. I am incredibly uncomfortable with snakes but if a friend's snake died, I'd still be there. Along those lines if you will.
Hunter: I'm not, but I'm stuck with it.
Hunter: I don't have anything quite like that so I assume I'll be fine.
Hunter: ...Well. That's not entirely true, but still.
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Text || Kurt/Hunter
HKurt: I still maintain that images should be enjoyed for what they are and not fought off.
Kurt: You're friends. Trust me on that one, the two of you are friends.
Kurt: You might have to put up with a few here or there for the sake of friendship.
Hunter: I don't think I can ignore them too well.
Hunter: I'm going to have to treat it case-by-case, because there's some things I simply do not wish to talk about and it doesn't quite matter to me if a friend's wanting to talk to me about it or a stranger.
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Thanks Hunter. Your advice was more helpful than not last night. I do wish I slept more.
I’m glad to see you’ve gotten some sleep. Sometimes that can be just as good as medication when it comes to recovery.
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Text || Kurt/Hunter
Kurt: I fully planned on apologizing, but while I'll leave you alone with the images, I can't justify apologizing when the image is such a good one.
Kurt: And Blaine. You have to really REALLY mess up for Blaine to retract friendship. Just a heads up, occasionally discussing the hard stuff is common in friendships.
Hunter: It is a good one, which is why it's so torturous.
Hunter: I wasn't certain if we would be considered friends, considering we haven't talked very much.
Hunter: Well regardless, they're not my cup of tea.
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Text || Kurt/Hunter
Kurt: Should I apologize?
Kurt: Your friendships must get incredibly strained very very quickly if that's a hard and fast rule.
Hunter: Yes. A picture of Blaine in bondage is not one that rids itself quickly.
Hunter: I don't really have friends, besides you and Sebastian now. And Blaine, I think.
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