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Answer to an Anon question about the Dimension Guardians! I know it’s a different character this time around... You might wanna ask for an introduction. UwU ~Cas
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Hello everyone, and welcome to the Dimension Guardians Tumblr blog! I am the Admin here, and for the sake of simplicity you may call me Cas (No, it’s not my real name. I just like that name, and wish for it to be my nickname, lol). I am aware I’m usually called Winter on other sites, but it feels odd being called Winter here, as one of the main DG Characters you will see here is called Winter. XP I will still answer to Winter, and honestly you can call me Cas on any of my other sites. I’ll answer to both, but to make it easier on everyone, Cas is the nickname I currently prefer, at least on Tumblr.
Now I will say, if you wish to check out any of my other sites, here’s a link! You should be able to pick up a lot more information on my characters, and the DG, from these links. uwu
Scratch - https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Winterline13/ Deviant Art - https://www.deviantart.com/winterline13
I’m not sure when I’ll update this, or if I will much at all. This is supposed to be a little fun thing for me to try to give me some stress relief. BUT I do want to try to give my fans from my dA and potentially Scratch some more lore about the DG, and more about the inner workings.
Feel free to ask us ANYTHING! <33 I’m not sure who will respond, or to what, but we’ll see how this goes. <3
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